Chapter 27

Lethal Love

Joe, Jessica and Myolie walked into the cafe. It wasn't as crowded as they expected it to be. They took a rectangular table by the window and Joe left to get their orders. Jessica sat down opposite of Myolie and placed her bag on the window sill. "So how its going with Bosco?"

Myolie blushed and looked out the window. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Jessica smiled smugly at Myolie, "Yes you do," she insisted. "I see the way you guys ogle each other."

Myolie threw a packet of sugar at Jessica.

Jessica caught it and placed it back into the ceramic holder. "Hey there's nothing to be ashamed of. Bosco is a great person."

Myolie sighed and dreamingly said, "He is is't he."

Jessica was about to say something but Joe returned with their order. "What are you guys talking about," he asked as he placed the coffee one by one onto their table.

"Oh this and that," Myolie replied kicking Jessica under the table.

Jessica caught on, "Just girl talk."

"Am I missing anything?" Charmaine inquired as she sat down next to Myolie.

Jessica took in Charmaine's red rimmed eyes and pale face, "You look like hell."

Charmaine took one of the four coffees on the table and took a sip. "Gee thanks, you sure know how to flatter a girl."

"Seriously, you look exhausted," Jessica stated.

Charmaine took another sip of her coffee, "I have a big case. I've been staying up reading the documents."

Myolie smiled, "Oh.. can't help you then. Look on the bright side, soon it'll be over with."

Charmaine nodded, "Yes. Hopefully the sooner the better."


Bosco dragged Raymond up the street. "Come on... I don't want Myolie waiting."

Raymond stopped walking and looked at Bosco, "Why am I even tagging along?"

"You called me out and by the look on your face you're obviously not in a good mood."

Raymond glared at Bosco, "So are you saying that I look pissy?"

Bosco laughed. "No. I'm just saying that I'm your best friend. When you're unhappy I want to be there for you." When they arrived at the entrance of the cafe he looked at Raymond, "Listen, you can talk to me about anything."

Raymond patted Bosco, "Thanks. But for now I think I'll try to handle it on my own."

"Sure," Bosco said as they entered the cafe. Bosco spotted Myolie immediately and waved. He turned to Raymond, "They're over there." Raymond looked in Myolie's direction and saw Charmaine sitting next to her. Their eyes met briefly before Charmaine quickly turned away. When they arrived at the table Charmaine smiled a greeting at Bosco but ignored Raymond. Raymond continued to look at Charmaine as he sat down next to Joe.

Bosco turned to Charmaine, "Do you mind if I sit next to Myolie?"

Charmaine smiled, "Sure," and gave up her seat and took the only remaining available seat, which was opposite of Raymond.

Bosco noticed that Raymond was staring at Charmaine and thought he was just captivated by her beauty. He chuckled and said, "Ray, this is Charmaine. Charmaine, this is my friend Raymond."

Charmaine looked at Raymond as though this was the first time meeting him, "Hello, nice to meet you."

Raymond muttered a hello and fought the urge to get up and drag her outside to find out what happened between them.

Seeing Raymond again made Charmaine all edgy. She made a big show of looking at her watch, "Look at the time. I'm sorry but I have to go. I forgot I have an errand to run."

Jessica looked at Charmaine oddly, "When I called you this morning, you told me that you had nothing to do all day."

Charmaine got up and grabbed her purse. "Yes but I just remembered it. I'll see you guys soon."

Raymond also stood up. "I just remember that I have something to do also." Charmaine did not wait for Raymond to finish speaking and hurriedly left the restaurant. Knowing that Charmaine has left, Raymond quickly said goodbye and left to chase after her.

The other four looked at each wondering what was going on with their two good friends.

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shawol-elf-elf #1
nice story nt boring
For a second I thought Bosco and Jessica would wind up together.