Chapter 12

Lethal Love

Jessica hummed softly to herself as she walked down the hall to her office. Her birthday was coming up and the occasion always seems to put a smile on her face. She turned the corner and noticed someone sitting on the floor outside her office door. As she drew near, she saw that it was Bosco. "Bosco? What are you doing here so early?"

Bosco got up and gave her a sheepish smile. "You know why." He got up and moved aside for Jessica to unlocked her office door.

Jessica the lights as she entered, hanging up her coat behind the door. She sat behind her desk and switched on her computer. "Its becoming a habit."

Bosco took out a brown bag from behind. He placed it on her desk. With a boyish grin, he said, "I brought you breakfast and a cup of coffee."

Jessica eyed the bag and teased, "Now you're bribing me."

Laughing, Bosco took a seat and removed the items from the brown bag. "Not true. I wanted to have breakfast with you." He took out two cups of coffee and two breakfast platters. "Would you prefer sausage or bacon?"

Jessica sighed. "Sausage."

Bosco happily offer her the sausage platter and moved one of the coffee in front of her. "I'm only doing this because I want to find the murderer."

"I know. That's why even though its against procedures, I'm still letting you do it."

Finishing up his breakfast, Bosco smiled at Jessica. "Thanks."

Jessica smiled in return. Putting the subject aside, she asked, "Are you free on Saturday?"

Bosco looked at Jessica with wide interested eyes. "Why?"

Laughing at his expression, Jessica replied, "Myolie is throwing me a birthday party. And I am inviting you to it."

"Too late. Myolie has already invited me," Bosco said and the two broke into laughter.


Joe pulled Myolie into a jewelry store. "Help me choose a gift for Jessica."

Myolie quirked an eyebrow up at him. "Huh? In a jewelry store?"

Smiling shyly, Joe pulled her towards a display of silver necklaces. "I want to give her something simple but yet meaningful." He looked down at the necklaces. "Which one?"

Myolie leaned forward to view the necklaces. All of them were nice but one particularly stood out. It was a silver pendant of a rose. The rose itself was a red ruby the size of a tic tac. She knew instantly that Jessica would love this. With her finger, she pointed at it through the glass. "This one Joe." She nodded at the sales clerk to take it out.

Joe inspected the pendant with hesitation. "Are you sure?"

Taking the necklace from Joe, she placed it against her neck. "See? Look how beautiful it is."

"Yeah.. it does look nice. But are you sure Jessica would like it?"

Giving the necklace back to the sales clerk, she nodded. "I'm positive."

Satisfied, Joe asked the sales clerk to wrap it up and gave her his credit card. When the sales clerk left them to process the payment, Myolie watched Joe with faint amusement.

Joe looked over at Myolie and seeing her knowing smile asked, "What? What are you smiling about?"

"You and Jessica," Myolie answered. "I knew you two would hit it off."

Joe took the jewelry box from the sales clerk and walked out with Myolie. "I admit I am attracted to her. But I don't know how she feels about me."

Smiling wickedly up at Joe, Myolie eagerly said, "Leave that to me."


Charmaine walked off the elevators and headed towards her apartment. She was exhausted having spent the entire afternoon preparing a witness for trial. She walked along the hall and noticed moving boxes lined up against one side of the wall. For the past two months, she had noticed construction workers coming in and out of the apartment directly across from her. Perhaps the apartment was finally finished and the new owner is moving in today. She hoped the new owner will be a nice quiet family.

She made her way along the boxes until she arrived at her own door. Out of curiousity she peered into the open door of the newly renovated apartment. The moving men were arranging the furniture under the supervision of a woman. Her back was towards Charmaine, but Charmaine recognized her as Mrs. Chan, who lived on the floor below. Turning back to her own door, Charmaine took her keys out but accidently dropped them causing a loud clang on the marble floors.

"Charmaine," Mrs. Chan called out as she advanced towards her.

"Hi Mrs. Chan." Charmaine turned around and greeted. "Are you switching apartments?"

Mrs. Chan chuckled. "Oh no. I convinced my nephew to buy this apartment." She dragged Charmaine into the apartment for a look. "What do you think of the renovations?"

Charmaine took in the state of the art paintings, the expensive Italian furniture and the marble dining table. "Very classy."

Mrs. Chan beamed with pride. "My nephew is a famous lawyer. So he can afford it."

Charmaine smiled politely. "That's nice. Well I have some work to finish. I'll talk to you some other time."

Mrs. Chan was reluctant to let Charmaine leave. "My nephew will be here soon. Why don't you stay and meet him?"

Charmaine was not up to it. She just wanted to go home and curl up in front of the TV. "Perhaps some other time."

Not to be put off easily, Mrs. Chan insisted, "Come back later on. I've prepared some food and invited some neighbors to introduce them to my nephew."

"Next time," Charmaine said and made a quick exit.

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shawol-elf-elf #1
nice story nt boring
For a second I thought Bosco and Jessica would wind up together.