Rainy Encounters



Rainy Encounters


Flipping through the channels, the three groaned to themselves, laying their heads back on the couch. “Why is there nothing to watch?!” The younger boy sighed, glaring at the innocent screen. “Uh. Because we’ve already watched them all…?” Jaein reached out to ruffle the boy’s hair. Rolling his eyes at his older sister, he dodged her hand. “Would you stop treating me like a kid? I’m in the 8th grade, not grade school. Jeez, what are you, my mother?” Jaeho stated, sticking his tongue out at her. Enlarging her eyes, she reached out to grab the boy in a headlock.

“But you are a little kid, Yoo Jaeho. And is that anyway to talk to your older sister?” Jaein chuckled as she watched the younger one struggle under her firm grasp. 

“Y-Yah! Let go of me sis, your armpit stinks!!” Coughing, the boy snickered to himself evilly.

The girl huffed, doubling her strength, “What did you just say?!”

Shaking her head at the scene, Haekyung grabbed both siblings from behind, tearing them apart from throwing silly comments at one another. “Hate to break you two apart, but I’m about to die from boredom here.” Haekyung smiled, nodding her head to the buzzing television screen. The two made faces at each other, before dropping their attention elsewhere.

“Why don’t we just rent a movie?” Jaein suggested, her eyes darting towards the living room windows.

Haekyung blinked, observing the condition of the weather. It was raining heavily outside, with occasional streaks of thunder clashing here and there. In short, going out would probably be a very stupid idea. “In that kind of weather? I don’t think so…” Haekyung bit her lips, disappointed. Shrieking, Jaeho scrambled on his feet, both hands on his face, “No man, I am not going to watch that movie again! It’s my eighth time already!” The boy shouted, tossing the movie disc back onto the floor.

“Yah, Yoo Jaeho. Stop overreacting.” Jaein smiled, patting the boy on the head. Haekyung laughed, “It’s either we watch this again, or that.” Pointing to the other movie cover on the floor, both siblings gasped in horror.

Oh, god no.

Haekyung was a big fan of horror movies, since she was used to all the gore and suspense, but to the Yoo siblings, it was definitely off-limits. “Fine. I’ll watch this again. For the eight time.” Jaeho emphasized and grumbled exasperatedly, crossing his arms with a frown. Before Haekyung could start the movie, the door bell sounded, catching the attention of everyone in the living room. “Did you invite anyone, Hae?” Jaein asked, wondering who it was. 

“No? It’s always been the three of us, hasn’t it?” Raising her brows, the girl made her way over to the front door.

When she opened the door, Haekyung was met with a figure under an umbrella, shivering against the trashing wind. “Hey, I live just a few blocks down from your area. I’m really sorry to disturb you, but the power at my place got cut off,” The girl sighed, pointing towards the direction down the row of houses in view.

“Would it be okay if a couple of my friends and I stay here, for the meantime? If it’s not too much trouble…”,

She continued, smiling politely as she lowered her umbrella to face Haekyung.

Haekyung eyed the girl in front of her, who was fairly wet, feeling sorry for her condition. She wasn’t really expecting this kind of situation, to be honest. The girl was so used to spending her normal weekends with her best friend that this kind of scenario wouldn’t have even dawned upon her. “One second,” Haekyung spoke, running back into the house.

The girl nodded, smiling lightly as she waited.

Few seconds later, Haekyung strode back to where the girl stood, and gently wrapped the soft fabric around her body. She looked up from the ground, smiling happily. “Oh, thanks! You’re so sweet.” Adjusting the blanket, the girl snuggled against the warmth of it. Haekyung felt a bit more content, seeing that the girl was no longer as cold as she was.

Her eyes gazed upon the sky, watching the rain pelt from above endlessly.

It didn’t look like the weather was going to die down anytime soon, and things were seriously pretty boring around the house. So, why not? Sliding the door open a bit more, Haekyung welcomed her in with a small smile, “You can stay as long as you like, we don’t mind.”

The girl poked her head in, to see the siblings’ wave at her from the living room.

“Really? That’s awesome. Thanks so much, neighbour!” Wrapping her arms around Haekyung’s body, the girl grinned, pulling back to observe the house. “I’m Sohee, by the way. I really like your house, it’s so neat!” Sohee smiled, eyes sparkling as she made her way towards the living room to join the others. “Um… thanks. You can call me Haekyung,” She smiled sheepishly, wondering how in the world her house was anything other than ordinary.

The girl was slightly taken aback, by the way Sohee acted. It almost reminded her of her other cheerful and outgoing best friend, Jaein. That was a good thing, right? Meeting new people that she’d be comfortable around with. Haekyung sat herself back down. “Hey, is she a friend of yours?” Jaein questioned, staring at the girl who was currently busy talking on the phone.

“Nope, just a neighbour from down the street. Apparently there’s a power shortage in the other area,”

Haekyung answered, starting up the movie again. Jaein nodded, greeting Sohee who smiled back. “Who’s that pretty noona?” Jaeho asked curiously. “Someone who’s waaaay out of your league, kid.” Jaein coughed, knocking her little brother on the head.

Jaeho rolled his eyes, shifting away from her, “Oh, I’ll get my revenge sis. I’ll get it.”

Chuckling softly, Haekyung sighed at the bickering siblings.

She was just glad that they were both around. Otherwise, what else would the girl have done in the situation, being trapped in her own home with the violent weather? Watch scary movies alone, and stuff her face with disgusting junk food? No thanks.

Walking over to the front porch, Sohee turned to Haekyung, “I’ll just leave the front door open. They said that they should be here any minute.” She smiled, referring to her friends. Haekyung nodded, not thinking much of it before facing the screen. “Exactly, how many of your friends are stopping by?” Jaein shifted over to the right, so that the other girl could find a place to sit. “Hmm, just a couple?” Sohee giggled, thanking Jaeho who passed her the drinks. “Oh, it’s going to be so much fun!” Jaein squealed lightly, sharing the popcorn with everyone else.

Jaeho gagged at his sister’s voice, “Okay. I really need to hang with my guy friends, more.”

“Uh huh.” Haekyung bit into the popcorn, eyes focused on the movie.





Halfway through the movie, Haekyung’s ears perked at the loud noises resonating from the hallway, leading to the front door. Her eyes moved from the screen of the television, to the living room door before gasping in utter surprise and irritation. 

“Haha. Look at your hair! It’s all soaked.”

The male smiled, “Yeah, no. I wouldn’t be laughing if I were you, have you seen your own hair?” 

Chattering happily, Jungkook and Taehyung stood at the doorway, while Jin trailed after them from behind, laughing along.

What are they doing here?!

“Oppa, over here!” Sohee waved with one hand, beaming.

The boy nodded and smiled, taking off his coat before making his way over. "You should have waited for us before running off, what if you slipped or something?" Jungkook nagged, plopping himself down next to her. Sohee smiled, shaking her head.

"If I do, then I guess you'd just have to carry me." 

"No thanks, my arms will break." 

Sohee pursed her lips, trying to hit the boy on the arm. Jungkook snickered, holding her wrists back to stop her.

Haekyung casually listened in on their conversation, wondering if the two were dating, since well... they looked pretty open towards one another? But then again, why would she care? And besides, who would ever go out with a guy as annoying and idiotic as Jeon Jungkook?

Definitely not her. 

Spotting the quiet girl at the middle, Jungkook brightened, somewhat happy to see her. He chuckled to himself, catching that usual frown displayed on her face. Did she really hate him that much? 

Too bad, he just liked teasing her so much. 

"Yo, grumpy ahjumma." 

Haekyung scowled, ignoring his idiotic comment. Just how long was he going to continue calling her that? Ugh, jerk.

The popcorn that Jaein was holding slipped from her finger, and she froze with full of food, eyes moving to that one boy who caused her face to turn pale. The boy slipped his jacket hood down, to reveal his chocolate brown hair, as he tousled it to get the water out. Jaein’s eyes formed hearts, and all she could do was stare dumbly at him.

When he looked up, the boy’s eyes slowly found hers, “Hey, Jaein.” Jin greeted, surprised to see her.

Jaein chewed down on her food, swallowing it before speaking, “O-Oh, Hi Jin. I didn’t know you’d be coming here...” Blushing, her eyes found her way back to the screen, hugging the bowl of popcorn tightly in order to prevent her from making a fool out of herself. “Yeah, we sort of weren’t expecting this kind of situation either. Would it be okay if we joined you?” Jin observed the movie that they were watching, entering the living room. Nodding, “Of course you can. Sorry if the movie’s boring.. ” Jaein muttered quietly, smiling awkwardly at the boy.

He blinked, before chuckling,

“Who said it's boring? It's one of my favourites, silly.”

The girl brightened, sighing in relief. "Really? Mine too. Even though I've watched it more than six times!"

Jin gazed at her, smiling at her sudden change of voice, "I guess we have more things in common than we thought, huh?" 

Oh gosh, Jin. Please stop smiling at me like that.

Jaein pinked, feeling insecure when Jin sat himself next to her. "Is your nose okay now?" Reaching out, his finger brushed over the tip of her nose gently. A second later, the boy blinked, surprised at his own actions before pulling away with a small smile.

Eh, Kim Seokjin becoming intimate with a girl? Now that was new.

She nodded repeatedly, mentally squealing. "Y-Yeah, I'm really fine now. Thanks." Oh man, he probably thinks she's such an idiot for always stuttering. It was so damn embarrassing! But the girl just couldn't help herself. 

"Oh, that's good." The boy flashed her a shy gaze, eyes momentarily leaving hers.

Meanwhile, the younger one sneered inwardly, observing the situation between his sister and the guy.

“Jeez, can you be any more obvious, sis?” Jaeho rolled his eyes. Jaein wiped her head around to shush him. “Yoo. Jae. Ho.” she mouthed, putting a finger to her lips to shut her idiotic brother up. Jaeho chuckled, speaking loudly, “Noona, don’t tell me that’s the guy you’re-“ She quickly clammed a hand over the boy’s mouth, frowning at him. There was just no way she’d let her crush figure out. Never. It'd be too humiliating for her to be rejected. 

"Sorry, did you say something?" Jin asked, turning back around.

"U-Uh. Nope, nothing at all!" The girl quickly blurted, eyes diverting back to her little brother to glare at him.

Jaeho smirked, happy that he finally had something against his annoying older sister.

Still frankly annoyed, Haekyung frowned at the obnoxious boys in front of her as she gazed back to the other girl. "Sohee, are these your friends...?” Haekyung inquired, not believing the situation. Nodding her head, Sohee turned and chuckled,

“Yeah. I hope you don’t mind, they can be a little loud sometimes, and well...annoying? But boys will be boys.”

Not just a little.

"Yah, Kang Sohee!" Taehyung pouted, throwing a pillow over the girl's direction.

She laughed heartily, tossing it back, "What? It's true though."

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that, because I know you love us." Jungkook said, grinning innocently.

Haekyung mumbled to herself, frustrated, “Oh, I couldn't agree more..” 

Sohee brightened, realizing something. “Speaking of which, have you guys met before? I mean, we all go to the same school right?” She asked curiously with a small smile, eyes gazing over the boys and her.

Reacting fast, Haekyung answered, “No.”


Haekyung looked over to the source of the voice, glaring at him. The boy raised a brow, making his way over before occupying the space next to her. "But this girl really hates me though," Jungkook pouted, staring at the girl who didn't bother sparing him a glance.

"Correct. I guess you do have a brain after all." Haekyung forced a smile, eyes glued to the monitor.

Sohee laughed, observing the two's conversation before whispering over to the boy beside her. "Since when did Jungkook oppa become so close with Haekyung?" She asked, watching the pair that were currently bickering. Taehyung shrugged, "Why? is lil' Sohee jealous or something?" He teased. "What? Of course not!" The girl answered, trying to hide her heated face.

"Oh, don't deny it." Taehyung chuckled, eyes travelling over back to the other girl.





Jungkook leaned on the couch sideways, head on one palm as he faced Haekyung lazily.

"Aww, I didn’t know you’d be so surprised to see me. Did you miss me?” He questioned, poking the girl’s forehead back with his index finger. She threw him a cold look, shaking her head at him. Had the boy hit his head or something?

"Uh, no. That will never happen,” Haekyung declared, throwing the remote at him.

Jungkook smiled mischievously, catching the object with one hand. "Why are you so cold? It hurts my feelings."

"Oh, shut up."

Walking over, Taehyung squeezed in between her on the right, slightly startling the girl. He grinned, bumping shoulders with her, “Haekyungthanks for letting us stay.” She stared at him, not really knowing what to say. 

Please, don’t thank me. I didn’t even know you idiots would be invading my house.

“Just when will it stop raining...?” Haekyung muttered to herself, feeling gloomy.

The boys exchanged knowing glances, before bursting out in light laughter. She rolled her eyes, grumbling even more.

"Soon." Jungkook smiled, grabbing a handful of marshmallows from the coffee table, stuffing it into Haekyung's mouth. She blinked in irritation, having a hard time chewing the sweetness down. "Jeon Jungkook!" She glared, throwing the food at him. He chuckled out loud, eyeing the girl who looked like a bloated squirrel. Taehyung inched closer to get a better look, only to laugh along when Haekyung stared back at him. She turned the other way, feeling embarrassed. 

"Hahaha! I should call you chubby ahjumma from now on." Jungkook grinned, amused.

Haekyung narrowed her eyes at him, about to get her hands on the boy who drove her absolutely insane, "Don't. You. Dare." 

"Don't tempt me, chubby ahjumma." 

She hissed, grabbing the boy by the collar of his shirt, tugging him forward, "I hate you so much, idiot." 

Jungkook smiled softly, pinching her on the cheeks.

"I know, stop reminding me."





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[07.13.17] Hi everyone, it's been a while. There's been a lot going on in my life, and I ended up leaving things right here. I hope you understand, thank you.


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19941991 #1
this was really great
yatkit15 #3
Chapter 29: Its been a roller coaster of emotions..i love your story. I find myself immersed in it.. i hope if the time comes and you find yourself having time to write again,please do.. your really good at it..
Chapter 29: this story is amazing
Chapter 20: Awww without me knowing.... I am falling in love with this story
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 29: Yay for Happy ending :3
S2nancy #7
Chapter 2: Just started this story! And so far it good! I can sense that both jungkook and V like her.
kimgaeun96 #8
Chapter 29: Aoowww authornim, you made me cried, squealed, shrieking and whatsoever when I read your fanfic. Damn authornim, even I already read this for millions times (sometimes I'm a silent reader), I still can feel the emotions from this fanfic. Thumbs up to you authornim and good luck~~