The First Day

I Need a Housemaid

"Hello. Jessica Jung speaking."

"Eh...I'm Kim Taeyeon. I'm calling regarding your ad in the newspaper. Do you still need a housemaid?"

"Yeah. Come by my office around 5PM. I'll give you te details then."

"5PM....okay! Thank you!"

She sure sounds happy. I hope she's a normal one. I'm tired of looking for housemaids. Ugh.


At 5PM....

"Hi, I'm looking for Ms. Jung." 

I opened my office door, "In here." She walked in with a big smile plastered on her face. She sure is a happy person. Not normal at all. "Have a seat. I see that you're interested in becoming my housemaid?"

"Eh…yes, Ms. Jung." 

"Okay. Let's get something straight. When you work for me, you MAY NOT and CANNOT fall in love with me. If I find the slightest clue that you are in love with me, you are immediately fire. Understand?" 

"Understood." She nodded her head lie a little kid. 

"Good. You start tomorrow. Pick up my niece from school and bring her home." I handed her a picture of my niece. 

"Yes, Ms. Jung."

"Just call me Jessica. I feel old being called Ms. Jung." 

She skipped out the door with a dorky grin. Boy. Is she always this happy? She's not going to be after she meets my niece. An evil smirk unconsciously appeared on my face. 


Taeyeon's POV

With her picture in my hand, I started to look for Jessica's niece. I rummaged through the big crowd of little kids, and saw a little girl sitting on the steps of the school. *That must be her* I checked the picture to make sure and indeed she was. I was walked towards her with a smile, "Hey, I'm here to pick you up."


"Yah, you're late. You know how long I waited? Three minutes! You know what could have happened to me in those three minutes?! Here," she handed me her backpack, "Carry this for me."


Did I say I love kids? Yeah, not this one. "Yah! How can you be so disrespectful? I'm older than you!"


"Well, you're MY housemaid. I can do whatever I want with you."  She ran to a ice cream truck, "Hey! I want ice cream."


*This kid. Who does she think she is* I paid for her ice cream and when I turned around she was gone. *Oh my god, where did she go! Jessica's going to kill me. This is my first day! No!* 


After hours of searching, I decided to just tell Jessica. I rushed to Jessica's office, preparing to get fired. "May I know where Jessica is?"


"She's in a meeting." I'm guessing it was her secretary.


"Okay, thank you." I dashed to the meeting room and accidentally bumped into guy when I entered the room. "Ahhhh! Sorry, sorry! I can't believe I didn't see someone so big like you! Sorry!" bowing endless times. I turned to Jessica, "Eh...boss. Something big happened I was buying ice cream for her and when I turned around, she was gone! I didn't mean for it to happen! I couldn't find them anywhere! Please don't fire me!" I managed to say in one breath.


I noticed Jessica had a blank face on. She pointed to the door. I turned around and saw that little brat. I was speechless. The only thing that came out of my mouth was a gasp. 


"You were walking too slow." *Oh that little brat*.


I turned to face Jessica and let out a small laugh, "Heh, heh. I found her....Heh."




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Chapter 24: When you will update again authornim?
diedofboredom #2
Do update soon. Pleeaseee
dingkay09 #3
Chapter 24: update soon!!!!
Update please
Update now author shii
Author, when are you gonna update?/ i miss this story :(((
Chapter 24: cant wait for the next chapt.
Chapter 24: update update ^^
Chapter 24: ehhh are you trying to tease us with the short update~
DarkFate #10
Chapter 24: Yuri move on accept the fact sica don't love you any more and stop using tiffany it's not gonna work. Any way author I can't wait for your next update