Magic Marble

I Need a Housemaid




Taeyeon's POV

Why is this house so big? I have to sweep so much. I lied myself down on the cold marble floor. "Ahh, the floor feels so good because I cleaned it." I took out the marble my dad gave me. "Hello, magic marble. Long time no see. I know I'm stupid and not working hard enough. I don't want to be rich or anything. I just want to know if my other half would appear soon. I hope this wish won't be that far away." It suddenly glowed, "What?" I tried to see it clearer, but accidentally dropped it in my mouth. I'm going to die! I was coughing all I can to get it out. 

Jessica came home, "If anyone is looking for me, tell them I'm not here." I was trying to get her attention by waving my hand, but she walked straight to the stairs, not looking at me once. 

"Cough,, cough."

"What?" I didn't care if she was annoyed. I want that thing out of my mouth. 

I pointed at my mouth while clutching onto my stomach. 

"If you're not feeling well, go to the doctor's." Why is this person so hard to communicate with? 


She rushed to me and hugged me from behind, pumping my stomach. I was grabbing my throat. After a couple of pumps, it flew out. Finally. Jessica was still hugging me from behind, "Next time don't put strange things in your mouth, alright?" 

"Thank you for saving my life." I turned to look at her. She was just inches from my face. She quickly let go and a took a step to the side. Well, that was awkward.

"Don't call me for dinner. Just let me rest." 

I looked at my watch, "Gah! I'm late!"

I rushed to Yoona's school. "I'm so sorry! Something happened in the house. Your auntie is not feeling well, so don't disturb her." 


Yoona's POV

I went to my aunt's room and heard her taking a shower. I quickly ran back downstairs to think of something to get Taeyeon fired. Just when turned around to cook, I put a lot drowsy cold medicine in her drink. I knew that my aunt hates it when her housemaids fall in over with her. 

Taeyeon finished cooking and turned around to the counter and finished her drink. While I was eating, her head just dropped down and hit the table. Just as thought. I ran the to stairs to listen if my aunt was taking a shower, and she was. I quickly dragged Taeyeon's body to my aunt's bed. The moment I tucked her in bed, I heard the shower stop. I sprinted out as if my life depended on it. I am such a genius. Now she would definitely get fired. Oh me, why am I so smart? I patted myself on the back and went back to eat. 

The doorbell suddenly rang. Who the hell would be? Everyone's already home. I opened the door and it turned out to be Yuri. She was holding a bouquet of roses. It must have been for my aunt, but I thought they broke up. I let her in and she went up the stairs. Oh my god! Taeyeon! Uh-oh.


Jessica's POV

I came home with a headache and I had to help Taeyeon get that stupid ball out of . I was half asleep when I finished showering. I walked to my bed and climbed in. It felt warmer than usual, but I liked it. I turned to my right and felt something. I thought it was a pillow so I hugged it. It was once again so warm, I began to snuggle closer to it. This is the best sleep I've ever had these past months. I immediately drifted into dreamland. 

I was woken up by a shift of movement on my right, then there was a scream. I opened my eyes and saw myself hugging Taeyeon. There was literally no space in between our bodies. There was the scream again. I turned my attention to the door and saw Yuri. She dropped a bouquet of roses and ran out. I didn't know why, but I chased after her. I wanted to explain, but I didn't know why. I was over her. I knew this was Yoona's doing. Wasn't it obvious. Ugh. I have had enough. 

"Why did you do that?!?!" I was boiling with anger. 

"What....what did I do?" Yoona answered so innocently that it made me even more agitated.



"YOU KNOW WHAT? DO WHAT YOU WANT. SOMETIMES I WISHED I NEVER TOOK YOU IN!" I didn't mean it what I said, but I was furious. Yoona ran out of the house. I let her.

"Go after her! What are you doing standing here?" Taeyeon saw me just standing there and she ran after Yoona. 

I didn't know why I was like that. Was part of me still hanging on to Yuri, or was I finally done with Yoona's pranks?


Sorry. I know this is confusing. I wrote in between my classes. I'll try to make is make sense in the next chapter. 

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Chapter 24: When you will update again authornim?
diedofboredom #2
Do update soon. Pleeaseee
dingkay09 #3
Chapter 24: update soon!!!!
Update please
Update now author shii
Author, when are you gonna update?/ i miss this story :(((
Chapter 24: cant wait for the next chapt.
Chapter 24: update update ^^
Chapter 24: ehhh are you trying to tease us with the short update~
DarkFate #10
Chapter 24: Yuri move on accept the fact sica don't love you any more and stop using tiffany it's not gonna work. Any way author I can't wait for your next update