I'm Sorry


Kai woke late the next morning, Kyungsoo wrapped up in his arms. The injured male had turned in his sleep to face the one holding him, face hidden in Kai's chest. Kai wondered if Kyungsoo knew he was there, keeping him safe and wishing for the best.

Kyungsoo shifted a little, a low groan escaping his lips and indicating to Kai that the smaller male was awake. Carefully moving back a bit Kai placed his left hand on Kyungsoo's face, eyes looking at his closed ones. 

"Kyungsoo" Said male started to open his eyes slowly, a blurry face in front of his and not clicking inside his head who exactly that person was.

"Uhh, everything hurts..." Kyungsoo felt the ache all over his body, legs and arms feeling like they were going to fall off and his head spinning because of it all.

"Oh yeah, I've got stuff for that" Kai sat up, Kyungsoo rolling onto his back with another groan. Kai leaned over, grabbing the leaf with all the medical stuff that Lay had left last night after fixing the red wolf.

"Kai?" Said male turned back to Kyungsoo who had his eyes open fully, staring up at him, making his heart swell in adoration. Kyungsoo really was perfect, even if he had just got his kicked and looked like he had been pulled through a hedge backwards, Kai still knew the red wolf was gorgeous underneath it all.

"Hmm, let me put this on you, Lay left it, he's the one that saved you from...dying" Kai said the last word quietly, not wanting to think about this to much. He could of very easily lost his mate last night, he was thankful that Kyungsoo was a fighter and had pulled through.

"Lay? I don't know a Lay" Kyungsoo watched the sitting male crush some leaves in his palms, the large leaf Lay had left beside him unwrapped. Kai placed the screwed up leaves on Kyungsoo's neck where he had some puncture wounds, courtesy of that lone wolf from yesterday.

"He lives on his own in Heliotrope's territory, he practices medicine and had a chance last night to put all his knowledge to good use, on you" Kai rubbed the dark green, slightly damp leaves on Kyungsoo's neck, the red head whining lowly.

"Oh" Kyungsoo stayed still as Kai applied some more leaves to his wounds as well as other medicine to the cuts and bruises on his tired body.

"Kyungsoo, when was the last time you ate? Are you hungry?" Kai pulled the fur pelt back over the smaller, making sure he was kept warm and comfortable. Kyungsoo thought about this, the last time he had eaten was the day his pack had been forced to leave the safety of their den, he was quite hungry now that he thought about it.

"Yeah, I am hungry" Kyungsoo watched the tanned male clean up before turning into his wolf form.

"I'll go get you something, what would you prefer?" Kyungsoo stared at the dark brown wolf, his eyes bright and looking right back at him, almost like he was looking into his soul. Kyungsoo felt something strange while they stared at each other. The wolf's head turned to the side and waited for his answer.

"Surprise me" Kyungsoo smiled shyly, feeling bad for being mean the previous day. He had to admit he was being a bit difficult during the whole process what with his big mouth and continuous back talk.

"Okay, just don't moan when I get something you don't like" 

"I don't moan, I complain" Kyungsoo's smile got a little wider as he watched the dark brown wolf start to leave.

"You will soon, I can garuntee it baby Soo" The wolf left the cave, going out in the open and into the forest to catch the first edible thing he came across, maybe he'd get a rabbit.

Kyungsoo felt the heat creep up on his face, eyes wide as the words the other had spoken went round and round in his head. Kai had said something that Kyungsoo hadn't immediately hated, he actually thought about the words the wolf had said and he didn't feel like shouting out that he was a ert.

Maybe Kai wasn't that bad, a bit dirty minded but when a possible candidate for a mate is in front of you, it's only natural that you're going to tell them how you feel, what you want from them. What you want to do with them.

Kai wanted to mate, this was pretty easy to see, and hear considering half of what came out of his mouth had something to do with Kyungsoo and mating with him because he wanted to.


Baekhyun felt the sun on his face, warming up his cheeks and making his eyelids flutter open. Sitting up he stared out at the trees surrounding him, never ending and trapping him in the clearing, stuck with Heliotrope.

Chanyeol was out there somewhere, probably fine unlike Baekhyun who had trouble sleeping, his brain not wanting to switch off. He looked behind himself and saw Luhan and the omega playing with one another, flowers on them as if they were jewellery.

At least someone was having fun.

Baekhyun walked through the forest, padding his way over plant material and tree roots, he was retracing his steps to the river the chocolate wolf had taken him to yesterday. He had remembered that it was on the right of the den area, going straight until you end up at the peaceful bed of water.

As he was going to step out of the trees he spotted a lone wolf with its back facing him, laying down at the edge of the river, most likely drinking the water.

Baekhyun didn't miss the blood on the wolf's fur, staining it a horrid red, just like Kyungsoo's had been from the injures obtained yesterday. Baekhyun's eyes widened and he took a step backwards, successfully snapping a twig in half and gaining the wolf's attention.

Sad dull eyes locked with Baekhyun's, relief washing over him as he realised the wolf wasn't the one that had almost killed his red fured pack mate but non other that his chocolate coloured mate.

The wolf broke eye contact and stared back at the moving water of the river, the water surface reflecting the forest that surrounded it. Baekhyun whined before stepping forward, paws taking him to the chocolate wolf that hadn't given him a second glance.

"Chanyeol..." Baekhyun hung his head low, peeking at the laying wolf who hadn't bothered moving, or acknowledging his presence when Baekhyun clearly knew he saw him.

"Chaneyol, I'm sorry for yelling mean things at you, I didn't mean half of it, I'm sorry" Baekhyun creeped forward close to the ground, ears pressed back on his head and tongue at his nose. 

He shimmied up to the bloody wolf's side, pressing himself up against the chocolate fur that was stained red. Chanyeol lifted his head off his front legs, looking back at the small wolf that was stuck to his side like glue.

"Don't go out on your own, go back to the den area." Baekhyun whined, the first thing that had left the largers mouth was harsh and made Baekhyun feel like he really had lost the wolf. He was no longer desired, Chanyeol couldn't put up with him and Baekhyun felt like crying all over again.

"Chanyeol...is that all you have to say to me?" Baekhyun felt his voice waver, he was really emotional and all he wanted was the other to accept his apology. This way Chanyeol could begin to win him over and he would eventually fall for the other wolf.

He just needed time but if Chanyeol wasn't willing to give him time, wasn't patient enough to wait for his reward at the end of it all then it would be all his own fault. He couldn't give the other everything he asked for in a split second, he wasn't that good at hunting, got frightened a lot and couldn't control his emotions.

To be fair Chanyeol hadn't done a very good job with choosing his mate, Baekhyun was a pretty bad choice and he knew this.

"Why do you care? You hate me, remember" That was it, that's all it took for Baekhyun's heart to break, he really didn't want it anymore now.

"I-I don't hate you Chanyeol...I just need time, everything's moving really fast and it's making me really scared" Baekhyun pressed himself as close to the other wolf as he could possibly manage, paws over his eyes, hiding them from the other. Not that he was looking at him anyway.

"Please Chanyeol, I haven't rejected you" The chocolate wolf stood up all of a sudden, shocking Baekhyun. He looked down at the small wolf still on the ground, large fearful eyes staring back up at him.

"Baek, how is Kyungsoo? Did he make it?" Baekhyun slowly lifted himself off the ground, head low and body language submissive.

"He's fine, Kai's looking after him" Baekhyun looked at the larger wolf's body, the dried blood wasn't new to him but the missing chunk of ear was. 

"What happened? How did you end up like this?" Baekhyun lifted his head and did something without thinking, he the other on the nose with his tongue, soft whines leaving him in the process.

Chanyeol was shocked by the action but was happy non the less, he had thought that he had lost the smaller all together after yesterday's incident, that his chance with the purple wolf had gone just as quickly as it had appeared.

But according to Baekhyun it hadn't, he could still hold onto the fact that Baekhyun hadn't rejected him, he was willing to give him a chance to prove himself as a suitable mate.

"I tracked down that lone wolf, he is no more" Baekhyun heard the change in his voice, the tone happier and more up beat than the one he had used earlier.

"You did? Really?" Chanyeol nodded, leaning down a bit to return the gesture and at the smallers nose. Baekhyun stayed in place, the larger kissing him on the nose with his wet tongue.

"I did, not because I was told to but for you, I don't want anything to happen to you" Baekhyun couldn't believe his ears, Chanyeol had stayed out all night so that he could hunt down this wolf in Heliotrope's territory. He had killed him, not because he was following orders but because he felt he needed to. To protect his mate.

Baekhyun didn't think it was possible to cry in wolf form but apparently it was because this was what he was doing. Chanyeol was too good to be real, giving so much to him when he couldn't even fully submit.

"Baek, don't cry, it's not very attractive in wolf form" Chanyeol turned back and hugged the purple wolf close to himself, feeling the smaller turn as well. 

"Ch-Chanyeol, I feel really terrible" Baekhyun wrapped his arms over Chanyeol's shoulders, the laters arms around his waist. Baekhyun stopped crying quicker than Chanyeol thought he would, chin resting on his shoulder, no signs of letting go.

"Please wait for me, I really want to be your mate but I just can't give you everything you want straight away. It scares me to think about it, I don't want you to leave me afterwards..." Baekhyun felt the arms around his waist tighten, squeezing him and bringing him closer to the taller.

"I'm scared that you will find another wolf that will submit to you fully before I am able to do that, please Chanyeol" Baekhyun lifted his head off Chanyeol's shoulder, looking him dead in the eye.

"You like to beg a lot, don't you Baek" Baekhyun creased his eyebrows, eyes red and lips forming a pout.

"Baek, you're so cute, of course I'll wait for you, I'm sorry too. I won't push you" Baekhyun nodded, swallowing the recently formed lump in his throat, feeling his cheeks heat up at the closeness of their faces.

He looked from Chanyeol's eyes down to his lips, eyes flicking back up to the tallers almost immediately after, feeling embarrassed and shy. Chanyeol caught him looking at his lips, a smirk forming on them.

"Baek, do you want to kiss?" Baekhyun's red eyes widened, "If you want to then we can, it's okay if you don't want to though, I won't be insulted" Baekhyun bit his lip before nodding.

"Yeah" Baekhyun closed his eyes, waiting for the feel of the others lips on his own. He was about to open them when he didn't feel anything for at least ten seconds when something soft pressed against his lips lightly.

Baekhyun could of melted on the spot, the kiss was perfect, everything he could of wished for in a first kiss. Chanyeol was giving him everything he wanted and he hadn't even told him what these were. He didn't need to though obviously because Chanyeol was made for him, he realised this at that very moment.

Chanyeol was the perfect partner, perfect lover and Baekhyun was going to try his hardest to be able to give the chocolate wolf everything he's got. 


Kaisoo and Baekyeol

Baekhyun's turning out to be more complicated than I first thought he would be, he feels that Chanyeol is the one but is scared to give him everything in case he leaves for a better wolf. He's self doubting himself.

Bye bye


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28/07/15 It's been two years since Heliotrope began, I was going to update but I haven't finished he chap yet:/


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Chapter 9: Lol I know this was written in 2015-16 but like I kinda just wished you wrote who said what cause my brain doesn’t work well with putting who says what :)
Chapter 8: Out of all the couples here, HunHan is my favorite they are so flUFFYYYYYYY
Chapter 6: Even tho Kris says he gonna kill, he has heart of the softest person ever
Chapter 4: Anyone else just wanna smack Chanyeol? Like for all the dumb things he done so far I’m just dkdjdj *inhales deeply* yeah :)
Geez. I love this ficccccc. Like omg. *nosebleeds*
I wonder how many times I have already read this fic HAHAHAAHA
Chapter 8: Lol Sehun
Chapter 7: Wow, taoris gettin frisky. Pls tell me we get to witness their ness, lol that rhymed.
Chapter 6: *slaps u with a wet fish*