Stop It


Luhan watched his pack mate disappear into the forest from the entry of the cave, sitting on the warm rock with his fur pelt over his shoulders. He was about to get up and go sit with the red head the other had left behind when someone else beat him to it.

Luhan decided to not get in the way, those two can work things out between themselves without him getting in the way. 

"Uhm, can I sit next to you?" Luhan broke his gaze from the two on the grass at the sound of the voice, looking up at the male staring down at him, waiting for his reply.

"Sure" Luhan felt the males shoulder press against his own, a small smile unconsciously making its way to his face.

"Do you have a mate?" The male beside him had bright, innocent eyes which almost made Luhan want to protect him, hold him close and shield him from the danger and brutal ways of the pack he was a part of. But he couldn't do that, he shouldn't, the male was a part of Heliotrope for a reason so he can't really be this innocent and unknowing. Can he?

"Yeah, I do" Luhan watched the white haired males face fall immediately, a frown forming on his lips and his eyebrows creasing.

"Is it alpha?" Luhan fought away the smile threatening to appear on his lips, shaking his head.

"Alpha has the black wolf, remember?" The white haired male nodded, remembering the events of last night, he had the black wolf on the nose wanting to play with him. He didn't really get to play with his pack mates all too much, the others tending to fight roughly.

All the young omega wanted was another wolf to play with, one with whom he didn't have to worry about accidentally being killed out of frustration.

"Who is it?" Luhan traced his eyes over the young males face, white hair falling in place over his eyes. To Luhan he looked cute, not fearsome or powerful like the rest of Heliotrope, more like he was shoved into this whole thing and not allowed to leave. A bit like himself and his own pack mates.

"He's sitting next to me right now" Luhan chuckled when the omega leaned forward, moving himself to look beside the one he was talking to, expecting to see someone else sitting on the opposite side.

"It's you silly" The male leaned back and Luhan swallowed, he was really close to his own face.

"Me?" He pointed to himself in disbelief, "I'm your mate?" He tilted his head to the side, cheeks becoming rosy.

"Yeah, don't you want me?" The omegas eyes went wide, head going forward and bumping into Luhan's, hand coming up to rub at the bump seconds after the hit.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to do that! Now your pretty face is ruined and it's all my fault!" Luhan rubbed at the spot where he had been headbutted, the heat rushing to his face.

"It's okay, I wasn't that pretty to start out with anyway" The white haired males mouth opened as he stared at the male beside him with disbelief, who was he trying to kid, he was the prettiest thing the young omega had even seen.

"I think you're really pretty, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen" Luhan stopped rubbing at his sore spot, eyes meeting with the omegas. Instead of showing innocence and playfulness, the youngers eyes portrayed determination.

"You're still young, other, more beautiful things will be seen by your eyes without a doubt" 

"No! I refuse to believe that, nothing will ever be more beautiful than you, ever!" Luhan stared at the younger, his out burst making him jump and remind him of who he was talking to, where he was.

"Don't talk like that!" Luhan landed on his side, having being pushed down, the omega hovering over him, "I am your mate! You have to agree with what I say and I say that you're pretty and beautiful so therefore you can't say otherwise!" Luhan was shocked, he shouldn't of let his guard down so much.

It was stupid of him to think that he was the safest with the omega when he could obviously easily kill any of his pack members, he wouldn't be in Heliotrope if he couldn't defend himself and kill when needed.

Just because he was given the rank of omega didn't mean he was useless, it was probably because he was playful in nature, easy going and able to put up with the continuous rough housing of his pack mates.

But it was most likely because he was the youngest and the least skilled.


"Did you sleep well?" Kyungsoo turned his head to the male sitting on his right, eyes tracing over his features. The red head shook his head, "No"

"Tonight you will be staying in the main cave, with me" Kyungsoo stared at the male with tired eyes, not having much sleep because usually he would sleep on a big bed of leaves, grass and flowers, no fur pelts because the animals they killed were small, not worth it.

"What do you sleep on?" Kyungsoo stared at the tanned male, eyes glazing over. He his lips, he was tired and the sudden rush of the other males scent that had invaded his nose made it difficult for him to stay focused.

"Our pelts, wrap yourself up in it or sleep as a wolf, that might be more comfortable" Kyungsoo nodded, eyes trailing down from the others face, going down into dangerous territory. 

"Grass, I sleep on grass and leaves and flowers, can we do that?" Kyungsoo brought his eyes back up, meeting with the others dark ones.

"Yeah, okay, that sounds good" Kyungsoo leaned closer, eyeing the boys lips before biting his own bottom one.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Kyungsoo had a hunch that no other wolf should smell this strong all the time, he must be doing it on purpose.

"Stop making your scent so strong" Kyungsoo creased his eyebrows, trying to gain control over himself, the other male may be a part of Heliotrope, the feared pack but this wasn't acceptable. Who said he could do this to him and make him weak at the knees, he certainly didn't. 

"I don't know what you're talking about" The tanned male smirked at the red head, eyes showing mischief as he watched the male fall deeper into the alluring smell he was giving off.

"Stop it!" Kyungsoo pushed the other males shoulder wanting to make him move away but ended up falling backwards onto the grass instead. The red head groaned as he stared up at the sky, wrapping his fur pelt around himself more.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling okay?" Kai chuckled as he brushed the hairs out of Kyungsoo's eyes, it sticking to his forehead.

"Don't play innocent, you'll make me go into heat early" Kai raised his eyebrow, the smirk growing on his face. The smaller male was glaring up at him as he touched the red heads face, fingers tracing over the soft features.

"Stop touching me, you ert!" Kyungsoo had to keep as much control over himself as he could manage, but this was hard to do when he wanted to let the scent take over his body and mind fully. He wouldn't let himself submit to the other in this kind of way so soon, he wasn't even in heat.

"Just submit to the feeling Kyungsoo, submit to me" Kyungsoo shook his head, hoping these feelings would leave his mind if he shook it hard enough, it didn't work.

"C'mon, don't deny it, you want me" Kai's hand ran down the red heads neck, fingers tracing over his collar bones, feeling the male shiver at the touch.

"N-no, it's just your scent making me this way" Kyungsoo swatted the hand away only for it to come back seconds later, gripping onto his throat.

"Kyungsoo, I'm not going to stop until you go into heat and then I'm not going to do anything until you beg me to satisfy you" He watched the male on the grass widen his eyes, mouth open and panting slightly.

"You'll have to beg for it and don't say you won't because I'll make you, with my scent" Kyungsoo felt the hand leave, releasing his neck and he didn't move from his position on the grass. 

More like he couldn't.

"Kai, you're gonna get it one day" 

"Of course I am, rather soon I expect with the way you are reacting" Kyungsoo let an annoyed sigh leave his lips, lifting his head to glare at the sitting male who's hand was going over the soft fur pelt he was wearing.

"No, I meant you're gonna get what you deserve for making me this way, you ert" 

"Yes, yes I am Kyungsoo and I'm going to enjoy every second of it"


Kris climbed down the rocks, leaving his cave with Tao following behind him. The black haired male stepped carefully, still not fully over the effects of the alphas scent.

When the blond got to the bottom he turned around, Tao still making his way down but near the bottom. He watched as the black haired male lost his footing and slipped a bit, shock showing on his face as he watched a few small rocks tumble down.

"Hurry up, I don't have all day" Tao glared at the blond, immediately regretting it when the male started climbing again. Swallowing his saliva, Tao turned around and tried to go back up the rocks.

"Hey! Stop climbing back up!" Kris grabbed onto Tao's pelt pulling the male backwards and into his arms. Tao tried to grab onto something to stop him from falling but there was nothing to grab onto, relief washing through him when he felt strong arms wrap around him and take him to safety.

"There, that wasn't so hard now was it" The alpha let go of the shorter male, both of them on the grass of the clearing, "Next time go down as a wolf, it will be easier" Tao just nodded, doing nothing but stare into the tallers eyes, eyebrows forever furrowed making him look angry all the time.

Or he might actually be angry all day, every day, Tao didn't know, he'd only just met the alpha.

"I'm going to go hunting with Chanyeol and Kai, stay with the others and don't leave" Tao looked around himself spotting Luhan near him sitting in the entrance to the main cave with Heliotrope's omega next to him before letting his eyes scan the clearing, spotting Kyungsoo laying on the grass with Kai hovering over him.

He didn't spot his purple haired pack mate anywhere within the clearing, maybe he was in the cave, he didn't know.

"Kai! Where's the beta, we're going hunting" Kai stopped harassing his mate and looked at his alpha approaching him. Kyungsoo looked up and locked eyes with what he presumed to be the alpha, looking away seconds later.

"He took Baekhyun to the river" The alpha let out a growl of frustration, Kyungsoo's senses coming back to him and he was able to sit up again.

"Fine, it'll be me an-" Kris didn't finish his sentence instead he became quiet, eyes narrowing and head raising into the air, sniffing.

"Scratch that, we'll go hunting another time, there's a wolf in my territory" Kyungsoo's eyes widened at this information, Kai watching him and thinking whether it was possible that someone's eyes could get that big, apparently they can, his mate was proof of this.

"A wolf?" Tao looked at the alpha, hands clutching onto his fur pelt and eyes uncertain.

"Yes, a wolf" Kris looked down and saw the small red head fidgeting on the grass, a smirk appearing on his lips with the thought that just went through his head.

"You" The blond nudged Kyungsoo in the side, the smaller jumping before looking at him hesitantly, "I'm sending you to hunt it down and kill it" Kyungsoo's eyes got wider, what did he just say?

"I-I can't..." Kyungsoo shook his head and looked at the tanned boy beside him with fearful eyes, "I-I don't want to..."

"Are you disobeying my orders? I'm the alpha, either you go hunt down that wolf or I'll kill you right now" Kyungsoo began shaking, eyes locked with his mate and asking for help.

Help that he would never get.


Bit of a clif hanger ehh? Sorry!

I've got to go to bed, I have art club tomorrow or should I say today :)

Hunhan and Kaisoo as promised and a little extra at the end, Kai's trying to get Kyungsoo to go into heat early by emitting his scent more, however this is done, the naughty boy

See ya soon and sleep tight


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28/07/15 It's been two years since Heliotrope began, I was going to update but I haven't finished he chap yet:/


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Chapter 9: Lol I know this was written in 2015-16 but like I kinda just wished you wrote who said what cause my brain doesn’t work well with putting who says what :)
Chapter 8: Out of all the couples here, HunHan is my favorite they are so flUFFYYYYYYY
Chapter 6: Even tho Kris says he gonna kill, he has heart of the softest person ever
Chapter 4: Anyone else just wanna smack Chanyeol? Like for all the dumb things he done so far I’m just dkdjdj *inhales deeply* yeah :)
Geez. I love this ficccccc. Like omg. *nosebleeds*
I wonder how many times I have already read this fic HAHAHAAHA
Chapter 8: Lol Sehun
Chapter 7: Wow, taoris gettin frisky. Pls tell me we get to witness their ness, lol that rhymed.
Chapter 6: *slaps u with a wet fish*