Just You And Me


The winter this year was much harsher than the last, snow falling quickly and covering up the surroundings in a matter of days. The river got a sheet of ice over it, making it the perfect skating rink for the younger members of Heliotrope. Tao had spent most of his time over the past few weeks either with his two and a half month old pups, in the cave or out hunting, just to get some exercise.

He would leave the pups with Suho, the red wolf was expecting any time now and if Tao thought it was cold when he first had Mei and Mao, it was freezing now and he just wanted everything to go smoothly for his pack mate.

Kris protested at first, constantly giving dirty looks at the two unwanted guests in his cave. They were using the fur pelts and the alpha would scowl when Tao gave Suho more attention then him, which was almost all of the time.

"It's freezing Kris and Suho's going to give birth any day now!" Was what the alpha female had said, "Pups shouldn't be born at this time of the year, we have to make sure they don't die due to the cold!" And what could Kris say to that? He couldn't shove them back into the main cave because he knew the dangers.

"Fine, but only because I don't want to be dealing with any problems"


"Alpha female" Tao hummed, his pups in his lap sleeping quietly, "This wasn't a very good idea, was it?" Tao looked up at the red wolf, eyes taking in the movement of its chest.

"Not really but what can you do? Nothing. Don't worry too much and just relax" Tao stretched out an arm, hand gently the fur on Suho's neck, "I'll make sure nothing goes wrong Suho, you can trust me with yourself" Tao removed the pups from his lap and placed them on the fur pelt beside himself.

"And when he's out I'll get Lay and you three can have some bonding time alone" Tao placed Suho's head on his leg, letting it rest there while his fingers played with the blood red fur.

"I don't want the pup to freeze Tao, me and Lay should have thought this through better" Suho whined quietly, Tao's fingers combing through the soft locks, "It won't Suho, just stay as a wolf so that your fur will give him warmth" Suho grunted, kicking out his leg at the uncomfortableness.

"Is it coming, Suho?" Tao spoke quietly, not wanting to add any unwanted nerves to the one he had cradled in his lap, "Yes...is Lay outside? Will he come if I need him?"

"He's outside but you won't need him, you've got me" Suho his nose, panting, "B-but what if something goes wrong? W-what if the pup isn't okay?" Tao sighed.

"Suho, the pup will be fine"

"But how do you know?"

"I don't but you didn't have any problems with Jongdae so you shouldn't worry about this one" Suho shifted, turning onto his side a bit more, "Pups just come out totally fine, nothing to worry about"

"But alpha female, I did have a problem when I gave birth last time" Tao looked down at Suho, "Jongdae wasn't my only pup, I had two" Tao furrowed his eyebrows, he didn't understand.

"What do you mean?"

"What's there to not understand? I had two pups but there was a problem resulting in only one" Tao's eyes widened as he processed the words, it hitting him.

"Suho...did the pup...?" Tao held onto Suho's head a little tighter, heartbeat fastening up, "Yeah...it didn't make it..." Suho whined loudly, eyes closing.

"I don't want anymore heartbreak alpha female...I won't be able to take it..." Tao caressed Suho's head, scratching under his chin, "Nothing bad will happen Suho, I promise okay? Just relax and don't worry" Tao shushed the wolf in his lap, the loud whines echoing in the cave.

Apart from the whines, Suho didn't really do much else, he just stayed in the same position the whole time with Tao threading his fingers through blood red fur. Suho was in labour for a rather long time.

"Look, Suho" Tao removed Suho's head from his lap and moved the newborn pup up to his head, the red wolf looking at it with half lidded eyes, "It's your pup and it's fine, you need to clean it" Suho did as he was told and at the pup until it was clean and ling from him.

"I'll go get Lay" Tao stood up, not hearing any sound come from Suho, "Hey, are you sleeping?" Tao turned around, crouching down and hand landing on Suho's side, shaking him gently.

"Suho?" Tao moved his hand faster, concern rising in him when the red wolf didn't show any signs of waking up, "Suho, wake up" Tao stilled his hands, eyes watching the smallers chest to up and down slowly, much different to how it was going up and down earlier.

"Oh no..." Tao stood up and ran to the entrance of the cave, eyes searching the clearing for Lay, not seeing him anywhere, "Where's Lay?!" Tao looked back over his shoulder while biting his bottom lip.

"Tao, Lay's gone to the river" Tao growled at the back of his throat, "He should be back so-" Tao cut the male off.

"Well go and get him! Right now!" Baekhyun stared up at the black haired male with wide eyes, nodding slightly before running off in the direction of the river.

"Where the hell is alpha?!" Tao shouted out into the empty clearing, seeing a red head appear from the main cave.

"He's out hunting with Kai, Chanyeol and Sehun" Kyungsoo answered, "Is there something wrong Tao?" Kyungsoo watched the alpha female turn around and go back into the cave, he himself trying to climb up the rocks without turning into a wolf or slipping back down.

"Tao? What's wrong? Tell me" Kyungsoo quick walked into the cave, eyebrows furrowing at the scene before him, "Is...is Suho..." Tao looked over his shoulder at Kyungsoo, the shorter kneeling down beside him in front of the almost still Suho.

"No, he'll be fine, Lay just needs to make him better" Kyungsoo glanced at Tao, the younger speaking quietly to the red wolf, "I don't think Lay can fix this kind of thing, Suho, he looks like..." Kyungsoo bit his lip as Tao tuned to look at him, eyes shiny.

"I know" Tao choked back a sob, "I don't know what to do..." 

"What about Yoona's friend? She might be able to help" Tao wiped at his eyes, standing up, "Yes, I'll go get her right now" Tao turned back into a wolf and left the cave quickly, leaving Kyungsoo with the red wolf who was in need of urgent help.

"Suho" Kyungsoo picked up the newly born pup with both hands and held it in front of Suho's face, "Suho, why are you doing this? Look, he needs you" The pup whined in Kyungsoo's hold, squirming.

"Suho, you're being unfair" Kyungsoo felt the tears leave his eyes, hands placing the red pup down over Suho's neck, "Stop this and wake up right now or I'll..." Kyungsoo wiped at his eyes, sobs leaving his throat.

"O-or I'll never forgive you Suho..."


"Lay!" Said male looked up from the river, meeting eyes with a heavy breathing Baekhyun, "Lay, alpha female needs you, he sounded really mad" Lay's eyes widened and he quickly stood up from the bank of the river, clutching onto his fur pelt and running back to the clearing with Baekhyun following closely behind.

"Alpha female, what's..." Lay didn't finished his sentence, there was no point because the alpha female had rushed past him and disappeared into the forest, "W-where's he going...?" Lay looked at Baekhyun who just shrugged.

"I don't know..." Lay his lips nervously as he climbed the rocks outside the alphas cave, fingers shaking because he didn't know what was going on.

"Kyungsoo?" Said male jumped at the sudden voice, wide teary eyes going up and meeting with Lay's confused ones, "W-what happ-" Lay was cut off.

"Suho's dying" Lay stared at the crying boy in shock, "W-what...?" He heard Kyungsoo growl lightly, the noise confusing him. Kyungsoo stood up and breathed in deeply.

"Tao went to get Yoona's friend" Kyungsoo grabbed Lay's arm and made him kneel down in front of his mate, "Speak to him, it'll make him feel better" Kyungsoo didn't have a clue if that would help, he didn't even know if Suho could even hear them but it was worth a try.

"Suho, baby, I'm so sorry..." Kyungsoo kneeled down in front of Tao's two pups and scooped them up, putting them in his lap, he was trying to use them as some sort of comfort to stop him from having a full break down.

"Suho...you can't leave right now, what about Jongdae? What about the new pup? Suho...I love you so much..." Lay broke down, Kyungsoo watching the scene with sad eyes, "Suho, don't you dare" Lay growled as he became angry with the situation.

Both males eyes widened as the red wolf shifted a little, very slightly, a whine leaving him as he did so. Suho changed back, no longer able to stay in wolf form.

"Suho..." Lay picked up a fur pelt and covered his mate with it, hand wiping away the sweat on his forehead afterwards, "Wake up right now, breath properly Suho" Lay couldn't take the waiting any longer, the tears falling more with every laboured breath the smaller took, like each one could be his last.


"I feel a little light headed after that" Yuri chuckled quietly, standing up and swaying a little on her feet, "Just let him rest, he'll be fine" Lay looked up at the female before his eyes went back to Suho who was breathing much better now.

"Thank you so much" Lay was still crying, he couldn't help it, "I-I thought he was going to, you know..." Yuri bent down a little, hand patting the brunet on the back.

"Shh, everything's fine okay? I'll stay and will make sure he's fully recovered before I leave" Lay nodded, fingers brushing the sweaty hair from his mates forehead, "Suho means everything to me, he's my one and only..." Yuri sighed as she knelt back down beside the still sobbing male.

"Look, just go to sleep, it'll calm you down" Lay nodded, taking in deep breaths, "We'll leave and give you guys some time alone" Kyungsoo stood up and walked to the caves entrance, Tao's pups in his arms.

"How are we gonna do this?" Kyungsoo turned to Yuri, the black haired female motioning to the wiggling pups who were nipping at him, "You don't want to walk down with them" Kyungsoo thought about it, deciding that it would probably be best if he put the pups back down on their fur pelt within the alphas cave.

"I won't move them, Tao will most likely come back up to see how Suho's doing anyway" After Kyungsoo put the pups back, he slowly made his way down the rocks, Yuri following him.

At the bottom Kyungsoo saw the dead deer in the clearing and sniffled a little, the blood from it making its way to his nose, "Kyungsoo, I'll be back in a little while, I have to go get Yoona" Kyungsoo nodded, "I can't leave her on her own for too long" Yuri turned and ran off into the forest, Kyungsoo bending down and picking up her discarded pelt.

"Kyungsoo" Said male turned to the voice, Baekhyun standing next to him, "Who was that wolf that Tao brought here?" 

"Yuri, she's Yoona's mate. Suho had some problems while delivering" Baekhyun's eyebrows went up, "Is he okay?" Kyungsoo shrugged his shoulders.

"He wasn't breathing properly" Kyungsoo frowned, "Very laboured, like he would stop at any moment" Baekhyun bit his lip, pulling his fur pelt closer, it was cold and snow had started falling again.

"What did Yuri do? She's the one that does magic, right?" Kyungsoo nodded, "She said she was going to give him some of her strength to help him get better, she's done her part now it's just left to Suho to do his" Kyungsoo smushed his side against Baekhyun's.

"It's cold, let's go inside" Kyungsoo pulled Baekhyun along in the direction of the main cave where everyone else was, they were all waiting for the alpha pair to come back before they ate the appealing looking deer left out in the clearing.



"Did you really need to go out hunting while Suho was giving birth? I think not!" Tao huffed, arms crossed over his chest, "I swear this almost gave me a heart attack" Kris sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Baby wolf, I-"

"And you took nearly everyone with you! What's wrong with you, Kris?!" Tao had wide eyes, "What made you think that it was a good idea? Really, Suho almost died today" 

"I know and I'm sorry, I just wanted everyone to eat okay? It's been really cold and it's hard to find a decent meal" Kris moved his hands up and down on the shorters upper arms, "I thought the more that went hunting, the more chance there was of coming back with something decent, something worth all the trouble"

"Seriously though, I was so close to having a panic attack" Tao sighed, "I didn't know what to do, Kris" Tao looked up and met eyes with the alpha, "If Suho had died it would have been all my fault and I couldn't live with knowing that" Tao wrapped his arms around the taller as he was brought into a tight hug.

"Baby wolf, the situation was unexpected but you did so well, you went and got Yuri and you did your best for Suho and I'm proud of the way you handled things while I was out hunting" Tao closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth and the strong arms around him, reassuring him.

"Lay's going to be a mess, he probably won't stop worrying till Suho's made a full recovery" Tao felt lips on his neck, going up till they reached under his ear, "And with the new pup, I'm gonna worry just as much as well" Tao heard the alpha sigh, chin resting on his shoulder.

"It's not even like I can take the pup either, Mei and Mao don't depend on milk anymore" Tao felt the tears start to form in his eyes, thoughts going back to Suho and his tiny pup, "What if Suho doesn't get better? What happens then?" Kris pulled back, Tao staring up at him with watery eyes.

"He will get better, okay?" Tao bit his lip and nodded, "Now, do you want to eat?" Tao shook his head this time, a small smile on his face, "No"


"Yeah, warm me up Kris, I'm cold" Said male led Tao back to the clearing and past the kill, right up to the rocks leading up to their cave and holding his hand as he helped him go up carefully, "Deep breaths Tao, be strong for Suho" Tao breathed in deep, tightening his hold on the alphas hand before walking into the cave.

"Kris..." Tao moved closer to the alpha, eyes looking at he scene on front of him, "They look so peaceful" Kris hummed, letting go of Tao's hand and taking off his fur pelt.

"C'mon, lay down" Tao knelt down on the pelt, Kris already laying on it and their two pups curled up on another pelt right next to him, "Are we going to sleep on just one? It's not big enough" Tao stood back up, carefully picking up some pelts from around the sleeping couple at the other corner of the cave.

"There" Tao placed a few pelts on the ground, the others going over himself, Kris and the pups the alpha had moved closer, "Much better, warmer too" Tao hummed in contentment, head snuggled underneath the alphas chin and nose breathing in his strong scent, the pups pressed up against their chests.

"Oh!" Tao sat up, hearing Kris huff as he made his way over to the two sleeping, taking his pelt with him, "I didn't check on the pup" Tao nudged the little pup inbetween it's parents, hearing it whine before quieting down.

"Cute little puppy~" Tao just wanted to scoop up the red bundle of fur and cuddle it for hours but he couldn't so he went back over to Kris, laying back down and trying to go back to sleep after all of the events that had happened today.


Suho opened his eyes slowly, the whining noise giving him a headache. He moved in Lay's hold, eyes opening fully as he noticed the wiggling pup inbetween himself and Lay.

"Oh, puppy" Suho the red pup, it whining even louder, "Okay, okay, I'll try for you" Suho moved out of Lay's hold completely, summoning all his energy to turn into his wolf self so that the pup could feed.

"There" Suho layed on his side, wanting to rest some more, the pup now ling from him contently, "Suho..." Said male peeped open his eyes at the call, seeing Lay sit up and feeling his hand his neck.

"Suho, don't scare me like that ever again, I thought you were going to die..." Suho his nose, a quiet whine leaving his throat, "Sorry...I don't know why it happened..." Lay sighed, glancing over to the alpha pair sleeping silently.

"Yuri said you used too much energy while giving birth, no more pups, okay Suho" Suho changed back, sitting up slowly and holding the sleeping pup in his hands, "What do you mean no more pups?" Suho creased his eyebrows.

"Exactly that, Yuri said it would probably be best if you don't have anymore" Lay moved closer to the pale male, turning his head to face him, "She said it might happen again, I don't want to take any risks, Suho" Said male nodded, vision getting blurry as he started crying.

"Don't cry Suho, I know this isn't what we wanted, what you wanted but at least we have two beautiful pups instead of none" Suho layed his head on Lay's shoulder, "It isn't worth risking your life for Suho, if having more pups is going to put your life in danger than we will not be having anymore"

"Then what happens when I go into heat?" Suho whispered, "If we mate during it I'll get pregnant again" Lay sighed, hand going up and down the red heads shoulder.

"While you were asleep I gave Yuri permission to make it so you won't have anymore pups ever again, so that when we mate in the future we wont have to worry about them" Suho creased his eyebrows, lips turning into a frown.

"When you go into heat I can take the pain away from you Suho without you getting pregnant"

"So this is our last one?" Suho motioned to the pup, Lay nodding his head in reply, "Yes, I'm sorry that it turned out this way Suho but I love you and I don't want to lose you" Suho nodded, understanding completely.

"It's okay, I'm happy with Jongdae and this little one" Suho the pup in his hands, smiling a little at the fluff ball, "And with you, I don't want to make anyone cry anymore" Suho sniffled, eyes red and skin pale.

"I don't want to make you cry anymore Lay, you're a dominant male so you can't cry" Suho lifted a hand and wiped his fingers over the tear streaked cheek of his mate, "You have to be strong for me Lay, I know it's asking a lot but you were the only reason I wanted to continue living and if you are not strong then I can't be strong either"

"What about the pups?"

"I'm talking about when we first met, you took care of me so well, you still do now and I want to make you happy, I really do" Suho leaned up and placed his lips on Lay's for a split second, "I need taking care of Lay and you're the only one that I want so please don't cry, I'll be fine" Suho gave the brunet a shaky smile, eyes trying to show that he was okay.

"I can't promise not to cry anymore Suho, I'm not as strong as you think I am" 

"You are Lay and you're an alpha, I just know you are, how else would I have gotten pregnant while not in heat?" Lay raised an eyebrow, "Lay, Baekhyun mates with Chanyeol all the time and he hasn't had anymore pups but we did, it's because you're meant to be in charge Lay"

"You got pregnant because we mated many ti-" Suho cut him off, "Baekhyun mated lots of times as well, Chanyeol obviously isn't an alpha. Tao mated with the alpha when not in heat and had more pups, just like us" Lay stayed quiet, what Suho was saying making sense in his head.

"I'm an alpha? But how?"

"I don't know but I'm glad because it makes me happy knowing that I'm the mate of an alpha wolf" Suho's cheeks heated up, putting some colour onto his face, "But I don't think I'm suited to be an alpha female, I'm nothing like Tao" Lay stared down at Suho, a smile on his face because the smaller was obviously feeling better.

"You don't need to be like him Suho, I don't have a pack so you'll only be alpha female to this one" Lay's eyes went down to the sleeping pup in Suho's hands, "Jongdae's with Minseok so all that's left is us three" 

"He's going to leave as well though Suho, he'll grow up just as quickly as Jongdae and then it will just be the two of us like it was in the beginning. We'll go back to our old place if you like and we can spend the rest of our lives together there" Suho nodded.

"Can we still visit here? I don't want to become a stranger, I get along really well with everyone here" Lay moved backwards, laying down and bringing Suho with him, "We will visit whenever you want to, I'll do whatever you ask me to Suho" 

"You do anyway, you treat me so well and you are the best mate ever Lay, I mean it and I love you"


Sorry for the wait, I've been writing this chapter on and off and I've created some more oneshots so I've been doing bits of different stories. Suho had the pup at the end of November, I'm trying to get all the times correct.

Did you think I was going to kill Suho off during this chapter? You should know I'm not gonna do that cause that's mean~ I just wanted something dramatic to happen but this means no more pups for Sulay :(

Already started the next chapter and it's a time jump so I'll try and finish it soon but it might be ages again before I update :\

Happy birthday Chanyeol! A bit late since the days just gone where I am but accept it anyway, I updated especially for his birthday~



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28/07/15 It's been two years since Heliotrope began, I was going to update but I haven't finished he chap yet:/


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Chapter 9: Lol I know this was written in 2015-16 but like I kinda just wished you wrote who said what cause my brain doesn’t work well with putting who says what :)
Chapter 8: Out of all the couples here, HunHan is my favorite they are so flUFFYYYYYYY
Chapter 6: Even tho Kris says he gonna kill, he has heart of the softest person ever
Chapter 4: Anyone else just wanna smack Chanyeol? Like for all the dumb things he done so far I’m just dkdjdj *inhales deeply* yeah :)
Geez. I love this ficccccc. Like omg. *nosebleeds*
I wonder how many times I have already read this fic HAHAHAAHA
Chapter 8: Lol Sehun
Chapter 7: Wow, taoris gettin frisky. Pls tell me we get to witness their ness, lol that rhymed.
Chapter 6: *slaps u with a wet fish*