

Yoona ran inbetween the trees as fast as she could, two wolves right behind her and following. 

"Yoona! Slow down!" Tao slid up against the smaller brown wolf but parted from her seconds later and going around a tree before moving back to her side again.

"I can't! She's here! I can smell her!" Tao slowed down, Yoona getting further away from him and Sehun rushing past, trying to catch up, "Yoona! Wait up!" Tao fastened up, breathing quickly and trying to catch up as well.

Yoona came to an abrupt stop, Sehun crashing into her and the two of them rolling over on the forest floor, "Yoona! Why did you stop running?!" Sehun stood up and shook himself, dust flying upwards into the air.

"Shh! Don't talk, be quiet!" Yoona stuck her nose in the air, walking off in a certain direction, "She's this way" Yoona started jogging, fastening up, the scent of the wolf getting stronger, it overpowering her brain.

She jumped out into a small clearing, stopping and hearing two more sets of paws hit the ground beside her. Yoona eyed the rocky area in front of herself, stepping forward hesitantly.

"Yuri!" Yoona called out, waiting for the familiar and clearly missed wolf to appear from the cave, "Yuri! It's me! Yoona!" Yoona's eyes saddened when she got no reply, heart clenching and body starting to come down from its adrenaline high.

"Maybe she's out..." Tao's words got quieter as Yoona walked forward, going inside the cave and not listening to him, "C'mon Sehun, let's follow" Tao padded after the female wolf, Sehun doing the same.

"Hey! This is my territory! Get out!" Tao turned his head to look in the direction of the loud shouting, dark angry eyes staring at him. She started making her way over towards them, long dark hair swishing with each angry stomp she took.

"I said, get out!" The girls voice was forceful, if she was in wolf form she would be snarling. Sehun growled at her while Tao just stood on the spot, watching the two of them face each other up.

"Yuri!" The tanned girl took her focus off Sehun, ears hearing the familiar voice and catching a glimps of a form in front of her before it collided into her, almost making her fall down, "Yuri! I'm back! I missed you so much!" Yoona changed back, hugging the girl tightly and not wanting to let go. 

"Yoona?!" Yuri's eyes widened as she took in the face smiling up at her, eyes little crescent moons, "Yoona!" Said female laughed as she was crushed in a tight hug, surprise and happiness being heard in the others voice.

"Yoona! Don't change back unless you have a pelt" Yuri ushered her mate closer, wrapping her own pelt around her as much as she could, "You don't want other wolves seeing you do you? Especially not males" Yuri looked at the two male wolves watching them.

"You brought her back to me" Yuri felt the tears well up in her eyes, arms tightening around Yoona who was snuggling herself even closer to her if possible, "How can I ever thank you" The tears fell and Tao tilted his head to the side, happy that the two of them had been reunited after years apart.

"Yoona said you could fix my eye, with magic!" Sehun turned into his human self and ran up to the two shorter females, both of them staring with wide eyes at the sudden appearance of him, "Oh! And alphas eyes too! He can't see!" Yuri collected herself and nodded her head.

"Yeah, okay, I'll fix whatever you want me to fix, I'm forever in your debt" Yuri and Yoona shuffled towards the cave, still in each others hold. The tanned females eyes went down and met with the black wolf's sitting outside, waiting.

"Ah, you're not alpha are you? Your eyes look fine to me" Yuri creased her eyebrows, Yoona's arms going over her shoulders, a content sigh leaving her lips.

"I'm the alpha female, alpha couldn't come" Yuri's mouth formed a little circle, "Oh, I understand, because he can't see, yes" She laughed a little, "That was a really stupid question wasn't it" She and Yoona led the way inside the large cave, the two of them sitting down together on a fur pelt with a plop.

"I'll do your eye first" Yuri started pealing Yoona from herself, "For your alpha to be healed he needs to come here, I don't like doing my magic away from the cave" Tao nodded, Yuri handing the now human male and Sehun a fur pelt each, light pink tinting her cheeks.

"Yoona, wear this" Yuri wrapped a large pelt around her, Yoona staring up at her and arms almost making their way back around the dark haired female, but she was stopped, "Yoona, stay here with alpha female, I'm going to heal him okay?" Yoona nodded, watching as Yuri got up. Sehun followed her into another section of the cave.

"Yoona..." Said female looked at the black haired male who had called out her name, "Yoona, I don't know what to do..." Yoona creased her eyebrows.

"What do you mean? Don't know what to do about what?" Yoona was confused, what was alpha female talking about?

"I need to know if Yuri can help me, if she can't I don't know what I'd do" Tao bit his lip, fingers fiddling with the fur pelt wrapped around himself, "She's my only hope"

"Alpha female, what's wrong?" Tao locked eyes with her concerned ones, seeing the worry present in them, "Are you dying?" Tao couldn't help the little laugh that left him, head shaking in response.

"No, I'm not dying Yoona" Yoona breathed out a sigh of relief, her shoulders relaxing, "Then what is it, what's the matter?" Tao hesitated for a few seconds, this only adding to Yoona's concern, she was holding her breath and she hadn't even realised it.

"Yoona, I think I'm carrying pups"


"Sit down" Yuri gently pushed Sehun to sit on the floor with her hands on his shoulders, "When did you get the injury?" She kneeled down in font of the white haired male.

"A few months ago, just after the pups were born" Yuri nodded, placing her hand over Sehun's left eye, "You have to stay completely still, I haven't done this before" Sehun sat completely still, watching as Yuri closed her eyes, concentration present on her face.

"Give me your hand" Yuri held out her own hand, Sehun placing his in it. Yuri grabbed onto it tightly, "It's going to hurt a bit, both of us" Sehun furrowed his eyebrows, opting to close his eye when Yuri started whispering things he couldn't really hear or understand.

Yuri pressed her palm against Sehun's eye, his head moving back a little from the force, "Try and keep still no matter how much I push you, don't move" Sehun found this difficult, teeth bitting harshly on his bottom lip as he felt the stinging in his head, a really bad headache starting to form.

"What do you need your eye for? Tell me" Yuri breathed out, hand tightening around Sehun's, "Tell me, you need a good reason to help along the process" Sehun at his bleeding lip, teeth having bit to hard.

"I need it to protect Luhan and Liu, I need it to stop any harm that might come to them" Yuri felt her lips twitch into a small smile, liking the answer she had gotten.

"Good answer" Yuri pressed really hard, a gasp leaving Sehun's lips as he tried to not fall backwards. The force was removed and Yuri opened her eyes to watch the male in front of her do the same.

"Can you see?" Yuri rubbed at her left eye, the vision blurry but going back to normal after a few seconds. Sehun blinked a few times, looking at the female in front of him, seeing that her eye was cloudy before turning back to a dark brown.

"Yeah..." Sehun sat in shook, hand moving in front of himself and not quite believing what had happened. This wolf had just given him his sight back with some sort of magic, he didn't understand but he didn't need to. All that mattered was that it worked and Sehun couldn't be happier.

"It worked! I can see!" Sehun had wide eyes and Yuri let out a laugh, ruffling the males white hair, "Yeah, of course it worked, I didn't spend years practicing for nothing to happen" Yuri laughed louder when she was pulled into a hug, a dozen 'thank you's' leaving the males lips.

Yuri hugged back, hand patting the male on the back and saying it was her pleasure, he'd helped reunite her with Yoona and it was only fair.

"Ah, uhm...sorry" Sehun detached himself from Yuri, cheeks pink and eyes focused on the ground, "It feels weird hugging females..." Yuri raised an eyebrow.

"You've hugged Yoona?" Sehun nodded, cheeks heating up more and fingers playing with each other, "Yeah, and uh...girls don't have flat chests..." Yuri had to stop the laugh that was going to escape her, hand covering .

"Girls...have s..." That was all it took, Yuri couldn't hold in her laugh any more, letting it out and the loud noise surprising the embarrassed male. When she calmed down she looked at Sehun who was staring at her, eyebrows creased and cheeks redder than she's ever seen a pair before.

"Yeah, they do and mine are bigger than Yoona's" 

Yuri starting cracking up again as Sehun burried his face in his hands.


"Isn't that a good thing? I don't understand" Tao sighed, looking down at the ground, "It should be but this is really bad timing, I can't have pups at a time like this" Tao glanced up at Yoona who looked like she was thinking.

"Yuri can help me can't she?" Yoona hesitated, not sure if she was correct to what Tao was hinting at.

"You want to get rid of the pups?" Yoona spoke the words softly in case it was the wrong thing to say, "What else is there to do? It's for the best" Yoona's eyes widened, she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"You can't, they're alphas, he won't let you" She shook her head, "Does he know?" It was Tao's turn to shake his head, a quiet 'no' leaving his lips.

"Alpha doesn't know and it's best if he doesn't ever find out" Tao looked up at the sight of Sehun rushing over to him, kneeling down beside him and fingers clutching onto his fur pelt.

"Alpha female look!" Sehun pointed to his left eye, Tao's own two widening, "She fixed it! I can see again!" Tao couldn't speak, he just looked at the female standing behind Sehun who was smiling slightly down at them.

"Bring alpha whenever, I'll fix him as well" Yuri sat down next to Yoona who latched herself onto the tanned females arms, chin resting on her shoulder, "You're welcome to stay the night if you want"

"No, I must go back straight away to get alpha" Tao met eyes with Sehun, "Sehun, you should come back with me" Sehun nodded, the two of them changing back into their wolf forms, fur pelts being shaken off them and onto the floor.

"Thank you Yuri, I will return" Tao turned and started walking towards the exit of the cave, Sehun following close behind after he thanked Yuri one last time as well.

When they returned Tao went straight to Kris who was sitting in the clearing, a rather large Xiao curled up in his lap, "Kris!" Said male moved his head up, hearing his out of breath mate huffing and puffing away in front of him.

"We found her!" Kris' eyebrows raised, hand coming up to the side of Tao's head, soft fur being felt inbetween his fingers, "She fixed Sehun! We have to go back right now!" Kris carefully removed the sleeping pup from his lap, laying Xiao down on the sunny grass.

"I'll take you to her Kris, everything's going to be okay" Tao had forgotten about his little problem for the moment, his little secret. All that was going around in his head was that Yuri had healed Sehun's eye and she was going to do the same for Kris.

Tao was so happy.


"This may hurt" Yuri placed her hands over Kris' eyes like she had done to Sehun earlier, "Afterwards you'll have to stay the night, you won't be able to see straight away like Sehun, your eyes are worse" Yuri had learnt the white wolf's name from Yoona's constant blabbering on about the pack that had taken her in and helped her with her search.

"Okay, just do it" Tao was sitting next to Kris, hand holding onto his tightly and watching as Yuri closed her eyes, lips moving and whispers leaving them.

"Stay completely still, I've got to push really hard but you can't fall backwards" Kris felt the pressure increase, the hand in his giving a reassuring squeeze.

"What is the purpose of your eyes? What do you need them for?" Tao thought this was a stupid question, isn't it obvious what everyone needs eyes for? To see of course, to protect, to hunt.

To survive.

"That's a stupid question" Kris scoffed, "I need them to see of course and to hunt" Yuri huffed, eyes opening and feeling her hands being moved back a little, Kris needed to give a better answer.

"Oh and so I can be a proper alpha like before, I can't protect the pack like this. I can't protect Tao or the pups if I can't see any danger" Yuri smiled, pressing really hard onto Kris' face. This was a much better answer.

"Oww..." Yuri shut her eyes tightly, feeling the pain start to build up, "Damn, it's hurting more than earlier..." Tao kept quiet as Yuri started whispering words again, them sounding like gibberish to him.

It seemed like ages before Yuri removed her hands from the alphas face, telling him to open his eyes. She herself rubbed at her own eyes, vision blurry for longer than when she fixed Sehun's eye.

"I still can't see" Kris sounded angry and Tao could detect a hind of sadness in his voice as well, "I told you that you won't be able to see straight away, that's why you have to stay the night" Yuri blinked, sight going back to normal.

"You should be able to see again in the morning"

"Should?" Kris was disappointed, he was told he would see again after this but now he had to wait even more, "Kris, have some patience, thank you Yuri" Said female smiled at the more polite, happier sounding male.

"You're welcome alpha female" Yuri stood up, pink covering her cheeks as she pulled her fur pelt tighter around herself, "I'll leave you two alone and I'll see you in the morning"

"Wait, I need to talk to you" Tao grabbed onto Yuri's wrist, making her stop and look back at him, "Kris, I'll be back later, I need to talk with Yuri for a while" Kris nodded, letting go of Tao's hand and feeling a pair of lips on his own.

"I'll come back soon"

Tao stood up and followed Yuri to where Yoona was sitting. She looked up, meeting eyes with Tao and she instantly knew what he was going to say.

"Yuri, I think I'm carrying pups" Tao didn't beat around the bush, he got the words out quickly, she was the only one that could help him. Well that's what he though anyway because if she can fix eyes she can help him with this situation.

"Okay, well congratulations!" Yuri's smile faltered when Tao didn't smile with her, eyebrows creasing as she didn't understand why he wasn't happy.

"Are you not happy?" Tao shook his head, "I am but this is really bad timing, I can't have pups right now, I've just recently had three and anymore will just add to the pressure of everything" 

"Are they alphas?" 

"Of course they are! I belong to alpha only" Tao smiled a little, a tear sliding down his cheek, " want to get rid of them?" Yuri looked back at Yoona, seeing her mates sad expression.

"No, but I also can't have them, I don't know what to do..." Tao lowered his head as he cried, "No one knows, I didn't tell alpha because this will make him feel worse, like he can't take care of me with newborns" Tao wiped at his face with the backs of his hands.

"The others will have to care for me with the pups and Kris will feel rejected because he can't do anything" Yoona moved to sit next to the crying male, placing her arm around his shoulders, "I'm afraid that he will think that he's not needed, that he'll leave me saying I should find someone who can care for me properly"

Tao took a deep breath, watery eyes locking with Yuri's still cloudy ones.

"But if I don't have pups then this won't happen" Yuri frowned, "But alpha will see again so you can have the pups and he will be able to care for you and them" Yuri didn't understand what the problem was, Kris would gain his sight back and Tao would be able to have their pups.

Simple enough.

"No, I can't have anymore this soon, it'll be too much for me to go through again so soon" Tao smiled sadly at the female, "Kris said that the chances were slim, that I wouldn't have pups after we mated because I'm not in heat but it still happened, I can't just spring this on everyone, it's unexpected"

"Well, I guess I'll have to do something else I've never done before today as well" Yuri stood up and looked down at the two sitting next to one another, "My grandmother taught me this but I've never put it into use" Tao frowned, not following.

"She dealt with unwanted pregnancies all the time and she also delt with those that couldn't have any pups, like me and Yoona" The two sitting on the floor kept quiet, listening to what Yuri had to say.

"She would take the pups from the pregnant female and give them to the non pregnant female" 

"But I can't give birth, then everyone will know and I'm starting to show" Tao bit his lips, "No I didn't mean like that, I meant like she would do it while the pups are still inside" Yuri looked at Yoona, smiling at her.

"Yoona, I can put alpha females pups inside you if you agree" Yoona's face looked shocked, she didn't understand, "It may take a while but using the magic my grandmother taught me, I can place them inside of you" Yoona opened to speak but nothing came out, head nodding instead.

"You can do that?" Yuri knelt down in front of them, "I'll try, just lay down and relax, both of you" Tao and Yoona did as Yuri said, laying down next to each other.

"From what I saw when I was younger, I'm gonna say this is going to hurt, a lot" Tao turned his head to look at Yoona who was doing the same, their eyes locking, "Move away from each other a bit so I can sit inbetween you two" Tao and Yoona parted, Yuri kneeling inbetween them.

"You might want to hold onto each others hands, it will help to know there is some reassurance" Tao reached for Yoona's hand, clutching onto it as he felt Yuri place her hand on his stomach, the other going to Yoona's. 

"Just relax yourselves, I'll try and do this as quickly as possible but since I haven't done this before I don't know how long it will take" She closed her eyes, breathing out a sigh.

"Are you sure alpha female? Are you okay with letting Yoona carry your pups and then letting us raise them after they are born?" Tao bit his lip but nodded, eyes closing as he felt the hand press into him, his heartbeat fastening.

"Okay then, let's begin" 


Okay, stay with me here, were you expecting this? I bet you thought Tao was going to tell everyone he was carrying pups and then give birth to them but I switched it up a little bit.

Yoona and Yuri will have Tao's pups and no one will know.

This is the last update before I come back from holiday, I was just so into it I needed to write :)



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28/07/15 It's been two years since Heliotrope began, I was going to update but I haven't finished he chap yet:/


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Chapter 9: Lol I know this was written in 2015-16 but like I kinda just wished you wrote who said what cause my brain doesn’t work well with putting who says what :)
Chapter 8: Out of all the couples here, HunHan is my favorite they are so flUFFYYYYYYY
Chapter 6: Even tho Kris says he gonna kill, he has heart of the softest person ever
Chapter 4: Anyone else just wanna smack Chanyeol? Like for all the dumb things he done so far I’m just dkdjdj *inhales deeply* yeah :)
Geez. I love this ficccccc. Like omg. *nosebleeds*
I wonder how many times I have already read this fic HAHAHAAHA
Chapter 8: Lol Sehun
Chapter 7: Wow, taoris gettin frisky. Pls tell me we get to witness their ness, lol that rhymed.
Chapter 6: *slaps u with a wet fish*