

Kris stared at Tao, eyes wide and panic setting inside of himself. Tao couldn't keep still, going forwards a little only to turn around and walk a few feet in another direction.

"Alpha female, clam down" Tao's eyes darted to the chocolate wolf, walking towards the slightly bigger male, "You dare tell me to calm down?!" Tao glared at the beta, not breaking his focus as he said this to the wolf.

"He's right though, Tao" Said wolf broke of his gaze to look at his mate, "You need to calm down, need to think" Tao watched the alpha sit down, Chanyeol doing the same, the surroundings becoming clearer around them as the sun was rising.

"You're taking his side?!" Tao couldn't believe it. He heard Kris sigh, "Don't worry, we'll get Xiao back baby wolf, I promise"

"I don't believe it! You're not doing anything and you have the nerve to call me that?!" Tao turned around and ran off, away from the two wolves and further away from Heliotrope.

"Tao! You shouldn't rush into things like this!" Tao didn't know where he was going, he just kept running forward, Kris hot on his tail, "Tao, stop!"

"No! Just go away!" Tao jumped out of the trees and into a grassy clearing, an open cave at the other side, the same wolf from earlier sitting by the entrance. Kris stayed back as Tao walked up to this unknown wolf quickly, not bothering to talk but to go with actions instead.

"Hey, hey!" The wolf dodged Tao's jaws, the black wolf getting more frustrated with every miss, "You can't go around just bitting everyone" Kris grumbled deep in his chest, gaining both wolves attention, ears of the nameless wolf perking up.

"Oh, so I'm guessing this is your mate? Very impressive, but apparently you two can't look after pups properly" The wolf disappeared into the cave and Tao was about to follow when Kris told him not to.

He did as he was told, as much as he hated it and waited outside the dark cave.

"Tao, come back over here" Tao didn't look back at Kris, he kept his focus on the large cave, eyes searching for any movement from inside.

"No" Kris whined and slid up next to his mate, eyes also looking into the cave, "Kris, I feel like I'm going to have a breakdown" Kris glanced down at Tao for a split second.

A howling was heard from behind them, to their left, far away and familiar.

"Lean on me for support Tao, once you see Xiao get him and run back in the direction of the howls just now. I told Chanyeol to howl every few minutes so you won't get lost on your way back"

"And what about you?" Tao saw movement from the cave, "Don't worry, just wait for me, I'll come back to you and the pups" Tao stood up, the same wolf from earlier being seen inside the cave, Kris getting up as well.

"Sorry, but it seems your pup has already been eaten, by the omega" The wolf let an apologetic look grace his face but Kris could see right through the lies. But Tao couldn't.

"Wh-what?...he's..." The wolf scoffed, "Aww, are you gonna cry this time? Really, pups die all the time, get over it" Tao stared at the wolf, heart dropping before his gaze went to Kris.


"You're lying, tell me where he is" Kris stepped forward into the cave, Tao watching the wolf inside reverse a little bit, "If you don't I'm going to kill you and every other wolf that stands in my way" The wolf grinned.

"Seems you're the smarter one, am I not very convincing?" Kris jumped forward, grabbing onto the wolf's neck and pushing him down onto the hard floor of the cave. Kris let go and the wolf scrambled back onto his feet.

"Where. Is. The. Pup." The wolf stared into Kris' eyes, the blond alpha not showing any sign of weekness or giving any openings.

"G-give me a sec" The wolf disappeared further into the cave again, Kris following behind him.

"K-Kris!" Said male looked back quickly, seeing Tao jogging up to him, "Kris, don't leave me" The two jogged after the wolf until they were at the end of the cave, stopping and seeing a wolf lying there.

The laying wolf had its head lowered, eyes looking up at the two newcomers before going to the wolf who brought them here.

"Who are they...?" The wolf at its nose continuously, shifting on the ground before standing up hesitantly, "Why are they here...?" The wolf backed up till its hit the stone wall, making it sit back down again.

"Yah! Calm down, where's that pup I gave you?" The wolf blinked before looking around the cave, "Y-you didn't give me a pup..." The wolf growled before attacking, a shocked yelp leaving the obvious omega.

"I gave you the damn pup! Now where the hell is it?" The wolf swallowed, ears pinned back and body language submissive, "B-but I don't..." Tao felt it was time to in the conversation.

"Please" Tao wouldn't admit he was begging, to an omega at that but he was, he just wanted his pup back, "Please give me Xiao back!" Tao moved forward towards the omega who just tried to become one with the wall.

"I-I really don't have it..." The wolf shook its head, "I-I'm sorry..." Tao turned to look at the wolf he was following earlier to see he wasn't beside them anymore, Kris was gone as well.

"Wh-what...?" Tao looked around, the two wolves having vanished from the cave, "D-does your pup look like you?" Tao whipped his head back to the light wolf at the whisper, wide light green eyes staring into his bright yellow ones. Tao nodded furiously.

"Yes! Please! I need him back!" The wolf hesitated for a second before at her nose again, "Y-you have to be quiet, I don't want to get h-hurt" The wolf got up and slowly went to another corner of the cave, eyes glancing back at the black wolf.

"H-he told me to deny having the pup, he wanted to lure you down here but..." Tao stared at the wolf, "Y-your mate is here, he can't do what he told me he was going to do with him here"

"I want to leave this place, h-he's not letting me leave!" The wolf was panicking while moving a rock with the side of her jaws, pushing it to the side, "Y-you have to help me get out" The wolf backed up, eyes glancing over at the black wolf who was just staring at the hole in the cave.

"H-he's in there" Tao moved forward quickly hearing this, shoving his head in the hole and blinking his eyes in the darkness, "Xiao? Baby, are you in here?" Tao heard shuffling, moving his head back a little.

"Mummy?" Tao felt a weight lift off his shoulders at the familiar voice, eyes threatening to spill tears but he kept it cool, well as cool as he could, he had the title of alpha female to live up to.

"Xiao! C'mon, it's alright" Tao removed his head fully from the hole, his black pup cautiously coming out of the hidden area, "We're going home Xiao, just do as I say, okay?" Xiao looked up at his mummy, head nodding.

"Good, stay close" Tao started jogging back to the entrance of the cave, Xiao right by his side. He heard shouting coming from behind him.

"Wait! You can't leave me here!" Tao looked back at the wolf, ears flat against her head and tail tucked tightly under inbetween her back legs. The wolf hesitantly walked forward, not sure if it should.

"Please" Tao sighed, looking down at Xiao who was staring back up at him with big yellow eyes that matched his own.

"Follow me, we're going fast" Tao ran out the cave, Xiao beside him and trying to keep up with the fast pace. The wolf followed right behind, nose nudging the black pup to run faster when ever he slowed down and separated from the alpha females side.


Chanyeol let out a howl once he returned to the clearing, head leaning back and waking up the occupants of the forest with the sound.
"What the hell are you doing?" Chanyeol turned his head to look behind himself, seeing Kyungsoo sitting by the entrance of the main cave, "Can't you do that some other time?" The red wolf let out a yawn, eyes dropping, it was still early in the morning.
"Sorry, I can't, alpha gave me instructions to howl every few minutes so that alpha female knows where he's going" Chanyeol turned back around, deciding that it had been long enough since he last howled and let out another. Kyungsoo cringed but made his way next to the large wolf anyway.
"What's going on? Where is Tao?" Kyungsoo looked up at the chocolate wolf, close to him but not touching, Kyungsoo didn't have the right to. Not that he wanted to be that close to any other dominant male apart from Kai anyway.
"Me and alpha heard him howling while we were on our hunt, he was chasing a wolf" Kyungsoo's eyes darted up at the beta, "He was?"
"Yeah, alpha female said the wolf had Xiao" Kyungsoo's eyes were about to pop out at this, "I have to howl out so he can come back safely with the pup, alpha gave me orders" Chanyeol howled again, Kyungsoo just sitting on the cold grass and watching the chocolate wolf.
"Chanyeol" Said wolf turned his head back to the entrance of the cave once again, "Chanyeol, did you finish your hunt?" Baekhyun jogged over towards the two, situating himself between his mate and his friend.
"It got cut short, go back to sleep it's still early" Baekhyun rubbed his head against his larger mate, tongue underneath Chanyeol's muzzle.
"Easier said then done, your howling keeps waking me up" Kyungsoo got off the grass and made his way back into the main cave, checking up on the pups that had been left with the adults.
Kyungsoo did a check, eyes scanning over all of the pups before turning around and climbing up the large rocks to the alphas cave, being careful because unlike Tao, he didn't know what rocks where the best to tread on.
Kyungsoo peered into the dark cave, jogging forward and looking down at the two pups curled up against one another in the corner on the fur pelts. He hesitantly placed a paw down on the soft pelts, remembering back to his first and only time, other than this one, being inside this cave.
"No one sleeps on the animal pelts apart from the black one" 
Kyungsoo shuddered as he layed down on the fur pelts next to the two blond pups, letting them snuggle up closer and use him as a source of warmth. Kyungsoo was about to drift off when a voice brought him back to reality.
"Where's mummy and daddy?" Kyungsoo looked up at the sitting pup, staring into its confused and scared eyes. This is why he was in the alphas cave, he knew the pups would wake up at some point and be frightened when they couldn't find the two alphas.
Kyungsoo was there with the pups so he could reassure them that everything was fine, he was there to support them and calm them down.
"Where's Xiao?" The pup tilted its head to the side, staring down at Kyungsoo, "Why are you here? Where's mummy?"
"Mummy and daddy will be back soon, go back to sleep" The pup did as Kyungsoo said and laid back down next to his identical brother against the red wolf's fur.
Kyungsoo hoped he was right. 


Xiao was running as fast as his legs would carry him, going straight through the forest beside his mother, the other wolf right behind them, following.

"Keep going Xiao" Tao heard another howl, aiming straight for it. He also heard a yelp come from behind himself, whining and growling following. Tao stopped, turning around while catching his breath, it getting caught in his throat at the scene.
"Thought you could run away from me huh?!" Tao watched the two wolves roll around on the grass, frightened eyes of the female wolf locking with his for a second.
"Xiao, don't move, stay exactly where you are" Tao left Xiao's side, jaws going around the wolf's neck and surprising him, the female wolf scampering to her feet again now that she was free.
The wolf turned around in Tao's hold, the black wolf's teeth loosening when he caught a glimps of scary eyes. He lost his focus momentarily, gaining it back a second later but it was to late. The wolf took his opportunity to break free from large jaws and he did.
"Now, finally you're alone without that pesky mate of yours" Tao's eyes widened as the wolf nuzzled the side of his face, growling deeply by his ear, making it twitch.
"Forget Mr blondie and mate with me instead" Tao moved backwards at the feel of jaws nipping at his neck, knowing the action was playful but still, he didn't want an unknown wolf's jaws anywhere near his neck area.
"No, he's my mate and I'm not leaving him for you" The wolf growled, jaws nipping a bit harder than before. Tao stood still and stared into the scared eyes of the female wolf.
"Oh, but I personally showed Mr blondie to the rest of my pack, he may be an alpha but by himself he can't do much can he" Tao his nose with his tongue, eyes going over to Xiao and then back to the female wolf, urging her to go over to the pup.
"Alpha can put up with a lot more than you think, he's not the alpha of Heliotrope for nothing" Tao wasn't about to let this strange wolf talk bad about his mate, the leader of his pack, their pack.
"He's going to find you, hunt you down, kill you slowly, I can promise you that" Tao didn't yelp when the jaws nipping at him sealed themselves around his neck, pushing him to the ground. In all honesty he was waiting for this to happen.
"Don't get too confident! How is one wolf supposed to fight off six wolves all at once, hmm?! Tell me! It doesn't matter if he's the strongest, toughest wolf, he's going to lose!" Tao stared up at the wolf, shock present on his face.
"You'll be mate less and with a pup, is that what you really want?" The wolf shoved its nose into Tao's fur, the black wolf frozen on the dirty ground, "At least with me you'll have someone to look after you, but the pup..." The wolf lifted his head to locate the pup that was stuck to the female wolf's side.
"That pup is gonna haft to go" The wolf climbed off Tao, padding over to the two sitting, watching, "Yoona, baby, I'm sorry but you need to go too" The wolf went to go for the female wolf but Tao quickly lunged at the wolf, struggling to get a good grip and position on his neck, jaws yanking and pulling the wolf backwards and away from them.
"Hey! I'm your mate! You can't attack me!" Tao's chest rumbled, eyes going to the females once again, jaws biting down harder and indicating for her to do something other than just sit and watch.
"Yoona! Baby! I didn't mean it! Bite his neck and yank him off me!" Tao wasn't going to loosen his grip for anybody, eyes locked with the ones of the female wolf now known as Yoona. She moved forward a little, eyes going backward and forth between the black wolf and the one that had been keeping her captive.
"Hey! Hey! What are you doing?!" Yoona sealed her jaws around a neck but not the one she was told to, teaming up with Tao and giving the black wolf some help with stopping the wolf from struggling so he could tighten his jaws, sinking his teeth into flesh more.
"Yoona! You ! I never did like you!" Yoona narrowed her eyes, growling deeply which shocked Tao a little because of the change in her behaviour.
Yoona released a little only to chomp back down, gaining a yelp from the wolf under her, "Y-Yoona..." She didn't reply she just bit down more, giving her jaws a good workout since she hasn't gone on a hunt even once since being with this wolf.
"Yoona, that's enough, he's dead" Tao had let go after he didn't see any movement coming from the wolf, no words leaving his mouth either, "I know you're taking your anger out on him but you need to save up your strength" Yoona looked up from the bloody wolf, muzzle covered in the red liquid as well.
"I-I'm free..." She looked around the forest, eyes widening, "He's dead, I can finally try and find her..." Yoona walked up to Tao, head lowered a little and eyes meeting with Xiao's.
"Your mate..." Yoona broke eye contact with Xiao and stared into Tao's, "You need to find him, he's probably hurt really badly" Tao nodded quickly, "But that's only if he's lucky" She looked back down at Xiao, eyes calm.
Just then a howl was heard, Tao had forgotten about them and he had probably missed a few while occupied with the now dead wolf, "You can't take the pup with you, best prepare yourself" 
"Don't make me regret this" Tao stood up, "Please follow the howls and take Xiao back to the pack, I need to find alpha" Yoona nodded, standing up as well.
"I've got places to go afterwards anyway so don't worry, I wouldn't dare try and steal him away from you" Yoona looked over in the directions to her left, "Go through these trees and when you see a big stone, go right, that's were the rest of the pack was told to stay" Tao thanked Yoona before giving Xiao a on the head, whispering to him to go with Yoona before taking off in the direction he was told to go by the light wolf.
Tao ran till he reached the said rock, turning right and letting his nose pin point Kris' exact location. Tao ran faster when he smelt the blood in the air, hoping it was from the other wolves and not Kris.
Tao ran for what seemed like forever, only stopping when his eyes found themselves stuck to the laying form of a blond wolf covered in blood. Tao got his legs working again, letting out the breath he was holding in when he saw movement from the wolf, indicating that he was still breathing.
Still alive.
"Kris...?" Tao whispered as he walked up to the wolf, head down and eyes threatening to spill tears at the sight of his bloody mate, "K-Kris, you have to get up..." Tao his nose, the blond wolf getting up off the grass and standing in his own puddle of blood.
"Tao?" Kris turned his head in the direction of the voice, a gasp being heard a second after, "Tao, is that you?" Tao opened his mouth to say something but nothing but a whine came out, the tears in his eyes finally falling.
"Tao, I can hear you crying, please stop" Tao breathed in deep, gathering himself up and spoke, "S-sorry, I was just shocked" Tao moved closer to the cut up alpha, "M-move your head down a little" Kris did so and Tao began over the cuts on the alphas face.
"C-can you see?" Tao spoke softly, voice nothing but a whisper. Kris was silent and Tao felt his heart drop, "K-Kris, answer me" Kris had some deep looking slashes over his face, eyes shut and Tao didn't want to see what they looked like underneath.
"No, I don't think I can"
Okay, I'm sorry! But I have everything planned out so don't worry! Things will turn out right in the end and the wolf that took Xiao isn't anyone, just a random wolf, same with his pack. The only one that is someone is Yoona obviously, she is vital to the happy ending now :)
I will update soon, promise but I have a lot going on so please wait.
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28/07/15 It's been two years since Heliotrope began, I was going to update but I haven't finished he chap yet:/


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Chapter 9: Lol I know this was written in 2015-16 but like I kinda just wished you wrote who said what cause my brain doesn’t work well with putting who says what :)
Chapter 8: Out of all the couples here, HunHan is my favorite they are so flUFFYYYYYYY
Chapter 6: Even tho Kris says he gonna kill, he has heart of the softest person ever
Chapter 4: Anyone else just wanna smack Chanyeol? Like for all the dumb things he done so far I’m just dkdjdj *inhales deeply* yeah :)
Geez. I love this ficccccc. Like omg. *nosebleeds*
I wonder how many times I have already read this fic HAHAHAAHA
Chapter 8: Lol Sehun
Chapter 7: Wow, taoris gettin frisky. Pls tell me we get to witness their ness, lol that rhymed.
Chapter 6: *slaps u with a wet fish*