Falling Down


Baekhyun woke up startled, jumping a little at the loud noises coming from outside, pups waking up at the movement of the wolf they were sleeping on.

Whatever was going on outside didn't sound good, in fact it sounded scary. 

"Puppies, it's okay, daddy's outside protecting us" Baekhyun curled himself up more, moving the pups so they could le and so that he could take his mind of the happenings outside.

"Baekhyun, I think they're fighting" The purple wolf looked at Suho who was awake as well, his own pup right next to the red wolf's.

"It sounds like it" Baekhyun saw Suho shift about, he must be nervous.

"I heard them howling earlier Baekhyun..." Suho stood up and picked up his pup, placing it back down again, at the furthest part away from the dens entrance. He picked up Minseok as well and layed down facing the muddy wall, back facing Baekhyun.

"Suho...?" Baekhyun was confused, Suho was acting strange and he didn't know why.

"Baekhyun...it's my old pack, they've come back for me, I just know it" Baekhyun's eyes widened, he just guessed that the wolves outside were loners that thought they could challenge Heliotrope, but he was wrong.

The wolves were a formed pack, Suho's old pack and from the way Suho was sounding they weren't going to be easy to get rid off. Baekhyun started to become more worried as his brain started playing scenes in his head of what could be happening out there.

"I don't want to go back, Lay won't let them take me" Suho each pup on the head, talking quietly to himself as he stayed in the corner of the den.

"They can't force me to go with them"

Baekhyun didn't know what to do, he can't leave the den but he desperately wanted to know what was going on, needed to make sure everyone was safe.

That Chanyeol was safe. 

Baekhyun jumped a little when some mud fell down the tunnel's entrance, stopping at the area at the bottom. More fell down as deep growling was heard, before thudding and the snapping of jaws.

"Baekhyun, give me Minsun and Minah" Suho was calm and collected as he said this, something that Baekhyun wasn't.

"How are you so calm, Suho?!" Suho turned his head to look at the purple wolf who was picking up one of his pups, walking towards him with it and placing it down on his fur before going back for the second one.

"I have trust in the dominant males, nothing bad will happen, they will protect us" Suho was proud of himself when his voice didn't break, blinking the oncoming tears away.

"Then it is the females job to look after the males once they have won the fight"

"What if they don't win?!"

"They will win, Baekhyun, have more faith in your mate, he won't let any of them get to you" Just as Suho said this a loud sound was heard, along with the tumbling of earth down the tunnel to the den, blocking it completely.

There was no way a wolf was getting in now.

There was also no way the ones trapped inside were going to get out either.

"Oh god, the entrance is blocked! Suho! We have to get out!" Baekhyun started pawing at the mud, clumps of it flying behind him in an attempt to unblock the tunnel.

"Move over" Suho got up and started to move the mud as well, depositing it behind himself and being careful not to accidentally chuck any onto the pups he left huddled up in the corner.

"We're gonna die Suho! I don't want to die!" Baekhyun moved his front legs frantically, heart beating real fast and breath coming out in short puffs.

"Baekhyun you need to calm down, I'm scared too but if we're going to get anywhere, you need to calm down and do this properly" Baekhyun stilled his actions, eyes watching Suho as he carefully made his way through the mud.

"Baekhyun, just move like this" Suho was quickly working his way through the mud, chucking it out behind himself and Baekhyun moving it to the side of the den so the red wolf didn't block himself in.

"Oh no!" Suho scrambled backwards when the mud came forward again, the red wolf having to get out the way before he got caught in it.

"I-it's not working...what do we do?" Baekhyun looked at Suho then at the blocked entrance.

"There is nothing we can do apart from to keep digging" Suho started again, moving the mud away from the entrance, "And hope that we can get out"


Lay pinned the wolf down on the ground and bit down harsher on the wolf's neck, hearing him whine and go limp in his hold. Lay shook the wolf from side to side, growling at the being and dropping him to the ground, lips coming up to snarl at the bloody wolf.

He looked around and saw the two wolves on Chanyeol, moving and sealing his jaws around one of the wolves, hearing the wolf yelp and struggle against him.

Now with only one wolf to handle, Chanyeol had the wolf under him quickly. Within five minutes the two intruding wolves were both laying on the grass, dead.

"Well, that took a lot of effort" Chanyeol looked over at Lay, grinning and showing his blood stained muzzle and teeth.

"Yeah" The two looked over in the direction of the second den, seeing the three wolves in the process of finishing off the intruders.

"Let's check on the pups" Lay turned around and stopped in his tracks at what he saw, the den entrance had caved in. He turned to Chanyeol, the betas eyes wide and rivalling his own.

"Oh ! What the hell?!" Chanyeol started digging in the mud, trying to get the entrance clear, "Lay! Help!" Lay scrambled over next to the chocolate wolf, sides touching and the both of them chucking out large clumps of mud behind them.

"Oh god no" Chanyeol and Lay were making progress through the mud but it seemed like their efforts weren't getting them anywhere. They wanted their mates and their pups out now but no matter how fast they moved the mud, it seemed like it was replaced with more.

"We can't stop, we have to reach them! We just have to!" Chanyeol was in a panic, legs shaking as he dug deeper into the mud, Lay right beside him doing exactly the same movements.

About half way into the tunnel Chanyeol stopped, breaking down. Lay didn't notice the stilled movements from the larger, he just kept digging, mud clumping inbetween the toes on his paws.

Suho closed his eyes as mud fell onto his face, stopping his digging for a second to shake the mud off himself. As he went to start up again more mud tumbled down onto him, making him scramble to keep his feet above the mud and not get burried with the landslide.

"Ahh!" Suho had to reverse backwards quickly as the mud wouldn't stop falling down, aiming right for him. He felt his back feet cut through the mud he had removed from the blockage, not wanting to get caught up in the mud.

When the mud stopped falling, he went back up the tunnel and started digging again, but the mud started falling again, until he could see two paws getting rid of the last clumps off earth, the wolf showing itself to the dusty red wolf. 

"Lay!" Said male stopped his digging and looked up, eyes meeting with bright ones showing relief.

"Suho! Are you alright?! Are the pups okay?!" Lay watched his mate nod his head before the mud above him started to crumble, little bits falling down onto the top of his head, making him shake his head and create dust.

"Suho get the pups, it's not safe in the den" Lay walked forward making Suho go backwards, reversing until he was in the small den almost all filled up with mud.

"Baekhyun, we're getting out, grab a pup a go up the tunnel" Baekhyun turned his head, he was curled around the pups in the same corner that Suho was in before the landslide, talking to the pups.

He was telling them it was okay and that everything would be fine, that they would get out. He was reassuring himself more than the pups though if anything.

"Baekhyun!" Chanyeol came rushing into the small den, Suho quickly picking up his pup before squeezing past the large chocolate wolf and making his way to the tunnel exit, passing puppy Jongdae over to Lay who was waiting there.

Lay slid a few times going back up the short tunnel, the mud under his paws moving but he soon saw day light, clambering out the top and moving away from the den.

Suho appeared a few seconds later with Baekhyun's smallest pup, little Minseok. He walked up to Lay, placing the pup onto the brown wolf's muddy front paw before shaking himself, dust coming off him and flying upwards into the air.

Baekhyun was the next out, Chanyeol right behind him, both with a little purple pup each in their jaws. When Suho locked eyes with Baekhyun's he could see the relief, the 'thank god we made it out' look in his eyes.

"Oh my...this is truly disgusting" Baekhyun eyed the dead wolves on the grass, all laying in their own pools of blood and the red liquid splattered over the area as well.

"What did you expect Baek, it was either them or us" Baekhyun looked up at the larger wolf, a grin plastered on the betas face, "Baek, we did a good job, no?" Chanyeol had cheered up, happy to see his mate after the big scare just now.

The thoughts going through his mind while digging weren't the best, he didn't want to be too late to reach them, getting frustrated when he felt like he wasn't getting anywhere with the removing of the mud blocking the tunnel.

"Yes! Of course Chanyeol! I didn't think we were going to make it out!" Baekhyun lifted his head and at his mates muzzle furiously.

"But what do we do now? The den isn't safe anymore, the pups can't stay outside" Suho brought a tongue out to at his nose, shifting on the grass and staring down at the two wiggling pups on Lay's front feet.

"We'll have to dig a new one, just be patient till it's finished" Suho nodded quickly, understanding the situation, "We'll try and get as much done today as possible, stay with the other females" 

"Lay! I need you right now, Tao's injured really badly!" The alpha came bounding over, limping slightly and blood covering large areas of his blond fur.

"What?! How did Tao get injured?!" Baekhyun stared at the alpha, waiting for his answer.

"Thats not important, Lay you need to make him better, it's an order" The alpha rumbled deep within his chest, eyes trying to look fierce and intimidating but Lay could see the hurt in them, the sadness.

"Okay, take me to him" Lay picked up the pups on his feet and placed them on his mates instead, leaving and following the alpha to the other den.

"Baek, I'm gonna look for a new den site, closer to the river, okay?" Chanyeol placed the pup on his foot onto Baekhyun's, waiting for his mates approval.

"Okay, we'll wait Chanyeol"


Tao woke up in the afternoon, finding himself laying on the grass with a fur pelt over him, covering up his human body. He groaned as he slowly sat up, neck hurting when he went to turn it to look around.

"Alpha female, go back to sleep" Tao turned to the voice, seeing the omega staring right back at him, only one blue eye open though, the other closed shut.

"Sehun, what happened to your eye?" Tao's voice came out hoarse, tongue coming out to at his lips. Sehun shuffled forward till he was sitting next to the alphas mate, lowering his head and looking up at him with his large eye.

"It got scratched, Lay said it's no good anymore" Tao's own eyes widened in shock, "But that's okay cause I have another so I can still protect Luhan and Liu" Tao could have just cried right then and there at the omega.

"Do you think Luhan will still like me with only one eye alpha female?" Tao couldn't look at the white wolf anymore, instead looking at the grass, letting out a sob. He was crying.

"Alpha female! Don't cry! Did I say something wrong?" Tao shook his head, crying harder because of the pain in his neck and the heavy pulling on his heart.

"No Sehun, you didn't do anything wrong" Tao latched onto the fluffy wolf who let out a surprised yelp but let the male do as he pleased, "Sehun, Luhan will like you no matter what okay? So don't worry" 

"I'll like Luhan no matter what as well" Tao held on tighter to the omega, probably hurting him because he was clutching onto the soft fur harshly. He didn't mean to, it just happened, he couldn't help it.

"Sehun, how many wolves were there?" Sehun brought his head up and looked Tao dead in the eye, the black haired male trying to control his tears as he traced his fingers over the scratches on the omegas eye.

"I counted eight alpha female" Tao stopped trying to hold his tears and just let them go, not caring anymore about trying to stop them.

"Where's alpha?"

"He's digging another den closer to the river, your ones ruined" Tao nodded his head, swallowing and breathing out, air hitting Sehun's muzzle.

"He is?"

"Yeah, alpha looks really sad" Tao lowered his hands from Sehun's fur placing them in his lap.

"That's cause I'm ungrateful, it's all my fault" Tao layed back down on the grass, curling himself up in his fur pelt and wincing at the pain from moving his body.

"Sehun, leave me alone please" The words came out as a whisper but it was loud enough for the omega to hear.

"Okay, get better quickly alpha female" Tao heard the footsteps of the omega get quieter, being left alone just like he wanted. He was alone because the male he wanted wasn't there, wasn't there to hold him tight and whisper in his ear that everything was alright, that everything was okay and that he was forgiven for his mistake.

Tao wanted the alpha more than anything, he didn't want anyone else apart from the tall blond. He cried, falling asleep with tear stained cheeks and thoughts of the alpha and his pups, their pups.

Tao just wanted to be forgiven and go back to being happy, he didn't want to cry anymore.

He didn't want Kris to be sad.


Tao woke up again this time in the middle of the night, missing the warmness of the den and the squirming of his pups on his black fur that he had become so used to.

He lifted his hands up in front of his face, out stretching them and looking over his hands, his scratched up hands, hands that should be caressing the alphas wounds.

He looked around himself, seeing all but one wolf sleeping outside the dens. Tao bit his lip, wrapping his pelt around himself tightly as he slowly stood up on his wobbly legs. 

He was thirsty, he needed to drink so he made his way to the river, eyes already adjusted to the darkness around himself.

Tao reached the river and knelt down at the edge, hands cupping the cold water and bringing it to his mouth, sipping it and feeling the cool liquid slide down his dry throat.

Tao turned his head to the right, glancing at the new comer who had appeared beside him, the male not saying anything. Tao cupped more gleaming water in his hands, offering it to the male next to him.

"Alpha, I'm sorry" The alpha lifted his eyes from the hands holding water to meet with the eyes of his mate. The red eyes telling him that the younger had been crying for a long time.

"Sehun told me how many wolves there were" Tao looked away from the expressionless eyes, "You were outnumbered and did your best and I did nothing but complain, I'm so ungrateful for everything" The water fell out of Tao's hands as he brought his hands up to his face to wipe away the fresh tears.

"I was just angry because the wolf came down and I though you didn't care about me anymore, about the pups" Tao hiccuped, crying loudly but still trying to talk, "Alpha, I know you care, please forgive me, I love you" Tao wrapped his arms around his legs, placing his face in his knees and sobbing to himself.

"Tao, stop crying" Kris wrapped his arms around the crying male, making Tao lean into him, "Tao please, it's okay"

"No it's not! I doubted you when I should have believed in you, I'm such a bad mate" There was no stopping Tao's tears as they ran down his cheeks, creating little rivers of their own.

"Tao, don't say that ever again, you're the best mate, don't put yourself down" Kris whispered in Tao's ear, holding him close and comforting him the best he could.

"Se-Sehun said that you were di-digging a new den" Tao rested his head on the older males shoulder, breathing in his scent.

"I was, it's finished and Kyungsoo and Luhan have already moved in" Tao sniffled, the back of his hand wiping at his cheeks, "They are really worried about you Tao, you need to be strong, you are the alpha female"

"Yeah...did you see Sehun? Nothing seems to bring him down" Tao looked up at the alpha, eyebrows creasing as he moved his neck, "He always looks on the bright side of everything" 

"He makes me cry so much because he's so innocent" Kris sighed, moving backwards and bringing Tao with him to lay on the midnight grass.

"Tao, you should go back to sleep" Kris threaded his fingers through the black hair of his mate, the locks soft and damp with sweat, "You've had a rough day"

"So have you, so has everyone else" Tao shifted in the stronger males hold, trying to get up from the ground, "I need to check on the pups, I haven't seen them since" Tao paused to think, "Yesterday?" Tao stood up, followed by Kris who grabbed onto his wrist.

"Tao, they are fine, Kyungsoo and Luhan are taking care of them. You can see them later, spend the night with me" Tao's dark eyes met with the equally as dark eyes of the alpha, seeing the little sliver of hope in them that his request would be accepted.

"Okay..." Tao saw the corners of the alphas lips turn upwards, forming a little smile directed at him and no one else.

They layed back down on the grass, Tao resting his head on Kris' shoulder once again, moving his fur pelt so that it was covering both of them as they stared up at the clear sky.

"I've missed sleeping next to you, Tao" Kris' hand traced over the leaves covering the puncture wounds on his mates neck, Lay having sorted him out earlier.

"Me too, I feel so safe next to you alpha, all that's missing are our pups" Tao buried his face between the olders neck and shoulder, feeling the arms around him pull him closer. He had stopped crying and felt much better now that he was in the alphas arms.

Tao felt a kiss being planted on the top of his head and smiled at the action.

"Tao, you mean so much to me, I didn't even see the wolf go down into the den, that's my own fault" Tao peeked up at the blond, "I'm so sorry, Tao"

"I wouldn't be able to live with myself he he killed you, or any of the pups, I love you, Tao, so much" Tao couldn't see the tears but he could hear the sniffling coming from the alpha and he knew he was trying hard not to cry.

"I love you too alpha, I misunderstood and I'm sorry, thank you for protecting us"


Another long chapter with a bit more action.

What was worse, the wolf coming down into Tao's, Kyungsoo's and Luhan's den or Suho's and Baekhyun's tunnel getting blocked? Both pretty bad I think.

Taoris made up and poor Sehun, I didn't mean to make him have an injured eye, that's just how it turned out. I wanted Tao to start feeling bad so Sehun had to have an injury and he's the omega so it's only natural he's going to be hurt.



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28/07/15 It's been two years since Heliotrope began, I was going to update but I haven't finished he chap yet:/


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Chapter 9: Lol I know this was written in 2015-16 but like I kinda just wished you wrote who said what cause my brain doesn’t work well with putting who says what :)
Chapter 8: Out of all the couples here, HunHan is my favorite they are so flUFFYYYYYYY
Chapter 6: Even tho Kris says he gonna kill, he has heart of the softest person ever
Chapter 4: Anyone else just wanna smack Chanyeol? Like for all the dumb things he done so far I’m just dkdjdj *inhales deeply* yeah :)
Geez. I love this ficccccc. Like omg. *nosebleeds*
I wonder how many times I have already read this fic HAHAHAAHA
Chapter 8: Lol Sehun
Chapter 7: Wow, taoris gettin frisky. Pls tell me we get to witness their ness, lol that rhymed.
Chapter 6: *slaps u with a wet fish*