

Kris looked around, sitting outside the den and checking the surroundings for the hundredth time. Out the corner of his eye he saw movement come from the entrance of the second den, guessing that it was most likely just Lay. But focusing more he realised that Lay was already outside, sitting with Kai.

Kris watched Chanyeol emerge from the den, squinting his eyes at what the chocolate wolf was carrying in his mouth. What did Chanyeol think he was doing? Taking a pup out from the den?

Kris wasn't pleased so he quickly jogged over to the three wolves, wanting to know what it was exactly they were doing with the two week old pup.

"What are you doing with that pup, Chanyeol?!" The chocolate wolf looked at the alpha, locking eyes and looking like he had done something bad. 

Maybe he had, he hadn't gotten alphas permission to take the pup to Suho. Oh, this was bad, Chanyeol should have known they wouldn't get very far with this without the alpha butting in.

"Alpha, Baekhyun's pup isn't doing so well, I suggested the pup stay with me and Suho so we can take care of him till he is stronger" Lay saying this didn't make the alphas harsh stare fade away though.

"He was going to le from Suho"

"No, put him back in the den, Chanyeol" Kris stared at the beta with the little pup who was whining, "Now Chanyeol, take him back to Baekhyun" 

"Alpha, Suho is Minseok's only chance, he could die otherwise" Lay didn't want the pup to go back to Baekhyun, the pup needed to go with him back to Suho.

"The pup is not leaving the safety of the den and its mother, I do not approve of you taking the pup without my permission" 

Chanyeol turned around and went back inside the den to give Minseok back to his mate, feeling bad about not asking alpha first.

"Alpha, what about the pup?" Kai spoke for the first time since the blond wolf turned up outside the den.

"We will think of another way, the pup is not going anywhere" 

Lay came crashing down from his high, his excitement from the idea of taking care of another pup disappearing and being replaced with guilt. 

"Lay, go back to Suho and come back some other time, I'm not happy" Lay had his ears pressed flat against his head, he felt really bad. He didn't mean to go around the alphas back, he just forgot about asking permission because he was so happy over the thought of taking care of another pup.

Alpha had shot that one down though.

"Oh wait! I have an idea!" Kai spoke loudly, making Lay jump slightly, "What if Suho comes here instead, then Baekhyun's pup won't have to leave"

Oh, why didn't Lay think of this in the first place, this was a much better idea. The only problem was actually getting Suho to leave his own den with Jongdae and to come to Heliotrope's dens.

"I'm all in favour for that idea, can Suho stay here? I want Minseokkie to get better" Chanyeol was in the entrance of the den, having given the said pup back to Baekhyun, "Please alpha"

Kris thought about this, it sounded ten times better than the first idea. Suho and Lay could stay with them and the red wolf could take care of the deltas littlest pup without the pup having to go anywhere.

Maybe if things go well, the two wolves might end up living with Heliotrope full time.

"That seems reasonable, Lay, you and Suho can stay here and take care of the pup" This was Kris' only offer for Lay, if he didn't take it then the pup would be the one to suffer.

"I'm not sure if I'll be able to get Suho out of the den. He's pretty persistent on not leaving" Lay looked back and forth at the three wolves looking at him, "I have a hard enough time getting him out to drink and stretch"

"Tell him if he doesn't do it the pup will die, guilt trip him into it" What the alpha was saying wasn't very nice but what he was saying made sense, if Suho didn't want to come here then the pup would slowly die because of lack of nutrients.

But Suho would come, Lay knew he would in the end, he wouldn't dare let little Minseokkie down.


Lay quickly ran through the forest, the alpha hot on his heels. Kai had offered to go with Lay to collect Suho and the pup but alpha had shot him down, saying that he can't leave the den and that he should tell Kyungsoo that he needs to move out of his shared den with Baekhyun.

Kyungsoo would move into the first den, staying with the alpha female and the omegas mate and Suho would stay in the smaller of the two dens with Baekhyun, so that he could take care of the purple wolf's pup without it leaving the safety of the den.

"Hurry up, I can't be gone for too long, Tao will be mad when he finds out I've left and I'm not outside protecting them" It was weird hearing the alpha say this, Tao must be pretty special if alpha spoke about him in this way.

"I said I wouldn't leave"

"Okay, okay, I'll be as quick as possible" Lay entered the den, going down the tunnel until he saw Suho, locking eyes with him.

"Suho, we're going to stay with Heliotrope for a while okay?" Lay spoke cautiously, worried with what Suho's reply would be.

"Why? Is something wrong?" Lay didn't want the smaller wolf to start panicking but yes, there was something wrong and Suho was the only one that could solve it.

"Yes, Suho, one of Baekhyun's pups is poorly" Suho's ears perked up, "Baekhyun isn't producing enough milk to feed all three of his pups" Suho was fully immersed in the conversation Lay and himself were having, not liking the way things were going.

"And? What's he going to do with the pup?" 
"Suho, I suggested that he les from you" After saying this it went silent, Suho didn't say anything and Lay was a little confused by his mates silence. He thought the red wolf would be happy to have the chance to look after another pup.

"And what happens if he doesn't le from me?" The atmosphere was tense, Suho asking questions that Lay had no option but to answer.

"The pup could die Suho, your his only chance" Suho broke eye contact with his mate to stare down at his little pup, his little Jongdae sleeping like the good boy he was.

Suho remembered the pain and heartbreak he felt when he realised that his second pup couldn't be saved, feeling completely helpless and he had asked himself many times the same questions over and over in his head.

'Why him? Why did my little pup have to be taken away from me? From us? Just when he had entered the world, he was snatched away just as quickly, so ruthlessly'

Suho barely had time to say hello before the pup was taken away from him, spending longer saying his goodbye than his greetings.

Suho didn't want Baekhyun to understand these feelings, he wanted him to be happy with all of his pups, if not for himself, he had to do it for Baekhyun.

For the innocent pup that deserves a chance, he can't go to the same place his pup went to just yet, Suho was determined to give this pup the best chance, he couldn't live with himself if he said no anyway.

"Okay, let's go" Suho stood up slowly, Jongdae wriggling around at the loss of heat and the soft fur, "Right now?" Lay nodded, watching Suho pick up his pup, their pup.

Their gorgeous pup, their precious little bundle of joy.

"Alphas outside waiting" Suho nodded. He was still afraid of the alpha, only meeting him on a few occasions when Lay went to see how everyone was doing during the pregnancies. 

This was how Suho became such good friends with the four females, he felt accepted by them and secure enough to talk to them. It had been a while though since he had seen them and he missed them, he needed some more interaction with others.

This being said, Suho didn't want to leave his den so it was mainly his own fault.

Lay went first, poking his head out of the entrance and looking around, spotting Heliotrope's alpha staring back at him, sitting and waiting. 

"Took long enough" Lay emerged from the den, shortly followed by Suho, the pup carefully held in his jaws. Suho looked at the large alpha, sticking to his mates side, the pup in his mouth whining loudly.

"Let's go" Kris was the one to lead the way back, wanting to get back to the two dens as quickly as possible because no pup should be outside of their den this early on in their life. But they had no other choice so they were hurrying so that puppy Jongdae wasn't out in the open, vulnerable and an easy catch for predators, for too long.

After a while they reached their destination, Suho having trouble keeping the pup in his jaws for such a long time. The pup was wriggling, wanting to be put down. But Suho couldn't put him down, he had to keep holding him because the safest place for Jongdae outside of the den is in the delicate jaws of his mother.

"Has Kyungsoo been moved?" Alpha went up to the delta, asking the brown wolf the important question, gaining a nodd in response, "Kyungsoo's no longer with Baekhyun, he's in with alpha female and Luhan"

"Good, I knew making the den larger would come in handy" The alpha turned to look back at the little family that would be guests here for a while.

"Suho will be staying in that den over there" Kris motioned to the den a way away from them, seeing the little hole and a large wolf sitting outside, indicating that Baekhyun and his pups were inside.

Lay lowered his head at the alpha, showing submission before speaking.

"Alpha, I'm very sorry about not asking permission earlier, I should have never asked Chanyeol to take the pup from Baekhyun" Lay looked up at the blond wolf, "I'm truly sorry, I wasn't thinking, please forgive me for such a stupid action"

Kris locked eyes with the light brown wolf who was showing submission, sounding very sorry and guilty, wanting nothing more than his apology to be accepted.

"Just take Suho to the den and let the pup le, don't go into the den though, stay outside" Suho started to walk towards the den he was told to go to, pup wanting to be put down so he had to hold his head higher in the air to stop him falling out.

"Lay, next time ask before going straight for it, make sure you have permission" Lay watched the alpha walk away, situating himself outside the first den and going back to what he was doing before he escorted the pair here. Protecting the den, protecting the females inside and most importantly, protecting the pups inside the den.

Lay tore his eyes from the blond wolf, going over to the den that Suho had gone in, greeting with the chocolate wolf.

"Chanyeol, I'm sorry about making you do that earlier, it was wrong of me to make you take the pup away from Baekhyun, sorry" Lay sat on the opposite side of the opening to the den, the two dominant males looking like statues.

"It's okay Lay, I'm not angry" Chanyeol grinned at the smaller wolf, "The look on Baekhyun's face when I came back down with little Minseokkie" Lay saw Chanyeol's eyes light up.

"His crying turned from sad to happy in a matter of seconds, he was so glad the pup was back" Chanyeol looked so happy talking about his mate and about their pups, looking so innocent and wanting to do his best for the both of them.

"But then he asked why, why was Minseokkie given back" Chanyeol tilted his head to the side, "I told him Suho would be coming and his eyes lit right back up again!" Lay couldn't help but laugh a little at the way Chanyeol was telling him this, his mood brightening up from the earlier talk with the alpha.

"Baekhyun was excited about Suho coming here with his pups, I thought you two would have more than one though" Lay nodded, they should have had two but it just wasn't meant to be that way.

Suho was happy with the pup, giving the little bundle everything and babying him with adoring eyes. Lay was also happy with the pup, he couldn't ask for anything more from Suho, he had done his best and that's all that mattered.

"Yeah, puppy Jongdae's the centre of Suho's whole world" It was Lay's turn to speak happily about his mate and his pup, "And mine, he's getting spoiled to be honest" Both wolves chuckled, becoming loud and getting dirty looks from the two trying to sleep outside the other den. Sehun was already asleep so the loud noises didn't effect him.

"Oh, maybe we should try to sleep as well" Lay nodded his head at what Chanyeol had said, "You sleep first, I'll keep watch out and then later on we will swap" Lay nodded again, laying down on the cool grass and calming his mind.

This would be the first night since Suho had moved in with him that the two would be sleeping separately and the first night since Jongdae was born that he wouldn't be sleeping next to Suho and the little pup, curled up in the red fur, whining when he was hungry and waking them both up.

Lay couldn't help but feel a little sad about this fact.


The second Baekhyun saw the blood red wolf come down the entrance into the main section of the den, little pup in his mouth, the purple wolf couldn't help but let out a joyful squeal.

It had been a while since he had seen Suho and he couldn't hide his excitement, seeing the little pup in his friends jaws adding to the excitement building up inside of him.

"Oh, the pups gorgeous, Suho" Said wolf placed his pup down on the free side of the den, laying down behind him and bringing him closer to le. The brown pup was all to happy to be back on the hard ground and ling after being carried for such a long time.

"Isn't he just, looks just like Lay" Suho tilted his head while looking down at his and Lay's pup, hearing the content whines living the little body.

"What's his name?" Baekhyun couldn't help but stare at the little pup, it was smaller than his three, them being a week older than Suho's. 

"Jongdae, Lay named him" Suho sounded really proud, that's cause he was. Lay had named their pup and Suho felt like this was meant to happen. He was meant to meet with the light brown wolf, mate and have his pups, even if one didn't live and to be happy.

Suho hadn't felt as happy as he was with Lay before in his whole life. A few moments came close though like playing with the pups in his old pack, getting those pups to look up to him and himself playing the mother role to them.

But with Lay he wasn't playing anymore, it wasn't pretend and he had a pup of his own, this was reality.

"What are yours called, Baekhyun?" Suho's gaze left Jongdae and went to Baekhyun's three, two moulding in with the wolf's fur and making it harder to see them at first, but Suho didn't miss them.

"Minsun, Minah and the boy is Minseok" Baekhyun named each pup from left to right, the two girls stuck to each other and the little boy standing out, slightly smaller than his sisters.

"Do you want me to take Minseok so he can le?" Baekhyun nodded eagerly, gently picking up the pup and passing it over to Suho who brought him closer to himself, the pup starting to le almost immediately.

"Seems someone's hungry" Suho grinned a little looking down at little Minseok, his own pup next to him and ling as well.

"They're kinda the same colour, hope we don't get them mixed up" Baekhyun watched with happy eyes as his mini Chanyeol fed eagerly from Suho, not even realising that this wolf wasn't his birth mother.

But that didn't matter to the pup, all that concerned him at the moment was food, food and more food. When he was full, a tiny yawn left his tiny jaws. Minseok snuggled closer to the pup next to him, wanting as much warmth as possible.

"Do you want him back?" Suho wanted Baekhyun to say no so badly, he didn't have the heart to wake the little pup up now that he was full, happy and asleep, tucked up nicely against Jongdae.

It seems Baekhyun was thinking the same thing.

"No, they look so cute together, lets leave them be" Suho nodded, placing his head onto the hard ground next to the sleeping pups, trying to go to sleep as well. Before he managed to drift off to sleep though he heard a quiet whisper.

"Thank you so much Suho, you're saving minseokkie's life and I can't thank you enough" Suho glanced at Baekhyun seeing the purple wolf had his head on his front legs and his eyes closed, trying to go to sleep as well.

Suho let a sigh leave his throat, closing his eyes again and nothing being heard within the den but the soft whines leaving the pups.

"Don't mention it Baekhyun, I know you would do the same for me" Suho heard a light chuckle.

"Oh you know it Suho, I've got your back, we've all got your back"


So, instead of bringing the pup to Suho, Suho got brought to the pup!

I like it better this way, everyone all together and now that Kyungsoo's moved to the other den, there is not so much space in there anymore.

I have something in mind for the next chap, a little bit of action :) I look forward to writing it.



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28/07/15 It's been two years since Heliotrope began, I was going to update but I haven't finished he chap yet:/


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Chapter 9: Lol I know this was written in 2015-16 but like I kinda just wished you wrote who said what cause my brain doesn’t work well with putting who says what :)
Chapter 8: Out of all the couples here, HunHan is my favorite they are so flUFFYYYYYYY
Chapter 6: Even tho Kris says he gonna kill, he has heart of the softest person ever
Chapter 4: Anyone else just wanna smack Chanyeol? Like for all the dumb things he done so far I’m just dkdjdj *inhales deeply* yeah :)
Geez. I love this ficccccc. Like omg. *nosebleeds*
I wonder how many times I have already read this fic HAHAHAAHA
Chapter 8: Lol Sehun
Chapter 7: Wow, taoris gettin frisky. Pls tell me we get to witness their ness, lol that rhymed.
Chapter 6: *slaps u with a wet fish*