just me and you ♥

My love for a boyfriend {sequel to: My teacher is a boyfriend}

SooKyung POV:

"bye oppa!! you better come and visit us!!" me and youngmin were in the airport saying goodbye to Jay oppa. a few weeks past and youngmin and jay have been good friends. but now Jay had to leave to go back to the states. he told me that he missed their american burgers and italian pizzas...silly oppa~

"hyung! have a safe trip!" youngmin yelled as he waved bye. he wrapped his arms around my waist as we left the airport. i leaned my head on his shoulder as we walked to the car.

"oppa, now its just me and you~" i poked his nose lightly as he let out a chuckle he pulled me closer as he had a cute smirk.



we were inside th car and thinking what we should do now.

"oppa im so tired~" he then smiled.

"lets go to the coffee shop~" he suggested. i smiled and nodded my head.


we went inside and i can smell the sweet coffee beans and it was cozy warm. we sat down on a booth in a corner. outside was cold since it was november.

we sat down across from eachother. after a while i can see youngmin's sweat drip down.

"oppa, take off your hat and glasses...theres not that much people here anyway..." i gave him a sweet begging smile. he sighed and nodded.

"good boy~" i giggled. he let out a chuckle as he held my hand on the table.

when our order arrived. my eyes wideded on how much whip cream they gave me.

"waa~" i said in amazment. i took a sip immediately.

"ah! hot!!" i said while i faned my tongue with my hands.

"hahaha pabo!" youngmin said laughing. i pouted as i puffed my cheeks in embarrasment.

i decided to sit next to oppa since felt lonely sitting alone. i layed my head on his shoulder as i took another sip of my hot chocolate.

he then looked at me with his gentle smile and started laughing. i lifted my head immediately.


"you have whip cream all over your lips." i blushed in embarrasment. i was going to wipe it with the back of my hand until youngmin oppa grabbed my wrist.

"now your gonna get your hand dirty, let me get it..." he leaned down as i let out a smile. our lips were so close to each other. but...

"uhm, youngmin oppa would you sign this?" we pulled away and looked at the girl who was about my age holding up a peice of paper.

"uuhh..sure, anything for a fan..." he smiled sweetly as i wiped off the whip cream with a tissue as a frown appeared on my face.


after a few minutes of signing for the 2 fans, they left. he turned around and saw that i was crossing my arms and pouting in saddness.

"c'mon baby dont be like that..." he said as he put a hand on my shoulder making me turn around to face his direction. when i turned around he immediately placed his lips on mine. i uncrossed my arms as i relaxed feeling his warm and sweet lips on mine.

"there, is that better?" he said when we pulled away. i nodded my head as my cheeks grew hotter. he smiled as he ruffled my hair playfully. i layed my head on his shoulder as we held hands under the table.

i stretched my right hand so it was facing my face, i looked at my ring..OUR couple ring he bought me a few months back. he then pulled his left hand out and put it next to mine in the air so he can admire his ring with mine. he then kissed me on the cheek,


"we make a cute couple huh SooKyung...." i smiled and nodded my head.

"we do~" i kissed his cheek the same way as he did and smiled


of course we do oppa, lets be like this...because this moment, i never felt like this before ♥ 

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francheskayoonakey #1
Chapter 29: woooooowww this story is so good. youngmiin is being a naughty boy
Chapter 31: :) love it :)
lov4ever #3
MinWoo-BoyFriend or Taemin-SHINee ! ^^
babols_princess #5
lovey dovey your story, I like minwoo
Love Love Love this story sooo much^^
ilove your story !realllllly.!! WOW. <br />
<br />
Minwoo!!~ ♥
ILOVETHIS! :)) Hihi. Minwoo - Boyfriend. xDD