
"Jung Daehyun, I Love You"

You were about to open the door, to keep on searching for him through the garden. But you remembered Daehyun is out there, waiting for you to open the door for him. Which means you can't go outside, because you're trying to move on from him. Damn, Junhong.. where are you?

You saw a reflection of a quite tall guy, not as tall as Junhong, but his height is almost the same as Daehyun. No please don't. 


"Hyunmin... Annyeong...." 

That deep voice, thank God. It's Himchan oppa. He's back from his work on Junhong's father's company. 


"I found a lost kid here.." Himchan chuckled as he turned his head, Junhong was there behind him, "He needs home, eh?" 


"Hyung I'm not lost!" Junhong pouted as he crossed his arms, while walking to the house. He's still holding his book. What's so special about that book anyway?


You laughed, "Yah Junhong. No need to hide from me." 


"Aish, I need some privacy to read my hyung's book." He pouted as himself and Himchan goes inside the silent house. 





"Oppa, are you hungry?" You tilted your head as you closed the door, looking at him laying on the sofa with his jacket off. He looked tired as hell. You stared at him from the door with Junhong still enjoying his hyung's book. 


"Anniyo Hyunmin," Himchan forced a smile to you, "Um, but I'd like to have a mango please.." 


You walked to the kitchen, "Mango coming up~". Himchan smiled after seeing you being energetic, feels like a medicine for his sickness. Himchan rests his eyes after another exhausting day of his life. He is now a gentleman, a good son who won't burden his parents for wish of living alone, yet at the same time he's trying to protect you from all dangers that you've met. He is a strong guy indeed, no wonder your sunbaes and your hoobaes like him. 


Which makes you not wanting to burden him with your problems, you wanted to tell him but it'll make him more tired and all. That's why you always kept this as a secret and let Junhong be your adviser. 


You took out the mangoes inside the bottom-est part of the refrigerator, feeling glad that there are some mangoes to be served for Himchan. The plates are ready on the counther, as you cut those mangoes into cubic shapes with your hands holding the mango and a knife. You let those cubical mangoes fall on the plates as you cut the others. Suddenly it feels weird around you, then you saw Himchan is standing beside you, as he randomly said, "Hyunmin.. Are you dating Junhong now?" 

That question, it made you cut your finger a bit, in a state of shock. But at the same time you're glad that Junhong seems to didn't hear Himchan's question. As you saw a red flowing substance on your palm, you dropped the knife on the table and faced downwards to the mangoes. 

"Oppa, you made me hurt.. Inside and outside.." You avoid his eye contact and brushing your thumb to the wounded area, the blood dripped but you stopped it. 

Himchan hugged you with his hands on your waist, "I'm curious, Hyunmin.. I haven't heard about you for a few days, even weeks. Even thought we're close it feels like we're far away, just like our past when we used to talk on the phone. Now it's the opposite of us before." 

His hug is a brotherly hug for his little sister, full of caring that you can rely on. You nodded and hugged him back, your palms squished Himchan's sweaty shirt that some drips of blood could be spotted on his back. You replied softly to his ears, to make sure he heard it correctly, "I'm fine, oppa."



You don't want to burden your oppa, once again. That's the reason you lied to him. It wasn't easy to lie to your own brother, with that uneasy expression of yours. Fortunately Himchan is tired that he doesn't want to ask you about your face and such weird expressions. So he only kissed your forehead, took the mango, and went upstairs. Pretty sure he'll sleep after such a tiring day. 

Junhong, he slept on the couch with his back on the couch, his favorite book on his stomach, being protected with his hands on top of the book. Junhong's sleeping face seems peaceful, that you didn't want him to wake up. But you're curious about the book, it might have the 'thing' about you. 

After you wrap bandage around your hand, you walked near to Junhong's current position, on the couch infront of the TV. It's late and he's not home. His parents probably worried about him. You walked closer to Junhong, looking at his clean white face, like a typical Korean women. He took a good care of his skin, that everything looks clear and plain white. Junhong took care of little things in life, just like how he took care of his skin. 

But you realized something..

"took care of little things in life?" 

You jumped out from your position, then you went to the windows which is faced to the main entrance of the house. You took a peek at the dark garden, with some streetlights shining certain areas on the street. Under a streetlight, on your house's bench, there's Daehyun who slept on the bench. He looks cold and lonely.

Maybe I was too harsh.  

You rushed to the wardrobe inside your room, you don't want to disturb Himchan who might be sleeping right now. Feeling chased by time, you opened your wardrobe with fullpower that lots of clothes fell down. But it doesn't matter right now, it's not too late for that. Yes, that. 


But at the same time I questioned myself..

Why am I rushed? Why am I feeling empty right now? Do I still care about him?



Short update T^T 

I kno you've been waiting for a long time OTL I've been busier these daeys because of preparation for my Final exam ;A; 

But here you go! 

As you can see my writing skills... improved? xD But still I got low scores for my english exam ;__: but not the grammar ones *congrats to meh*



*coughs* btw I want to talk about the ending of this fic.. I saw your comments and I'll reply to them later *^* I saw lots of "I choose Junhong!" "I choose Daehyun~" AND IT GETS MORE COMPLICATED SHOULD I MAKE DAEHYUN AND HYUNMIN OR JUNHONG AND HYUNMIN 


ASDFGDFSADF *jumps from a cliff*

*climbs back* okay i'll decide the ending later xD

btw dis is the link of the teaser(s) *^* 

Officially From TSENT



this is Jello


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well um i fixed some grammar errors from chap 1 ._. chap 30 will be updated soon! ^^


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ilabya18 #1
Chapter 30: Ah, yes, finally. Thank you for update, I'm crying out of happines. Please update soon 'n' good luck with your exams. Fighting (:
zeloleoz #3
Chapter 29: After I read your fiction, I feel pity for Daehyun. So I choose Daehyun over Junhong... Peoples make mistake sometimes...
Jokomotolings #4
Chapter 6: Ok so ya know when u put lines through the words I just read them cause it's hard not to hahaha
Chapter 29: i just started to read ur fics today and yes im confused i really feel bad for daehyun actually he really want hyunmin but junhong..ah i dont know anymore but i really want this fic to end up with daehyun and hyunmin give daehyun a second chance maybe he will change to a better person
kisekinaru #6
Chapter 29: And yeah I also can't wait for feb 3rd!!! DYING XD
Chapter 29: Yes gurl,you care for him!
Chapter 28: Daehyun, choose him!!!!
Chapter 28: I choose Daehyun!!!
kisekinaru #10
Chapter 28: T_T omo I feel bad for saying this, because Daeyun is my bias BUT since Zelo is my second bias....I CHOOSE ZELO. *slapped* Thanks so much for updating author-nim!! ^.^