Dinner with Junhong

"Jung Daehyun, I Love You"


Both of you walked to the 5th floor ((author dies e n e)) using lift. You talked about classes and 'peoples in class' with Junhong while you're on your way to the dining place Junhong recommend you. 



You and Junhong walked towards a large room with a balcony and other luxurious stuffs

"This way, Hyunmin." Junhong wrapped his arms around your waist and walked you to the balcony. You looked around, what a perfect place for candle-light dinner. 

"Junhong, what a beaufitul place." You commented, smiled as you look around, "A perfect place for candle-light dinner.." You added. 

"Then we should dine together~" He chuckled, "Just kidding!" 



His way of talking looks like Daehyun oppa's.

I mean, he's trying to making something sounds... seductive


AND HERE IS THE PLACE \o/ but with no people 


He lead you to a place which is near the edge of the balcony, so you can look at the amazing view of the island. You and Junhong sat on the chair with your eyes looking at the view.

"Such a beautiful view..." You were amazed with the view. No matter what it makes your eyes sparkling and you keep on staring those bright lights shining on the sky of the island.

"Hyunmin... Look.. I.." Junhong looked down to the table. He put his hand on the table,"I want to spend some time, only with you." His eyes met yours as they sparkle. He adjust his face's angle to look good infront of you. "So uhm... Meet me tommorow, 7 AM.. Infront of your room." Junhong added, he hold your hands.

Your hands are shaking, he wants to go to a date.. With me?

I chuckled, "Okay.. I'll be there tommorow. But i think it's too early?"

To be honest, I don't like to wake up early, tommorow is Sunday and we're going to wake up like it's weekend.

"Well, hyungs will wake up at 9 AM, 2 hours is enough for this." Junhong smiled, showing his bunny teeth.

At that time, our food came. The waitress is holding a large tray of food.

"But we haven't ordered...." You asked Junhong, as the waitress put those tray of food on the table.

"Well, all you can eat.." Junhong opened the food tray, there are lots of food inside, "Enjoy.." Junhong smiled as he looking at those foods.

Seems delicious, Umf what am I kidding, it's looks incredible.



"Hyunmin, do you want the fetuccini?"

"Uh, no thanks.."







"Fried chicken?"



Seriously. It's like 12 or more dishes are served there. 


Let's skip dinner e u e 


You and Junhong has finished with your dinner and were going back to Junhong's room, to wait for other oppas. Right now Junhong and you are sitting on the couch, watching Runningman, your favorite TV show. You got nothing to do except watching your favorite show and waiting for oppas to come back from their short trip.

Suddenly you heard someone knocked the door, you turned your head excitedly as you're expecting that oppas have returned. 

"Yah! Why did you knock?! We've got the keys!" 

You heard someone yelling infront of the door. From it's voice you know, it's Himchan's voice. As expected, it was oppas who have returned from their trip. You covered your mouth, trying not to laugh as you're looking at Junhong, who is concentrated with the show. Whoever knocked the door, he is a pabo...

"Aish, I can't wait to see my saengies! especially Hyunmin!" 

It was Daehyun's voice. no bother. 



"Should we give them a surprise behind the door?" You giggled as you're looking at Junhong. His eyes won't look back at you and he chuckled a bit because of Daehyun's dumb action. 

"Nah, waiting here is fine" Junhong smiled while looking at the screen. He laughed after one of the funniest scene occured. You looked at the screen and laughed with Junhong.

Finally you heard the sound of a locked door which has been unlocked. Oppas came in without hesitation, like they're going to do something urgent inside the room. I heard someone ran from the front door to the couch, if it's not Daehyun, then it'll be Himchan. Suddenly you felt cold skin on your neck, as it gets warmer. 

"Hyunmin-ah, I'm here~" It was Daehyun's voice. He backhugged you, just like when Daehyun and you were washing the dishes a few months ago. You gulped as he leaned his chin to the upper part of your head. 

"Da..Daehyun oppa.." You smiled and your heart beats faster. He touched your hair lightly. 

"You look beautiful with that dress," Himchan came along and sit next to you, "Yah Daehyun get off from her" He continued with a playful voice. You smiled a bit and your hands covering your mouth. 

"Thankyou oppa I was-" You thanked Himchan, but Daehyun interrupt it.

"It suits you well.." Daehyun leaned his chin to your shoulder, on the space between you and Himchan. He rested his chin on your shoulder as it makes the distance between your cheek and his cheek is very close. 

"DAEHYUN ANDWAE!" Himchan shouted.

"Oppaa!!!" You leaned in embarassment to your left side, which is Junhong, who is still concentrating to the show and barely laughed. You grabbed Junhong's sleeve, with him judging your actions.

"Nonono! Hyunmin is mine! Not yours!" Himchan argued about me with Daehyun. 

"Hyunmin is Daehyun's!" Daehyun argued back with his hands on his waist. 


"Hyunmin naekkeoya." The voice beside you came out, it's Junhong's voice. You're still hiding your face in embarassment as Daehyun and Himchan argued. Either it's a good thing or a bad thing, Himchan and Daehyun didn't hear Junhong's voice. You act like nothing happened and just protecting your reddy face. 

"Hyunmin-ah! 7 AM! don't forget!" Junhong whispered to you,with his face turned to you.






/throws everything/

But hey.. new chapter e u e




Even Daehyun told me that my fanfic is bad.

And f you for ruining my bias list. 


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well um i fixed some grammar errors from chap 1 ._. chap 30 will be updated soon! ^^


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ilabya18 #1
Chapter 30: Ah, yes, finally. Thank you for update, I'm crying out of happines. Please update soon 'n' good luck with your exams. Fighting (:
zeloleoz #3
Chapter 29: After I read your fiction, I feel pity for Daehyun. So I choose Daehyun over Junhong... Peoples make mistake sometimes...
Jokomotolings #4
Chapter 6: Ok so ya know when u put lines through the words I just read them cause it's hard not to hahaha
Chapter 29: i just started to read ur fics today and yes im confused i really feel bad for daehyun actually he really want hyunmin but junhong..ah i dont know anymore but i really want this fic to end up with daehyun and hyunmin give daehyun a second chance maybe he will change to a better person
kisekinaru #6
Chapter 29: And yeah I also can't wait for feb 3rd!!! DYING XD
Chapter 29: Yes gurl,you care for him!
Chapter 28: Daehyun, choose him!!!!
Chapter 28: I choose Daehyun!!!
kisekinaru #10
Chapter 28: T_T omo I feel bad for saying this, because Daeyun is my bias BUT since Zelo is my second bias....I CHOOSE ZELO. *slapped* Thanks so much for updating author-nim!! ^.^