Worlds Collide



Weeks went by, only a few people knew of Kris and Jungah’s relationship. They usually went out, but as a couple they weren’t like the others who were touchy and intimate in public. They just talk and tease each other a lot.

“Bad mood?” Jungah mused as she stepped in Kris’s office.

“You cancelled the meeting for the resort, Daehyun just left.” She said. Kris was facing the window, arms crossed.

No one dared to step in his office when they knew he was in a bad mood.

“The BOD cant present the report, one of our managers lost the file.” He murmured quietly. Jungah smiled.

“We can always reschedule.” She said.

“It was already scheduled weeks ago, how can they loose the file?”

Jungah sat down on his chair and started to twirl around.

“Should I treat you to ice cream?” She asked. Kris smiled and stopped the chair from spinning.

“Maybe.” He mused as he bent down to face her.

“Hey, not during work hours.” She chuckled. Kris smiled and kissed her forehead chastely.

“I know.”


They both looked up and saw Mr. and Mrs. Wu looking at them.


Jungah stood up.

“Ma, Pa, you’re here.” Kris smiled.

“Finally!” Mrs. Wu almost squealed as she walked to Jungah. Jungah blinked and bowed politely.

“I knew it! The moment I saw you!”


Kris winced.

“Honey, she’s the Xi granddaughter, this is Feilin.”

“Ni hao, Mr. Wu.” Jungah smiled.

“Nice to meet you, your agung’s been talking about you a lot.”

“Really? I hope it’s not about bad things.” She smiled.

“I knew it! You would fall for this girl!” Mrs. Wu slapped his son’s arm.

“Ma, please-”

“I feel relieved now, Feilin.” She nodded and took both of Jungah’s hands.


“Your mom’s really funny, Li Jiaheng.” Jungah mused as they walked toward the restaurant.

“You know, your agung called me a few days ago.” Kris said as he took her hand.

“What’d he say?”

“He asked me if we have plans on telling him the truth.”

Jungah winced.

“We’re not exactly hiding are we?” Kris smiled, then he noticed some males eye Jungah as they passed.

“Agung, really.” She muttered, Kris frowned.

“Why are you wearing shorts?”

“It’s summer, Kris. It gets so warm.”

“I don’t like it.” He shook his head.

“You don’t like things.”

Kris sighed and placed his palm on the small of her back.

“You rarely show affection outside under the sun, what’s with you?” Jungah chuckled.

“Guys are staring at you. Should we buy jeans before heading to eat?”

“Ew, get away from me.”


Kris and Jungah stepped in the restaurant. Jungah was about to point towards a table when someone took her hand.

“Fancy seeing you here.” Kai mused, Jungah eyed him warily and swatted his hand away. She felt Kris’s hand on her waist.

Jungah smiled before facing Kai again.

“Why are you here? Another date?”

Kai grinned.

“I could ask the same thing, but no, babe. I’m on office duty, I had to meet one of our directors.”

“Oh really.” Jungah mused, Kai rolled his eyes at her and pinched her cheek.

“See you later, dude.” He said before leaving.

Kris took her hand and led her to their table.

“You’re seeing him tonight?” He asked. Jungah chuckled.

“I sense jealousy.”

Kris looked away, smiling.

“I’m heading to the track tonight, I was about to invite you, Tao, Luhan and Yixing.”

“Are you up to something again?” Kris almost sighed.


“You never saw me race properly.”



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22 streak #1
Chapter 69: awww need to recharge myself with your stories
Chapter 69: re reading it after a long time. Love it❤️
22 streak #3
Chapter 69: Doneeee re-reading
14 streak #4
Chapter 70: I always loved re-reading your stories around the same time ^^
22 streak #5
Chapter 33: Haera watch out
22 streak #6
Wow I am almost done with all your stories
14 streak #7
Chapter 70: This story came to me all of a sudden and made me want to read it... it's been a while since I read this story~~ ♡♡
Chapter 69: Oh i didnt know i would crave to read this again >< but here I am after leaving aff for 4 years Im back to reread this for 29380488292039392 time. Thank u for writing this love it!!!! <33333
Angelz0715 #9
Chapter 69: It’s been a while, but I’m back and finished this story again~
Chapter 69: Ohh..i'm so immersed in the story that i even cried when luhan slap jungah..i seriously love it^^