Worlds Collide


Jungah felt odd, she never needed anyone’s support before, but surprisingly Kris’s presence helped her. She stepped out of the shower and looked at her reflection.

Then she smiled to herself.

“Maybe that tower’s right, hiding wont do me any good.”


Luhan and Lay were both in the meeting room with their grandfather, it was time for their monthly BOD meeting.

“Is Feilin coming?” The elder asked, Lay glanced at Luhan.

“Sorry, agung. I got stuck at traffic.” Jungah’s voice came slightly muffled from the doors as she stepped in, then she sat on her seat.

“Good to see you, mei.”

She just smiled at the elder and the meeting started.

Lay observed as the two siblings ignored each other, not even one glance towards each other’s direction.

He shook his head in frustration.


“Haera might be discharged next week, mei. You should drop by some time, your gege’s going, you should join him.” Agung said as they stepped out of the room. Jungah smirked and turned to her grandfather and the two younger males.

“I don’t feel like it, agung. Anyway, I have another meeting to attend.” Jungah shrugged then she made her way towards the elevator.

“Please, why would I even bother?” She murmured to herself as the doors opened before her.


“What?” Jungah’s voice was sharp and clear, her male secretary froze.

“Yes, he called in a few minutes ago and he asked if you could wait for a little more-”

“So, I’m supposed to wait on him now?” She scoffed and stood up.

“But ma’am the deal with the Kwons-”

“I wont wait for anyone, remember that.” She stated as she headed towards the door, just in time Kris stepped in.

“You’re leaving?”

“Their rep is late, thirty minutes late.“

“But we have to-“

“I don’t wait for anyone, and business is business.” Jungah replied.

Kris closed his mouth, the Jungah he was facing now was different, her eyes were cold.

“…You’re right, then can we at least grab some coffee and talk?”

“How about no?”

“Doesn’t matter, you’re still coming.”


Jungah glanced at her phone which has been vibratin endlessly, her office was calling her.

“Arent you going to pick that up?”

“That’s Luhan’s secretary. I know what she wants to say.”

Kris looked at her questioningly.

“He cant attend this convention tomorrow, and instead she wants to ask if I could.”

“It must be an important event.” Kris said.

“It wasn’t assigned to me, why should I be bothered?” She tapped her fingers on the table.

“I wont be around this weekend.” Kris said.

“Off partying?”

“No, I’m flying to Japan, for work.”

“That’s….sad, I guess.”

“Well, just so you know, in case anything happens, just call, Jungah.”

“I’m fine Kris.”

“Lie better.”

“That’s my line, tower.”

Kris chuckled.

“Just be careful, I don’t know what came in to your head when you decided to live alone.”

“Got that, elder.”


“Ge, talk to Jungah.” Lay said as they stepped in the office.

“Yixing, I’m busy.” Luhan stated.

“You accused her of something unthinkable, apologize.”

“You think-”

“You’re going to regret this ge. Cant you see? She’s…changed so much ever since she got here, she got better.”

“What are you saying?”

“When she first arrived, Jungah was cold, rude…and now she’s finally adjusted, she’s working for the company and is doing better, you’re…destroying her.”

“Zhang Yixing,”

“How could you not know your own sibling?” Lay shook his head and walked away from his cousin.


Saturday night was a busy night for the track at Jamsil, all the young people who loved to race and party were gathered around. Right then a low but strong purr of the familiar Bugatti made Daehyun look up.

“Look who’s here.” Himchan whistled, Jungah slipped down from her car clad in a pair of black disco shorts and a fitting drop top.

“What happened?” Yongguk murmured.

“Guys,” Jungah smiled at them, but this smile was different, there was something smug and reckless about it.


“I’m back and I’m here to race.”



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Chapter 69: re reading it after a long time. Love it❤️
Chapter 69: Doneeee re-reading
14 streak #3
Chapter 70: I always loved re-reading your stories around the same time ^^
Chapter 33: Haera watch out
Wow I am almost done with all your stories
14 streak #6
Chapter 70: This story came to me all of a sudden and made me want to read it... it's been a while since I read this story~~ ♡♡
Chapter 69: Oh i didnt know i would crave to read this again >< but here I am after leaving aff for 4 years Im back to reread this for 29380488292039392 time. Thank u for writing this love it!!!! <33333
Angelz0715 #8
Chapter 69: It’s been a while, but I’m back and finished this story again~
Chapter 69: Ohh..i'm so immersed in the story that i even cried when luhan slap jungah..i seriously love it^^
JeMerald #10
Chapter 69: reading this in 2019, and my thoughts are just: the growth in your writing is just wow