Worlds Collide


Lay watched in absolute horror as their house help moved in Haera’s things. He just got back from work and was notified by their butler about it.

“But, isn’t she still confined at the hospital?” Lay queried.

“Yes, she is. But it has been arranged, sir. As soon as miss Kwon will be discharged she will be moving here.”

Lay sighed and rubbed his temples, he looked as he noticed the butler didn’t leave his study yet.

“Yes, Jang?”

“If I may be rude sir, but..the young miss,”


The man nodded.

“Earlier, she and her friends came by, she gathered all her things and left.”

With that, Lay bolted up from his seat and ran towards Jungah’s room.


Kris blinked as he saw Daehyun talking with some of the workers at the site. He was alone.

He had just given the whole sight a once over and he decided to check out the sports stadium’s progress. He was expecting to see Jungah at the meeting earlier, but she never showed and now she wasn’t at the site.

“Jungah didn’t come with you?” Kris asked hesitantly, Daehyun looked up and dismissed the man he was speaking with.

“That…I don’t know what she’s been up to.” Daehyun replied, Kris blinked.

“She hasn’t been in contact lately, I was actually expecting to see her here, with you.”

Kris’s brows furrowed.


Jungah puffed her cheeks as she signed the papers on her desk, slow corporate life was killing her. Truthfully, she wasn’t in the mood to meet people yet. Yixing has been calling her non-stop for two days and she didn’t even bother to show herself when Agung had asked for her. She preferred staying in her office, unharmed and definitely, unbothered.

She stood up and stretched her arms as she walked towards the tall windows.

“You know, a partnership means two or more people working.” A deep voice joined her thoughts, she froze and turned back, Kris was staring back at her, his dark eyes reflecting hers.

“Sorry, I was busy.”

“Lie better.”

She shook her head and gestured for him to sit.

“I know what’s going on even though I don’t go to the site-”

“And the meetings.” Kris pointed out.

“Jungah, what happened?” Kris asked.

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t sound like you.”

She winced and leaned back.

“Don’t worry, I’ll send for someone tomorrow to check on the site.” She stated.

“Stop switching the topic.”

“Please, just once can I get a break?” She said lowly, Kris was startled.

“Hey.” Kris said softly.

“I’m sorry, but really Kris….I don’t feel like discussing business at all. I’ll try to drop by your office tomorrow, I promise.”


Kris continued to look at her, he never so Jungah look so vulnerable.

“There’s nothing to apologize about.” He blurted, Jungah nodded and looked at him.

“Give me a call if you drop by, I’ll be going.” He said as he gently squeezed her shoulder and stood up.

“Hao le.” She smiled at him before returning to her desk, Kris shut the door behind him and frowned.

“Something’s wrong with her.”


“Mwo?!” Daehyun balked.

“You mean to say….Luhan…got mad at her..because Kwon Haera got in an accident?” Youngjae queried. Chanyeol nodded and leaned on his elbows.

“I was there, he got so mad and he slapped her.”

Yongguk glanced at Chanyeol.

“Was noona even the one who hit that woman? Why would he do that to her?“ Zelo muttered.

“I don’t get it, he did mention something about Jungah and Youngjae talking, do you remember anything?” Chanyeol turned to the other male, Youngjae frowned.

“I don’t, but-”

“So what are you planning to do now?”

“With what?”

“With your sister-in-law to be.”

“Huh, as if.” She shook her head and stood up.

“I plan to finish her and finally get rid of that piece of trash.”

Youngjae shook his head.

“He must have heard, that one time, Dae, you were there too.”


Everyone leaned forward.

“Jungie was so angry that time, she said she would get rid of her, but….she didn’t mean it that way.” Youngjae frowned.

“She never meant to hurt Haera physically.”

“We all know she isn’t that type of person.” Himchan stated.

“Have you gotten in touch with her?” Yongguk glanced at Chanyeol.

“No, she’s…..shutting out people again.”

“That can only mean one thing.”


“She’s out of control now, she wont talk to others.”





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Chapter 69: re reading it after a long time. Love it❤️
Chapter 69: Doneeee re-reading
14 streak #3
Chapter 70: I always loved re-reading your stories around the same time ^^
Chapter 33: Haera watch out
Wow I am almost done with all your stories
14 streak #6
Chapter 70: This story came to me all of a sudden and made me want to read it... it's been a while since I read this story~~ ♡♡
Chapter 69: Oh i didnt know i would crave to read this again >< but here I am after leaving aff for 4 years Im back to reread this for 29380488292039392 time. Thank u for writing this love it!!!! <33333
Angelz0715 #8
Chapter 69: It’s been a while, but I’m back and finished this story again~
Chapter 69: Ohh..i'm so immersed in the story that i even cried when luhan slap jungah..i seriously love it^^
JeMerald #10
Chapter 69: reading this in 2019, and my thoughts are just: the growth in your writing is just wow