Worlds Collide


Kris’ eyes widened and he let go of Jungah.

“Kris, stop.” Haera said.

“How did you know?”

“Why should I tell you?” Jungah replied and walked towards the doors.

“What was she saying?” Haera asked him. Kris just shook his head.


Jungah slipped in her car and sped away.

She felt anger rise in her.

“What is she playing?” She murmured, then her phone suddenly began to ring.

“Youngjae?” She answered.

“Hey, you might want to drop by, I have…things to tell you.”



Luhan looked up as Haera stepped in the room, they were inside a reserved dining hall in one of their hotels.

“What about mei?” Agung asked, as Haera sat down.

“She’s not going to join us.” Lay replied quietly, Luhan frowned.

Then the double doors opened. Jungah stepped in the place with a smile on her face.

“Sorry, the traffic was absurd.” She said as she sat down beside her cousin. Lay gaped at her.

“Why are you here?”

“I’m not supposed to be….?” Jungah blinked, then she turned to Haera and gave her a smile.


“It’s a family gathering, gege. Wouldn’t want to miss it.”

Luhan glanced at his sister.

“Besides, I want to get along with everyone.”



Jungah stepped inside Himchan’s restaurant and found Youngjae waiting for her.

“What’s the problem, Yoo?”

“Remember my cousin who works for a publishing company?”

She nodded.

“Well, she heard something about you.”

“What do you mean? I did that thing on purpose.” She chuckled.

“No, not that, remember those photos of you taken from the US?”

“What about them?”

“Someone purposely sent them to a gossip columnist.”

Jungah paused.

“It was Kwon Haera, she was trying to make bad rumors about you.”

Jungah let the information sink in.

“I might have to change tactics.”



As soon as lunch was over, Jungah walked towards her brother and looped one arm around his.

“Are you sick or something?” Luhan chuckled.

“I should be asking you that.” She made a face.


“Ge, even if I don’t show it, you know how much I love you right?”

“Get away from me.” Luhan chuckled.

“Mei, please don’t do anything rash, Agung might-”

She just shook her head.

Haera appeared beside them, Jungah smiled sweetly.

“Enjoy your tea together!”

Jungah turned away from the couple, then slowly a smirk formed on her lips. Then she felt someone pull her.


“What are you doing?”

Jungah sighed and looked at Kris.

“How did you know about Haera and I?”

“You mean how she used you just to get to my brother?”

Kris looked away.

“Tell me honestly, you….still have feelings for her, huh?”


Jungah just gently wrapped her arms around him.

“I’m sorry, I was rude earlier, but I just got so worked up.”

Kris tensed but then he just let her hug him.

“I know how horrible you must feel, I understand…but..I still cant accept her, Kris.”

Jungah let go of him. Kris stared at her.

“I got away from an arranged marriage deal, I can help my brother with it too.”

“Your grandfather-”

“Let’s not talk about that, how about you tell me how to get to Myeongdong.”

“How about no.” Kris looked at her.

“We need to get there, I can help your longing heart.” She chuckled.


“Let’s go now, Wu Yifan.” Jungah just tugged on his coat sleeve.

Kris watched her as she started to pull him, then a small smile formed on his lips.




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Chapter 69: re reading it after a long time. Love it❤️
Chapter 69: Doneeee re-reading
14 streak #3
Chapter 70: I always loved re-reading your stories around the same time ^^
Chapter 33: Haera watch out
Wow I am almost done with all your stories
14 streak #6
Chapter 70: This story came to me all of a sudden and made me want to read it... it's been a while since I read this story~~ ♡♡
Chapter 69: Oh i didnt know i would crave to read this again >< but here I am after leaving aff for 4 years Im back to reread this for 29380488292039392 time. Thank u for writing this love it!!!! <33333
Angelz0715 #8
Chapter 69: It’s been a while, but I’m back and finished this story again~
Chapter 69: Ohh..i'm so immersed in the story that i even cried when luhan slap jungah..i seriously love it^^
JeMerald #10
Chapter 69: reading this in 2019, and my thoughts are just: the growth in your writing is just wow