Worlds Collide




Jungah stepped in the party with her brother and her cousin; she glanced around them and found the other guests staring at her. She mentally sighed to herself.

“Smile, mei.” Luhan nudged her.

“Later.” She shook her head, Luhan shook his head lightly and led her towards their table.

“So many people.” Jungah said as they sat down. Tao grinned at her.

“You look really pretty, jie.”

“Thanks di, did you receive your car already?” She asked.

“I did, it’s the best.”

“Good, then maybe we can race-”

“His parents will kill him if he does that.” Kris strolled to them with a smirk on his face.

“Li Jiaheng arrives.” Jungah smiled at him and faced him as he sat down.

“You look like Feilin now, business tycoon’s granddaughter.” Kris mused.

“You’ll miss Jungah, I tell you.” She made a face at him and leaned back.

“I’ve been wondering,” Jungah paused as she noticed three young ladies approach her cousin; they were fawning over Lay. Jungah shook her head and crossed her legs.

“Yixing gets trapped.” She mused, then she felt someone tap her shoulder.

“I finally see you at a formal corporate event.”


Luhan looked up as he noticed the man who approached his sister, then he shook his head.

“Oppa.” Jungah said simply and stood up. Chanyeol grinned at her and took her hand.

“Let’s get something to eat.” He grinned up at her, Jungah nodded and followed him.

“She knows the word “oppa”?” Tao asked Kris curiously, Kris just shrugged, he still had no idea who the other man was.


“I have no idea why.” Jungah almost sighed, Chanyeol just smiled and chewed on his mini Panini.

“It’s a good thing, Jungie. You’re made for business, we know that.”

Jungah gave him a look.

“You graduated business school with flying colors, plus Luhan hyung will be there to help you.”

“You haven’t been listening to me, oppa.” She was at the brink of whining, only Chanyeol could drive her to the edge.

“It would just be me and Lotte’s president.”

“You know him, right?”

“Of course.” Jungah nodded.

“Then no problem, I’m sure-”

“It’s always no problem oppa.” She shook her head, Chanyeol smiled and wrapped one arm around her waist.

“You’re Jungah, you can do anything as long as you put your heart to it.”

She smiled and nodded.

“Yes, and maybe you should stop chomping on the food.”


Kris’s eyes widened slightly as he saw Chanyeol wrapped one arm around Jungah. He thought she was the type of girl who wouldn’t let anyone show any affection towards her.

“Who is he ge?” Tao asked as Lay joined them, then Lay balked for a few seconds.

Kris turned to him.

“That’s Chanyeol.”

“That explains a lot.” Tao said dryly.

“No, that’s Jungah’s ex-boyfriend.” Lay said, Tao almost spat on his glass, Kris turned to the two.


Luhan felt someone tap on his shoulder.

“Oppa, I came.” Haera smiled at him, he smiled back hesitantly.

“I didn’t know you were invited.” He said politely.

“Well, it’s about the project oppa, abeoji decided to invest.” She nodded.

Luhan blinked.



“The one between Lotte and the Xis now. He sent me to the company’s representative.”




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Chapter 69: re reading it after a long time. Love it❤️
Chapter 69: Doneeee re-reading
14 streak #3
Chapter 70: I always loved re-reading your stories around the same time ^^
Chapter 33: Haera watch out
Wow I am almost done with all your stories
14 streak #6
Chapter 70: This story came to me all of a sudden and made me want to read it... it's been a while since I read this story~~ ♡♡
Chapter 69: Oh i didnt know i would crave to read this again >< but here I am after leaving aff for 4 years Im back to reread this for 29380488292039392 time. Thank u for writing this love it!!!! <33333
Angelz0715 #8
Chapter 69: It’s been a while, but I’m back and finished this story again~
Chapter 69: Ohh..i'm so immersed in the story that i even cried when luhan slap jungah..i seriously love it^^
JeMerald #10
Chapter 69: reading this in 2019, and my thoughts are just: the growth in your writing is just wow