Together (Donghae)

♫ Bass and Treble One Shot Request Shop (closed)♫


Kang Seong (OC) X Donghae

For SongKyuHae

Based off of From U - Super Junior

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"I hate you!"

"I hate you even more!"

"Why did I even marry you?!"

Seong stomped towards her room and slammed the door.

Her husband, Donghae, sighed in fury and plopped himself on the couch.

This wasn't the first time they fought, of course.

What kind of a couple doesn't fight?

Donghae sighed, immediately regretting the things he said to his wife.

Donghae leaned his head back on the couch and closed his eyes.

Seong stuck with him no matter what.

Their fights, his job, the stress, everything.

No matter what, she was there. And he was eternally thankful for that.

When he was doubting himself, she believed in him.

They were always together.

They ate together, they laughed together, and they cried together.

Donaghae sighed and got up from the couch. He went over to his and Seong's shared room and opened the door quietly.

"Yeobo? I know you're not asleep...." Donghae said as he climbed into bed and held Seong close.

"I didn't mean what I said...." Seong said as she wrapped her arms around Donghae's chest. 

"I didn't either..." Donghae said as he wrapped his arms around Seong's waist.

"I love you my pabo fishy."

Donghae chuckled. "I love you too."



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Chapter 36: I really like it! Thank you. I could just feel my heartbreak XD
Chapter 35: I loved it! It was so cute and funny! :) Thank you so much!
Chapter 33: jealous Zelo is a cutie pie! ^^
Chapter 31: THANKYOUU for the one shotttt :D I love it!!!!
Chapter 31: THANKYOUU for the one shotttt :D I love it!!!!
luxystar #6
I sent a request!
Chapter 33: Thanksss!!!I luv it♥♡♥ I'll suggest to my friends;)
Chapter 32: Hehehehe thanks you!! I love it♥ l.joe so cute!!
Chapter 1: I sent a request!
Chapter 1: I filled out your application :D