A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words (Sehun)

♫ Bass and Treble One Shot Request Shop (closed)♫

A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words

Minnie (OC) X Sehun

For Minniemarshmallow13

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"Alright, we're going shopping. Sehun, while we're gone, Kai's in charge of taking care of you." Kyungsoo said.

"But umma, I don't need a babysitter! Plus, Minnie's coming over!" Sehun pouted.

"Ooooh, Sehun's got a girl over~" Chanyeol said in a sing song voice.

Sehun blushed. "Be quiet you overgrown poodle..."

"Alright... We're going shopping and Kai is watching you AND Minnie." Kyungsoo said as he walked out of the dorm.

"Have fun, kiddies." Chanyeol teased.

"Not too much fun." Suho warned.

Sehun sighed as he watched the others leave.

"Well, I'm going to take a nap." Kai said as he patted Sehun on the head. "Tell me when your girlfriend gets here."

"She's not my girlfriend!" Sehun said as he blushed. "Yet..." He added in his mind.

"Whatever." Kai shrugged as he went to his room. 

Sehun sighed as he sat in front of the door waiting for Minnie.

When the doorbell rang, Sehun jumped up and scrambled for the door.

"Wait." he thought as he stopped himself. "I need to be cool about this." Sehun stared at the clock until a minute ticked by.

"Well, that's long enough."

Sehun opened up the door to let Minnie in.

"Hi Sehun." Minnie said with a bright smile. "Where are the others?"

"Kai is in his room sleeping and the others are out shopping. Do you want to watch a movie?" Sehun asked.

Minnie nodded and followed Sehun to the couch.

Halfway through the movie, Minnie felt a bit sleepy and rested her head on Sehun's shoulder.

Sehun smiled softly and her hair. "Hey Minnie? Can I tell you something?"

"Hm? Of course Oppa."

Sehun blushed. "I really like you Minnie. I always have. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Minnie blushed. "Of course I will." Minnie tilted her head up and kissed Sehun the cheek.

Sehun turned his head and Minnie gasped as their lips touch.

Minnie wrapped her arms around Sehun's neck and Sehun wrapped his arms around Minnie's waist. Neither of them saw the flash of a camera.

Sehun and Minnie fell asleep on the couch after finishing the movie.

When the others got back, Kai quickly pulled out his camera and showed the others a picture of Minnie and Sehun's first kiss.

"EH?! THEY KISSED ALREADY?!" Kyungsoo exclaimed.

"Keep it for their wedding slide show." Baekhyun said with a happy smile.

Just then, Sehun and Minnie walked into the room with Sehun's arm wrapped around Minnie's shoulder.

"Hey, love birds." Kai teased. "Were you two making out somewhere?"

Minnie blushed and hid behind Sehun.

Sehun growled. "Hyung, stop teasing. You're making Minnie feel uncomfortable.

"What have you done to my baby?!" Kyungsoo exclaimed as he pulled Minnie away from Sehun. "There there, sweetie. I'll protect you from the hormonal teenage beast."



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Chapter 36: I really like it! Thank you. I could just feel my heartbreak XD
Chapter 35: I loved it! It was so cute and funny! :) Thank you so much!
Chapter 33: jealous Zelo is a cutie pie! ^^
Chapter 31: THANKYOUU for the one shotttt :D I love it!!!!
Chapter 31: THANKYOUU for the one shotttt :D I love it!!!!
luxystar #6
I sent a request!
Chapter 33: Thanksss!!!I luv it♥♡♥ I'll suggest to my friends;)
Chapter 32: Hehehehe thanks you!! I love it♥ l.joe so cute!!
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