A Day At the Beach (Lay)

♫ Bass and Treble One Shot Request Shop (closed)♫

A Day At the Beach

Kim Hae Seok (OC) X Lay

For Spotlightexok

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Hae Seok laid her blanket out under her umbrella and started putting on sunscreen.

Lay had invited her to the beach along with Kai, Chanyeol, Tifanny, and Amber.

"Hae Seok, come in! The water's really nice!" Tiffany said as she splashed Chanyeol.

"Hey!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

Hae Seok giggled. "In a minute!"

Hae Seok looked over at Lay who was lying down under his umbrella with his eyes closed.

He was asleep.

"Ugggg, he invited me here to have fun yet all he does is sleep?" Hae Seok thought. "I can fix that."

Hae Seok grabbed a pail and filled it with water. Then she stood over Lay's sleeping form and poured water all over him.

"Yah!" Lay exclaimed as he jumped up from his spot.

Hae Seok burst into laughter.

"That's what you get!" She said as she ran off into the water.

"Get back here!" Lay exclaimed as he ran after her.

Hae Seok splashed Lay and Lay splashed her back. When Hae Seok wasn't looking, Lay picked her up by the waist and started to spin her around.

"Lay, I'm getting dizzy!" Hae Seok giggled.

"That's what you get." Lay chuckled as he continued to spin Hae Seok.

"Waaaah, you crazy unicorn! Stop spinning me!" Hae Seok whined.

"Hm.... I'll stop. On one condition." Lay said as he set Hae Seok back in the water.

"Hm? What's that?" Hae Seok asked.


Lay pulled Hae Seok close and kissed her softly. Hae Seok blushed and wrapped her arms around Lay's neck.

"If you two are done making out, we're going to have lunch!" Chanyeol yelled from the beach.

Lay and Hae Seok pulled away and laughed. Together, they held hands and went to have lunch with the others.


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Chapter 36: I really like it! Thank you. I could just feel my heartbreak XD
Chapter 35: I loved it! It was so cute and funny! :) Thank you so much!
Chapter 33: jealous Zelo is a cutie pie! ^^
Chapter 31: THANKYOUU for the one shotttt :D I love it!!!!
Chapter 31: THANKYOUU for the one shotttt :D I love it!!!!
luxystar #6
I sent a request!
Chapter 33: Thanksss!!!I luv it♥♡♥ I'll suggest to my friends;)
Chapter 32: Hehehehe thanks you!! I love it♥ l.joe so cute!!
Chapter 1: I sent a request!
Chapter 1: I filled out your application :D