Opposites Attract (Zelo)

♫ Bass and Treble One Shot Request Shop (closed)♫

Opposites Attract

Shin Hyeri (OC) X Zelo

For Skyeismyne

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Hyeri sat down at a table for lunch.

No one dared to sit with the school's rebel girl.

"Oh look, it's Hyeri. Sitting all alone as usual." IU said with a smug smirk on her face. "Just because your brother is Shin Soohyun doesn't make you popular at all you know."

Hyeri rolled her eyes. "And just because you use push ups to make your s look faker than usual doesn't mean it's going to get my brother's attention."

IU gasped. "They're not fake!"

"Are you sure about that?"

IU growled and walked off leaving Hyeri with a smug smirk.

"Ah, Queenkas are too much fun to mess with." Hyeri thought as she chuckled to herself and continued to eat her lunch.

"Hi there!" A cheerful voice said across from her. 

Hyeri looked up and saw a boy with blonde hair with blue in the center of his hair and.... blue eyebrows?

"My name is Zelo." Zelo said with a bright smile. "I'm new here."

Hyeri rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Obviously. Go sit with someone else."

"But you look lonely here all by yourself.... So I'm going to stay here." Zelo said not phased by Hyeri's rude attitude.

Hyeri sighed. "Fine. Do what you want."

Zelo smiled and started to tell Hyeri about him.

He liked to dance. He could rap really really really fast. He's part of a band called BAP. And he has a best friend named Jongup.

"How about you? Who's your best friend?" Zelo asked.

"I.. Don't have one. Unless you count my brother." Hyeri shrugged

"You have a brother! So do I! What's his name?" Zelo asked with a bright smile.

"Shin Soohyun. The guy standing behind you."

Zelo tilted his head up and saw Soohyun standing over him.

"Hi!" Zelo said cheerfully.

"Hello, my name is Soohyun, as you already know." Soohyun said as he shook Zelo's hand. "Hyeri, I approve of him."

"Eh?! What-"

"Classes are about to start." Soohyun said as he walked off.

"Hyeri, can you show me to my class?" Zelo asked sweetly.

"Ugggg, fine. If I have to." Hyeri grumbled as she threw her trash away and dragged Zelo to his class by the arm.

All throughout the day, Zelo would follow Hyeri everywhere she went.

He would walk to her locker with her.

He'd walk with her to her classes claiming it was to learn where the classes were.

He'd even wait outside of the girls' bathroom for her.

Of course, Hyeri found it really annoying at first. But she grew used to it seeing that she couldn't get Zelo to stop.

"Hyeri, can I walk you home?" Zelo asked as he held Hyeri's backpack.

"Sure Zelo... Do whatever you want." Hyeri shrugged as she and Zelo walked back to her house.

During the walk there, Zelo grabbed Hyeri's hand and squeezed it gently.

Hyeri stared at their hands and smiled softly as she squeezed back.

She listened to Zelo's never ending talk about his friends and family and the things he liked to do.

"Hey Hyeri?"

"Yes, Zelo?"


Zelo leaned down and kissed Hyeri on the cheek.

"See you tomorrow." Zelo said as he walked away leaving Hyeri standing on her porch.

Hyeri blushed as she touched her cheek gently.

Maybe having Zelo around wasn't so bad.




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Chapter 36: I really like it! Thank you. I could just feel my heartbreak XD
Chapter 35: I loved it! It was so cute and funny! :) Thank you so much!
Chapter 33: jealous Zelo is a cutie pie! ^^
Chapter 31: THANKYOUU for the one shotttt :D I love it!!!!
Chapter 31: THANKYOUU for the one shotttt :D I love it!!!!
luxystar #6
I sent a request!
Chapter 33: Thanksss!!!I luv it♥♡♥ I'll suggest to my friends;)
Chapter 32: Hehehehe thanks you!! I love it♥ l.joe so cute!!
Chapter 1: I sent a request!
Chapter 1: I filled out your application :D