I Need You (Luhan)

♫ Bass and Treble One Shot Request Shop (closed)♫

I Need You

Bomi (OC) X Luhan

For loveym

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Bomi sighed. She and her husband Luhan had another fight.

She knows that his work is stressful, being the president of SM Entertainment.

But she didn't know how much more she could take.

Luhan left after their argument. He was probably at work again.

It was a viscous cycle.

Luhan was stressed because of work. The smallest things set him off. He would start an argument with Bomi and yell and scream at her. Then he would cool down by going back to work.

And then the cycle started all over again.

Bomi decided to clear her mind by going grocery shopping. 

She was looking up and down the aisles with a shopping list in hand when she bumped into someone and fell.

"Ah, are you okay?" The stanger asked as he helped Bomi up.

"Yeah I'm- ...Kris?" Bomi asked as she looked up at the stranger.

Kris gave her a smile. 

It really was Kris; her best friend from high school.

"Kris! I see you've gotten taller." Bomi giggled.

"And I see you've gotten shorter." Kris chuckled deeply.

"Ugg, well you're as mean as ever." Bomi said with a roll of his eyes.

Kris chuckled agian. "Are you busy? I'd really like to catch up with you."

Bomi hummed. Luhan wouldn't be home for a few more hours.

"Yeah sure. I'd like that too."

Bomi paid for her groceries and let Kris lead her to a nearby cafe.

"So I take it you're married now?" Kris asked as he sat down in the booth and gestured to the ring on Bomi's hand.

Bomi nodded and fiddled with her ring.

"Who's the hubby?" Kris asked giving Bomi a slight nudge.

Bomi giggled. "His name is Luhan."

"Lu... Han?" Kris asked.

"Nae. Luhan."

"He happens to be my boss." Kris chuckled. "So I see you've married nice and rich. How's being married then?"

Bomi sighed. "Not so good..."

Bomi told Kris about her fights with Luhan.

"I really don't blame him." Bomi said as she took a sip of her drink. "His work is very hard and I know that he wants the best for his company and everyone in it. It's one of the things I love about him."

"He should want the best for his wife more than all of that..." Kris mumbled. "If things get out of hand or you want a way to escape it all even just for a moment, call me okay?" Kris asked as he gave Bomi a slip. "I have to get back to work now. Have a safe trip home." 

Bomi watched Kris's retreating back and entered the number onto her phone.

When Bomi got back, she heard the TV on. Luhan was back.

"Hey. How was work?" Bomi asked giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek before retreating to the kitchen.

"Where have you been." Luhan asked monotonously as he flipped through the channels.

"Oh, I was grocery shopping." Bomi said as she put the groceries away. Luhan didn't reply as he continued channel flipping.

"I ran into Kris too.." 

Luhan stopped his channel flipping for a moment. "Really?"

"Yeah... I didn't know he works at your company. You know... He was my best friend in high school."

Luhan nodded. "Yeah I know. I'm going to take a nap. Call me when dinner's ready." Luhan said as he went to their shared room.

Bomi sighed and picked up her phone.

"Hello?" Kris answered.

"Hey, Kris. It's me Bomi." Bomi said as she held the phone between her ear and her shoulder and started cooking.

Luhan leaned against the door to their room as he heard Bomi laughing and giggling while talking to Kris.

Luhan sighed and hoped their catching up would end soon.

He was wrong.

Bomi was almost never home now. She was having lunch with Kris or going shopping with Kris or taking a walk with Kris or whatever with Kris.

Luhan had enough and stomped down to Kris's office.

He quickly shut the door and glared at Kris. "I want this to stop. Now."

"Whatever do you mean, boss?" Kris asked with a smirk on his face.

Luhan slammed his hands on Kris's desk. "Stop trying to steal my wife from me!!!"

"It's not stealing her if she leaves you willingly. I know how you've been treating her. You don't deserve and angel like her and you never will. If you're not going to treat her like the jewel she is, then I. Will." Kris said as he glared at Luhan. "Now if you excuse me, I have work to do."

Luhan left Kris's office and slammed the door.

He wasn't going to give up Bomi without a fight.


Bomi came home that night with a sigh. She dropped her bag on the floor and went to the kitchen only to see Luhan standing there in the kitchen dressed nicely holding a bouquet of white roses.

The kitchen table was covered with red rose petals with a nice meal for two set on top of it. Candle light surrounded the kitchen giving it a romantic atmosphere.

"Luhan? What's going on?" Bomi asked cautiously.

"I made dinner for you... Do you like it?" Luhan asked as he handed her the roses.

Bomi nodded and went to sit down at the table when Luhan pulled the chair out for her.

"How was your day?" Luhan asked as he sat across from her.

"It was good. Kris visited me at work and brought me lunch. Isn't that nice of him?"

Luhan felt his heart sink and grabbed Bomi's hand from across the table.

"Bomi, you know I love you. And I know I haven't been treating you the best lately but please remember that I love you more than anything. My world would shatter if you left me, Bomi...... Please don't leave me.... I need you by my side..."

Luhan bent his head down so Bomi wouldn't see the tears running down his face.

Bomi got up from her seat and tilted Luhan's head up. "Luhan, I would never leave you. If I wanted to, I oculd've done so much sooner. But I don't. I love you so much and that's never going to change." she said as she wiped the tears from Luhan's eyes.

"But.... Kris..."

"Is just a friend. You're my husband." Bomi said as she sat in Luhan's lap.

Luhan smiled softly and wrapped his arms around Bomi's waist. "I love you, Bomi."

"I love you too Luhan. Now.... Knowing that you can't cook to save your life, who really made this dinner?"

"... Kyungsoo."



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Chapter 36: I really like it! Thank you. I could just feel my heartbreak XD
Chapter 35: I loved it! It was so cute and funny! :) Thank you so much!
Chapter 33: jealous Zelo is a cutie pie! ^^
Chapter 31: THANKYOUU for the one shotttt :D I love it!!!!
Chapter 31: THANKYOUU for the one shotttt :D I love it!!!!
luxystar #6
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Chapter 33: Thanksss!!!I luv it♥♡♥ I'll suggest to my friends;)
Chapter 32: Hehehehe thanks you!! I love it♥ l.joe so cute!!
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