
Love beyond a doubt


“Hello? Park Yoochun speaking…” A half asleep man answers the call on his mobile phone while staring blankly at his alarm clock.

“Hello. I am Doctor Charles calling from the hospital.” “The patient have been transferred to the normal wards so if you would like to, you can come and see him.” The person at the other end of the line continued but the detective does not register much information.

“!! It’s already nine?” Yoochun spoke again, obviously suffering from a brain lagging hangover.

“Yes it is.” “Are you with me?” The doctor asked and Yoochun nodded dumbly, as if there were someone with him. “Ah yes. Give me a moment.” Reaching for his hangover drink, a Korean recipe, he swallowed everything in one gulp and got back onto the phone. Yoochun had the drink on standby beside his bed since he knew he would be drunk.

“I will be coming over to do some documentation. Thank you.” Yoochun answered at last. Then, climbing out of bed with a groan as his back bones and joints clicks like rusty machine parts, he stretches before proceeding to flush himself down with a quick cold water shower.

“You are getting old, Park sshi…” Mumbling to himself and scratching his back like a ahjussi, the man grabbed his work clothes and threw them on, searching the pile for a clean matching pair of sock. The man is not a good housekeeper, but since there is no one else living with him, the mess is minimised.

However, a leaking tap will take roughly a year to be fixed. A broken cupboard door still hangs loosely on masking tapes while the abandoned microwave still make weird noises whenever it is used once in a blue moon. The singleton Park residence is also littered with clothes, socks, food wrappers and emptied liquor bottles. The detective does not even remember when he last went to the laundrette. He is in desperate need for a wife considering his situation.

Hopping into his car and driving off to the hospital, the detective does not play any music. But the news station on radio is always blasting away.

Spreading his footsteps out wide, Yoochun is met with a sleeping Junsu. However, not wanting to waste any time, the detective approached the silent boy. There is visible bruising on most parts of Junsu’s body by now and the man proceeded to clearly documenting them in his files.

Lifting Junsu thin hands and inspecting them, measuring them, the boy does not wake. Then, turning the unconscious person to lie laterally, Yoochun documented the bruising on his as well. Tapping his fingers on the table as he watches a silent Junsu, the man knows he is in for a long case. However, since the doctors did say that the boy will wake eventually, the detective remains optimistic.

Reaching the office after the detour to the hospital, the man hurriedly got to work, linking the stolen car and mapping the possible hideout of the syndicate based on where they have abandoned the car. Greeting his subordinates as they either just arrived or are leaving the office, Yoochun is invigorated by the dreamless sleep thanks to the soothing alcohol in his system.

Realising that he had not been able to sleep well without the help of alcohol, Yoochun actually advises his colleagues to drink as well. He even offers them cigarettes if they are stressed and shouting into their phone receivers as well. Perhaps that is why no one likes to raise their voice in Yoochun’s presence, lest they are encouraged to smoke as well.

“RING!! RING RING RING!!” A phone call wrecked his mood effectively. Once again.

“Hello. Park Yoochun speaking.” The man started out with a friendly tone. “Yes. He is still comatose so I wasn’t able to question him…”

“WHAT?! NO! I applied for that yesterday and there is no reason why it will require that long!!” Yoochun’s tone turned sour again as he yells loud enough for everyone to cringe. “NO no no no! You listen! I have had ENOUGH!!” “Hello?! HELLO?!”

Grabbing at his hair, the detective kicks his table so hard that papers were scattered all around. Cursing loudly, he picks up the phone again and punches the button furiously. However, the other end of the line is determined to ignore his call. There is bad blood between the headquarters and Yoochun in particular, and his live just got worse. Again.

Stomping out of his office, the detective fumbled through his pocket for a cigarette again and lit it. Not bothering to proceed to the balcony as he in the smoke forcefully, the man squatted in the corner of the lift and rested his the back of his head against the metal surface behind.


POV from Yoochun

My life is a mess. I don’t even know what is happening that causes it to be so screwed up half the time. To bump into a kidnapping case just as I am headed to solve another kidnapping case meant that someone up there is thinking too highly of me! God… how can you do this to me?

It’s not as though I have nothing to do! My department is functioning on pure slavery if I do not say so myself. Our personal living conditions are a joke! The whole lot of us!

To add on to this craziness, the people at headquarters are also getting out of hand. All the other departments are REALLY determined to screw with me aren’t they?! This is driving me up the wall!! With every damn thing they do!!

I woke up this morning expecting for a brand new day with better progress but they have to call and ruin everything. It is just so ridiculous that they can throw me any case whenever they like it, and when I need a favour from them, they simply put the priority level ALL the way at the lowest on that never ending list of theirs!!

First it’s the vehicle I admit to spoiling. I didn’t have a choice since there was a hostage situation and after helping those leeches at the headquarters look like the heroes, I asked for funds to repair it… but up till now, we are all functioning using our own car and own petrol!! Secondly, I asked for a proper office upgrade… especially since my colleagues keeps losing their work due to bloody IT system failure. Those never came either. I have a stack of hard drives clogging up the walking space and a few of my currently zombie-like officers have already tripped over them.

And now THIS, I have reported an urgent need for custodial back up for that victim in the hospital. I might need to deport him since he has no identification whatsoever on him… but it seems like he might be staying with me or my department for a while. They say the process will require roughly a month and that means I have to take care of the victim for a month?

Does this even make sense?

I have no name. No time to babysit. No resources. Not to mention, if he never wakes up… and remains a vegetable for the rest of his life, does it mean my department will have to fund his healthcare expenses until the states takes over?

I don’t care!! They are going to help me whether they like it or not!


Meanwhile… Back in Korea

“Hyun Joong ah?! Have you found him yet?!” A lady pacing around the room picks the phone at the first sound and shouted into the receiver. “Hello?”

“YAH!! Don’t call me now!!” Throwing the other ringing phone against the wall and successfully snubbing her secretary, the lady is too upset to care about anything else. Breaking into tears for the umpteenth time, the mother of two is too distraught to do anything else.

Eyes red and swollen from the overflowing tear ducts, the lady hadn’t eaten properly in days. Regretting every time she sees the picture of Junsu on her desk, she had already used up a carton of Kleenex.

Calling the embassy is not helping either ways. They didn’t even have proof that Jaejoong was there except for airport records. The worse part had to be when Hyun Joong broke the news of Jaejoong’s kidnap to her.

On the other hand, even though embassy have Junsu’s visa, they do not know if Junsu is kidnapped or lost. Checking hospital records didn’t help and the police are reluctant to put up a missing person’s report since he is the second missing foreigner.


POV from Mrs Kim

My heart shattered the moment I got Hyun Joong to tell me the truth about my Joongie’s disappearance. It has never occurred to me that he would be kidnapped from the safety of his hostel! I should’ve just put him up in the private apartment blocks instead!! It’s not as if I don’t have the money!!

What’s the use of regretting anyway!? My son is kidnapped… and even though I REALLY don’t want to say this three words again, I know I can’t deny that he is kidnapped by a human trafficking syndicate. What are they going to do with my poor poor Joongie?! I don’t want to imagine!! I can’t!! Human trafficking syndicate… I will be damned.

I strongly believe that Joongie will make it out of this ordeal alive!! He is a fighter! He has always been a fighter! When he was younger, he did be my pillar of strength after my husband’s death. He is never afraid… and does not falter easily. I can only pin my hope on his tough characteristics…

The most gruelling part about this ordeal I am going through right now will be the disappearance of my Suie as well…

He… He is SUCH a stubborn kid!! How dare he leave despite my objections?!

I should’ve been more careful!! I should’ve paid more attention when he said that he is flying!! I never expected that he would do that!! How can he do this to me?!! That precious son of mine is too innocent to think he can help find his brother!! Did he really watch too much TV!?

Hyun Joong told me that he was last seen chasing the kidnappers that kidnapped my Joongie. Oh god. I shall not go as far as to think he got kidnapped as well! What was he thinking?!! That little idiot!!!

The embassy says that he is probably just lost and will find his way back… so I am waiting day and night for that one phone call to tell me that at least one of my boys is saved. Why is this happening to my family? Everything was going well until all this!! What did I do wrong to deserve this? My sons definitely didn’t do anything wrong! They are good kids! Filial! Kind! Well behaved!!

This is one major heart attack after the other and I wonder why I am still alive!! I can’t anymore… if they are really dead and… or if they are never coming back… I think I won’t want to live anymore either. My live would be over too…


Back in the states…

It was well into the morning as a sports car pulls up in front of the main gates of a mansion. However, the driver’s hood is up, which is rare, almost never. He never puts up his hood even on a hot sunny day, preferring to bask in the sun.

“Welcome back Sir!” A bunch of maids and butlers comes to his assistance as soon as the man exits the vehicle. Valet is done by one of the butler while the others take his keys and offer to carry the dead weight in his hands for him.

Walking with his chest out and shoulders back even though he has an unconscious person in a bridal cradle, the man overlooks the possible embarrassment and continued on his way up to his room on the second floor. Everyone he walks past will congratulate him and he knows exactly what the big hoo-ha is about.

Waiting for the man in his room is his father and grandfather. They were beaming as he enters the room and places the limp person in his arms, on his own unused bed.

“Yunho ah! How did it go?” The anxious old man asked as he holds his grandson by the hands, patting his back.

“Omo! What happened to your jaw?” Noticing a nasty bruise on Yunho’s jaw line, Mr Jung pointed it out.

“He took out the two bodyguards you two sent to protect me as well.” Yunho said and sat down next to Jaejoong. “I like him. But he will be a handful.” The bachelor added.

“Don’t worry about that Yunho ah, we have built a special room to keep him.” The old man almost jumped with joy had his arthritis not prevented that. He had long renovated a room right beside Yunho’s, with a glass panel. The special room had a door decorated with a high security lock, only accessible to Yunho so the bachelor will be able to keep his partner like a pet.

Rising an eyebrow at his grandfather, the young man does not say much. Strolling into the enclosure-like display room, he sat down on the big bed stacked up with pillows and even chains. Sighing at his elder’s exaggerated preparation, Yunho looked at Jaejoong on the outside and back at the glass prison before shaking his head.

“Appa. Haraboji. There is no need for that now.” Strange enough, the poor man is unable to bring himself to keep Jaejoong locked up like an animal. He might have promised himself not to soften so easily, he still can’t imagine himself treating Jaejoong so inhumanely. “I will just bring him back to the yacht…”

“Did you have fun with him last night?” Mr Jung interrupts just as Yunho picks Jaejoong up and was about to exit the room.

“NO. I mean... I am not into sleeping with unresponsive people.” The embarrassing question got Yunho a little flustered.

“Was he dressed to your liking yesterday? Birthday suit was your Appa’s idea since it was your birthday!” Senior Jung cuts in with an even more appalling question.

“WHAT NO!! I mean... I like him with some clothes on.” Yunho sulked as he picks up and covers an already fully clothed Jaejoong with his blanket instinctively.

“Bye Haraboji. Bye Appa. You wanted me to bring home your in-law for a visit, so here he is. We will be at the yacht if you need anything.”


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Chapter 37: I think that is the third fic that I've read from your stories and my first comment
Wow your plot is amazing
How Mr Jung end up meeting Mrs Kim (sometimes fanfics world is little)
Hope to see your updates
Chapter 37: This story is perfect I can't wait for new chapter!!! Please update soon :)
alwayskeepthefaithh #3
Love this story !
youaremypierrot #4
Love this story !
IcahXi #5
Chapter 37: please update soooon, :))
aktfTVXQ9 #6
Chapter 37: Please update soon:)
Chapter 37: I love this fic so much, please update soon author-nim
lelouch7 #8
Chapter 22: Love this story a lot, I'm surprised that I actually love the yoosu part more since I'm a yunjae fan. It just touches me, I love love love your Yoochunnie, I can relate to his feelings too. Thanks for sharing!
aoichan60 #9
Chapter 36: Poor Mrs. Kim:(
his son lost memories, the other not yet to be found..
Chapter 37: omo yunho's father met kim's mother!
only if yunho's father knew jae is pregnant.. he must be happy..
thx for the update.

is it bad side of mine that I don't want su-ie to remember his past yet? ahaha