
Love beyond a doubt


Seated in a long decorated ballroom like hall, groups of dangerous looking man started shuffling in while an old man sits with his son and grandson. Surrounding them is a notable amount of body guards, forming a kind of fortress around them.

Respected for being one of the most powerful mafia in that region, the old man was only a small gang member when he was younger. However, in a bid to survive the tough and dangerous living conditions, he had mastered the way to protect himself as well as earn the respect of his peers and leader. Marrying the gang lord’s daughter, he also made a name for himself and took over.

Feared by everyone, they would do his bidding and are careful not to enrage him. Such gatherings are rare but since there is important business he needs to do, he does not hesitate to put his reputation to good use.

“Thank you all for coming. I have a favour to ask of you.” Standing up to speak, everyone present becomes silent. Scanning through the small crowd, the old man spots the particular leader of the syndicate he bought Jaejoong from.

Passing them a rough sketch of Junsu, drawn by Jaejoong himself, the old man folded his hands and observed for a reaction, keeping an eye on the most likely one. Being gifted in many forms of fine arts, the older brother is able to remember the younger one’s facial features down to the finest details. He even painted his father’s niche portrait since his mother was extremely picky with her husband’s picture.

“I know him.” The leader of the local syndicate roaming Jaejoong’s school neighbourhood approaches the old man on his own accord. “My man tried to kidnap him some time back… but there were some issues.” Unwilling to allow the other eavesdropping leaders to hear about his failure, he goes to a corner with Yunho for a more private chat.

“Well… you see. He managed to recognise one of my men from the CCTV footage at the university where we kidnapped your… your fiancé.” “He chased us… and we were cornered…” The man says in a weak voice. Yunho listens while they sit facing each other in a separate room.

“So you do have him?” “I need to know where you sold him off to.” Yunho interrupts the man’s sob story and the man looks around him sheepishly.

“Look. We made a mistake.” The leader is not too sure why Yunho will be looking for the victim they not only tried to kidnap but kill. Nervous since the boy’s whereabouts are unknown, a result of their hasty escape, the man does not know what to tell Yunho.

“One of my man shot him.” The guilty man concludes and Yunho immediately leaps up from his seat, staring wide eyed at the other. “I’m not too sure where but he was definitely out cool…”

“Is he died?” The answer hit him like a thunder bolt and he suddenly realises that Jaejoong is not going to like what he hears. Little did he know, Jaejoong is already aware, wandering into the room by accident.


POV from Jaejoong

I was whisked into this super presidential suit like room after arriving at this impossible looking mansion… and that bastard told me to just sit and wait while he goes off to settle some business.

I didn’t really care about what business he does, but he is definitely doing shady businesses. Who has a houseful of armed man cladded in black suits for butlers? There are more of those body guards like people than housekeeper proper. My home is the exact opposite and we don’t even have a proper security guard except for our dog…

To be honest, I see this really enclosure looking like room at the side and I kind of know the purpose for it. Now I prefer the boat…

The room made me really uncomfortable so I ended up leaving it even though he did warn me about doing that. He told me to stay put but I won’t do that. He is wasting my time even though I am rushing to find Suie, and I can’t just sit still while he does his own things. I hate him for wasting my time! But I need his help… so I will just give him a few more hours.

And that was what I thought…

I found myself in a room after walking around aimlessly and my life turned upside down in an instant. I heard people approaching and hid behind the first object I can find and then this two people entered, talking about something and I did not know who they were referring to.

Then I saw him through a small gap. The man who hit me back in that place! That bastard is talking to him like they knew one another and it is finally clear to me that he is like one of them. That was probably why he and his grandfather and father needed so many people to protect them. Evil man! I should’ve known better… but I don’t really have a choice do I?

That is not the point however. They were discussing about someone and I saw the picture I drew of my Suie. They are talking about him and what is it that they were saying about someone being shot and all?!

Were they referring to Suie when they said someone was shot? Don’t tell me they dare tell me they shot my baby brother!!! I won’t forgive them!! Every single one of them!!


 “Who died?” Stumbling out from behind where he is hidden, from behind the curtains. Jaejoongs airy voice sounded somewhat shrill as he holds onto the short bookcase for support. His legs still felt weak and he wasn’t even able to walk straight at the first place.

Even more taken aback to see Jaejoong’s big back eyes staring at him, Yunho quickly makes his way over to the young man, hoping to him back to the room. Nonetheless, the agitated latter is not about to be kept in the dark.

“You are the one who hit me!! Hyun Joong said Suie saw you!! You have Suie!! GIVE HIM BACK!!!” Pushing past Yunho, Jaejoong grabs the bigger man by the collar and drums him on the chest with his other fist. Scratching and slapping him when the syndicate leader pulls him off and shoves him, Yunho is infuriated by the rough handling of his lovely partner.

“Hey! Don’t you dare hit him!” Grabbing the man by his wrist and sending him sprawling with just a simple push, Yunho saved Jaejoong a punch in the gut. The syndicate leader is momentarily stunned by the mafia’s protectiveness, since most of the captives he sold would be treated like nothing more than a dog or thrash.

Jaejoong is not about to stop though. Pushing himself up from the couch he was thrown on, he grabs the man by the hair and pulled as hard as he can, causing the man to howl in pain. “!! THE TWO OF YOU ARE THE MOST DIFFICULT PAIR TO DEAL WITH, YOU KNOW THAT!?” The man tries to slap Jaejoong but Yunho had restrained him and issued him a punch on the face, drawing blood.

“Don’t interfere!! I can handle him by myself!!” Getting up again and shoving Yunho away, the young man ignored the pain in his lower region and issued the syndicate leader a kick in the stomach, just to lose his balance. “WHERE DID YOU SELL HIM OFF TO?!” “WHERE IS HE?!!”

“He is dead!!! DEAD and deserves it!!!” The man bowls over and spits at Jaejoong’s feet while they sit facing one another.

Swallowing a lump at his throat, suppressing the nausea, the horrified young man lost it. Jumping on top of the man, he rains blows on him. Deriving the strength from the growing hatred, he hit the man as hard as he could, biting and clawing at him in the process. “LIAR!! TELL ME THE TRUTH!!!” “WHERE IS HE NOW?!!”

“I told you!!” “HE IS DEAD!!” “MY BOYS SHOT HIM!!!” The exasperated man pushes Jaejoong off and crawls out of the way. “Man! How do you handle him?” The syndicate leader sees Yunho trying to pull a hysterical Jaejoong back up and rasps, running for the door. “If not for your family’s request, I did never waste my time on such a crazy !” “This is the last deal I am making with you guys man!” Shuddering, the man concluded before darting out of the room cowardly.

“COME BACK!!! TELL ME WHERE HE IS?!” Breaking free from Yunho, the young man wanted to give chase but is blocked when the older man stops him before he can reach the door.

Screaming at the top of his lungs, even the older man’s elders were alerted. Sending the guests off, they went on to check out the hullabaloo. Yunho has Jaejoong in his arms, hugging the smaller person by the waist with a back hug while the other thrashes around. Despair then sets in and Jaejoong crumples into a messy heap.

Sitting on the cold marble floor silently for a moment after Yunho lets go of him, Jaejoong’s head remained bowed and hidden by his tousled hair. The two older Jung watched on for youngest Jung’s reaction. “You. It’s all because of you!” Jaejoong never really thought to blame Yunho since he attributes Junsu’s disappearance to his own incompetence, but now that he is aware of what might really be going on, he is beyond ordinarily pissed.

“You!! What did I do to deserve this?!” Turning to Yunho, Jaejoong pushes the tall man away from him and inches away from him like he is some communicable disease. “Why me?!” “I haven’t done anything to you!! How dare you do this to me?!” Angry tears courses down his milky white skin as he rubs them off furiously.

“Return me my brother!! Return him to me!!!” Kicking the silent Yunho since his legs are still within range, Jaejoong stamped his bare feet on Yunho’s clenched fist and the man allows him to.

“If you didn’t have me kidnapped then none of this would have happened!!” Getting more and more enraged, the young man grabbed the pillows from on the couch and hurled it at the still quiet Yunho. Then, grabbing the remote control for the gigantic television set, Jaejoong throws it at the unflinching Yunho as well. “I hate you!! Hate you hate you hate you!!!”

Knowing that he had probably brought this onto Jaejoong, the older man isn’t feeling too good either. For once, he feels indebted to someone. He feels as though he owes Jaejoong something, he isn’t entirely sure if his ego will allow him to make it up to the younger man. Allowing Jaejoong to vent on him is the only way to go now.

“Lock him up.” The old man finally speaks up, ordering his personal to bring Jaejoong away. He can tell that Yunho is not capable of doing that in this point in time, simply allowing Jaejoong to throw things at him.

Dragging the frantic young man up by the biceps, the escorts had to struggle with him to lift him up. Carrying him by the waist, the escorts tried to move but Yunho is up and blocking their way. Reaching over and taking Jaejoong from them, he throws the younger one over his shoulder and makes his way back solemnly.

“LET GO OF ME, YOU RUFFIAN!!” Struggling with the tall man before being tucked into the pink sheets which he finds revolting, Jaejoong is helpless under Yunho’s stronghold. “I AM REPORTING YOU ALL TO THE AUTHORITY!!!” Brushing Yunho’s hand off angrily, Jaejoong head him but misses.

“Shut up and behave yourself!” Grabbing Jaejoong by the back of his neck, the older man held the younger man close and stares into the huge pair of rage filled eyes. Jaejoong glowers in response and slaps the older man square across the cheeks.

“Remember! You are still my and you belong to me the day I bought you.” Yunho presses him down onto the soft bed and climbs on top of him, face so close that he is practically snatching the air Jaejoong was about to breathe in.

“Bull!” “You took advantage of me but I won’t let you do that anymore!” Jaejoong hisses at him just to earn himself a tight slap, causing his cheeks to sting as tears threaten to pour again. Jaejoong has never actually behaved rudely to Yunho before and the older man is not handling his outburst very well.

Forcing the younger one’s mouth apart by the jaw, Yunho kissed Jaejoong roughly, squashing the latter in his tight grip and bear hug. Trying to bite Yunho, Jaejoong fails, since he can hardly breathe while drowning in the saliva and having his air passage blocked off by Yunho’s tongue. Breaking off the kiss after the older man is finally satisfied with the decrease in intensity of struggling, Yunho takes his time to look at Jaejoong, almost apologetically, with the tiniest hint of remorse.

“Please let me go! I just need to know if he is really dead! I am sure he is still alive somewhere! I can feel it!!” “My brother and umma needs me!” Jaejoong gives up fighting and pleads with Yunho again. Jaejoong is a smart fella and knows what is required and when.

“But I need you too.” “And I swear I will find your brother for you if he is still alive.”


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Chapter 37: I think that is the third fic that I've read from your stories and my first comment
Wow your plot is amazing
How Mr Jung end up meeting Mrs Kim (sometimes fanfics world is little)
Hope to see your updates
Chapter 37: This story is perfect I can't wait for new chapter!!! Please update soon :)
alwayskeepthefaithh #3
Love this story !
youaremypierrot #4
Love this story !
IcahXi #5
Chapter 37: please update soooon, :))
aktfTVXQ9 #6
Chapter 37: Please update soon:)
Chapter 37: I love this fic so much, please update soon author-nim
lelouch7 #8
Chapter 22: Love this story a lot, I'm surprised that I actually love the yoosu part more since I'm a yunjae fan. It just touches me, I love love love your Yoochunnie, I can relate to his feelings too. Thanks for sharing!
aoichan60 #9
Chapter 36: Poor Mrs. Kim:(
his son lost memories, the other not yet to be found..
Chapter 37: omo yunho's father met kim's mother!
only if yunho's father knew jae is pregnant.. he must be happy..
thx for the update.

is it bad side of mine that I don't want su-ie to remember his past yet? ahaha