
Love beyond a doubt


Omg. Junjjang is coming up with a new OST!!! Go support!! <3333

Thank you all for the kind comments and also the subscriptions! *hugs*


“HYUN JOONG AH!! OPEN THE DOOR!! HURRY!!! IT’S ME!!” Frantically knocking on the door, a desperate young man cries out fearfully. The veneer door immediately swings open after loud clattering sounds are emitted from within the small kitchen.

“IS THAT YOU, JOONGIE AH!?! JOONGIE AH!!!” Screaming like a hysterical old man, another young man, weathered by the long search and self-blame can’t believe his own eyes. Seeing this ‘joongie’ right in front of his very own eyes, he had to slap himself a few times just to be sure.

Hugging and squeezing Jaejoong tightly in his arms as he repeats his best buddy’s name over and over again, both were crying and wailing at the same time.

“Hurry!! We have to get out of here! Bring me to the police station first!” Jaejoong urged as he pushes his friend into the room and locks the door behind him, high-strung. “I need to report him and the kidnappers!!” Jaejoong can’t stop himself from repeating that sentence.

Throwing his belongings into the luggage, the young man does not even bother to explain much as he works on closing the over expanded carrier hurriedly. Packing Hyun Joong’s items as he goes along the corridor of the hostel, his friend follows his every instruction dumbly. Then, pulling on a coat and scarf as well as sunglasses, he disguises the both of them and hurries onto the main street as well.

“Can I make a call to umma?” Jaejoong asked and fumbled through Hyun Joong’s coat pocket while his friend stares at him blankly, still in a daze. “YEOBOSEYO?! UMMA!!! UMMA IT’S ME!!!” “JOONGIE!!” The young man practically shouted into the receiver as soon as they board a cab Hyun Joong had flagged down dumbly.

“Help me book the earliest flight back home!! I will talk to you later! Tell Suie I will be back and tell him not to worry!” Jaejoong held back the tears even though he was at the verge of tears. Not waiting for Mrs Kim to reply, he hang up and handed the phone to his friend.

However, as they step out of the cab, the loud siren of the police car jolts Hyun Joong from his trance. “Jaejoong ah!!” Grabbing the young man’s hands as if finally remembering something important, the man spun his friend to face him and stared into his beautiful sparkling eyes with a stern look.

“I forgot to tell you this earlier… but you have to promise to listen calmly…” Hyun Joong spoke in a serious tone and Jaejoong can feel his guts churn violently. Nodding his head slowly, he already feels a little giddy. “D-did something happen?”

“Suie was here. He was looking for you…” “But he went missing too…” Jaejoong’s eyes grew so wide that they are almost popping out. Swaying a little and steadying himself with Hyun Joong’s broad shoulder, the young man felt nausea, threatening to make him regurgitate the digesting mints projectile.

“W-What do you mean?!” Jaejoong whispered. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!!” Raising his airy voice a whole notch higher, he literally screeched. “WHO ALLOWED HIM TO COME HERE?!” “HOW DID HE EVEN COME HERE?!”

“H-he flew here by himself… after running away from home.” “Then he said he saw your kidnappers… the ones on the CCTV.” “We got separated somehow and he was gone…” Hyun Joong’s words sounded like mallets hitting Jaejoong on the head, each word clubbing him harder and harder.

Hyperventilating, Jaejoong collapses onto the ground and sits there in a trance. Bending down to help him up, Hyun Joong can see the despair in Jaejoong’s eyes and the earlier sparkle is gone, replaced by an abyss. Clenching his chest tightly, the young man allowed his friend to heave him up but does not attempt to assist, remaining limp.

This has got to be the worse anti- in his life ever, the worse news ever. To imagine his brother going through the same thing as he did, his blood ran cold in an instant. Being in front of the police department, Jaejoong finally realises that he is only a few minutes from help, still having his faith in the justice system.

“We need to tell the police!! We need to tell the police!!” Clambering up onto his feet independently this time, the young man raced off into the building.

“JAE!! I HAVE ALREADY DONE THAT!!” Catching up barely, the panting man does not fail to notice the bad ankle. “You are injured! Let’s sit down and I will tell you everything you need to know…” Pulling Jaejoong over to the seats nearby, Hyun Joong made his friend sit down for a brief discussion.

“WHEN DID HE DISAPPEAR?!!” Jaejoong screamed and Hyun Joong does not stop him, even though they are in the middle of a crowded public area in the station.

“Jae. He disappeared three days after you did…” Hyun Joong whispered and Jaejoong places his palms to his face, wailing loudly, inconsolable. The young man is too cultured to throw fit and destroy things. Venting through crying is all he ever does.

Patting his back, Hyun Joong wanted to give Jaejoong some time to calm down and proceeded to the vending machine to get him a drink, but the man is up and racing out of the station before he can return with the hot beverage.

“JAE!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!” “WAIT FOR ME!!” Running after the latter, Hyun Joong ended up discarding the untouched paper cup and barely manages to hop into the same cab as Jaejoong. His frantic friend has a look on his face that he is not used to seeing and he is perturbed.

“I must find him!! I must find him!!!” Jaejoong is chanting an incantation by now but seemed clearheaded enough to start a two way communication. “I have a way!! I know a way to find him!!” Jaejoong voice is cracking but he sounded somehow confident. However, no matter how Hyun Joong probes, he wouldn’t answer any more questions.

Reaching the hostel again, after just leaving, Jaejoong lugs the luggage up the stairs before running into his room and closing the door behind him, after Hyun Joong enters. Burrowing through his exploding suitcase, Jaejoong pulled out the first pants and shirt he can find and headed into the attached bathroom, not speaking.

“Jae… can you at least talk to me?” “What happened to you?” “Maybe you can help by giving the police some clues…” Hyun Joong asked while leaning tiredly on the bathroom door.

“They can’t help… We are running out of time! It’s a long story… but I swear won’t let my Suie go through what I had to.” Jaejoong replied with a determined tone to his voice.

“What will you do?” “I want to help too! PLEASE just tell me, will you?!” His friend taps on the bathroom door continuously while Jaejoong washes himself down.

“Did they hit you?” Hyun Joong asked at last, trying desperately to start a conversation. Jaejoong replied with a soft yes, knowing that the other man is just worried.

“Did they do anything else? Like… you know… touch you or something?” The friend knows what human trafficking involves and Jaejoong had always been the common target for ual harassment back in school last time.

“I don’t know… I’ve never thought about that… or asked him if he did anything…” Jaejoong replies while exiting the bathroom and Hyun Joong can only do a face palm. Realising that Yunho was with him all this while yet he never actually wondered about the status of his ity, Jaejoong has no time to be bothered by Hyun Joong’s particularly sensitive question.

“Who is this he?” Now the friend is starting to feel uneasy. “Your kidnapper?” Jaejoong does not give any specification.

“The guy that is going to help me find Suie.” That is the only answer Hyun Joong got after following the other latter around.

“Tell me frankly… you are not going to go back to him just because he kidnapped you so he did know where Suie is too? Right?” The man started running to block off Jaejoong as he tries to exit the hostel room with nothing but the clothes on his back.

Jaejoong does an ambiguous shrug and Hyun Joong can feel his blood pressure rise. “I will go talk to him instead!! You can’t disappear again!!” “I will get your umma to fly down and bring you back!!” Pushing Jaejoong back in, the concerned friend is relieved when Jaejoong does not resist and follows him back to the living area.

“I will go call Mrs Kim and cook something for you.” “Go sleep first.” Hyun Joong sees Jaejoong resting his head on the couch with his eyes closed and assumes that the lad is finally thinking straight. He is direly mistaken, Jaejoong is just trying to figure out how he will contact Yunho again.

Leaving the irrational Jaejoong alone, Hyun Joong got back to cooking dinner, not hearing the soft click as the main door closes. The sound is buried by the sound of onions being chopped.


POV from Jaejoong

Suie. My poor little brother!! No!! I can’t imagine what he needs to go through because of me!! It’s all because of me!! I have caused all this!! Umma is probably breaking apart!!! Suie would never do something so absurd!! He must have been really desperate!!

I shouldn’t have come here!! I wasn’t even keen on leaving home and my family behind!! They are already so broken after appa passed away!! Suie was only 12 when appa left and umma was so distraught that we couldn’t function for a good one week… I managed to pull everyone together after his demise and now that we are finally happy again, this has to happen!!

What was he thinking?!! I don’t understand!! No… I actually do! If Suie is in trouble, I did go all out to find him too!! I would fly to Madagascar or even the South Pole if he were to disappear there!

My god. I can’t even start to think about how much he will have to go through!! I was in his shoes too!! Beaten… beaten harder… treated like a piece of disposable thrash… and I am considered lucky since I was sold the same day that I arrived!! Those poor captives there have had it far worse!!

I can’t even start to choose if it will be better if he was sold or locked up there!! I can’t!! THIS ISN’T RIGHT!! WHY SHOULD I EVEN THINK ABOUT CHOOSING?!

Suie is a fighter!! He will fight as hard as me!! If not, harder!! That is not good!! If he at least goes with flow, they might not hurt him…

I can’t!! I don’t want to think about all this!!

No one gets away after hurting my brother!! I will commit murder if I have to!!! Those bastards!! How can they even do this to another human being?!!

But so what if I want to squash the life out of them like tomatoes? I can’t do that! I don’t have the abilities to do so… I am just a law abiding citizen, be it over here or back home. I can’t do anything to them without the help of the police and that is for sure… but what have they done so far?! It’s been nearly a week!!!

I had to escape on my own too and there wasn’t even a single police officer in sight!!

After thinking through my options, I have come to a conclusion that there is only one person who can help me find my Suie!! It’s only with the help of evil can I find the source of evil… My options are limited. My resources are limited! I will have to do this no matter how reluctant I am! He is the only one… I don’t have a choice… even though he is the cause of all this!! I have to pick the lesser of two evil.

Best day of my live today? So untrue!! … It just became the worst day ever. To think that I only just managed to escape. BARELY!! I BARELY MADE IT OUT OF THERE WITH MY FREEDOM!!

For my Suie! For my Suie!! I won’t complain even if he makes me get down on both knees and beg. I will do anything he wants me to as long as he is able to help me find and save my Suie. He is probably angry at me… and I don’t know what he will make me do to satiate the anger… but I am ready. For the information! I must endure!

I will bring him home to umma for sure!


“Jae! I have cooked your favourite comfort food for you!” “I even cooked it the way you taught me to!” Whisking a piping hot bowl of spicy rice cake, Jaejoong style, into the living room where the person was last seen in, Hyun Joong is met with an empty couch.

Placing down the plate in his hand, the man made his way into the bedroom, expecting to see Jaejoong huddled up under the blankets, but the bed is still neatly made. Wandering into the bathroom, and then the common area for students, Hyun Joong can feel panic welling up quickly.

Dashing out of the main door pass the main lobby, he noticed a cab turning just around the corner, with a familiar side profile seated within.



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Chapter 37: I think that is the third fic that I've read from your stories and my first comment
Wow your plot is amazing
How Mr Jung end up meeting Mrs Kim (sometimes fanfics world is little)
Hope to see your updates
Chapter 37: This story is perfect I can't wait for new chapter!!! Please update soon :)
alwayskeepthefaithh #3
Love this story !
youaremypierrot #4
Love this story !
IcahXi #5
Chapter 37: please update soooon, :))
aktfTVXQ9 #6
Chapter 37: Please update soon:)
Chapter 37: I love this fic so much, please update soon author-nim
lelouch7 #8
Chapter 22: Love this story a lot, I'm surprised that I actually love the yoosu part more since I'm a yunjae fan. It just touches me, I love love love your Yoochunnie, I can relate to his feelings too. Thanks for sharing!
aoichan60 #9
Chapter 36: Poor Mrs. Kim:(
his son lost memories, the other not yet to be found..
Chapter 37: omo yunho's father met kim's mother!
only if yunho's father knew jae is pregnant.. he must be happy..
thx for the update.

is it bad side of mine that I don't want su-ie to remember his past yet? ahaha