Twenty two

Love beyond a doubt

“Hey.” “You rest here and don’t get up alright.” “I will be back as soon as possible.” Tucking Junsu into their shared bed, Yoochun takes one last look at the now reduced bandage on the other’s forehead and was about to lean in for a peck on the boy’s bouncy cheeks when he quickly stops himself.

Junsu’s slightly swollen half lidded eyes open up slowly and he looks at Yoochun’s troubled face while the man sits at the edge of the bed. Reaching out to approach the detective, touching his arm gently, the boy got the man’s attention.

“Do you feel alright?” Caressing Junsu lovingly on the jawline, the boy smiled a bright smile and nodded weakly.

“I have something I need to do today so don’t get off the bed unless necessary, alright?” Patting the boy on the head, Yoochun gives Junsu a hug for the first time, gathering the small body into his big frame.


Hours later… In Jung’s residence.

“Young master.” “Someone is waiting for you downstairs.” A butler enters the room where two figure lies pressed up against one another on a bed laden with pinkish silk and whatnots. Both sweaty and stained with evidence of their tryst from the night before, the taller man reacted and sits up, positioning the person resting on his chest by his side gently.

Putting a finger to his lips and motioning for the servant not to wake his worn out partner, the tall man got up and simply sat there, observing the sleeping face of the other person beside him before pulling on his underwear beneath their shared blanket. “Young master.” “It’s a detective.”

Snapping his head upwards to stare into the older man’s troubled face, the bachelor frowns. “Looking for me?” He asks quietly and the butler nods.

“Yes young master.” “He introduced himself as detective Park…” The old man replied before turning his attention to the still sleeping young man by his employer’s side, since the bachelor is more focused on fawning over the other. “Do you need me to prepare the bath and his clothes for him?” The man with greying hair suggests.

“Don’t wake him for now. Give him something presentable to wear in front of the elders later.” Instructing the butler, the bachelor left the door to the glass enclosure unlocked, leaving with his phone to make a call outside. Jaejoong has made him a deal and the trial period will start with immediate effect.

“It’s me. Come over to my house now.” “I have a detective knocking at my door so I will entertain him till you arrive.” “Don’t keep me waiting for too long.” Hanging up as soon as the he gets a response, the bachelor took his time to wash up before heading downstairs, dressed casually in his tank top and track pants.

Seeing Yoochun stand by one of the full length window, looking out, Yunho hesitated on the flight of marble steps before finally addressing the person. “What can I do for you?” “Detective Park?”

Turning around, Yoochun can’t help but frown at the man who tried to kidnap Junsu looking so confident of himself, perched on the stairway like the extraordinarily evil scoundrel he is. The detective swears to himself that he will bring the man down, if there is really a connection between the merciless and brazen syndicate and this person.

“What brings you here?” Yunho asks and Yoochun reaches for his batch, flashing it for protocol’s sake before taking out the documents from inside his briefcase and arranging them neatly on the coffee table. The leather case contains his months of hard work on tracking down that particular syndicate, as well as evidence needed to nail them.

“I suspect that you have connections the syndicate I’ve been tracking for months so I wish to reaffirm that after this visit.” “But of course, that’s just my own deduction so you can contest that whenever.” Smiling a fake smile, which he had practiced specially for this kind of occasions, Yoochun allowed himself to rest on the comfortable couch.

“My lawyer is arriving so we can talk terms then.” Making his way to Yoochun’s side, Yunho sits like a boss and the detective can’t wait to wipe that smug look off his face.

“Very well then. But for what it’s worth, I am not here to discuss the kidnapping attempt at the hospital.” Yoochun shrugged while sieving through the pile of papers, pretending not to notice that Yunho’s interest is piqued. He isn’t lying, since it is Yunho’s number which Jaejoong used to call his mother with that is the main focus and his motive for visiting.

“In fact. I am here for the kid’s brother.” Yoochun spoke carefully and Yunho’s expression changes instantly. From a smirk, the bachelor ended up with a faint scowl, which Yoochun caught just before his expression turns poker once again.

“I don’t have a warrant to search your home, but I am sure you will tell me something I want to know by the end of this visit.” Speaking confidently, Yoochun notices Yunho’s eyes narrow at him. “Is there anything you wish to say to me in private?” Yoochun tries again.

“You speak as though you have some evidence against me…” Yunho remained composed though he is a little annoyed by the detective’s taunting. “You have nothing, detective.”

“I do actually. Hand Kim Jaejoong over and I might believe that you are not related to his kidnapping in any way.” Yoochun spoke again and Yunho got a little concerned. Hearing Jaejoong’s name come from a police’s mouth meant that someone is aware that the younger one is with him. He was pretty sure Jaejoong came back on his own accord and there were no problems up till now.

Choosing to remain silent till his lawyer arrives, Yunho sat with Yoochun, sipping at his cup quietly, watching Yoochun work. Yoochun’s impromptu visit meant the man does not have any warrant of sorts but the bachelor can’t chase him since that will only cause more problems. He does not even want to be charged for hindering a police investigation.

However, what he does not know is that Jaejoong is already awake and has overheard his earlier conversation with the lawyer.


POV from Yoochun

This investigation is unofficial as I do not have any warrant for arrest or a simply search. Most unfortunately though, is the fact that I am acting on a gut feeling. It’s more like a really doubtless hunch.

I am close to finding the syndicate and screwing them upside down. They will not get away this time. My only concern is that this Jung Yunho is filthy rich and we all know what that means. Endless panels of criminal lawyers and scapegoats. I am not really banking on locking his sorry in jail… but I am counting on nailing the group I have been searching around for, for ages.

If he had indeed dictated the kidnap of Kim Jaejoong, then he would definitely know a thing or two about those underground rats. Any connection will be good. Even a mere contact number will be great. I will see what he is willing to give me.

Job comes first. Everything else will come later. Park Yoochun! Pull yourself together! This is not about you or anyone else! It’s about the poor bunch of hostages kept captives! They don’t deserve to suffer!! You need to reignite that passion to save lives!!

My agenda? Find Kim Jaejoong. Gather evidence and make an arrest. Close the cases once and for all. Send Everland home.


POV from Jaejoong

I didn’t know if what I did was right… when I went back to him after running away. I still don’t know exactly why I would trust him to find my baby brother. It’s because he is one of them… those bastards. It’s because he is much closer to discovering Suie’s whereabouts compared to anyone else. Even those police officers wouldn’t be able to help since I can’t provide them with any useful information anyway.

It’s because I feel that he has a form of obligation to help me as if he owes me a favour. Maybe I do feel that he is the cause of all this, though technically speaking, I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Things happen… and sometimes I don’t know who is more to blame.

At least I now I know where Suie is. I know he is safe and alive. Even though I didn’t get to meet him… I know he is still alive out there. This Jung guy tried and I can tell. He kept the promise he made to me and I am actually grateful. He could’ve just played me out but he didn’t.

Maybe he is not so bad a person after all. I am still undecided about how trustworthy or nice he is… but he is definitely not a terribly horrible guy.

Making use of him was my primary motive and I think he knows that. Taking his personality into consideration, I had doubts that he would allow me to toy around with him, yet he allowed me to. I am feeling really conflicted right now. What do I do now? I was so sure that I wanted to get away from this place but now that there is my ticket to freedom sitting downstairs, I don’t know what I want to do anymore.

If I expose him then he would be in trouble… which is what I originally wanted to witness so badly… but on the other hand, I feel conflicted.


Slipping out of his room when the butler isn’t watching, Jaejoong hides by the staircase and watches the two older men interact with awkward silence. Taking note that Yunho might have gotten in trouble with the law because of him, the soft hearted lad can’t help but feel bad.

“I can’t charge you for trying to kidnap Kim Junsu but you need to know that he is under my custody at this moment and I will not tolerate it if you were to try that stun again.” Yoochun spoke quietly while Yunho continues sipping at his tea. Hearing the name Yoochun mentioned, Jaejoong found himself heaving a loud sigh of relief.

Turning around to see a bunch of men in black suit as well as maids searching for him, Jaejoong quickly decides to just grab a whole of the golden opportunity, in a form of some Yoochun. Reluctant to appear in the mess Yunho had made of him the previous night, without even a plain water shower, Jaejoong ignored the aching need to preen himself and descends the flight of steps hurriedly.

Stunned to see a rather scantily dressed Jaejoong running down the steps desperately, with a group of Yunho’s men hot on his heels, Yoochun stands up and glares at Yunho. Then, taking off his long coat and wrapping it around the smaller person protectively, Yoochun stands in front of the ‘captive’ like a shield. Yunho immediately leaps up as well and pulls Jaejoong away from the detective side, resulting in a tug-o-war. Jealousy lingers in the air as Yunho eyes the upright detective accusingly, while the man detains his personal property.

“You are under arrest! Jung Yunho! For two accounts of kidnapping and infringement of human rights! You have the rights to remain silent as anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law!” Prying Jaejoong away from Yunho and sitting him on the couch behind them, Yoochun whips out his handcuffs.

“Wait! It’s not what you think!!” Jaejoong intercepts, throwing everyone into disarray. Making his way over to Yunho’s side unsteadily, the youngest of the three decides to end the whole saga as amiably as possible. He just wants to see his brother again without too much hassle. Yunho had indirectly saved him from the hands of those kidnappers after all, though he was also the indirect cause of his kidnap at the first place.

Remembering how Yunho would treat him well, ensuring he eats and rests, compared to how those kidnappers treated him like cargo. Jaejoong cannot deny that Yunho was kind to him. Aside from the occasional traumatic episodes of intimacy which he is already getting used to, Yunho and his elders also ensured that Jaejoong is well taken care of, providing him with everything ranging from entertainment to anything material.

“Don’t arrest him!” “He saved me from the kidnappers!” Jaejoong pleaded with Yoochun to loosen his grip on Yunho. Pulling Yunho along with him and hiding the bachelor behind his small frame, Jaejoong pulls the coat around himself tightly, self-conscious after spotting Yunho glare at his scanty dressing. Yunho does not like to share the view with strangers or the general public for that matter.

“He is probably involved in your kidnapping. Do you know that!?” “Be it just a buyer or a leader of the kidnappers, he is liable of the charges!” “The police will keep you safe.” Yoochun tries to explain the situation to Jaejoong, convinced that the youngest man is either confused or being threatened by Yunho.

“No! He isn’t related to them! He is my…. He is my boyfriend!” Reaching out gingerly to Yunho, Jaejoong ended up holding the bachelor’s big warm hands, own cold slim fingers trembling. Yunho is momentarily dumbfounded. He was betting before that Jaejoong won’t hesitate to ensure that he ends up squatting in the police station waiting for bail, yet the younger man did nothing of that sort.

Frowning, the detective quickly turns to observe Yunho’s reaction. The man looked a little shocked but does not reflect much emotion nonetheless. “Please don’t arrest him detective… he is innocent.” Jaejoong repeated quietly, fidgeting. 


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Chapter 37: I think that is the third fic that I've read from your stories and my first comment
Wow your plot is amazing
How Mr Jung end up meeting Mrs Kim (sometimes fanfics world is little)
Hope to see your updates
Chapter 37: This story is perfect I can't wait for new chapter!!! Please update soon :)
alwayskeepthefaithh #3
Love this story !
youaremypierrot #4
Love this story !
IcahXi #5
Chapter 37: please update soooon, :))
aktfTVXQ9 #6
Chapter 37: Please update soon:)
Chapter 37: I love this fic so much, please update soon author-nim
lelouch7 #8
Chapter 22: Love this story a lot, I'm surprised that I actually love the yoosu part more since I'm a yunjae fan. It just touches me, I love love love your Yoochunnie, I can relate to his feelings too. Thanks for sharing!
aoichan60 #9
Chapter 36: Poor Mrs. Kim:(
his son lost memories, the other not yet to be found..
Chapter 37: omo yunho's father met kim's mother!
only if yunho's father knew jae is pregnant.. he must be happy..
thx for the update.

is it bad side of mine that I don't want su-ie to remember his past yet? ahaha