Thirty Five

Love beyond a doubt

A middle aged woman wakes up to someone knocking on her door. Opening up her eyes, she sees the same empty hotel room, in the state which she had arrived in. She was hoping it did be filled up by her sons soon, but it’s the same old vast lonely suite she wakes up to.

Taking her time and strolling over to the door, she is met with a young man. Every time she opens the door to someone knocking, she would pace around in front of the knob before actually turning it, praying that it will be one of her sons as soon as she opens the opaque barricade. She is disappointed yet again and she no longer feels sad about feeling disappointed. She just gets more determined.

“Hyun Joong ah?” She stares for a very long time at her guest before finally recognising him. The young man’s face is so swollen that it is only his hair that is somewhat a redeeming trademark. The punch he had received from some very jealous individual isn’t child’s play.

He had only suffered a mild whiplash and concussion which isn’t the least bit life threatening yet easily caused him an overnight stay at the hospital. The contusions are bad despite the no facial fracture diagnosis and the young man could not even come to see the lady earlier since he was held up for observation.

“Mrs Kim!!” “I came as soon as I could.” Wincing since his mouth is the main area affected, the young man tried to articulate frantically.

“I met Jaejoongie!” The young man said in one breath, moistening his broken lips before continuing. “He is fine but he… had to leave.” Hyun Joong rasped as his voice turn squeaky, remembering the traumatic experience. He didn’t even get a chance to see Yunho’s face since his eyes were all teary from the pain and burning sensation. Plus, Jaejoong did mean to leave back then.

The lady tried to have him calm down and brought him in for a seat, but he wouldn’t stop muttering to himself. “He told me Suie is alright.” The man sat at last and looked at the lady intently.

“Joongie wanted me to tell you that he has found Suie…” “He assured me that they are fine.” Hyun Joong concluded after taking a deep breath. The lady is momentarily dumbfounded, gaping as she frowns.

“I asked him why he wouldn’t come back with Suie and he said there is something they need to do first.” Hyun Joong quickly stepped up his game, before she starts getting all riled up. “He wanted me to tell you not to worry.”

“Not to worry?! NOT TO WORRY?!” “WHAT IS HE THINKING?!” The assurance did not manage to keep her well assured. Standing up and putting a hand on her forehead, the lady swayed a little and sat down again.

“Where did he go?” She enquired with a sharp voice, tone dangerous.

“He left with a man… friend I think…” “I was punched... so I couldn’t see his face.” Hyun Joong rasped rather fearfully, remembering the blow and seeing the fist nearing his face once again. The young man is reluctant to relive the blitz attack, much less remember anything about his assailant aside from the fist.

“What the heck was he thinking?! I don’t get it!!!” The lady let out a sob and sagged downwards in her chair. Pulling Hyun Joong over into a motherly hug as he tries to comfort him, both remained inconsolable. However, as soon as Hyun Joong is released, he spotted the fresh newspaper that the lady hadn’t picked up from the doorway.

The headlines are rather attention grabbing, but the photo is even more so. Leaping up, the young man scooted over and picked the paper up while the depressed lady makes coffee for the both of them. “MRS KIM!!” Yelling at the top of his lungs even though his jaw movement is limited, the young man ran over to her side.

Grabbing the coffee cups from her and shoving the paper into her hands, the young man’s eyes are glowing with excitement. “THAT’S JUNSU!!”


POV from Hyun Joong

Life is never easy when you know the Kim brothers. Take their mother and me for example and you will get what I mean.

I am just a friend. Well… maybe I do like Joongie as more than a friend. Yea! So what if I like him? Who doesn’t? I’ve liked him for quite some time now but I’m sure we will always remain nothing more than best buddies for life. It’s sad and I’ve kind of gotten over it but I am really just happy to be able to see him and talk to him as a bff…

He is humorous, kind, caring and a darling. I like his personality and I am sure a lot of other people do too. I like his face too, and I am sure everyone that met him likes that about him too. He looks ridiculously good and I’m not just saying ‘good’ with the literal meaning. I can say I look good too, but there is something different about his good you know…

Like I can’t even start to explain! My best friend is freakishly aesthetically pleasing, with a freakishly gorgeous body. I ogle often and I won’t lie. He doesn’t get it. Innocent isn’t even the correct word to use in this context. He is just too damn dumb. He never got the cue when he heard whistles. He still strips and I wonder if he just doesn’t give a about the number of eyes roving around in their sockets, just trying to catch a glimpse of his skin in secret.

The idiot doesn’t understand. He did turn straight guys gay and turn gay guys even more gay. That is probably why he ended up getting kidnapped anyways. Though he really didn’t stay kidnapped for long…

I don’t know what to classify him under at this moment. Kidnapped? Missing? Runaway? I know he ran away from his kidnappers, but he went back!! That is just… mindboggling!! He… he is a big fat weirdo. Fine. Neither big nor fat but queer. A perfect weirdo.

I can’t anymore. I’m done. Meeting him again and seeing him just some twenty something hours ago, I swore to myself that I can’t and won’t let him continue playing the hero… but I always end up failing anyways.

I could have succeeded and locked him up in my room till his mother returns had that giant not came along. I am tall, but he is just ginormous. I only remember that aspect of him since moments before I saw nothing but stars, he was overshadowing me. Or maybe it’s just the effects of the lightings. I don’t know anymore.

The most disturbing part is how Jaejoong simply left with him. No struggling. No resisting. I can’t possibly tell his umma that since she will start to imagine things. HECK even I am imagining things and going to places that I don’t usually go to in my mind!

We all know how everyone has the hots for him! I don’t understand! Joongie… he won’t himself out to someone else for the sake of anything. That I know. Even if he were starving, he would eat rats raw instead of doing things like you know…

HOWEVER, since Suie’s involved, I can’t say the same. The look of determination on his face when he first set out to ‘rescue’ Suie… isn’t something I can forget easily. I think he would really go to THAT extent if it’s required of him. I am his friend and I feel bad for doubting his ity status, but how can I not after getting walloped by a mysterious man who is panting like some raging bull. He probably saw us together and misunderstood! I can almost taste the sourness of jealousy circulating in the air back then!

Of course I can’t tell his umma that the man that came to take him away had punched me because he thought he was made a of! It’s definitely better that she thinks that bastard is a friend so she won’t have to worry so much. Hell I like my friend so I know what it feels like to get jealous! Hell I know a few dozen people we know who are probably jealous of me since only I get to be so close to him!

I just can’t start to imagine what Joongie does with… him. Oh god let’s not discuss this now. I’m feeling nauseated.

But I do kind of get the picture now. It’s heart breaking for me but I also know that I will be the least heart broken when they find out what he had to do. I know Suie definitely won’t want him to do that though what is done is done. Suie ultimately vanished into the thin air because of him too… so they are kind of equal now? Not just being equally stubborn, but equally willing to go all out for one another. I will not even start with that part about the brotherly thing going on between them. They tend to get too noble for their own good.

But all this is changed! Are we finally going to get a break?! If we find Suie, then Joongie can come home! He will come back to us! Whatever he had to do will be history! I believe he did be the one most looking forward to making all this history!!

Suie seems to be with the police so I assume he is fine. That would be best since I can’t imagine him being anywhere else but in a safe haven.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dashing out of the hotel room after hastily cleaning up, the lady is beaming for the first time in what felt like a century. She looked almost angelic as well since her sons did take after her. Long black hair tousled with the already straightening wave curls and eyes glowing with hope. She looked approximately eight years younger than her actual age and that is incredible considering she has been through so much. It’s in the genes.

Instructing Hyun Joong to get more rest, the lady assures the young man she knows what she is doing and the young man saw Jaejoong in her. It is truly disturbing to know who the boys take after.

Jumping into the rental car and driving off to the one department she can think of, the lady cannot stop herself from shaking with anxiety and excitement. Gripping tightly onto the newspaper with an article covering the recent shoot out at the mall near the police station she had been to, she rubbed her eyes again to check if she is hallucinating.

There, on the front cover, is a picture that appears to have be lifted off the CCTV footage. At the side of the picture is Yoochun in action, with a gun in hand. He is shielding someone crouching in a corner by the pillar and the person is Junsu. The boy is recognisable only to those who know him, almost standing out the most despite the nature of the picture suggesting the readers to focus on something else.

Arriving at the station, the lady rushed up to the familiar office, just to be told that the detective will most likely not be coming to the station in the morning since he did call in to say he will be late. Unwilling to wait any longer since she is dying to see her Junsu, the lady pestered the officers for an address but was turned down.

Deciding not to kick up a fuss, the lady showed the officer the picture on the newspaper and they immediately recognised Junsu. They kept calling the boy Everland but the lady never suspected a thing. Appeased since she knows the boy is definitely with Yoochun, the boy’s mother kept her hopes high, sitting in the waiting area. Smiling from ear to ear at everyone walking past her, Mrs Kim ended up running to the toilet nearby to tidy herself up, tying her hair into a messy but strangely pretty bun, applying the only make up she remembered to bring along with her on her pallid lips.

Soon enough, her patience paid off and the detective appeared. He looked a little different from how she remembered him since he looked a lot more dashing than before. The lady assumed he looks more admirable because he was crowned the hero, able to minimise the damage by a crazed shooter. The reporters tend to exaggerate after all.

Standing up and approaching him since he had he back turned towards her upon entering, discussing the details of the interrogation with his colleague by the door, the lady tapped the tall man on the shoulder. Spinning around, his eyes grew so wide that hers expanded as well. For a split second, they looked like a petrified pair, terrified at the sight of one another. Yoochun quickly recovered.

“Yoochun sshi.” She started softly, smiling so brightly that her row of pearly whites is blinding the man. “I saw your picture on the newspaper.” She continued and held the crumpled recycled stack up, passing it to him.

“My Junsu. I saw him in it!” “You rescued him yesterday at the mall!” The lady is looking so thankful that it’s disturbing. Encasing the man’s big palms in her own smaller ones, the mother of two even gave him a quick hug.

Yoochun stumbled backwards a little, still taken aback. Swivelling his body to look at the direction of the lift, his worst fear is realised as he spots Junsu walking in with the help of his colleague. The boy is chatting with the other man while the person leads him in by the wrist. The duo had gone off to buy coffee for the entire team upon Yoochun’s request, and have returned earlier than predicted since the queue there wasn’t long.

Spotting Yoochun staring at him, the boy let go of his companion’s hands and skipped towards Yoochun with the detective’s tumbler in his hand. “Yoochunnie I got your coffee!! Black without sugar!” Holding up the cup, with a picture of the detective and him decorated all over, Junsu almost leaned in for a kiss had the lady standing beside the detective not grabbed him by the shoulder. The lady is staring at him so hard that Junsu ended up whimpering.


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Chapter 37: I think that is the third fic that I've read from your stories and my first comment
Wow your plot is amazing
How Mr Jung end up meeting Mrs Kim (sometimes fanfics world is little)
Hope to see your updates
Chapter 37: This story is perfect I can't wait for new chapter!!! Please update soon :)
alwayskeepthefaithh #3
Love this story !
youaremypierrot #4
Love this story !
IcahXi #5
Chapter 37: please update soooon, :))
aktfTVXQ9 #6
Chapter 37: Please update soon:)
Chapter 37: I love this fic so much, please update soon author-nim
lelouch7 #8
Chapter 22: Love this story a lot, I'm surprised that I actually love the yoosu part more since I'm a yunjae fan. It just touches me, I love love love your Yoochunnie, I can relate to his feelings too. Thanks for sharing!
aoichan60 #9
Chapter 36: Poor Mrs. Kim:(
his son lost memories, the other not yet to be found..
Chapter 37: omo yunho's father met kim's mother!
only if yunho's father knew jae is pregnant.. he must be happy..
thx for the update.

is it bad side of mine that I don't want su-ie to remember his past yet? ahaha