
Love beyond a doubt

Hi ya ^^

It's a good day today so here are the edited 2 chaps! 

Have a nice day you guise and thank you for all the comments and subscriptions~

This update will contain more Yoosu but do stay and read~ I do apologise beforehand if this the contents are not up to expectation. I tried! >//////<


Opening the door to his house, a tired Yoochun patted his stubble laden cheeks and flexes his stiff jaws. Going home is supposedly something to look forward to, and he really does look forward to going home a lot more than he did in the past. He just had to look more presentable, being increasingly conscious about his appearance since Junsu moved in.

Noticing the door open, Junsu immediately casts aside the clothes that he was trying to dig out from the new washing machine Yoochun had recently purchased and rushes to meet the detective. Hair tousled and longish, top worn on the wrong side and overly long sweat pants cleaning the floor as he walks, Junsu does not pay heed to his appearance.

Standing with his hands behind his back with a coy lopsided grin, Junsu is glowing since Yoochun hadn’t been home for nearly two days this time around too. He had only returned after seeing the footage of Junsu standing in front of the camera with a piece of paper written “Please come home! I have something to tell you!” The handwriting was so bad that the detective had a hard time reading.

“Yoochunnie!” Hugging the tall man from behind as the other sits by the entrance to remove his socks and shoes, Yoochun chuckled heartily and stood up, allowing the boy to dangle with two arms wrapped around his neck. Spinning in circles so Junsu could have a feel of a human carousel, Yoochun quickly stops before the other flies off.

“What is it that you wanted to tell me?” Patting Junsu on his head after letting the other down, the detective rotated his neck and made his way into the kitchen. His drink is already on the table since Junsu was scrambling to pour him a cup from the filter machine before he enters the house. Making a note to himself that the boy would make a terrific housewife, he quickly dismisses the thought. After all, Junsu did make a mess of the table, spilling the water despite the simplicity of the task.

“Come.” “I will bring you out to dinner first.” Standing in front of the fridge for a few seconds, the detective is aware of the severe shortage in ingredients. He had purposely cleared it out to prevent Junsu from trying to be funny and play chef.

Tidying up the boy includes combing his hair, buttoning his shirt for him, guiding him into some more presentable pants and a pair of matching socks which they finally have, and putting on his shoes for him. Yoochun insisted on doing that part since it will take forever for Junsu to untie and retie the shoe laces. The older man’s stomach is growling.

Holding Junsu’s wrist and leading him out of the house, Yoochun felt like he would make a really good caretaker too. Except that he needed to be present at home more often. Junsu is still considerably energetic despite his condition and the older man is feeling somewhat comforted to see that. 

Buckling the seatbelt for Junsu, the detective flashed a sad smile when the boy leans in to brush off the flyaway hair lining his wide forehead poking his eyes. They can very well pull off the scene of a couple going on a date, yet that is probably never going to happen for as long as Yoochun is concern.

Arriving at his favourite haunt, Yoochun took his time to explain the menu to Junsu and cannot but steal constant glances at how the boy would try to read the descriptions, squinting adorably. “Steak and this Chicken set.” Concluding to the waiting waitress, Yoochun already knew what Junsu would eat. Like how he already knew everything about the boy.

“Wine… and orange juice too.” Handing the menu over to the lady, Yoochun watches Junsu smile back at the lady sitting next to their table. Clueless and guileless, playful and lively, the best fit for Yoochun’s dull live. The perfect partner for me, and so the detective kept thinking to himself.

Dinner went by in a flash and Junsu would not even bother to eat gracefully. Like a child focused on finishing his dinner, he and Yoochun would occasionally exchange food like how they usually do, too comfortable around one another. Drinking isn’t an option anymore for Yoochun but the wine was too irresistible and the detective ended up going over the alcohol limit he had secretly set for himself.

Driving home was no issue despite the wine since he could still concentrate on the roads, but it is getting harder to contain himself whenever his eyes travel down to all the wrong places on his passenger’s body. Junsu is gazing at him in such a disturbing manner and that is a turn on for him, strange enough.

Piggy backing Junsu like how the younger one requested, Yoochun walked as slowly as he could, enjoying the softness of the body pressed against his own. His hands supporting beneath Junsu’s outer thigh, painfully close to that delicious looking of his and so Yoochun tries not to think too much about that fact.

Letting Junsu off onto his marked territory, Yoochun was turning to leave for a bath when he is stopped by the pair of hands holding on to his. They are not releasing their grip and Yoochun is concerned. “Yoochunnie…” The boy started.

“Jaejoong sshi came today… with another man…” Junsu continued and Yoochun’s eyes widened.

“The man says he has a way to help me get better.” “Can I go with him?” Saying softly as he looks at own his hands, holding on to Yoochun’s old larger ones, Junsu felt nothing but sadness eating at him. There is no anticipation or excitement, just a lot of sorrow.

The detective’s expression made it worse. “You allowed a stranger into the hou…” Stopping himself abruptly with the reminder that Jaejoong is very much related to the latter, Yoochun glanced at the ceiling for a moment, taking in a deep breath.

“Nevermind that.” “Do you… want to go with him?” Muttering under his breath, the detective clenched his free hand into a fist. Junsu hesitates, shaking his head slowly.

“Why not?” Yoochun has no idea if he should be feeling happy or sad.

“Only if you want me to go… then I will go…” Junsu mumbled and gave the most complex expression Yoochun has ever seen him make. It’s as if he was hoping that Yoochun would stop him, or so the older man interprets and wishes this is how Junsu felt.

“Why would I stop you?” Yoochun uttered deeply again, averting his eyes. The detective knows he has to face this sooner or later. Just not after an almost ‘romantic’ dinner date which made his heart flutter non-stop. Yoochun hated this weakness he has for Junsu.

Junsu looked hurt by the reply and removes his hands from the older man’s. “Then… Yoochunnie… Can I come back here… when I am well again?” Junsu whispered with his back turned towards Yoochun. This pending separation is as hard for Junsu as it is for Yoochun but no one knew since the boy has this naturally sunny disposition.

“Why would you… you have your family to return to.” The detective’s voice broke a little in the middle and he ended up croaking unnaturally. There is just too much for him to take at this point in time and the effect of the alcohol is starting to work on his pool of emotions, slowly breaking the dam wall containing them.

Junsu’s breath hitched a little at the remark and though he is not facing Yoochun, his shoulders started to shake rather visibly. From the reflection in the window just in front of them where Yoochun is standing behind Junsu, the taller man can see that the younger one is already crying.

The reflection isn’t clear but the dark skies outside made the glass a pretty damn good mirror and Yoochun can see that Junsu’s eyes are squeezed together tightly as his teeth grits against one another in an ugly attempt to stifle his bawling. That made the entire wall Yoochun had carefully built between them crumble. The vital wall that divides love from sympathy, desires from obligation, all dissipated in a flash.

Grabbing Junsu and turning him around, Yoochun stunned the boy into hiding his face, squealing in embarrassment. The detective is all the more unable to control himself. Crushing the boy in his embrace as he wrings the live out of him, the bigger man dug his fingers into the soft tresses at the occiput, face pressed against the top of the small head.

Junsu’s hands had instinctively reached upwards and covered his own mouth to stop the childish wailing from escaping but he too, is in an emotional wreck. “I don’t want to leave!!!” “I want to stay here forever!!” “I don’t want to go anywhere else!!” Blubbering on and on about wishing to stay, Junsu can’t give a damn about how Yoochun would react anymore.

Like they were in some sort of drama, Yoochun’s eyes reddened as well, allowing tears to flow down his contorted but still handsome face. Jaws tightly clenched together as he hugs Junsu even more forcefully, the man decided to just throw considerations and contemplations out of the window for now. He is in love and there is nothing to stop him from proclaiming that.

“Good god can you stop making me suffer like that?!” Half scolding Junsu, half confessing, the detective ended up in a confusing mess. the smaller person’s back so lovingly yet cursing and swearing, blaming him for whatever.

Finally releasing the boy from his stronghold, he swoops down and claims the shorter person’s lips. Desperate to reignite the fire he felt when their lips met previously, which Junsu dismisses as an ‘accident’. Yoochun’s passion burnt even more fiercely this time and it is starting to get out of hand.

Sticking his tongue in and nibbling at Junsu’s full lower lips, Yoochun spent a good few minutes ravishing those gorgeous puckers. Ignoring the saliva escaping the gap between their teeth, the detective wets their skin more by breaking the kiss and migrating down to the boy’s jaw, trailing down the neck as he and the skin there.

Junsu is surprised at first but does not resist. Holding onto Yoochun for dear life as he clings onto the taller man’s neck, he is indirectly sending out the message that he wants Yoochun to continue. The detective gladly gives in.  

Sweeping his own coat off his broad shoulders and reaching down to caress Junsu’s back, Yoochun cannot stop his naughty hands from wanting more than just smooth cloth. Sneaking under Junsu’s shirt and accidentally ripping the lowermost two buttons while lifting the shirt, Yoochun’s heated hands travelled everywhere he could possibly reach. This made Junsu shudder slightly.

Dropping both of them onto the couch using his dead weight, Yoochun used a hand to undo the button and zip of Junsu’s pants while pinning the boy onto the seat with his lower body. Then, with the pressing need to cool down since he is already sweating and flushed, the man strips himself and kicks off his own pants.

Unable to wait any longer, the detective slipped his hands down to the boy’s lower region and kneaded the skin there. Gently nipping at Junsu’s chest as he works with demolishing the boxer and toying with everything underneath, Yoochun can no longer stop.

“.” Cursing lowly as he fails to detach himself for the umpteenth time, Yoochun knew it’s truly ‘to the heck with it’.

Grinding against the boy as the couch’s limited space irritates him, Yoochun carries Koala Junsu into his bedroom, not even bothering to off the small night lights. He can see how they are from the window nearby but that only made Junsu too good to resist instead.

Taking a brief moment to admire the boy as he hovers above, Yoochun rushed in for another kiss after seeing Junsu sprawled so beautifully below him. Bare skin appearing so enticing with the soft lighting, and luscious lips being forever the accursed feature that caused the older man to lose all ounces of self-control he has stored.

Being vaguely aware that Junsu might not be suited for this particular activity, Yoochun’s mind is too clouded with lust to care. Nothing can go wrong if you are gentle, says doctor Yoochun in Yoochun’s brain. Thereafter, the man slips a finger into the entrance he had been probing at for too painfully long. This caused Junsu to grimace and flinch in discomfort, but since Junsu is taking it pretty well for a first timer, being gentle would be just fine, says the old lecher Yoochun in Yoochun’s brain.

Junsu can tolerate a lot of pain to be honest. Needle stuck into him during hospitalisation does not faze him, broken lips are common, bruises and contusions are no longer an issue. Yoochun feels bad for deriving pleasure from Junsu’s pain, but it just works that way in love making since Junsu isn’t accustomed to doing this.

“I’m sorry!” Pushing himself into Junsu after a draggy preparation, Yoochun kept apologising and Junsu ended up giggling and grimacing at the same time. Trying not to pay too much attention to the terrible stretch he is experiencing down there. The size and length alone isn’t an issue, but added on with the forceful s, Junsu can only say it feels like the worse episode of constipation he had ever experienced in his life, plus the direction of the push is reversed.

Squeaking adorably whenever Yoochun changes his position, Junsu feels terribly shy all of a sudden. Especially when Yoochun’s length is exposed to him, he would cover his eyes and try to unsee what he just saw. This made Yoochun chuckle between pants, feeling glad about nothing.

By the time the man is out of juice, the short hand of the clock had moved nearly a good two twelfth of the pie and Junsu is at the verge of a knock out state. Yoochun is miraculously energised even though his day had been rather tough before he returned home earlier.

the damp brownish locks and holding the small body close to his, Yoochun lay there wondering about what he needs to do. He is determined to keep Junsu by his side no matter what now, and his resolve to ensure the boy lives is stronger than ever. Junsu could attend school here with his support. They could live together since Yoochun is perfectly capable of providing for them.

Reaching for the piece of paper at the side from the side of his table where Junsu left it earlier from their conversation, Yoochun frowns as realisation sets in. He knows that’s Yunho’s number he sees but he knows Yunho is definitely capable of helping Junsu. He just cannot imagine that they will have to work together for now on since he believes Yunho is Jaejoong’s antagonist.


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Chapter 37: I think that is the third fic that I've read from your stories and my first comment
Wow your plot is amazing
How Mr Jung end up meeting Mrs Kim (sometimes fanfics world is little)
Hope to see your updates
Chapter 37: This story is perfect I can't wait for new chapter!!! Please update soon :)
alwayskeepthefaithh #3
Love this story !
youaremypierrot #4
Love this story !
IcahXi #5
Chapter 37: please update soooon, :))
aktfTVXQ9 #6
Chapter 37: Please update soon:)
Chapter 37: I love this fic so much, please update soon author-nim
lelouch7 #8
Chapter 22: Love this story a lot, I'm surprised that I actually love the yoosu part more since I'm a yunjae fan. It just touches me, I love love love your Yoochunnie, I can relate to his feelings too. Thanks for sharing!
aoichan60 #9
Chapter 36: Poor Mrs. Kim:(
his son lost memories, the other not yet to be found..
Chapter 37: omo yunho's father met kim's mother!
only if yunho's father knew jae is pregnant.. he must be happy..
thx for the update.

is it bad side of mine that I don't want su-ie to remember his past yet? ahaha