Twenty Eight

Love beyond a doubt

Hi ya ^^

A double update for the monday blues~ I hope this update doesn't make anything worse... >//////<

Thank you all for the kind comments and also the subscriptions!

This two chaps are focused on YunJae but the next update will contain some hardcore YooSu moments. I will try mi best to edit and post it asap~

Please do stay and read tho! *bows* 


POV from Junsu

I feel bad for kicking up a fuss but I meant it when I said I would leave! Really! I really didn’t want to trouble him any longer! He is a super nice person and by being a nuisance and causing him so many problems is making me feel very bad.

Actually, I was not sure about where I can go after I leave but I was thinking police station. All policemen are nice people. Like Yoochunnie!

I still remember that pretty hyung Yoochunie introduced to me the other day. I think he knows me. He looks at me weird… but if he is really my family… then I don’t think he wants to bring me home with him.

He looked sad… and he looked really messy. His hair is kind of messed up and he looked really tired too. Maybe he is poor and that’s why he doesn’t want to bring me home. Who wants to bring someone who cannot even walk properly home right? I will only cause more problems.

But that’s all just my assumption! He might just be Yoochunnie’s friend. He didn’t say anything so I’m not sure.

I want to miss my family. I really really do! It’s just that I don’t have a family that I can remember… and miss. Yoochunnie says they miss me… I believe him!

If only I can remember more about myself! Yoochunnie seems to know something… but he won’t say anything else. I won’t probe. I know he won’t hide anything from me! I trust him! As long as he doesn’t think I am the worst thing that ever happened to him, I’m contented.

Though he did say many weird things later on in our conversation, I still like him a lot! He can be really weird and sometimes temperamental, but I know he is still a very kind person!


POV from Yoochun

Don’t even get me started on how I feel about everything that happened earlier!

That was as close to losing him as I will ever get! I think I will just take away that bath tub! It’s too hazardous for now. Even though he said he fell asleep in it this time, it doesn’t mean he will not suffer a seizure in the middle of his bath. I can’t take the risk after knowing it exists.

Plus, the reason why I did not install a camera in my bathroom was because I didn’t want to see him in all his glory. To think that I still ended up getting a free show at the end of the day. It’s not that he is not attractive! He is very pretty and appealing! I have never felt so attracted to someone! In fact I couldn’t take my eyes off him if you get what I mean! It’s just… he is too… AISH!! Stop stop stop! We shall not go down that memory lane!! I am an upright man! I will not do such things! I am NOT a ert!

Anyhow, we did manage to thrash things out this time. He was upset at me. No. He was afraid I did think he is problematic. He does not want to implicate me in anyways.

Then I finally told him that I do not mind taking care of him. I should have done that way sooner. As a matter of fact, I enjoy taking care of him! I feel a lot less lonely with him around. I like the feeling of when I open the door, I actually have the anticipation that someone is waiting for me. Happy to see me coming back home!

However, those feelings and wants are transforming into something rather dangerous. It’s no longer innocent. Like simply wanting someone around me… wanting him around me. My feelings for him have become a sort of longing. Not just for an emotional connection! I am scared because I want to have more. Craving for more!

Then when the reality of our situation sets in, I am forced to see that our little fairy tale ending is never ever going to happen. First of all, he is dangerously ill. Secondly, he has a family and I can tell that they love him a lot. He is not some vagrant that no one wants. Not an illegal immigrant.

Lastly, I know he is not really clear about our current relationship. He thinks I am his friend or maybe an older brother of sorts. He does not see me as a partner. That I know for sure. This is why I must not give in to temptation! He is tempting but I have more self-preservation!

I would rather just focus on work right now. My department might be facing some tough times trying to nab that bunch of vile creatures, but we are close! I can feel it! I just need a little more help.



The soft music plays in the background as two people seated side by side embark on the last leg of their journey. Their vehicle is a sports car, with the hood and windows up since the person in the passenger seat is apparently not for display.

With his head lolling to one side as his hands remains crossed over his abdomen, the person in the passenger seat sleeps uncomfortably. The fatigue plaguing him is robbing him of what little energy he has left and he is more than willing to let sleeping spell take him as his eye lids droops.

The journey is long since the mansion they departed from is rather out of the way in the more suburban area. The driver would peek at his passenger every once in a while through the slit beside his sunglasses. Frowning since the person beside him never stopped grimacing, as if he is suffering.

Stopping by the roads a couple of times, the driver is painfully considerate. The first time was to adjust the sleeping person’s position, stuffing a neck pillow between his neck and the gap between car seat and window without waking him. The second time to adjust his seat altogether, allowing him to curl up a little with the chair down. The passenger never made a sound throughout.

Noticing that despite the blasting air conditioning of his car, his passenger is sweating cold sweat, the driver stopped again for the third time. Reaching over, the man unbuckles the other and holds him up. The now stirring person lets out a moan, beautiful face contorted with pain. Opening his eyes, the person tried to sit up with the help from the driver, but there is nothing but more cramps waiting for him as he straightens his back.

Grateful when the man takes out a bottle of water and offers it to him, he almost threw up after ingesting just a mouthful. It is plain water but he is not tolerating that well. This is serious matter for the driver since the passenger hadn’t eaten a single piece of morsel since god knows when. No breakfast either, and lunch is coming right up.

Looking out of the window and observing his surroundings weakly, the passenger suspired and leans back, watching the birds soaring high up above the skies. “I will fetch you to the doctor’s first.” The driver finally spoke amidst his day dream and the person immediately turns to stare into the other’s eyes.

“I’m alright!” “Really!” Holding the muscular arm beside him and kneading the hard mass of flesh there, the passenger hopes the driver would buy it. The man frowned even deeper and presses a hand to his pale forehead. He detects a temperature spike and does not like it.

Moving down to hold the passenger’s hand, he sulked and kicked start the engine. The person heaves a sigh of relief and smiled an enchanting smile at the driver. For the first time, he is eager and the perfect row of teeth is perfect. The driver sighed in response and flicks the passenger’s forehead with his fingers, earning a small pout.

Arriving at their destination, in front of a familiar apartment, the passenger immediately springs up, big lovely eyes wide and hopeful, gleaming as he tries to free himself from the seatbelts. The driver chuckled while watching him struggle with all the gadgets.

Stepping out of the car, a near fainting spell hits him and he ended up falling back into his side of the car. Seeing stars as he regulates his breathing, he can hear the deep nasally voice from the driver calling out to him, the strong hands holding him tightly, lovingly.

“Jaejoong!! You okay?!” The person kept repeating his name and he only whimpered in response. “I will bring you home now!!” Feeling himself being pulled into the seat, the person, Jaejoong starts to snap out of his trance.

Stubbornly pushing the driver, Yunho’s, hands off, Jaejoong swings himself out of the car again, taking a moment to pull himself together. Then, standing up again, he feels the same pair of warm strong arms around his slender waist, supportive and possessive.

“I can.” Closing the door behind him, he slowly makes his way into the building lobby with the help from the Yunho. Seeing black spots every so often, Jaejoong figures he is probably sick, but he needed to check on Junsu first. To him, Junsu needed treatment more than he did.

However, bad luck is bad as the couple realises that the lift is under repair. It had spoilt sometime back since the old building isn’t in tip top condition. Squeezing his eyes together tightly, Jaejoong shook his head and gave himself a couple of slaps on the face before trying to scale the daunting flights.

At this very moment, he feels Yunho lifting him up into a piggy back. He never felt more grateful to someone in his life except for this very moment. Yunho’s back is warm, broad, comfortable and solid. The man does not even perspire after a good five storeys with a weight of a grown adult slung to his back. Jaejoong knows Yunho works out, since the man is very ‘capable’, virile to be more specific.

Arriving at the intended floor, Yunho allowed Jaejoong to direct him to Yoochun’s apartment. Bumping into the kind neighbour at the door, Yunho sweet talked the woman into believing that they are Yoochun and Junsu’s family. No suspicion is roused and Yunho’s smooth talking got them into the apartment using the woman’s spare key.

Once inside, they watch the neighbour set up the food on the kitchen table and call for Junsu. Following closely behind the stout lady as she pats Junsu on the head and guides him out of the room and onto the chair, Yunho could see Jaejoong smiling from ear to ear from their reflection in the glass cabinet. The smile, to Yunho, is the eighth wonders of the world, exotic and priceless. Yunho managed to derive some satisfaction out of watching Jaejoong.

“Junsu…” Jaejoong quickly got off his ‘transport’ and made his way over to his brother. The boy is looking at them with such a curious expression that Yunho can’t help but find it disturbingly cute. Nothing beats his angelic Jaejoong, but being the angel’s brother meant that Junsu is also a little angel.

 Junsu needed a couple of minutes to recognise Jaejoong but quickly greeted the person. The neighbour then left them to ‘catch up’ while she minds her own business. This is cue for Yunho to bring up the proposition. Searching around for Yoochun to talk some deal, he is met with more empty rooms and a small dog.

Then, standing there with his usual egoistic posture and emitting the oppressive aura, Yunho managed to scare Junsu a little and the smaller person ended up hiding behind Jaejoong. Frowning at Yunho, the brotherly instinct in Jaejoong emerges and he quickly leads them back into Junsu’s territory on the couch.

Watching Jaejoong Junsu’s head gently, gazes so soft and loving, the tall man can’t but feel a little envious. For one, he knows Jaejoong is very attached to his family. That knowledge made him feel a little bad for separating them.

“Junsu…” “I am a family… friend…” “My name is Jaejoong and I want to help you…” Speaking quietly as they sit facing one another on the couch, Jaejoong does not know how to start. The atmosphere is rather tensed as Junsu does nothing but blink at him.

“Jaejoong sshi… Do you know my family?” With expression changing from uneasy to excited, Junsu quickly inches closer to the other, glowing with anticipation.

“Ah… uh… I do. They miss you a lot more than you can imagine but you can’t reunite with them unless you get better…” Getting a teary, Jaejoong held Junsu’s small hands tightly while the other frowns cutely. Pouting as he looks at his feet, the younger one is disappointed once again. “No one wants a sick person…”

“NO! It’s not that…” Upset by Junsu’s words, Jaejoong does not know how else to reassure the boy. Hands gripping on even more tightly on the cold hands.

“Of course they won’t want you back if you are sick!” Chipping in since he was eavesdropping all along, an impatient Yunho in to ‘resolve’ the tension between the two brothers. Junsu’s eyes widens for a brief moment before looking away guiltily. This made Jaejoong really mad.

“Ignore him.” Cupping both hands on Junsu’s cool cheeks, the boy allows him to act all intimate since he can somehow feel a strangely familiar connection between them. “They can’t wait to have you back home with them.” Unable to explain how it feels like, their bond is even deeper than how he felt with Yoochun, as if he can just be himself around the gentle person. Junsu is thoroughly convinced that Jaejoong is a very good friend in the past.

“Nah. Not true.” “Then why aren’t they reunited with you yet.” Squeezing his broad frame in between the two like an annoying busy body, Yunho made himself comfortable in between the two brothers despite the appalled look on his angel’s face. Yunho believes this is for the better good. He isn’t usually like this, never bothering himself with other people’s business.

“Now. Listen to me Kim Junsu.” “Oh by the way. Your name is Kim Junsu just so you know.” Patting Junsu on his head, Yunho forcefully shoves Jaejoong aside when the other desperately tries to interfere. Shushing the weaker person and holding one hand on his shoulder to press him down onto the couch, Yunho continued his reasoning.

“Look here. My job is to help you get better.” Clearing his throat and looking all smug like how he always does, he can feel Jaejoong giving up on struggling, simply looking away angrily.

“When you get all well again, then you can remember your family and go home to them.” “Well… maybe not all of them will be around but your mother will definitely be waiting for you with open arms back home.” Yunho flashed his megawatt smile at Junsu and pats the boy’s head again. He definitely made sense to some extent and he is sure he does.

Nodding his head like the good boy he is, Junsu agreed that he needed to do something about himself. “Can I ask Yoochunnie when he comes back later?” Junsu asks shyly and Yunho frowns in response. He was hoping to get the boy fixed as soon as possible.

“Of course!” “Can you tell him to call me when you are done discussing, neh?” Breaking off from Yunho’s restraint, Jaejoong rushes to Junsu’s side and squats in front of him excitedly.

Grabbing the notepad nearby, Jaejoong hands the pencil to Yunho, looking at him with puppy eyes. No man can resist that of course, and Yunho ended up jolting down his own mobile number. “Here is the contact number. Please get back to him as soon as possible.” Patting Junsu on his head, Jaejoong smiled happily and reaches upwards for a hug.

However, before he can succeed, Yunho is up and pulling him away. Junsu found himself staring dumbly at the couple’s odd dynamics. “Ah. I will make tea!” Remembering that he had forgotten that they are guests as well, Junsu offers to play host, but Yunho is not planning on staying. Dismissing Junsu rather rudely with a wave of his hand, Yunho half drags Jaejoong to the main door and puts on both their shoes for them.


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Chapter 37: I think that is the third fic that I've read from your stories and my first comment
Wow your plot is amazing
How Mr Jung end up meeting Mrs Kim (sometimes fanfics world is little)
Hope to see your updates
Chapter 37: This story is perfect I can't wait for new chapter!!! Please update soon :)
alwayskeepthefaithh #3
Love this story !
youaremypierrot #4
Love this story !
IcahXi #5
Chapter 37: please update soooon, :))
aktfTVXQ9 #6
Chapter 37: Please update soon:)
Chapter 37: I love this fic so much, please update soon author-nim
lelouch7 #8
Chapter 22: Love this story a lot, I'm surprised that I actually love the yoosu part more since I'm a yunjae fan. It just touches me, I love love love your Yoochunnie, I can relate to his feelings too. Thanks for sharing!
aoichan60 #9
Chapter 36: Poor Mrs. Kim:(
his son lost memories, the other not yet to be found..
Chapter 37: omo yunho's father met kim's mother!
only if yunho's father knew jae is pregnant.. he must be happy..
thx for the update.

is it bad side of mine that I don't want su-ie to remember his past yet? ahaha