Twenty five

Love beyond a doubt

Waking up in the middle of the night, a small figure makes his way over to the study quietly. The room is obviously still lit though the doors are closed. The lights are seeping out from the gap between the door and floor so the figure’s curiosity is roused.

The two tenants just had a sour night and neither would talk to one another. The older one is especially cold and despite the younger tenant’s timid advances, he wouldn’t look at the other for longer than mere seconds. The younger one is confused and feeling somewhat lonely. He had not felt this way since he last lost his memory. Meeting the older one managed to erase most of those negative thoughts.

Peeking in after slowly opening up the door, the person sees the tall man within near the edge of the two seat couch, pillow and blanket strewn all over the floor. This prompted the younger person to do something and he wobbled over and picked them up from where they lay.

Crawling over to the man snoring softly on the uncomfortable looking makeshift bed, the younger one covered him and just sat there dumbly. Looking at the big man’s handsome face, the small figure spotted a few drops of tears rolling down the man’s cheeks. A grown man, yet Yoochun wept in his sleep.

Feeling his heart ache, Junsu quickly clambers up onto the man’s toned belly and lies on him, hugging him tightly. Yoochun immediately wakes, jumping in shock as something crushes him, sliding up his abdomen and plastering onto him like a cold piece of dough.

Pushing Junsu off unintentionally since he was still in a drowsy state of shock, the detective reached upwards and the standing lamp. “YAH!” “Don’t scare me like that!” Huffing angrily, the man lost his temper once again. His lack of control over his emotions recently is worrying him, but he can’t help but bluster at the equally stunned Junsu.

Junsu used to cuddle with him at times, when the younger one was experiencing nightmares. He merely thought Yoochun was having a nightmare as well.

Whimpering like how their pet dog would, Junsu scrambled away pitifully and pushes himself off the ground. Swaying as he escapes to the door, Yoochun can see the slight shuddering movements of those thin shoulders. Junsu is starting to cry though he does not make much sound.

Yoochun subconsciously moves, hands reaching out before he can process his own actions. Within a blink of an eye, he had his thick arms around Junsu from behind, in a tight back hug. He even bothered to keep his touch gentle. Junsu does not move much, simply turning around to return his embrace, causing the man’s eyes to widen.

Looking down at the cute mop of brownish bed head, soft hair curling up a little at the ends, Yoochun could not stop himself from reaching up and cupping the occiput with a big palm. “Don’t be angry please. Don’t be angry please.” Chanting an incantation, Junsu buried his face into Yoochun’s warm woollen top, muffling his beautiful voice.

“I’m not.” straightening up after a few seconds of staying in that dazed state, Yoochun quickly snaps back into reality and grabs Junsu by both biceps, prying the thin hands off. Junsu simply refuses to budge, hanging on and hopping up and down like how a little boy would refuse to let go of his toy. “You are. You are. You are.” Squalling into Yoochun’s top, the boy started wetting the garment with his tears.

“Listen to me Everland.” Successfully yanking the smaller person off him, he held the small shoulders and stared into the latter’s eyes. “I am not angry.” “Just. Just behave yourself… alright?” Yoochun couldn’t continue his sentence, with Junsu looking at him like that, those wide teary puppy eyes.

Nodding slowly, Yoochun quickly lets go of Junsu and turns away, getting a quick breather by staring at the picture of his grandmother. Trying to distract himself since he can longer see anyone else but Junsu, it is the detective turn to be in distress. “Go back to bed.”

Yoochun is terrified as he is unable to recover his breath. The erratic breathing wouldn’t go away for as long as Junsu is right behind him. It is suffocating him and he can almost lose himself in Junsu’s scent, though they share the same soap. Junsu’s hair though they share the same shampoo. Junsu’s clothes though they share the same tangerine detergent. It dawned on him that they shared many things and he is finally just getting used to having a partner, enjoying the person’s presence. Most importantly, easing his loneliness and allowing him feel such passion after such a long time.

“Yoochunnie.” Junsu’s sweet voice filled the air in an instant, drilling at his skull and threatening to mess up his thoughts again. “I want to cook something.”

“Can you stop it with the cooking already!?” “God you are so troublesome!!” Raising his voice once more, Yoochun stops hollering instantaneously and spins around to apologise. However, Junsu is already making his way out of the room, back towards the detective. Yoochun quickly followed, cursing regretfully under his breath, hoping Junsu did not exactly hear what he just said.

Opening up the fridge and fishing out an egg, Junsu proceeded to cook the instant noodles again, busying himself with the boiling water. Yoochun quickly takes over, forcing him onto the chair to watch while he continues.

“Here.” “Eat it and go back to sleep.” “No more walking around for you.” Pouring the content of the shallow pot into a bowl, Yoochun felt his own mouth water with the smell but quickly dismisses it. He hadn’t eaten anything since his light lunch in the afternoon.

Sliding off the tall chair and pushing Yoochun down onto it instead, Junsu hands him the chopsticks and looks intently at him, big round brown eyes twinkling. “You forgot dinner.” “Your stomach was growling.” Junsu whispered assertively into Yoochun’s face and stayed close, nose only a few inches apart.

Yoochun found himself lost in the other’s presence once again, gazing at the smaller person stupidly. Tilting his head to one side cutely with a satisfied grin, the young one shifted backwards and ended up losing his balance. Tripping over the leg of another chair, Junsu almost hit the ground again had Yoochun not broken his fall, encasing the boy’s smaller body in his own bigger one.

For a moment, the couple stayed sprawled on the floor. Junsu lay on top of Yoochun while the unusually exhausted older man lies on his back, staring into the other’s face. He can no longer stop himself from thinking weird or acting weird.

Reaching up, Yoochun held Junsu’s dainty little chin in between his index finger and thumb, caressing the soft skin there. Staring deeply into the younger person’s beautiful brown eyes, the detective’s gaze is so intense that Junsu had to shift himself off the other, a little disturbed.

Feeling a pair of soft warm lips on his own as he slides across the detective’s chest, Junsu yelped, accidentally biting Yoochun’s lower lip. The detective didn’t mind, at the sore region and grabbing the younger one by the waist, pasting their lips together once more.

Sneaking his tongue into his partner’s mouth, the detective explored the other’s oral cavity, hungrily as he deepens their contact. Breaking it up only after Junsu chokes up and coughs, Yoochun is reluctant to let go, yet hesitant to carry on with whatever he is so tempted to do earlier. Junsu’s reaction reaffirmed that his decision to stop is correct. The other is staring bewilderedly into his eyes, searching for a form of answer as he blinks.

Those beautiful tear drop shaped brown eyes widened as a cute tongue emerges to the smeared full lips, as if cleaning up the saliva Yoochun left behind on his face. A small wrinkle on the nose meant he did not like what he just tasted.

Yoochun had smoked briefly before he went to bed, stressed out by their earlier one-sided quarrel.

Then, as if guilty of committing a heinous crime, the detective pushed Junsu aside hurriedly and sprinted away. Slamming the door shut as if he was in rage, Yoochun darted into the bathroom and dunked his face into the basin with the freezing water running. Panting handsomely as he tries to erase the taste of Junsu from his own mouth, he even slammed the latrine door subconsciously with a fist. Not knowing the effects his actions have on Junsu.

Junsu simply sat rooted, eyes glassy and watery.


POV from Junsu

“God you are so troublesome!!” He finally said it. I was anticipating that sentence since a long time ago. I guess I am aren’t I?

The aftertaste of that sentence and its meaning is bitterer than I was hoping it to be. I won’t lie that I feel hurt by it. But I won’t cry… or he might really get angrier. Pretend that I didn’t hear it… was my way of coping. How dumb.

I need to face it sooner or later. It’s been too long since he started taking care of me. Where can I go? What do I do now? Being prepared doesn’t make the pain less. He is my best and only friend… and my best friend is starting to get tired of my dependence. There is nowhere I can go! I like him best so I really really hope he wouldn’t start to despise me…

What do I do now? I have tried everything I can to be more of a help than a bother… but everything is apparently working against the initial intentions.

I am scared. I don’t want to go anywhere. I like it here. Where can I go?

As long as he does not want me here, anywhere is fine. As long as he feels better without me causing him any inconvenience, anywhere is fine.


The next morning…

In a dimly lit room, silent since the windows remains tightly sealed as the air condition blasts away, a figure lay lifelessly. The sounds of birds chirping outside the window, the sound of bugs, nothing could penetrate the thick tainted glass.

Stirring slowly and letting out a soft moan, the previously silent figure shifts his hands a little to prop himself up from where he lay face down. Allowing a soft sob to escape his dry throat, the person grimaced beautifully in an attempt to get up. His arms are sore and weak. The dreamless sleep he had didn’t help much since he was put through what felt like a marathon and triathlon added together.

Squinting with the help of a thin ray of sunlight intruding the screens, the person inspected where he hurts the most and cursed barely audibly, appalled at the mess around his lower region and especially the bed.

“I apologise for intruding, but may I help you get ready?” As if his every movement is closely monitored through a CCTV, and his muscular twitches are attached to the butler’s siren system, the old man immediately shows up upon his waking. Sometimes, the still drowsy person even kills time by attempting to calculate the number of security and monitoring devices installed in the room.

Pulling the blanket to cover himself, conscious not to allow anyone else to see the sorry state he is in, the person smiled prettily. Pulling his long thin fingers through his soft tousled hair, he can’t but blush despite knowing that the entire army of butlers and maid probably already saw him in his birthday suit countless times. “I can manage.” “Thank you.”

Seeing the door close as the manservant departs, the young man rested his heavy head on the sinfully soft pillows again and gave his throbbing forehead a few smacks. Then, slipping out of the warmth of the comfortable bed linen, he cries out and bites his lips when the anticipated sharp stabbing pain invades his lower region. He is used to it and attributes the symptoms to muscle strains. Little did he know.

Almost crawling, the latter could not fathom the unusual feeling of nausea and aggravated pain. He was sure he was not drunk or anything since he can fully remember the past night’s events.

Sweeping around himself, he found his clothes robbed from his side yet again. However, on the counter nearby, he found a tailor made suit, probably Armani, but no matter how the high end material is, they still felt abrading to his touch.

Hormones wasn’t going easy on him either and he ended up sobbing like a little girl the moment the shower head rains warm water onto his ravaged body. Unable to control his own emotions and feeling like a loser, the young man increased the water flow and sank down to the ground, huddling against the wall as he pictures his life in the near future.

The possibility of losing his brother, being stuck in the mansion of horror and treated like a pet dog with no contact with his mother and bestie. Then back to losing his brother again. Thoughts like that were particularly prevalent nowadays and he is sure that only increased amount of oestrogen would do like that to women. He is male and that is just way too weird.


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Chapter 37: I think that is the third fic that I've read from your stories and my first comment
Wow your plot is amazing
How Mr Jung end up meeting Mrs Kim (sometimes fanfics world is little)
Hope to see your updates
Chapter 37: This story is perfect I can't wait for new chapter!!! Please update soon :)
alwayskeepthefaithh #3
Love this story !
youaremypierrot #4
Love this story !
IcahXi #5
Chapter 37: please update soooon, :))
aktfTVXQ9 #6
Chapter 37: Please update soon:)
Chapter 37: I love this fic so much, please update soon author-nim
lelouch7 #8
Chapter 22: Love this story a lot, I'm surprised that I actually love the yoosu part more since I'm a yunjae fan. It just touches me, I love love love your Yoochunnie, I can relate to his feelings too. Thanks for sharing!
aoichan60 #9
Chapter 36: Poor Mrs. Kim:(
his son lost memories, the other not yet to be found..
Chapter 37: omo yunho's father met kim's mother!
only if yunho's father knew jae is pregnant.. he must be happy..
thx for the update.

is it bad side of mine that I don't want su-ie to remember his past yet? ahaha