
Love beyond a doubt

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In a yacht, a day later…

“Be careful with that!” An old man walks slowly along the wooden structure of the harbour while two burly body guards follow closely, carrying a huge decorated white wooden box, the size of two and a half coffins added together. A dramatic blue ribbon with two long tails flaps gently with the wind.

“Haraboji! Appa! Over here.” Spotting a tall man waving to them from the biggest yacht parked at the end, the old man beamed while the middle aged man tries to maintain a stern face. They did not know beforehand which the boat their precious heir is on since half the boats parked there is owned by the young man.

“Hurry! That one.” The old man turned to order the two body guards as they tighten their grip on the handles at the side and walk in sync.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY YUNHO AH!” The old man is all smiles and shouted before he is done scaling the steps onto the boat. Reaching down, the young man helped the old man by holding onto his arm, steadying him. Smiling for the first time in months, the bachelor hugged his grandfather when they finally meet.

Yunho is never home and his elders have missed him. Even his father could not resist a hug and patted the young man on the shoulder proudly. “That’s my boy!” The middle aged man finally smiled as well.

“Yunho ah! I heard you managed to get your hands on that collaboration and you have NO idea how proud I am of you!!” The old man added and gave his grandson a pat on the head. The young man had to actually bend down for him to do that since he is way too tall.

“Aren’t your friends here yet?” The father of the young man asked as he wonders why the boat is so empty.

“They are all on Speedy III over there.” Yunho replied and chuckled when the man frowns. “I figured you two would need a private place to keep my present.” With this, Senior Jung burst out into a hearty chortle, winking at Yunho. The young man responded with a loud laugh as well and all three Jungs ended up laughing happily over the internal joke.

“Plus. My friends are really scared of you two.” Yunho added and his father started to laugh again.

“I will stay with you and appa. They can entertain themselves.” Yunho added after finally settling down with his grandfather. The old man was too busy overseeing that the present is placed nicely in the huge lone bedroom on the yacht. This is the first time that Yunho actually bothered to open up his bedroom to any of the ‘presents’ his grandfather brings him. The young man can’t be bothered anymore.

All of those ‘presents’ which Yunho have rejected previously were usually allowed to go free without a scratch on them. They will usually be too grateful to want to report the mafias. Also, no one messes with the Jung family and gets away with it.

“Haraboji promise you that this one will be THE ONE.” The old man winked and handed Yunho the envelope containing Jaejoong’s papers. Having no choice but to play along and flip through the stack of documents, since the two elders were watching him with such puppy eyes, Yunho took his time to read through, rising an eye brow.

“He is going to attend my school… and the same course I graduated from…” Yunho said softly and his grandfather clapped his hands together, smiling from ear to ear.

“I removed his photo so you can have a pleasant surprise too!” The old man beamed and Yunho exchange looks with his father. The middle aged man is smiling approvingly as well and Yunho is perturbed. This is the first time his elders have bought him someone who is of such ‘high quality’ and he is actually feeling afraid since he might have to disappoint them yet again.

“Your appa and I will stay till after you open the present.” The old man chirped and Yunho nodded, finishing the glass of champagne in his hand gingerly.

Signalling for his driver to bring them out to sea, the young man sat in silence while his elders discuss his wedding and their future plans for him. They always do that and he would always just sit there and listen. The only way to shut them up is to settle down but he can’t just do it with anyone.

“Yunho ah! That’s a great idea!” “Do you want that?” A sudden question from his grandfather pulls him back from his daydream, like a slap on his face. Not actually knowing what that ‘idea’ is, Yunho nodded his head and agreed anyway.

“Let’s open your present now!” The over-excited old man suddenly gets up from his sun chair and heads to the lower deck of the young man’s yacht. Yunho follows unenthusiastically, trying to cook up an excuse to reject the person as well as to please the two. It’s been the routine since years ago.

Pushing Yunho over to the box, the old man handed him a crow bar and Yunho ended up ‘unwrapping’ the present with much difficulty. However, just as the top cap pops open, the old man startles the people present with a loud cry. “WAIT! COVER YOUR EYES!!”

Yunho chuckled resignedly, finding his grandfather’s suddenly childish behaviour hilarious. Allowing his father to cover both palms over his eyes by squatting down a little, Mr Jung parted his fingers to allow Yunho to peep. He knows his son is not into surprises.

Lifting the top off and handing it to the body guard waiting outside, everyone is pleasantly surprised to hear that it is Yunho who gasped. Letting go of Yunho’s face, the two elders took a step back and stared at Yunho while the young man stares into the box.

“You know him?” The middle aged man asks and Yunho shook his head slowly. All thoughts are thrown out of the window when an angel descended and resided into a box, interior decorated with satin and silk, looking ethereal beyond expectations.


POV from Jaejoong

I was fighting it out with my captors just a while ago and then they gave me something that I don’t even know what the hell that is.

By the time I woke up, I am in a car… I think. There were two men staring at me but their faces are blurry…

I can’t seem to wake no matter how hard I fought the sleepiness… so I only remember parts and parcels of what was going on for the past few hours… or days… I’m not even sure anymore.

There was a huge white steaming pot of water and I thought I was going to get cooked… and then there was this really soft bed which caused me to fall deeper into the dreamless sleep…

Then the next thing I know, I am in a dark dark place again… and there were hammering sounds… like a coffin being hammered shut.

I wanted to cry since I didn’t want to die a sad death being buried alive… and then I blamed myself for sleeping so much. They probably thought I was dead or something…

But now… I actually feel more awake. My legs and hands are still not budging, but I am starting to feel more alive. The only problem is that I am still in the box and can’t escape since the lid is hammered shut.

Feeling around myself, I feel like I am in some Barbie doll palace or something. There are so much laces and smooth cloth around… and though I can’t reach down to feel my legs or torso yet, I think I know what I am dressed in. My birthday suit.

I am and I have to face it. Remembering what they were discussing in the car… about presents and birthday or stuff, I can safely assume that I am now a ‘gift’. That is better than being a ‘traded good’… right?

Seriously… the ground beneath me is moving at this current moment so I don’t think we are on dry land. I can hear sounds of waves too… through the small gaps… Are they going to drown me? Is that better than being buried alive? Am I a sacrifice to the sea god or something? God… is there even such a religion?!

Then… just as I was thinking about what I can do with my limited mobility if they really plan to throw me off the boat, the lid popped open.

Well… there isn’t any sea god or anything… but the lights are blinding me. I had to close my eyes so I didn’t exactly see anyone, but I can hear the muffled voices more clearly now… and what they are saying.

Surprise! Well. The ‘birthday gift’ is finally ‘unwrapped’. I hope the recipient likes it… Good lord.


Hovering over a half awake Jaejoong, Yunho couldn’t resist the temptations to peek in. There, in his full glory, curled up like a foetus as he lies laterally, in that pile of fabric and cushions, the goddess is reincarnated into a male’s body, just how Yunho likes it.

Leaving the room as Yunho remain frozen for a long while, senior Jung cannot contain his toothy grin while he watch his grandson literally fall in love at first sight. Capturing the whole process with their own eyes, the two elders even did a small high five.

“Haraboji!” Turning around after finally taking his eyes off Jaejoong, the bachelor lost all confidence to articulate properly and he hates that feeling. However, there is no one there to tell him what that feeling is. Having never fallen in love, Yunho is confident that he can treat his partner like a toy or bolster, but now, he is not sure anymore. This is the exact feeling he was supposedly looking for but what he finds, he does not fancy.

Jaejoong shifted slightly, curling up further to cover whatever is exposed, and this move made Yunho’s heart skip a beat. To worsen the painful throbbing sensation at Yunho’s chest, Jaejoong finally opens those big round eyes. Those delicate windows to the soul mesmerised Yunho as they lock onto his own, lovely black pupils a little glassy as they try to focus on his.

Grabbing the blanket from his bed, the bachelor threw it over Jaejoong just as he feels a weird tingling sensation moving down to his groin. Then, dashing out of the room and closing the room behind him, Yunho panted for the first time in his life.

“Haraboji!” “Appa!” “I can’t! Take him away!” The man then ran to the upper deck where his elders are already saying cheers and smiling from ear to ear.

“Why are you so flustered, Yunho ah?” The old man knows its love at first sight for Yunho but he also knows that the bachelor will deny it to the death. He came prepared.

“I am not… I just. I ran.” The bachelor replied a coolly as he possibly can. “I don’t like him… he looks weird.” “Just take him away.”

“Yunho ah!!” Mr Jung intercepts and was planning to berate his son when his father interrupts.

“Very well. Even though I was hoping you will like him… I will accept your answer.” The old man pouted a little and sat down again, drinking one more mouthful of champagne.

“Lee! Kill him and discard him into the sea.” The man ordered solemnly and Yunho is taken aback. So was everyone on board, since senior Jung never kills the ‘presents’.

“WAIT! Why can’t you just let him go?!” Yunho followed the bodyguard as the man whips out a short piece of shady looking rope. Blocking the man off at the entrance, Yunho felt stupid and totally humiliated, but he simply can’t allow them to finish off that angel in the box.

“He is not an illegal immigrant so the police might come knocking.” The old man rationalised casually and gave the bodyguard a signal to move in for the kill. “We have to get rid of any evidence. No corpse, no case.”

“NO! Wait! I will keep him!! If that’s the case, I will keep him!”


POV from Yunho

you Jung Yunho! What is going on with you!?!

Have your brain become cow poop?! Just let haraboji finish him off and you can forget this ever happened!! Why can’t I?!

Actually, I am not really sure about what is in the box! I was trying to picture his face in my mind when reading through his papers… but the final revelation was something else altogether.

He looked so out of the world that I have no idea what I was looking at.

Stay calm Jung Yunho! He hasn’t opened his mouth! So what if he looks too good to be true! So what if his appearance is beyond your wildest dreams?! Once he opens his mouth and quarrels with you, he is a goner!

Jung Yunho! Just spare him for now… it’s alright. He can’t do no to you now! Never!


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Chapter 37: I think that is the third fic that I've read from your stories and my first comment
Wow your plot is amazing
How Mr Jung end up meeting Mrs Kim (sometimes fanfics world is little)
Hope to see your updates
Chapter 37: This story is perfect I can't wait for new chapter!!! Please update soon :)
alwayskeepthefaithh #3
Love this story !
youaremypierrot #4
Love this story !
IcahXi #5
Chapter 37: please update soooon, :))
aktfTVXQ9 #6
Chapter 37: Please update soon:)
Chapter 37: I love this fic so much, please update soon author-nim
lelouch7 #8
Chapter 22: Love this story a lot, I'm surprised that I actually love the yoosu part more since I'm a yunjae fan. It just touches me, I love love love your Yoochunnie, I can relate to his feelings too. Thanks for sharing!
aoichan60 #9
Chapter 36: Poor Mrs. Kim:(
his son lost memories, the other not yet to be found..
Chapter 37: omo yunho's father met kim's mother!
only if yunho's father knew jae is pregnant.. he must be happy..
thx for the update.

is it bad side of mine that I don't want su-ie to remember his past yet? ahaha