Twenty three

Love beyond a doubt


An update for the weekends~

Thank you all for the nice encouraging comments and also the subscriptions!

Do stay and read~


Watching Jaejoong leave with Yoochun in the detective’s car, Yunho remained by the window while his lawyer tie up the loose ends to his ‘almost’ charge. Nothing devastates him more than witnessing his angel leave him for the second time.

Reaching for his phone in the back of his jumper’s pocket, the man slid his finger along the smooth screen, looking for a certain number. Then, smirking, he makes the call. “Hello.” “It’s me.” “I need your help to buy over a certain Korean company.” “It’s urgent so I will get my lawyer to send you the details later.” Clicking his tongue, a habit developed over the years, the man retreats into his room.

Sitting on the pink bed he spent a memorable night with Jaejoong the night before, the bachelor picks up the blanket and took a long whiff off it. The younger one has a scent he likes and somehow he feels calmer after taking it in. “Kim Jaejoong… you can’t run from me.” “Not back then and definitely not now.”


POV from Yunho

Kim Jaejoong. You really know how to get on my nerves and play me like a fool don’t you?

I admit to being too soft towards him. I should’ve made my point clearer… that he belongs to me, but I couldn’t with him behaving so damn innocent and delicate. He is just too precious and no matter how much I want to do more hurtful things to scare him, I can’t either.

What was he thinking when he decided to just leave me out of this mess? Who asked for that?! I didn’t ask for that! Sure, he is the only person who can possibly send me to court but he simply kept me out of trouble. However, he wouldn’t really believe that I would be thankful and pretend that all this never happened would he? Not a chance. He is mine and he is not going anywhere.

Even if I have to bring everyone in his family and even the extended family over here permanently, I will do it. As long as he stays by my side, I will do anything to ensure his happiness. If leaving me is the only way he will be happy then that’s just too bad for him.

First step, buy everything he owns. To own him, own everything he owns.



“Detective sshi… I heard you have my brother under custody… can I meet him please?” A still jittery Jaejoong asks meekly from the back of the detective’s car, hands tightly clasped on the seat belt.

“Jaejoong sshi… Can I assume that you have overheard my conversation with Jung Yunho earlier… about your brother?” With both hands on the steering wheels as he drives the younger man back to the police station, Yoochun decided to come clean with the person.

Nodding his head, the younger man gives Yoochun the doe eyes and the older man is reminded of Junsu yet again.

“I will need your help to nab the guys who kidnapped you.” “But of course… I can bring you to meet him first if you want to.” Speaking quietly, the detective concentrated on manoeuvring the vehicle around the road curves.

Sitting in another long moment of awkward silence again, Yoochun finally decided that he will have to do a disclaimer first. “Ahem.” Clearing his throat, he watches Jaejoong fiddle with Yunho’s shirt button from a corner of his eye. It is obvious that the couple were ‘busy’ the night before and even though what happened is not likely to be consensual, Jaejoong denies any form of . Yoochun can’t persuade the younger man tell him otherwise.

“Your brother… he was injured… are you aware?” Yoochun askes Jaejoong and the younger one immediately turn his attention away from the windows to face the driver. “I am! How is he?”

Entering his apartment car park, Yoochun stopped the car before finally turning to face the now jumpy Jaejoong. “… He isn’t doing well…” Looking apologetic, Yoochun can feel the anxiety level raise instantly. “You might need to know that he isn’t going to remember you…” “He lost his memory after he was shot in the head…”

Leaving the car without waiting for the younger man’s reaction, the detective opened the door for the other and helps him out. Jaejoong is still unable to walk upright and even ended up wearing Yunho’s oversized shoes since the butlers were unable to find him his own pair. Following Yoochun into the lift, the smaller man looks at the taller one fearfully. “Surely he will recognise me… right?”

Resting a big palm on Jaejoong’s thin shoulder resignedly, the detective does not speak. Then, opening the door to his house upon reaching, the man switches on the corridor lights as soundlessly as possible, assuming that Junsu is asleep. Shuffling his feet silently along the carpeted parquet flooring, Yoochun led the way.

Popping his head into his bedroom just to spot a neat and tidy bed, the detective sighs and ushered the young visitor into the dimly lit living room. “Everland?” Calling out to Junsu softly after finding a small figure cuddled up under the warmth of the thick blanket, Yoochun motioned for Jaejoong to follow him. Turning on the standing lamp nearby, the detective illuminated the area, revealing a sleeping angel.

“Junsu?” “Suie?” Reaching a hand to brush away the boy’s soft brown hair which covers his eyes and part of his face, Jaejoong gasps after seeing the bad bruising above the left eye, partially hidden by a bandage. The boy does not stir.

“That wound’s new. He fell… so they did a bandage.” Yoochun spoke grimly, showing Jaejoong the medical report lying on the kitchen table nearby. Allowing Jaejoong to digest the information, Yoochun does not elaborate much on the negative side effects, aside from the fact that he is prone to falling and fits.

Sitting down on the same couch soundlessly, where Junsu’s head is rested, Jaejoong hurriedly gathers the younger one into his arms. “Baby!! Wake up! I’m bringing you home!” Patting Junsu’s pale face, the anguished older brother finally rouses the overly drowsy boy.

Seeing Yoochun standing in front of him while he curls up in his biological brother’s embrace, Junsu blinks a few times, genuinely puzzled. “Hey. Everland.” “Look who I brought back with me today.” Patting Junsu on his head and ruffling his hair stiffly, the detective made sure not to reveal any hint of intimacy in his actions. He has a professional image to upkeep after all.

“Hey there…” “Do you remember me?” his brother’s head and whispering lovingly, Junsu disappoints Jaejoong unintentionally with a blank gaze. Then, smiling like the little angel he is, the poor older brother is distraught by the lack of appropriate reactions on his younger brother’s part.

“Are you police too? Yoochunnie’s friend?” Hyping up amidst the intense suffocating atmosphere, the boy quickly shook Jaejoong’s hands and got up, headed for the kitchen. “I will make tea!” Bouncing like a hyperactive bunny, Junsu walks right into the wall beside the kitchen counter and Jaejoong can feel his heart miss a beat.

Grabbing Junsu by the shoulder and steadying him before he actually walks into the nearby fridge like a hopeless drunkard, Yoochun has no idea how to comfort Jaejoong. The older brother simply sat rooted to the couch, looking appalled and almost in distress. “Careful there.” “Why don’t you go sit down and I will make us tea.” Holding Junsu by both hands gently from behind, Yoochun swiftly guided the youngest one back to the couch.

“Are you hurting?” Sitting alone side by side, Jaejoong finally breaks the long moment of awkward silence between him and Junsu, reaching a hand to caress his brother’s hair again. Junsu simply smiles shyly, wondering why this weird stranger will touch him like that. Nevertheless, Jaejoong’s caress felt familiar and that is the thing which baffles Junsu.

“Everland. This person with me has something to tell you.” It took Yoochun a fair amount of effort to finally break the news to Junsu. He knows the boy’s secret wish to remember his past since the latter would constantly sneak peeks through his files though he never bothers Yoochun with questions.

Taking a long look at the ‘stranger’, Junsu can’t seem to remember a single detail about the person beside him no matter how hard he tries. The sad look on Jaejoong’s face bothers him and he can almost feel the anguish, except that he does not understand why. “Jaejoong sshi.” Prompting the quiet person, Yoochun had to hold his breath throughout, mind wandering off to what it will be like when Junsu leaves him for real.

“Ah… oh…” Feeling uncertain all of a sudden, Jaejoong can’t help but feel estranged. Watching Junsu peeking at him every once so often, he is terribly upset that his own brother does not remember who he is. “It’s nothing! I will come back and visit you again tomorrow.” Standing up abruptly before tears starts rolling down his beautiful cheeks, Jaejoong turned his back towards the couple.

“I will take my leave first.” Hinting to the stunned Yoochun, his intentions to leave and reunite with his mother first, Jaejoong took huge steps towards the door. Once outside, Jaejoong slides down along the wall near the lift, weeping his heart out. Yoochun exits shortly after but does not say much, watching him from nearby.

“Don’t tell umma anything first.” “I will break the news to her slowly.” Jaejoong quickly dries his eyes and duck walks into the lift. The detective follows. “Is he going to get better?” Pausing before he enters the elevator, the younger man askes again, turning to look back at Yoochun’s apartment longingly.

“He… I will be frank.” “The doctor says that they can’t remove the bullet from his head because of the bad location.” “He is not doing well…” Yoochun found himself fumbling for his cigarettes subconsciously, lighting it and taking a long drag. The stress is building and repeating all this information is almost like a painful reminder that the boy is dying.

Urging himself to rid himself of Junsu before they become inseparable, he does not know the extent to which he is attached to the boy. Just a moment ago, he thought he was going to die after allowing Jaejoong to take the boy from his side, and he is aware that he will have to go through the process eventually even if they haven’t parted ways yet.

Squatting down and sobbing loudly again, Jaejoong cursed at his bad luck and the series of unfortunate events. “Operate on him! Please save him!”

“The doctors wouldn’t do it… and I can’t decide for you and your mother.” “But if there is consent from your mother… then maybe we can work this out.” Yoochun replied dumbly. Yoochun is happy that Junsu has finally found someone who can make an official decision since he was never able to make a decision beforehand, but he is also afraid that they might end up losing the boy at the end of the day. That scared him and he is somehow hoping that Junsu will leave him before that happens.

“It must be really risky then… Oh god…” “What do I do?” “Do you know anyone who can help us?” Standing up at last and begging the detective, Yoochun can’t do anything except shake his head. Investing years into his job saw most of his university friends breaking off all contact with him. He does not even have a proper drinking partner aside from his colleagues who only drinks with him once a year. He is seriously lacking in friendships, relationships and even kinship, much less know of any doctors who can help.


POV from Jaejoong

My Suie! My poor little brother!!

The bad news just keeps coming! I didn’t expect for his injuries to be this bad!! He can’t recognise me, he can’t even walk straight!! What did the detective mean when he said my Suie isn’t going to recover?! I am actually kind of aware… the doctor’s notes were clear. I can read.

I can’t let umma know about this! Not now! She will be devastated!! I can still fix this!! What do I do?! I need to save him!! He needs help!! If the doctors wouldn’t do it, then where can I get a doctor that would?!

Who can I ask?! Who would have contact with the best doctor here!? I know the medical technology over here is a lot more advanced than back home… and I’m not going to give up!! There is bound to be a doctor who can save him here! Where do I find this person?! Who can help?!

Detective Park? No. He doesn’t have anyone…

Hyun Joong! No. He couldn’t even find someone to cure that chronic flu of his!


This is all his fault!! Why did he have to turn my life upside down like that?! What did I ever do to him?! What the heck is wrong with me?! Why did I even allow myself to be kidnapped at the first place?! Babo Jaejoong! What good did that black belt do for you?!

Jung Yunho. Why did his name even come up in my list anyways?! Screwed up list!!


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Chapter 37: I think that is the third fic that I've read from your stories and my first comment
Wow your plot is amazing
How Mr Jung end up meeting Mrs Kim (sometimes fanfics world is little)
Hope to see your updates
Chapter 37: This story is perfect I can't wait for new chapter!!! Please update soon :)
alwayskeepthefaithh #3
Love this story !
youaremypierrot #4
Love this story !
IcahXi #5
Chapter 37: please update soooon, :))
aktfTVXQ9 #6
Chapter 37: Please update soon:)
Chapter 37: I love this fic so much, please update soon author-nim
lelouch7 #8
Chapter 22: Love this story a lot, I'm surprised that I actually love the yoosu part more since I'm a yunjae fan. It just touches me, I love love love your Yoochunnie, I can relate to his feelings too. Thanks for sharing!
aoichan60 #9
Chapter 36: Poor Mrs. Kim:(
his son lost memories, the other not yet to be found..
Chapter 37: omo yunho's father met kim's mother!
only if yunho's father knew jae is pregnant.. he must be happy..
thx for the update.

is it bad side of mine that I don't want su-ie to remember his past yet? ahaha