Thirty Seven

Love beyond a doubt

POV from Yoochun

This is bad. Really bad. I haven’t thought of this scenario yet. How do I handle this?

How would I have known that my Junsu’s mother will be there waiting for me in the station? I thought I did bring him with me today so he can help to identify the suspect we managed to nab yesterday. Partially also because I intend to keep him in my office for safety reasons… since one of them got away yesterday. I never thought we would meet her here…

If my deductions are correct, the suspect that my colleague shot dead was involved with my Junsu and his brother’s kidnapping. They seem to recognise my Junsu and I can tell that they were shocked to see him alive. There were enough markers in their behaviour and body language to suggest so, this can also be noted through my onsite observations as well as the footages I retrieved.

They were bent on bringing him along with them even though they were in public and that just comes to show how desperate they are to shut him up. I can’t risk having them kidnap him again! They probably don’t know he has lost his memory thanks to them but I can sense that their gang isn’t going to let this one go so easily. It is good since they will eventually come to me but I still do not know who their boss is. I am rather sure the one that died is only the leader.

I need to catch them! And soon! However, it seems to me like my Junsu won’t be able to help me nail them. He can’t even remember his own mother after all…

Anyhow, the other major problem would be my Junsu’s mother. Wait. Did I just call Junsu “my Junsu”? Hmmm… What is happening to me?!

I’m such a coward!! I can’t believe I did that to her! She must have been really distraught!! I see so many cases of abductions and the parents usually suffer just as much as the person who is kidnapped… how can I be so selfish?!

But I simply couldn’t let him leave with her. He is still not adapted. He needs me. My protection and I am obviously more capable of taking care of him since I know his medications and all the appointments.


I should just take on the responsibility like a man! Face her and tell her everything that has happened between us even though she will hate me…



A distraught Mrs Kim slowly makes her way out of the building lobby. The skies are dark with a pending thunderstorm and though it is only late into the afternoon, the clouds have completely shielded off the sun.

As if the end of the world is near, the lady makes her way back to the rental car parked nearby and got in. Resting her forehead on her hands which are crossed over the steering wheel, the mother of two suspired deeply and started to sob uncontrollably. No one would tell her anything and she has no choice but to leave despite finally reuniting with her youngest son.

Not only did she not get to spend much time with her boy, the most devastating part is that the boy has no recollections of her whatsoever. He seemed completely distant and there is no way to describe the pain in her heart after seeing how he gazed at her like a total stranger. It’s as if he was there yet she had lost him. Junsu did try to hide his confusion at first until it got too obvious.

Hitting the accelerator and speeding out into the pouring rain which started just minutes ago, Mrs Kim drove to vent her frustration. However, as soon as she is nearing the main roads, a loud popping sound followed by angry sounds of abrading metal drew her out of her trance and back to reality.

Screeching to a stop by the road shoulder, the lady dried her eyes quickly and got out. Ignoring the pouring rain as the needle like droplets pokes at her skin mercilessly, Mrs Kim made her way to around the car, inspecting the wheels since she is sure she had probably burst one.

Sauntering around like a zombie, she opens the booth and hauls out the heavy rubbery object, dragging it over to the busted wheel with much effort. Sighing and leaning against the metal body of the car, Mrs Kim is simply too exhausted to do anything else.

Then, just as she is about to proceed after a long wet moment outside without an umbrella, an expensive car stops behind hers and the driver as well as the only passenger exits, making their way towards her. The chauffeur is sheltering the passenger as the older very well-dressed man bends down to address the damsel in distress.

Taking note that the drenched lady is playing the heroine by attempting to change her own tires, the man took the spare umbrella from the driver seat and provided her with some shade. The driver sees his boss’s kind gesture and immediately offers to change her tire for her but the lady insists on being left alone, casting the umbrella aside despite expressing her gratitude.

Seeing that his driver is having a hard time trying to assist her, the man got down to rolling up his sleeves. Squatting down and signalling for the chauffeur to shelter the both of them, the man unscrewed the nut with ease. He is ultimately a lot stronger than she is, and even increasing the height of the jack looked like a piece of cake for him though she was initially struggling.

Working silently, the man took the tire from her and fitted it in place, allowing her to roll the dysfunctional tire away from them while he tightens the nuts to the rim. Taking note of the oil smeared across her cheek, the man finally takes out a piece of paper napkin from his car and handed it to her without speaking.

Straightening up and looking super suave as he tidies up his soaked coat and business suit, the man does not bother to dry himself before bowing a swift 45 degrees and heading back to his car.

However, seeing that the lady seems to be still in a daze as she continues sitting on the ground, he frowned a handsome one and made his way back to her side again. Extending a hand to her and heaving her up without breaking a sweat, the man gave her another piece of napkin to dry her reddened eyes and blow her nose with.

“Ma’am. It’s dangerous to stay on the roads in this weather…” The man started and she finally looks up, as if finally paying full attention to him.

“Ah. Thank you.” Making her way back to the driver’s seat and fumbling within the wet pocket to find the keys for the ignition, the man watched on as she moves clumsily.

“You seem troubled… will you be fine on your own?” The man asked solemnly. His tone is stern and business-like so no one would ever doubt his gentlemanly intentions. The lady smiled a weak one and removed a few strands of long limp black hair plastered to her equally wet face. “It’s that obvious huh?” Chuckling as she kicks her pumps off and throws the sodden foot wear into her car before getting in bare footed.

“It is... sadly…” The middle aged man answered. Whipping out a name card from within his wallet, the man then hands it to her.

“I can tell you are not a local.” “Give me a call if you need any help in future.” The man does not smile but still sounded affable. The straight laced man hadn’t been smiling a lot ever since he could remember. The lady can tell that he was just trying to be nice and end off their first meeting amicably.

“I appreciate your kindness and help but I don’t think I will need to bother you again in future…” Taking a quick peek at the name on the card, the lady continued. “Mr Jung…”

“It was nice meeting you.” Smiling angelically as she gets into the car, she gave him a quick bow and embarked on her journey back to the hotel.


POV from Mr Jung (Yunho’s dad)

I wonder what is wrong with today’s weather. The rain really isn’t going to stop… how disruptive! To think I was in such a good mood today.

At least my luck wasn’t as down as the lady I just met. She is a weird one but interesting nonetheless. I believe we won’t be bumping into one another again but it will be lovely if we can meet again.

Appa called on me while I was away in Japan for a meeting with the yakuzas there. Don’t get me wrong. We are not planning anything illegal. I was just talking terms since many of their men have been coming and going on our turf and drawing the attention of the police with their unbecoming behaviour.

I know it might sound weird that I am describing the issue so calmly… but they apparently decapitated someone and the culprit is apparently some yazuka leader’s brother. It’s bad enough that someone is dead… but its worst since we are all implicated. Appa have always wanted us to be clean. Not literally, but more like in a legal sense.

You see… I only have one son. That comes as no surprise. My father also only had one son which would be me while my Haraboji, which is also Yunho’s great grandfather, only had one son, which would be my father… and so the one-son only curse goes. Appa thinks it is bad karma so we have been working really hard to ‘change our ways’.

While my wife died of an illness, thank god she didn’t leave me like my umma did. Yunho’s Halmeoni died in a shoot-out years ago. Therefore, you can say that I sort of understand if that is why Yunho would be hesitant to get a female partner, since all the women in his life dies young and prematurely. Though I’m not condemning his uality and all, you still have to understand that I am after all his father, and his grandfather expected me to produce someone who can produce our family another heir and so on. I failed in this aspect.

He is gay… and that means my only son, Jung family’s only hope is diminished. It took me a long time to accept that I have failed. I even contemplated trying to get Yunho another umma so I would not be such a let-down.

Which son would have his old man reproduce again just so he can have things his way right? Well… Yunho is one. My son. He is precious to me as much as he is the apple of the eye to everyone related to our family so I ended up letting him do whatever he wanted anyway.

I am probably not going to get remarried since I am too old for that. I do know many people who like to have young women at their beck and call even though they are almost twice those ladies’ age… and it’s disturbing. In short… young women are not ideal for me. They might be ideal for my son’s generation but definitely not for mine. Matured women… are more suitable. Like the lady I met in the rain earlier. I think. I digressed.

Anyhow, our family matters are getting back on track since Yunho called to report a pregnancy happening back home. Appa had also stopped harping on how our family will be extinct after the third generation.

Truthfully, I have no idea who is pregnant with whose child since appa wouldn’t allow Yunho to finish his sentence… but it is good news isn’t it? No wait. It isn’t actually good news since we still have… Jaejoong- I believe… caught in the middle. I’m not good with names... Anyhow, we will just have to appease him in some way won’t we? Maybe we can let him go and make it up to him with some sort of ‘financial support’? Doing something good to offset our wrongdoings would go a long way right?

It’s still unbelievable up till now that I am going to be a grandfather. Wow! That really doesn’t feel right though I am already at that age. Time flies. My wife and I did conceive Yunho at a rather tender age so I can even be considered a young granddad.

To think that appa and I were so worried. Now there isn’t anything for us to fret over.

Will we end up with only one grandson too though? I don’t know. But I look forward to being a granddad no less. Yunho is the oldest one of us three to produce an heir but it’s all good as long as the baby is male and his. He can continue trying until he hits the jackpot.

As long as he is willing to reproduce I won’t complain about who the mother is. Or do I? If only that boy Jaejoong is female. We don’t want a woman with shady connections added into our family tree do we?


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Chapter 37: I think that is the third fic that I've read from your stories and my first comment
Wow your plot is amazing
How Mr Jung end up meeting Mrs Kim (sometimes fanfics world is little)
Hope to see your updates
Chapter 37: This story is perfect I can't wait for new chapter!!! Please update soon :)
alwayskeepthefaithh #3
Love this story !
youaremypierrot #4
Love this story !
IcahXi #5
Chapter 37: please update soooon, :))
aktfTVXQ9 #6
Chapter 37: Please update soon:)
Chapter 37: I love this fic so much, please update soon author-nim
lelouch7 #8
Chapter 22: Love this story a lot, I'm surprised that I actually love the yoosu part more since I'm a yunjae fan. It just touches me, I love love love your Yoochunnie, I can relate to his feelings too. Thanks for sharing!
aoichan60 #9
Chapter 36: Poor Mrs. Kim:(
his son lost memories, the other not yet to be found..
Chapter 37: omo yunho's father met kim's mother!
only if yunho's father knew jae is pregnant.. he must be happy..
thx for the update.

is it bad side of mine that I don't want su-ie to remember his past yet? ahaha