Thirty Four

Love beyond a doubt

Hiya ^^

A double update again!! It's the weekend!! Enjoy~

I apologise for the draggy filler and I hope this updates makes up for something. *winks* 

But thank you for the subscriptions and the kind comments! *bows*

It's about to get started so please do stay and read~


Later that day… back in the shopping mall…

“Careful careful!!” “YAH!!” A couple was strolling around within a supermarket shopping for grocers when the smaller one of the two spotted the final item they had been searching for, for ages. Trying to reach the top shelf after climbing onto the trolley that the older one is pushing, he does not pay heed to the man’s blustering for him to stop.

“I can I can!!” Stretching his entire frame as far out as he possibly can, swaying dangerously from side to side, the younger person only manages to brush against the packaging with his fingers. Trying to focus, sticking his tongue out as he tries to grab at the item again, he fails when two strong hands reaches upwards and plucks him off his make shift ladder.

“Kim Junsu you are staying on the bench!” Parking the trolley in a corner, the taller one of the two held his partner’s hands and led him out of the relatively empty supermarket.

It was well into the evening by the time the couple was done with the trip to the zoo. The older person, Yoochun, had chosen take-outs for their picnic there but felt that home cooked food would be more appropriate for their next trip. Driving them back to the mall to stock up on the food supply before they head home, the couple ended up losing track of time. It is near the closing time so Yoochun is particularly concerned with Junsu’s time consuming and mind boggling stunts.

“I know you are tired. Rest.” Announcing arbitrarily, the detective pressed the boy onto the long wooden bench just located around the payment zone before hurrying back to their haul. Grabbing the last item after managing to sweet talk the staff there into lending him the ladder, Yoochun rushed off to pay for the grocers.

Smiling to himself as he watches the boy checking out his surroundings innocently, the detective even waved a small wave when the boy’s big beautiful eyes finally met his. Junsu beamed brightly and waved back, sweater sleeves too long and dangling as he was playing with them earlier. “Sit.” Mouthing for the other to behave after spotting him in the midst of getting up, Yoochun frowned and Junsu knew better than to defy the man’s order.

Grabbing a care product as he passes the small medical supply section, the detective told himself to act as naturally as he can. Junsu is limping and waddling around the whole day and it was too painful to watch so Yoochun is determined to get one on his way back no matter how much embarrassment it might cause. Loading the items onto the conveyor belt and burying the small box containing the tube, Yoochun pretends to look elsewhere as the cashier picks it up and scans it.

From the corner of his eyes, he spots the all too familiar few faces. They are the people he had been hunting for, for the past week, yet it still took him some time to register their faces within his brain. Since he was almost done paying, the detective hurriedly gave his card to the female cashier counter and called the first number he knew to call.

“It’s me!!” “I have them!” Then, whispering loudly into the receiver as he shoves his card back into his wallet, the man quickly requested for the cashier to look after his items while he leaves for a short while. “Send backup to the mall by our office and keep in contact with me!”

Panicking when he spots them walking up to Junsu, who is sitting there so guilelessly, even smiling at them when one of them approaches him, Yoochun drew his gun. One of the men from the group was circling Junsu, wearing a dangerous expression and Yoochun had to keep his cool before he actually starts shooting them all in the face.

Cursing under his breathe for the bad timing, Yoochun flashes his badge at the two security guards who are approaching him after seeing him with the gun in his hand. Signalling for them to pay attention to the three people instead, as they stare down at Junsu, Yoochun jiggles the handcuffs he always brings around at the guards, indirectly telling them to assist him with the arrest.

Ignoring the ringing of his phone since the three are now hauling Junsu up by his wrists and trying to get him to stand, Yoochun kept his eyes peeled. Refusing to blink, since he might very well lose the boy if he is careless enough, the detective could not stop his feet from shuffling forward by themselves.

Breathe hitching when he spots Junsu struggling to break away from them with a perturbed frown on his forehead, Yoochun waves for the two security guards to follow him as he bursts out from the pillar he was taking cover behind. “HANDS UP POLICE!!!” Yelling at the top of his lungs, Yoochun caught one of them by surprise by, socking him in the face with the end of his gun and holding Junsu in a tight embrace.

In a daze since he was spun and pushed around when the security guards move in for the arrest, Junsu simply held onto Yoochun’s clothes on his back. “I am detective Park from the human trafficking department! They are wanted suspects for two cases of alleged kidnapping and a murder!!” Ushering Junsu behind the safety of the walls as he brandishes his handcuffs, Yoochun pounces on one of the fleeing man.

However, within a split second, the tables are him. Be it out of desperation or fear of capture, one of the three ruffians had managed to break free from one of the security guards and took out a gun from the hind pocket of his jeans. Shooting one of the security guards in the thigh in a bid to get away as well as free his friend, the loud sound of expelled metal pallet and burnt gun powder jolted part of Junsu’s memory in an instant.

As if he had been shot as well, the boy is stunned for a moment, collapsing as he holds onto both ears tightly. An exceptionally loud dolphin like wail filled the air and Yoochun had to look around himself to finally realise the banshee is Junsu. Spotting Junsu on the ground where Yoochun had left him earlier, the detective is torn between keeping the arrested man under his custody, helping the wounded security guard, shooting the brazen shooter, or going to Junsu.

Forcing himself to prioritise, he yells for the other traumatised security guard to attend to his injured counterpart while he holds the only captured suspect down. The two are already escaping, but the saga isn’t over yet. The shooter returned shortly after sending the other suspect off to bring the car over.

Being forced to shoot since he can see that the shooter is planning on playing the hostage game with him, using his precious Junsu as the helpless civilian, Yoochun opened fire and incapacitated the man. He is sure he hadn’t killed the man, but the suspect will need help to ambulate, inhibiting his chances for an escape.

Unfortunately for him, before he can reached Junsu after securing his only captive to the nearby bench with a zip tie, the wounded suspect is up and reaching for the gun. Yoochun never expected the guy to be desperate enough to pull off this stun and his life momentarily flashes pass in a split second as he stares right into the barrel, merely two metres away from between his eyebrows.

“YOOCHUNNIE!!!” “DANGEROUS!!” All of a sudden, a weight, approximately that of a huge sack of flour lands on him and breaks him away from the frozen state. Junsu had somehow gotten up from where he was squatting and thrown himself at Yoochun, just in time to dodge the shot fired at the detective. Junsu is still hysterical and screaming, but he is a lot more in tuned to the reality compared to how he was a minute ago.

“Dangerous dangerous dangerous!! Pain pain pain pain!!” Screaming till his voice is already hoarse and breaking, Junsu does not stop as he hangs onto Yoochun, burying his face in the man’s coat. Yoochun did not have the time to get all touched at he was saved since the shooter is still smirking at him and taking careful aim at him and Junsu, as if picking the one he did shoot first. Yoochun knows he wouldn’t reach his gun in time and all he could think of is shielding the smaller person.

“BAMM!” Another shot rings out and Yoochun squeezed his eye shut tightly, anticipating pain. Instead, the shooter who was antagonising them had fallen, face first. Looking up to see his stunned colleague reloading his gun, preparing to shoot again if the ‘dead’ man gets up once more, the detective caught his breath for the first time in the short few minutes. Having held his breath all this while, Yoochun realises that he hadn’t been involved in this kind of action for a rather long while since the last shootout he was dragged into.

“JUNSU!!” Pulling the boy into a tight embrace, Yoochun can still feel the fear of losing the boy still lingering. His heart almost leapt out of his mouth a while ago and he is having a hard time swallowing it back down again.

Sitting in a daze as his other colleagues fuss over him and Junsu, the detective swiftly orders the officers to clean up the mess and the only captured suspect back while he carries Junsu up, koala style. Junsu is gripping onto his arms so tightly that he is having a hard time getting up and following his officers around. Picture a mother with a baby in tow.

Yoochun is a lot calmer by now but Junsu is still snivelling loudly, refusing to let go of the detective no matter how the man tries to coax him to look at anything else aside from the black wool of his garment. the boy gently on the back of his small head, one hand supporting the boy under his , the detective ended up bringing him to one corner where they can talk in private.

“Sir. Why don’t you bring him back first?” Another one of his colleagues, who had recently arrived, decided to be the better man. The man is Yoochun’s second in charge and the detective never felt happier to see him. Anticipating that he might need to bring Junsu back to the station with him, he finally has someone to hand the case over to.

Picking up his grocer from where he left it earlier, smiling an awkward smile at the cowering cashier who had witness the entire incident, Yoochun got a weak nod in return. Now the detective finally knows how hard it is to juggle a baby and the grocers. Plus, Junsu is no baby since he is almost a full grown adult.

Finally reaching the car park with the help of one of the officers who had kindly lent him a hand for the paper bags, Yoochun could not even get Junsu to let go. Getting into the driver seat and gently prying the boy off by promising to allow the small head and hands to remain on his lap as he drives, Yoochun thanked the man and drove off.

Arriving back at his apartment, the detective was hoping Junsu would walk but the boy is still as clingy as ever. Suspiring handsomely, Yoochun pulled Junsu onto his chest again and koala hugged him back home with the grocers in tow. They are lucky since the lift is fixed.

Arriving in front of the dark house, Yoochun unlocked the doors, threw the grocers down by the door, lumbered into their bedroom after kicking off his shoes, landing both of them on the bed as he pants slightly. Slowly peeling Junsu off, Yoochun took his time to sweep the boy’s fringe off his pale cheeks where the cold sweat had plastered the locks there.

“Junsu…” “Baby…” “It’s alright.” Cooing at the boy and calling him all the nicknames he had kept inside himself for so long, Yoochun managed to make Junsu notice him and their different surrounding. The boy ended up clawing him all over, desperately seeing if Yoochun had been hurt though it is a little late to be doing so at this point in time.

“Did you… remember something?” Yoochun asked, concerned. Junsu hesitated and nodded slowly. “That black thing. The sound and the pain.” “Here.” Placing his palm on the closed wound behind his ear, Junsu whispered.

“It’s alright.” “The thing can’t hurt you anymore when I’m around.” Pinching Junsu’s cheeks and earning a cute whimper from the younger one, Yoochun stripped his coat along with Junsu’s sweater and dumped it beside the bed.

Allowing Junsu to crawl into his embrace as he lies down, Yoochun contemplated his options. He wanted to stay with Junsu a little longer, yet his itchy fingers are tempting him to head back to the station and clerk the case. He needs to end all of this before this particular chapter of his life can come to a close, and also for the sake of his and Junsu’s future. However, the boy is making it awfully hard for him to leave and he ended up staying anyway.

Seeing Yoochun pull out his own gun from the safety cache by his belt, Junsu realises for the first time that the detective also owns one of the weapon he is so terrified of. Breaking away from Yoochun and darting off into a corner clumsily, the boy squeaked and Yoochun knew what he had to do.

Stashing the belt into the drawer nearby and approaching the boy, Yoochun extended his arms out, offering a hug. Junsu immediately complies, jumping into his embrace eagerly.

“Yoochunnie don’t play with that thing you will get hurt.” “I don’t want to lose Yoochunnie.” Whispering into the detective ears as he clings on tightly to the man, Junsu made Yoochun’s heart skip a beat with his genuine plea.

“Yoochunnie is very important!” Burying his face into Yoochun’s chest again, Junsu has this habit and the detective can only find it incredibly endearing.

“So does that mean you love me?” Yoochun asks Junsu slimily and the boy nodded quickly.

“Brat.” “You don’t know love.” Patting Junsu’s head softly and earning a pout, Yoochun gathered Junsu into his arms, bridal style, transferring them both to the bathroom for the boy’s bathe. He knows he needed a bath too since it will calm his nerves down a little more.

Images of Junsu’s almost-kidnap caused him to shiver a little as he watches the boy strip down to the skin not too gracefully. Watching the boy’s subconscious shudders slow down as the shower head releases torrents of warm water onto his small frame while he sits under it, Yoochun cannot suppress the urge to invade the shower and they ended up being inseparable again as it becomes Yoochun’s turn to be all clingy.

“Don’t leave me.” “I won’t allow it.” The man whispered deeply as he allows the water to soak through his clothes, sandwiching Junsu between the tiled wall and his muscular pectoris.


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Chapter 37: I think that is the third fic that I've read from your stories and my first comment
Wow your plot is amazing
How Mr Jung end up meeting Mrs Kim (sometimes fanfics world is little)
Hope to see your updates
Chapter 37: This story is perfect I can't wait for new chapter!!! Please update soon :)
alwayskeepthefaithh #3
Love this story !
youaremypierrot #4
Love this story !
IcahXi #5
Chapter 37: please update soooon, :))
aktfTVXQ9 #6
Chapter 37: Please update soon:)
Chapter 37: I love this fic so much, please update soon author-nim
lelouch7 #8
Chapter 22: Love this story a lot, I'm surprised that I actually love the yoosu part more since I'm a yunjae fan. It just touches me, I love love love your Yoochunnie, I can relate to his feelings too. Thanks for sharing!
aoichan60 #9
Chapter 36: Poor Mrs. Kim:(
his son lost memories, the other not yet to be found..
Chapter 37: omo yunho's father met kim's mother!
only if yunho's father knew jae is pregnant.. he must be happy..
thx for the update.

is it bad side of mine that I don't want su-ie to remember his past yet? ahaha