Thirty Six

Love beyond a doubt

Hiya ^^

Here's an update though there isn't much content to it.

I apologise for any confusion and especially for the fact that I am being super draggy.

Do stay and read tho.



Waking up to happy thoughts as he starts to soak in the reality, Jaejoong wakes up to the bright rays of sunlight penetrating the half tainted windows, squinting to block out the glaring eye piercing rays. Yunho never lifts the automated shades and this is the rare few occasions where Jaejoong would wake to a fully lit environment.

The effects of the sedation in his system have mostly worn off by now and the latter felt as though he had dropped from one realm to another, at least at a slow and manageable speed. Looking around himself, he sighs upon realisation that he has not left his nightmare which comes in a form of Yunho’s bedroom. He can’t help but feel that the alternate reality he was immersed in earlier is better.

Feeling the pain at his abdomen, cramping and aching though with less intensity, the young man winces as he sits up, hands supporting himself but feeble. He does not remember the so called ‘problem’ causing his cramps. He does not even remember vomiting or anything related to the horrible morning sickness. Especially since the doctor had prescribed him with the best anti-emetic on the market, he is no longer feeling any nausea. Everything seems to be back in place and even the grim bruise all over him is starting to fade.

Closing his eyes, he tries to recall whatever happened before he started to lose himself to the effects of the drug he was given. It kind of felt like he was losing his mind, except that he knows it is happening and there was no way to stop it. He was terrified but the unusual euphoria that accompanies the confusion but they are more than welcomed under such circumstances when he has no idea how to face Yunho.

Looking around himself and trying to get off the bed, needing to pee rather badly, Jaejoong was almost at the door when a pair of big hands literally plucks him off the ground and carries him to his intended location in front of the toilet bowl.

Yelping in surprise and swivelling his head around to face the person, Yunho stunned him with a handsome smile, warm and tender. Opening his mouth to say something, the taller man shushed him and reached for his pants, indicating that he would like to help the smaller person with the draw string on his sweat pants. This added on to Jaejoong’s bewilderment.

Grabbing Yunho’s hands before his pants can start falling, the younger man’s wide eyes reflected shock and a tinge of embarrassment, gorgeous lips opening and closing like a goldfish. “Oh.” The older man stopped with his unnecessary rendering of assistance and took a long look at the young man who is now chewing at his healed lower lip.

“I can… manage.” “Thank you.” Jaejoong returned Yunho’s gaze and realised that there was this very disturbing disappointment in the bigger man’s eyes. This led the young man to wonder about what he had done while he was all high and on top of the world.

“Be careful.” Yunho mumbled deeply, looking way too concerned for Jaejoong’s liking. The latter does not get the paranoia lingering in the man’s voice and the tone, and it will only get worse. Yunho did not look the least bit willing to leave Jaejoong alone to answer nature’s call and the younger person cannot fathom why he needs baby-sitting to such an extent.

In the midst of peeing, the older man had ‘barged’ in again, obviously leaning against the door earlier when the hinge loosened, causing him to stumble in. Awkward atmosphere ensued as the younger person tries to cover his privates with his hands, almost shooting in the wrong direction. A loud “What the hell?!” was caught in his throat and never came out when the taller man does not seem the least bit bashful about peeping.

Scrutinising Jaejoong from head to toe, Yunho even narrowed his eyes as he stares at Jaejoong’s bare abdomen and this made the latter beyond uncomfortable. Yunho’s reactions are too weird and though he has never acted this way before, Jaejoong assumed the man is just being his possessive dictatorial self.

Nevertheless, to add on to Jaejoong’s dismal, the Yunho strolled over to his side boldly and placed a hand on the younger one’s abdomen, in a downward motion. Like how a husband would do to his pregnant wife. The ticklish sensation of his heated palm grazing against the cool skin there made Jaejoong giggle a little, unable to keep it in. Anger then started to stir within him so the latter emptied the store and pulled up his pants hastily.

Wanting to frown at Yunho, Jaejoong does not realise he is pouting. This looked endearing to Yunho instead of intimidating. “Are you feeling alright?” The big man asked, pulling him close as they take a seat on the bed, while pressing his forehead on the younger man’s to check for a temperature. Jaejoong nodded dumbly. “Why won’t I be?” Jaejoong wanted to ask, but his tongue is tied and it is taking awfully long for him to form the words in his mouth.

“Yunho sshi…” Jaejoong started instead, clouded mind finally a little more functional.

“Yunnie.” Yunho demanded, with a domineering tone. Caressing Jaejoong’s cheek as they continue sitting facing one another, all ears to what the latter has to say.

“Eh?” Jaejoong’s airy voice directed a questioning exclamation.

“You kept calling me Yunnie yesterday and I like it.” The tall man chuckled and patted his partner’s head. “You will call me that from today onwards.” He concluded, no questions asked, no rooms for discussion either.

“What is it Joongie?” “You like it when I call you Joongie too don’t you?” Yunho cooed and Jaejoong can feel all the hair on his skin raise. This is the name he would make his close friends and family calls him so he wonders how the man got to know about his little pet peeve. Rubbing his palms on either arm to soothe the goosebumps, this led Yunho to think that he was cold and the man casually draped the blanket over him.

“I…” Jaejoong started, mind still whirling with thoughts and questions. His brain is shouting at him to ask Yunho questions, yet he isn’t able to organise his thought processes. Most importantly, Jaejoong was wondering to himself, since when and why had he forgiven Yunho for punching Hyun Joong and hitting him, especially when he hadn’t received an official apology from the big guy yet.

“Hyun Joong!” Jaejoong mentions the first person that popped into his head after vaguely remembering the series of traumatic events leading to his current condition. Jaejoong was merely thinking aloud. His friend concerns him since he was sure Yunho hadn’t been lenient with the blow he issued.

Yunho’s face immediately darkens like the clouds looming before a thunderstorm. That pair of dark coffee coloured orbs were glowing menacingly and Jaejoong instinctively cringed when he lifted a hand. The older man’s palm swiftly landed on his shoulder, instead of arriving as a slap across the cheek and Jaejoong is taken aback yet again.

“Do not mention his name in my presence. EVER again.” Yunho glowered and got off the bed. Pacing beside Jaejoong while the other person looks on nervously, the jealous man waited for any form of reassurance. Jaejoong nodded yet again.

“Suie!” The latter spoke once more. All Jaejoong would do is mention names, as if robbed of any intelligent response. Yunho frowned before sitting down on the bed again beside him. Holding him by his chin as he looks into those enticing orbs intently, Yunho can see that Jaejoong is still in a daze. Though not as serious the state he was in before, he clearly needed more time to clear his head.

“Don’t worry. I will make everything right again like I’ve promised.” Yunho whispered into Jaejoong’s ear and kisses him all over his cheeks and forehead affectionately. Jaejoong lets him despite feeling a certain urge to resist.


Meanwhile… on the other side of town

“JUNSU YAH!!” Grappling the startled boy’s both arms tightly and shaking him a little as she pulls the stiff body into a forced hug, the lady is all over him. Ruffling his hair and rubbing her hands all over his face and forehead. Junsu allowed her to, looking lost while Yoochun simply remained in the background, watching them dumbly.

“Ma’am.” “Are you sure he is your son?” The colleague delivering the coffee with Junsu earlier spotted a frown on Yoochun’s head despite his silence and decided he needed to step in. The lady nodded excitedly, obviously on cloud nine.

Junsu’s eyes widens as he registers the meaning of the word ‘son’. The word meant that he is the lady’s son and since she is not denying anything, he would classify her under ‘mother’. However, for him, the word ‘mother’ meant nothing. There is no emotion attachment whatsoever and he only knew vaguely what a mother does.

Having heard from the neighbour, about what a mother is, Junsu cannot really relate at this point. Losing his memory meant that a whole part of his bond with her is also gone. He cannot and does not know how to act appropriately. This reunion came as a shock for him too and the lady was just too proactive for him to handle.

Slipping out from under her arms after he assumes she is close to done with molesting his face and hair, Junsu shied away. Looking meekly at her like she is some sort of alien species, the boy could not keep his facial expressions from constantly changing. He looked confused and a little wary of her and his mother totally got the message he is sending to her, except, she isn’t taking it well.

“Junsu yah… you…” Stepping forward and reaching out to him while he backs away a little unintentionally, the lady could not accept that her Junsu is looking at her with zero amount of recognition. Yoochun still remained frozen, trying to come up with something and quick, selfish self threatening to consume him.

“I’m umma!!” “Your mother!!” “JUNSU YAH!” Raising her voice, like how Junsu probably got his beautiful voice from her, the lady blinked a few times before gasping, face contorted with consternation.

“YAH!! JUNSU YAH WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU!?!” Stomping over to his side and grabbing him by his bicep, Junsu squealed when his mother squeezes the muscle there in a desperate attempt to close the distance he is slowly creating between them. Holding his head and subsequently cupping both palms on his ears, the lady stared him in the eye, urging him to look at her with the same spark always present whenever he is facing her. It is no longer present.

In place, she saw apprehension and befuddlement. He is obviously intimidated by her straightforward and loud approach. Mrs Kim is thrown into disarray it in an instant. Like how Jaejoong felt she would lose it, she did. Jaejoong was right to have anticipated this, being extra careful not to let them meet despite needing to give up on many things.

“WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?! DON’T SCARE UMMA LIKE THAT!!” Lugging Junsu towards her as he tries to escape to Yoochun’s side, the boy’s mother blew up. Not believing that this person in front of her isn’t her son, she is convinced that Junsu is trying to pull off a trick on her like how her mischievous boy always does.

“STOP FOOLING AROUND WITH UMMA!!” “Junsu yah!” Softening down, the lady’s emotional confrontation is not helping and everyone present can sense her hysteria. She is unstable and sounding like how someone would on a roller coaster ride.

“Everland…” “Is she your umma?” A colleague who would always play with Junsu whenever they met asked the boy gently, patting him on his head. The boy paused and took a good long look at the lady who is now weeping. Scrunching up his face as he thinks with his entire body, everyone can tell that he is having a hard time remembering. Mrs Kim is appalled.

Gazing at Yoochun, as if asking for the answer, the boy is tempted to just say ‘no’. The detective isn’t helping with that poker face. There is no reaction or indication to guide Junsu around this and the boy is feeling utterly lost. “I don’t know…” He whispered softly instead and runs up behind Yoochun, who had finally moved and stood in front of him, shielding him from the public’s eyes.

“What do you mean you don’t know?!!” The lady wanted to screech but decided to tone down. “You are Junsu aren’t you?!” The lady demanded to know, walking up to her son as the boy clings onto Yoochun’s broad back.

“Ma’am.” “I think you might be mistaken.” Yoochun stopped her advances at last. He is not willing to play the bad guy, but Junsu is obviously terrified of her demeanour. There is nothing else he could do since the boy’s mother is also in denial. He has to take sides, and hopefully avoid getting into the woman’s bad books since she might very well be his in-law in the near future.

“That’s my son!” “How won’t I know when I see my own son?!” Grabbing Junsu by the wrist, she tugged at the boy again, demanding for him to leave with her. Junsu immediately cries out in distress and resists. He needs time to process whatever is going on and Yoochun knows his partner is still in shock. The detective is starting to feel terrible for not preparing Junsu beforehand. Had he known that the lady would show up, he probably would have, and so he claims to himself.

“YOU ARE COMING HOME WITH ME!!” Shouting at the boy and hauling him after her with all her might, Junsu started to whimper pitifully, sitting down on the ground so she won’t be able to drag him away.

“Detective!! What’s wrong with him!?!” Cursing under her breath, the lady gave up with the dead weight for a Junsu and confronted the silent Yoochun instead.

“He lost his memory ma’am…” The second in charge answered in Yoochun’s stead. This threw the lady off and she ended up sinking onto the chair behind her dramatically.

“When… how?!” Rasping as her voice turns hoarse, her eyes followed her boy as he darts back behind Yoochun again clumsily, hugging the man like he is a pillar.

“The details will have to be disclosed to you by his custodial officer.” The man added and glanced at Yoochun while the taller man perspires despite the cool temperature. “Our in-charge will talk to you when he is ready. Why don’t you go back and get some rest for today…?” The man suggested in place of Yoochun again, seeing that his superior is all clammed up for the first time.

“Ma’am… Are you sure he is your son?” Yoochun asked the obvious. He knew they were related way before anyone else did and needed to summon all the will power to lie through his teeth since he hardly ever lies to anyone. He desperately needed to come up with an excuse to keep Junsu by his side a little longer hence the upright and just person within him is defeated by the selfish need to possess.

Seeing the teary lady eye him, the detective held his breath and looked at Junsu who is cowering behind him timidly. “I still need him for further investigations… for now.” “I will call you back regarding the custody issues when we are settled.” Yoochun added quickly and ushered Junsu off with his colleague.

The detective speaks the truth this time around since he had indeed brought Junsu to the station in hope of helping with the identification of the suspects. He was hoping Junsu would remember something since the boy was willing to try, but the detective knows the boy is still far off, since he still can’t recognise his own mother.


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Chapter 37: I think that is the third fic that I've read from your stories and my first comment
Wow your plot is amazing
How Mr Jung end up meeting Mrs Kim (sometimes fanfics world is little)
Hope to see your updates
Chapter 37: This story is perfect I can't wait for new chapter!!! Please update soon :)
alwayskeepthefaithh #3
Love this story !
youaremypierrot #4
Love this story !
IcahXi #5
Chapter 37: please update soooon, :))
aktfTVXQ9 #6
Chapter 37: Please update soon:)
Chapter 37: I love this fic so much, please update soon author-nim
lelouch7 #8
Chapter 22: Love this story a lot, I'm surprised that I actually love the yoosu part more since I'm a yunjae fan. It just touches me, I love love love your Yoochunnie, I can relate to his feelings too. Thanks for sharing!
aoichan60 #9
Chapter 36: Poor Mrs. Kim:(
his son lost memories, the other not yet to be found..
Chapter 37: omo yunho's father met kim's mother!
only if yunho's father knew jae is pregnant.. he must be happy..
thx for the update.

is it bad side of mine that I don't want su-ie to remember his past yet? ahaha