
Love beyond a doubt


“Kim Jaejoong. 23” “With a scholarship at Yunho’s school… Wow. He is a smart kid.” Two man seated side by side in the spacious back seat of their Limousine discusses about the person curled up next to them.

Bounded by his hands and feet, the person is stuffed inside a sack at first had the two older man not taken him out. Seeing the lad gagged, the older man reached over to remove the piece of cloth but is stopped by his son. “Appa! We must heed the person’s warning! He might bite you!”

Dismissing the other man’s concerns, the old man pulled the cloth out from Jaejoong’s mouth and smiled at the latter’s exquisite face. With eye lids and long lashes fluttering occasionally, gorgeous ruby full lips slightly parted, the old man is approving. “Look at him. Yunho won’t have a reason to refuse him now.”

“Appa, do you think he will submit to Yunho easily?” The middle aged man asks as he busies himself with his phone, dialling someone. Turning to look at the old man briefly, he takes note of the soft chuckle. “Who knows? Love makes one blind as a bat.” “Yunho might end up becoming a henpecked man like we both were.”

“Hello. It’s me.” “Get me the suite and prepare the grooming facilities.” The same man spoke as soon as the call got through. “He won’t need much preening. Just basic cleaning will do.” The man concluded before hanging up.

Then, ringing up another person, the person waits patiently for the other on the end of the line. “Hello. Yunho?” “It’s your appa. Haraboji is with me and he wants me to remind you to turn up at your yacht the day after tomorrow.” “We have decided to go along with your wish to celebrate on your yacht so you have to come.” The old man hears the man’s conversation and butts in, taking over the phone.

“Yeoboseyo, Yunho ah!” “Haraboji have a grand surprise for you so make sure you turn up alright?” The old man is beaming while the father of the mentioned Yunho takes his time to examine his future son-in-law, feeling a little disappointed that his son does not take a liking in women but satisfied nonetheless.

“See you then.” The old man might be a cruel tyrant-like man, but he would smile ever so sweetly when engaged in a conversation with his only grandson. The Jung family’s only heir, as how the old man will put it. He would give in to only Yunho and when the young man ‘came out of the closet’ years back, he coolly accepted it, even though the young man’s father was appalled.


POV from Yunho

Surprise? I already know what it is.

The next one will be the tenth or somewhere near there. I will get one every birthday, every Christmas… and even on random occasions, ever since I turned 25.

You will wonder why I said I am gay even though I have never dated before, right? Well. It was a joke when I ‘admitted to being gay’. I was just trying to make appa hopping mad because he was going on and on about marrying, reinforcing what haraboji already repeated a thousandth times and getting on my nerves.

Of course, that bad joke took a bad turn and haraboji ended up making me swear that as long as I agree to have my little soldiers stored in the… bank… he will allow me to date any guys I want.

I agreed. They are too obsessed about human reproduction and I had to get them off my back. They believe I am the perfect human appa have successfully created and I will not debate that since I AM perfect.

It just gets boring when you have everything so I wanted to play a game with myself to see how long I can maintain this abstinence. It was also then did I take my time to dissect my uality and realised that I am indeed not into women. I am not into anyone to be exact, but there was once when I had a stupid tiny crush on my teacher… who is male. All that is history after I saw him flirting with a female teacher.

This is my mechanism of self-protection. I don’t want any weird disease so I swore never to sleep around. I have too many things I want to achieve that do not involve sticking my junior into some hole. I am not your average rich lonely playboy. I am cultured and even though I have no morals whatsoever to speak of, I am not going to allow myself to indulge in acts of mating, like an animal.

I don’t even keep friends that talk about nothing but relationships. My friends are only there so I can discuss serious matters and they know better than to behave inappropriately. I do have many friends but father and grandfather are my only best friends.

Of course, I haven’t found the perfect person for me since there isn’t any out there. I am anticipating a lonely lifetime ahead but I can’t just accept anyone. I have been exposed to a wide array of humans thanks to my elders but there is this pathetic lack in a mutual feeling every time. I just can’t seem to fall in love.

I actually have a set of personal criteria which revolves around absolute obedience. I hate it when people talk back to me. I don’t want to get involved in quarrels over trivial matters of the heart either, so I need my other half to shut up and listen to everything I say. I don’t want to be deeply infatuated either so the person will just be my toy. A toy I have a special feeling for and picked of course.

I wish haraboji all the best. He thinks he can get me someone I will fall in love… and I believe that is impossible. I won’t let my other half be like how halmeoni and umma was. It’s embarrassing to have a grandfather and father who cannot defy women. I really don’t have anything against the female population since I love the two women in my life too. I just see myself as more of the puppeteer than the puppet of my desires.


On the other side of town

“SHUT UP AND STAY DOWN!!” A tight slap lands square across a screaming boy’s face. He is yelling at the top of his lungs and the wails sounded so dolphin like that they are already experiencing tinnitus.

“MMMMMFFFF!!!” Stuffing a cloth into the thrashing boy’s mouth and almost losing a finger, the gang is finally relieved to get some long awaited silence.

The four people in the car had been trying to contain the fierce little creature and they wonder why their victims just get more and more difficult to handle. First, it’s Jaejoong, and then it’s Junsu. The boy is right. They are from the syndicate and are the ones who kidnapped Jaejoong.

“Dude! Do you think they are related?” The man in Tom and Jerry shirt grabs Junsu by the hair and yanks his head upwards, staring into Junsu’s beautiful brown eyes, glinting with hate as the car drives pass the orangey glow of the different street lamps.

“Yea man… I think so.” The other two men then lean in to scrutinise Junsu’s features. “Nice! This one’s pretty as hell too! How much do you think we can fetch?” Whistling, they added while pawing Junsu’s pinkish cheeks.

“We will ask for the same price we got for that one.” Junsu gasps upon hearing this sentence. Sure that Jaejoong is already sold off somewhere, the boy can feel tears welling up. Anger started to build up as well.

“Imma screw him first though! If we don’t get to screw that one at least we have this one.” The man whose nuts were almost crushed by Jaejoong laughs loudly and the rest followed. Junsu does not catch what they are saying since they were slanging too much, but he kind of knows what the man is getting at.

Rising his elbows, the boy sent it onto the man’s still recovering private part and the man ended up bowling over, screaming in pain. This gave Junsu enough opportunities to head the other one holding his torso. Soon, the people in the car are tossing Junsu around like he is piranha out of water yet still biting them.

Braking once again as Junsu manages to head the driver like the man’s head is a soccer ball, the car almost crashes into the lamp post. Opening the door and trying to escape as Junsu attacks them with all his might, with his knees and shoulders, the four ended up throwing Junsu onto the roads.

“!!” “JUST SHOOT HIM!!” “I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS !!!” Drawing his gun, one of the four brandished it above Junsu. “NO MAN!! HE IS WORTH A HELL LOT!!!” Another kidnapper alights and tries to stop the crazed man.

Intimidated by the gun since he knows one when he sees one, Junsu struggles to roll into his stomach and crawls away from under the two squabbling man. Then, getting up and balancing with his back against the car, the boy started to hop as fast as he can, imitating what he will do during a gunny sack race in elementary school, with both legs tied together.

The other two man spots Junsu escaping and started to give chase as well, almost catching up had an oncoming car not send them rushing back up the curb. Junsu is no longer concerned about his own safety, crossing the roads without looking left or right, only focused on hopping as far and fast as he can.

“STOP FIGHTING YOU IDIOTS!! CAN’T YOU SEE HE IS ESCAPING?!!” The two men then returned to their car and pulls out their own hand gun.

“BAM!!! BAM!! BAM!!” Three shots were then fired into the night skies, as warning for Junsu to stop but the boy pressed forth. It is make it or break it for him.

“BAM!!” A single shot stops Junsu in his tracks, causing the young one to fall into a heap.

Knowing that they have most probably shot him, the gang wanted to check if he is really dead. However, before they can cross the road to reach Junsu on the other side, a car had pulled over, stopping after hearing the round of gunshots. The car has a red light signal on the roof and that is a clear sign for the four ruffians to run.

A man in black coat exits with a gun in his hand just to witness a scratched car with a broken rear window hitting the roads and speeding off into the night.



“Sir! Heading home?” One of the officer stationed in the outermost cubicle of the office notices Yoochun’s tall silhouette leaving the place, headed for the lift.

“Nope. I will be out investigating the new case.” The man replied, smiling as he waves the file in his hand a little.

“Oh! I thought you will only investigate that tomorrow morning?” The officer immediately got curious and probed. Yoochun is usually amiable and would never snub his subordinates. That is a strategy to keep them in the department.

“Nah. I read through the case and the style of kidnapping reminds me of the deceased girl’s.” The detective replied while trying to get a flame on his lighter, cigarette in between his lips.

“But what about the reports? You’ve finished writing them?” The officer is stunned by Yoochun’s efficiency. The entire department looks up to the man and that is also the reason they still stay under him despite the hellish work load and hours.

Waving his hands even though his back is turned, that is Yoochun’s way of saying he appreciates their concern. The man does not say mushy things. Already lighting his cigarette before the lift arrives; the man had to take the stairs instead. Cursing at his lack of ability to resist a smoke even for a mere few minutes, the man took his time to think through the case as he descends the steps.

By the time he reaches the car park, the cigarette is already reduced to half. Taking a long drag again, the man chucks the rest into the holder and hops into his personal transport. Choosing to drive his own car, since he does not like to keep multiple car keys, the man pulled out his official red LED light and attaches it to the top of his car before kicking start the engine.

The swirling red light gives him the green light to speed as and when, allow his colleagues to spot his vehicle from a distance, and most importantly, to give him more authority on the roads. Also, thanks to the pathetic lack in resources, the department's very own police van is already broken down and sitting domain in their car park, waiting for repair funding. Yoochun had crashed it during the latest chase but no one would blame him either.

Driving way above the speed limits of the highway, the detective makes his way to the university hostel. However, nearing the area, the sound of gun shots ringing stops him in his tracks.


Immediately diving back into his seat, Yoochun retrieved a notepad and wrote down the plate number of the escaping car before radioing the station. Stopping a rampaging vehicle full of armed ruffians was his top priority, until he spots a lump of clothes just off the other side of the road, by the curb.

Crawling out from the other side of his car, the detective hurried to investigate. Approaching what seems to be human lying on the pavement, Yoochun locked on the figure with his gun and flipped over the still being with a foot.

“!!” Hearing himself curse loudly, the detective immediately keeps his gun and bends down to check for signs of live. The person remained still as death while Yoochun runs his finger over the carotid. There is a weak pulse and rise and fall of his tiny chest, but Yoochun is convinced that the person is grievously injured.

“Hey!! Boy!!” Tapping Junsu on the cheeks, Yoochun lifted him up by the shoulders and finally spotted the source of the pool of blood on the ground below.

“Oh !” The detective swore again and turned the boy around, finally spotting a bullet entry wound at the back of the head behind the ear.

Cutting the boy’s bounds and searching his jeans pocket, the detective does not find anything. Taking note of the Korean words on the back of the boy’s jacket, naming the high school soccer team he was from, Yoochun now roughly knows where this John Doe is from. Digging through the jacket pocket, Yoochun then finds a small piece of paper. A ticket stub from an amusement park the boy last went to back home, with his brother.

The detective read Korean words on it out loud to himself before keeping the cardboard thick paper into a small Ziploc bag. Lifting Junsu up, the man raced back to his car and placed the small body by his side on the passenger seat before speeding off to the hospital.


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Chapter 37: I think that is the third fic that I've read from your stories and my first comment
Wow your plot is amazing
How Mr Jung end up meeting Mrs Kim (sometimes fanfics world is little)
Hope to see your updates
Chapter 37: This story is perfect I can't wait for new chapter!!! Please update soon :)
alwayskeepthefaithh #3
Love this story !
youaremypierrot #4
Love this story !
IcahXi #5
Chapter 37: please update soooon, :))
aktfTVXQ9 #6
Chapter 37: Please update soon:)
Chapter 37: I love this fic so much, please update soon author-nim
lelouch7 #8
Chapter 22: Love this story a lot, I'm surprised that I actually love the yoosu part more since I'm a yunjae fan. It just touches me, I love love love your Yoochunnie, I can relate to his feelings too. Thanks for sharing!
aoichan60 #9
Chapter 36: Poor Mrs. Kim:(
his son lost memories, the other not yet to be found..
Chapter 37: omo yunho's father met kim's mother!
only if yunho's father knew jae is pregnant.. he must be happy..
thx for the update.

is it bad side of mine that I don't want su-ie to remember his past yet? ahaha