Chapter 10 - Who's KwangHee?

My Bestfriend's Girl
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Later that night Myungsoo was looking intently at where Krystal and Kwanghee are. Why? Cause Myungsoo find Kwanghee familiar to him. He asked thought to himself *where I have seen this guy before? I’m sure I have seen him before, but where? When?* Then he remembers, that night, the night when he and Krystal broke up. That guy, the guy was making out with Krystal at the party. Yes it is, it’s Kwanghee. He then clenched his fist, his jaw hardened and he gritted his teeth. He wanted to punch Kwanghee until he bleeds endlessly, but he can’t, because if he did, all of he and Yoon Hee’s hardship to make Krystal want him back will be wasted. Not now, that he can see that it affects Krystal when he is with Yoon Hee.

Yoon Hee noticed it when Myungsoo clenched his fist, she look at him and followed Myungsoo gaze. There she saw Kwanghee and Krystal whispering at each other intimately. She was worried again to Myungsoo. She knows that it was hard for Myungsoo to see the couple because she knew how painful it is to see someone you really love/loved with someone else, especially when you still have feelings for them.

“Oppa are you alright?” she says sweetly to make Myungsoo softened.

Myungsoo sighed “I’m alright. I’m fine.” He says while running his hands in his hair. He wants to convince his self that he is fine. Even though he knew, that he can’t. He won’t be okay especially when he sees the couple, not to mention flirting with each other in front of him.

“Are you sure? You seem don’t look fine.” She asked him worriedly. She knows that Myungsoo wasn’t telling him the truth. She knows Myungsoo started to feel uncomfortable from the time Krystal introduced Kwanghee to them.

“Jinjja, Kwenchana.” he says then sighed.

“Yoon Hee~~~~”

“Neh Oppa?”

“Remember when I told you, that I caught my girlfriend cheating on me?”

She furrowed her brows.

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Chapter 32: I feel so happy that i caught up! :) this is really interesting so far. I can't wait for the next update! :) keep up the good work! :)
Chapter 30: Long awaiting update...don't make us wait so long...
mahea_808 #3
Chapter 26: I want to keep reading this ahhhhh... please update soon
Chapter 26: Dun worreh. I will wait for chu~ <3 XD
Chapter 26: Don't worry. I'll wait! Hwiting! :))
andreainspiritspore #6
Lilulily #7
Chapter 21: Omgahh !!?! i can't wat's going to happen nexxt..
Chapter 24: Yaaaaaay! An Update!