TopFany's Ever After (Part III)

Heart Attack
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Somewhere between laughing for no reason,

Stupid silly arguments and making fun of each other,

I fell in love with you… more…



“Big Bang!” Click! The music player pressed.


“Girls Generation!” The music changed.


Again, another click. “Big Bang!”


“Girls Generation!”


“Big Bang!”


“Big Bang is too corny sometimes. Boring!”


“Corny? Huh… said the guy who dedicated a Big Bang’s song for me and published it in Facebook. I don’t care. Big Bang it is!” Tae Yeon said strictly as she pressed the music player back to Big Bang’s CD. The vibe inside the car suddenly changed into a tense one. Tae Yeon with her ‘I’m-so-hotheaded’ attitude while me on the other hand with my ‘I’m-so-arrogant-and-egoistic’ self.


I hissed, irked with her. “Whose car is this?”


She smirked, annoyed with my question. A death glare was send straight to my face. Hahahaha… Cute! “Surely not mine…”




“Arghh… Let it be. Who ask you to share your car with me? I told you already that I could’ve driven myself.” Again, an annoying face plastered. Her hand went to scratch her head.


“Weiyo? Fleas infested your hair?” My lips drew one cynical grin. Today, my main goal is only one; to have one silly argument with Tae Yeon! Now I knew why Young Bae always make Yuri pissed off. It’s awesome!! Beyond doubt blissful when the one person that you like is angry because of you. Hahahaha..  


Yuri and Young Bae didn’t agree on much, in fact they rarely agreed on anything, they fought all the time and they challenged each other every day, but despite their differences they had one important thing in common… they were crazy about each other. And honestly, with me leaving in less than two weeks maybe, I surely hope that I would leave her with something for her to remind of me.


“None of your business, mister!” She replied quite loud. Hand that was scratching her head before was let down and put on her lap.


“Of course it’s my business too. If I too am infected, I would be in trouble.”


“Haish… Why do you even care if I have fleas? It’s not like we’re sleeping next to each other, sharing one pillow…” Her nostrils were flaring, face turned red as she tried to control her temper. Tae Yeon fanned herself.


“Well… who knows, maybe one fine day we will sleep next to one another, sharing pillow…”

Tae Yeon gulped. Her mind numbed and her body seemed paralyzed. “Ji, are you drunk? Why all the sudden talking crappy things like this? Brain short-circuited somewhere? Or did you knocked your head hard?” Tae Yeon nagged with her head shook from left to right. Her poker face flashed to my orbs. Hahaha… Trying to act cool huh babe?


Aigoo… Can’t you even take the hint, Kim Tae Yeon? I want to spend my life with you, like how Seung Hyun hyung is going to marry Tiffany, like how Boa noona is going to tie the knot with Jae Joong hyung. I want to grow old with you. I want to have one happy family with you. I want to be like your grandpa and grandma…


“Why are you driving so slowly? We’re going to be late, Ji. By the looks of it, Fany and Seung Hyun oppa would be at the mall first even if we’re the one who moved earlier.” Her voice pulled me back from my deep trance.


Ohh… is that your way to provoke me? Well, let’s see babe. I’m a drift king when it comes to driving. Don’t go all screaming out loud when I switched on my turbo mode. My eyes went to the side-mirror before giving the signal to change lane. Quickly, the speed of my Volkswagen Beetle increased tremendously.


“WHAT THE HELL?!!! Tae Yeon shouted loudly. Her hand grasped the dashboard and her facial expression changed to nervous one.


“You want to reach as soon as possible right?” Again, I increased the speed of the car.


“Are you crazy?!”


“A bit…”


“You know what?”




“You’re killing us.”


“Oh, really?”


“Slow down please.”


“Nope. Never.”


“This is a car, not a jet.”


“For me, they’re the same.”


“You’re not telling me….”


“Yeah… Both can go turbo…”


“Oh, !”


I smile at her, innocently. “Wanna go faster?”


“Don’t you dare Kwon Ji Yong!!!!”






Tiffany turned her head when she heard someone calling her name. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw Tae Yeon running towards her.


“Taeng, why are you running around like you’ve been chased by a ghost? And your face looked pale.” Tiffany said as put a hand on Tae Yeon’s face. Her eyes then went to meet my figure, who was walking towards them with a wide devilish grin brightened on my face.


“Seung Hyun, please… please… I beg you. Let me go back with you and Fany after this. Don’t let Ji Yong take me home…” Tae Yeon begged Seung Hyun hyung. She flashed her ‘please-have-mercy’ face to TopFany couple.


“What’s wrong?” Seung Hyun hyung looked puzzled. He gave me a glare with his eyebrows jerked.


“Hi guys.” I just greeted them happily. Let’s act like everything is cool and nothing happen. Hahaha…


“Ji Yong, what’s going on? What did you do to Taeng till she gone pale like this?” If looks could kill, I’m sure I’ll be dead by now. Her gaze was like shooting daggers straight to me.


“Nothing. Tae Yeon was being exaggerated. When I drove slowly she nagged. And when I went turbo, this was what happened.” I said with a grin still glued on my face. All hail me! I made my Tae Yeon went pale. That hotheaded girl must be freaking out right now.


“I don’t get you. Enlighten me please.” Tiffany face was written with confusion.


“Me too. Explanation Ji Yong.” Seung Hyun hyung also butted in.


“Well….” I finally told the tale of what had happened inside the car to TopFany pair. From A to Z, without leaving any single detail out.


“Stop laughing!” Tae Yeon pissed off when TopFany erupted in laughter despite their effort to hold it. “I almost die out there and you dared to laugh straight to my face? Geez! Some friends you are.” Her arms crossed together.


“Okay. Enough TopFany. Let’s go to Tiffany & co.” I immediately jumped in to save the day when I saw Tae Yeon’s sullen expression. Aigoo… Sorry babe. I must be over the board this time… Again…


“Ji Yong, wait up.” As I was about to follow Tae Yeon and Tiffany who just made their way to Tiffany & co, Seung Hyun hyung gripped my arm.


My steps stopped. “What’s up?”


Seung Hyun hyung just smiled widely, eyebrows jerked in playful manner.


“Yah, hyung! Are you okay? What’s with that smile?”


“Ji, really?”


“Really what?”


“Young Bae’s move? Tom and Jerry the second?”


Gulp! How did he know???




Tae Yeon’s eyes were like almost bulging out from her eye sockets when she saw all the jewelries displayed inside Tiffany & co.


“Fany… that one…” Her index finger pointed to a platinum ring with diamonds all around it. “It’s gorgeous.”


Seung Hyun hyung and I looked at each other. Both curved smiles on our own faces. Girls and jewelries… Best friends forever.


“It’s Fany who’s getting married. Not you babe. Why are you so excited?”


“Please don’t be a busybody, Ji.” She shot me a poisonous glare before turning her gaze back to Tiffany. “Everything is pretty, Fany. Which one do you want?”


“No idea.” Tiffany showed her ‘I-don’t-know’ face. “What do you think?”


“Hurm….I think…” Tae Yeon put her index finger on her lips, lost deep in her own world thinking what kind of rings suit TopFany couple the best. “….Molla… There are so many to choose. And what’s making things harder is they’re all sparklingly beautiful. So I’m confused too…”


“Errr… Miss Kim Tae Yeon, can you go to Dolce and Gabbana store with me?” I finally asked when an idea popped inside my mind.


“What for? Have another bone to pick with me there?” Tae Yeon said annoyingly. She must still be angry at me.


“Nope.” I tried to smile sweetly. “Just want to buy one or two shirts. Maybe jacket too. So wanna ask your opinion.”


“Seung Hyun is here. Ask him to go with you.”


Aigooo! Pending! My hand went to smack my forehead.  “Wedding rings? Tiffany? Seung Hyun hyung? Ring any bell? Don’t be a third wheeler here. Come with me okay.”


“Oh… You should have said it sooner, Ji honey. Come, let’s go.”  Tae Yeon wrapped her hand with mine and dragged me away from TopFany couple who were still clueless with what was going on.


“Guys, take your time okay. Later, text me after you’re finished. We’re going on a date.” I managed to let out some words to the couple before Tae Yeon and I completely disappeared from the shop.




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Final chapter! Thank you for your love and support! I'm not as good as FolderName, onehundred, pinkmonkey (among my fave writers) but your support is a blessing


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Chapter 42: Great story
Honestly this fic deserves a Grammy, kudos to the author for creating such awesome story!!
nurhayani #3
Chapter 18: Less than three!!! Cute story... daebakkk!!!
ShoutEric #4
Chapter 42: Dam this took me two days to finish this story but it was amazing! I just wish there was more TopFany moments haha. Soshibang <3
Chapter 23: Omg this chapter make me teared!!!!! GAAAAAH DONG YONGBAE!!! YOU STUPID STUPID GUY!
Chapter 42: I loved this story!! Finally I finish it hehehe But I simply loved *--* All their storys was so captivatng, I was expecting every chapter for more *---* GTae was so cute, and they were in love with each other since childhood, so cute! I loved the Yulyang moments, their are funny, I totaly entered in their World War III moments, was funny XD

And TOP and Tiffany, how can I said that? Was perfect, they know each other, and they they discover that they will marry, sooo cool, TOP was into Tiffany from the bignning, was so cute *--* I totally loved hehehe

Thank you for your awesome story! Less than three Heart Attack :3
dadecer101 #7
Chapter 36: II. TOPFANY
mirantialimin #8
Chapter 42: Author your story so DAEBAK! I dont know why you get that idea about this story. Gonna say thank you because you make gtae, topfany, and yulyang in one story. I am to late to know three couples and author, but I am thankfull.

I dont know maybe author now become a good doctor in real life, but I hope you still write fanfic.

Less than three, author