YulYang Final Story (Part I)

Heart Attack
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A/N: I know that I said that this's going to be the last chapter for YulYang.

But I ended up writing it too long.

So, I've divided it into two parts.

Hopefully, you'll enjoy reading it. Part II will be updated soon.

Comments are appreciated.

And THANKS TO THE NEW SUBBIES and STRANGENEKO for voting this story.











You can’t just say whatever you want,

You’re as responsible for your words as you are for your actions.

And some words hurt.


It is better to LOSE your PRIDE with someone you LOVE,

Rather than to LOSE someone you LOVE with your useless PRIDE.





A heavy sigh was let out. Orbs were practically glued, rooted and fixated at the laptop’s screen. Forehead creased into thousand hyperbolic wrinkles. The AutoCAD drawing displayed on the screen jammed the brain cells till they weren’t properly functioning. Hand went to the temple and massaged it lightly. Aishhh… Tiredness began to drain my energy and headache started to make my head spinning. What the heck is actually wrong with this drawing?!


And in the midst of all the confusion and chaos, my iPhone vibrated and G- Dragon ‘Michigo’ blasted in full volume. Ahhhh! Wrong timing! Sorry, caller. I’m just gonna ignore you. My AutoCAD drawing is by far more important than answering your call right now. Without looking at the caller ID, I grabbed my iPhone and the silent mode. Finally, peace at last! Let’s go to work again, Lee Seungri. Focus!


Zzzrrr… Zrzzr…. Once again the iPhone vibrated. Crap! Can’t this caller stop calling me already? I’m trying to work here! Chinchaa… Finally, feeling irritated and grumpy to the infinity, I admitted defeat. My eyes wandered to my iPhone, trying to scan the caller’s name. Erk? Quickly, I snatched the iPhone and answered it.




“Maknae!! Don’t you know how to answer your phone?! If you don’t, just throw that iPhone of yours into the toilet bowl and flush that damn thing away!”


“Haha… Youngbae hyung, take a chill pill… Don’t go all Mount Vesuvius on me here! I have enough problem with my AutoCAD drawing. So, please, spare me from your anger.”


“ Haishh… Sorry. I shouldn’t explode on you like that.”


“I’m cool hyung. So, what’s up?”


“I need your help.”


“Hurm… Thought so. If not, you won’t even bother calling me.”


“Maknae, no need for sarcasm here okay…”


“Hahaha… Ara… Ara… Let’s get back to the topic. What can Mister V.I does for you today?”


“Help me with a girl.”


Uhuk! Uhuk! Uhuk! Young Bae hyung’s answer of the year just made me choked my breath. I, who was calmly leaning on the chair, immediately straightened my sit. My hand clicked on the AutoCAD program to minimize it.


“Hyung, are you alright? You’re not sick, are you?”


“Yah! I’m okay and I’m not sick. Just answer my question, Seung Ri!”


“Is this about Lee Ji Eun again?”


“It’s not her…”


“Daebak! Finally! You erased IU from your heart. So, who’s the new girl?”


“Someone’s daughter…”


“Duh… Obviously. You’re not mentally impaired to go and date a panda…”


“Maknae, are you going to help me or not?!”


“Hahaha… Hyung, relax… You’re too fun to tease today.”


“Lee.Seung.Ri! Tease your head! I’m serious here. You’re a ladies man, right? Teach me a thing or two about how to coax a girl.”


“Hyung… you’re the sweet talker. Not me. So, how come you don’t know how to coax a girl?”


“Haish… She’s immune, bullet proof to my sweet words already. So, help me out here maknae!”


“Oh… That’s a bummer. Hurm… Try giving her flowers? Girls are ers when it comes to flowers.”


“Done that. It didn’t work. She threw it straight to my face. Next idea, maknae?”


“Romantic date?”


“Dude, she didn’t even want to pick up my phone calls. Even my texts got ignored. So, a romantic date between me and her is a BIG NO! Arghhhh!!!”


“Hahahahahahaha… Hyung, you don’t know how glad I am when you flustered over a girl like this. Hurm… Have you try Google?”


“I did. But I found nothing. Nada. Null. Zero.”


“What?????????????????? You really did that? Seriously?! Gosh! This is DAEBAK!!”


“So? What else do you expect me to do? She freaking ignored me for these past 3 weeks. Arghhh!!”


“Oh, really? Tell the tale to Mister V.I here.”


“She thought I was cheating on her with Jessica Jung. I explained it countless of times that between me and Jessica, we have nothing. She didn’t believe me. AT ALL! Then, during the college festival, I kinda said that I rather have Jessica as my girlfriend instead of her. ”Young Bae let out a sigh. “She broke up with me after that.”


“Yikes! That’s terrible.”


“I know.”


“Have you apologized to her?”


“I did… but she won’t listen.”


“Try again hyung. Don’t give up half way. You can’t just say whatever you want. You’re as responsible for your words as you are for your actions. Your words must have hurt her badly for her to dump you like this.”


“Seriously, Seung Ri. I don’t know why I was being a jerk that day. Now, karma is biting me hard enough. I can’t breathe properly knowing I was the reason she cried.”


“Haaaaa… Not to worry hyung. Let me send an S.O.S signal to Minzy and Chae Rin. They’re experts in solving love problems. Rest assures. All is well.”


“Hurm… Okay. Just make it quick, maknae!”


“Ara… Ara… Leave this matter to your genius, adorable maknae. But I warn you hyung, if you ever screw up again with this girl, I, Lee Seung Ri, will drown you in the Han River myself!”


“I’ll try my best…”


“Hyung, it is better to LOSE your PRIDE with someone you LOVE, rather than to LOSE someone you LOVE with your useless PRIDE. If you really love her, swallow your damn pride and beg for her forgiveness.”


“Yah! I’m not that prideful. I did apologize.”


“Yes, you did. But did you apologize wholeheartedly and sincerely? IU broke up with you because of your pride, hyung. You won’t admit that you’re wrong even if it was crystal clear your own fault. We are all just human beings with fragile, fluttering hearts. So, a lesson for you; be careful with your words.”


“Haish… No wonder she called me a dumb . I’m really a jerk to begin with.”


“Just control your temper hyung…”


“I can’t.”


“You have to. If not, I would never ever have the chance to meet the future Mrs. Dong Young Bae. I might as well grow old and die not knowing her!”


“Yah!! Don’t

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Final chapter! Thank you for your love and support! I'm not as good as FolderName, onehundred, pinkmonkey (among my fave writers) but your support is a blessing


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Chapter 42: Great story
Honestly this fic deserves a Grammy, kudos to the author for creating such awesome story!!
nurhayani #3
Chapter 18: Less than three!!! Cute story... daebakkk!!!
ShoutEric #4
Chapter 42: Dam this took me two days to finish this story but it was amazing! I just wish there was more TopFany moments haha. Soshibang <3
Chapter 23: Omg this chapter make me teared!!!!! GAAAAAH DONG YONGBAE!!! YOU STUPID STUPID GUY!
Chapter 42: I loved this story!! Finally I finish it hehehe But I simply loved *--* All their storys was so captivatng, I was expecting every chapter for more *---* GTae was so cute, and they were in love with each other since childhood, so cute! I loved the Yulyang moments, their are funny, I totaly entered in their World War III moments, was funny XD

And TOP and Tiffany, how can I said that? Was perfect, they know each other, and they they discover that they will marry, sooo cool, TOP was into Tiffany from the bignning, was so cute *--* I totally loved hehehe

Thank you for your awesome story! Less than three Heart Attack :3
dadecer101 #7
Chapter 36: II. TOPFANY
mirantialimin #8
Chapter 42: Author your story so DAEBAK! I dont know why you get that idea about this story. Gonna say thank you because you make gtae, topfany, and yulyang in one story. I am to late to know three couples and author, but I am thankfull.

I dont know maybe author now become a good doctor in real life, but I hope you still write fanfic.

Less than three, author