Less Than Three (Part III)

Heart Attack
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A/N: Finally the long awaited GTae couple chapter. Hope you enjoy it. Sorry to all the Gtae shippers if it’s not good enough. But still, I hope you enjoy it. Comments are appreciated. <3



Less Than Three (Part III)




The feelings got lost in my lungs

They’re burning, I’d rather be numb

And there’s no one else to blame

So scared I take off and I run

I’m flying too close to the sun

And I burst into flames


It’s amazing how a person, who was once just a stranger, can suddenly mean the world to you.

And the fear of falling in love with somebody –I realize- is itself already SILENT LOVE…


Since the mini conversation at the library, I hadn’t really given Kwon Ji Yong, my rooftop prince a proper answer regarding his confession to me. I knew a simple ‘Urm.. Thank you Kwon Ji Yong’ wasn’t the best reply for him. But hey, I really didn’t have the slightest idea on how to tell him that he does meant something in my heart. I didn’t know what exactly the feeling I have for him. Is it only the ‘I-like-you -Kwon-Ji-Yong’ kind of feeling or more like ‘I-really-like-like-you-Kwon-Ji-Yong’ kind of feeling? When I say like-like is more to love for me.

Aigooo… I really don’t know. GD ar!!! Palli come back and help me to sort my messy topsy-turvy feeling for the evil yet charming rooftop prince.

Nevertheless, even though my feeling for Kwon Ji Yong is left unanswered, one perfectly match made in heaven couple finally found themselves together. My prediction about them ultimately came true at last. Dong Young Bae and my besties, Kwon freaking Yuri. The human version of Tom and Jerry.

When Yuri confided to Tiffany and I about her relationship with Dong Young Bae, we were both squeaking like crazy. Yuri’s face was so blushed, almost like all the blood in her circulation was rushing to her face, accumulating there. She told us how Young Bae became her knight in shining armor, rushing to the rescue saving her from the hands of the two hyenas, the-he-who-should-not-be-named and arrogant-boyfriend-snatcher Choi Sulli. I hope really hard that the force high up above won’t be cruel enough to create another chapter of heart break for Yuri.

And when the time has come, Tiffany and I finally met the famous Dong Young Bae. And my first impression on him was he had my greatest permission to date Kwon Yuri. That I can guarantee. And much to my surprise, Kwon Ji Yong, my rooftop prince is actually Kwon freaking Yuri’s cousin and Young Bae’s best friend. Basically, fate was making us circling around with each other all the time.  All the people that we knew had connection with each other . And gosh, our meeting on that rainy day after the introduction with Young Bae was definitely awkward.



“No way….. Raiiinnn…” Tiny rain droplets began to fall on my fingers.  Shoot. Rain. No umbrella. Great! I glanced at my white baby G watch. Dang!!! Yesung oppa is going to leave soon. Aigooo.. What to do?? He’s going to the airport at 6.30 pm. And now it’s freaking 5 pm. He’s going to grill me alive if I don’t see him before he leaves for London.

Water poured endlessly from the gray sky. Lightning illuminated the day occasionally followed by the deep roar of thunder. Dang! Even thunder! My day can’t get any worse than this right? A surprise meeting with my rooftop prince, still clueless on what kind of answer I should give him, shocking enough to know his connection with the Solar-Star couple and now I’m stuck in the rain with lightning flashed spookily and the probability to get scold by Yesung oppa is almost 100%.

Should I just gamble my luck and wait for a while for the rain to slow down or just run my way through the rain?

“Hey.” Someone’s voice suddenly made me startled.

I threw my gaze to my right side and there he was, Kwon Ji Yong, my rooftop prince, the guy who’s making my heart to have palpitation each time I’m with him. Umbrella? Yeah, I noticed a white umbrella in his hand. Awesome! He even had an umbrella. Arghhhh!

“Going home?” He asked.

“Er.. Yup.” Ah…. The awkwardness suddenly filled the air between us. The drizzly rain suddenly became down pouring. Just my luck I guessed. If I make a run for it now, surely I would be soaking wet by the time I reach home. Andwaeee!! My books and paperwork would be completely destroyed. Huaaaaaa..

“Do you have an umbrella?” I just shook my head, avoiding seeing his face. Luckily he didn’t mention anything about our mini conversation last time. If not, I didn’t even know how to answer and the awkwardness between us would be double.

“Yah, it’s been pouring heavily these past few days and you didn’t bring an umbrella?” His voice seemed concern.

“I forgot to bring it. My dummy brain didn’t remind me anything about umbrella.”

“Then go home later on, missy. Soaking wet is not good for your health.”

“I know but I can’t.”


“Yesung oppa. He’s leaving for London today.”

“Yesung oppa? Who’s that? Your special person?”

“Of course.”

“Ah…. Really.” He answered with a slow disappointment voice.

“Hey, don’t get me wrong okay. He’s my older brother.” I quickly explained, didn’t want him to misunderstand about Yesung oppa.

“Oh, then I still have a chance then.” He let out a giggle.

“Ahhhh…. About that… urm… I… I…” Dang! Not the time to have your stammering disease Kim Tae Yeon.

“Hey, no need to give me an answer yet. I won’t rush you.”


“Like I told you before. Love is not something that you can rush. It needs all the right elements. The right person, the right moment and the right place.”

“Ji Yong… I… Give me some time okay.”

“Take all the time you need. I’ll wait because I am absolutely, definitely, positively; unquestionably, no string attached, beyond any doubt, unconditionally in love w

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Final chapter! Thank you for your love and support! I'm not as good as FolderName, onehundred, pinkmonkey (among my fave writers) but your support is a blessing


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Chapter 42: Great story
Honestly this fic deserves a Grammy, kudos to the author for creating such awesome story!!
nurhayani #3
Chapter 18: Less than three!!! Cute story... daebakkk!!!
ShoutEric #4
Chapter 42: Dam this took me two days to finish this story but it was amazing! I just wish there was more TopFany moments haha. Soshibang <3
Chapter 23: Omg this chapter make me teared!!!!! GAAAAAH DONG YONGBAE!!! YOU STUPID STUPID GUY!
Chapter 42: I loved this story!! Finally I finish it hehehe But I simply loved *--* All their storys was so captivatng, I was expecting every chapter for more *---* GTae was so cute, and they were in love with each other since childhood, so cute! I loved the Yulyang moments, their are funny, I totaly entered in their World War III moments, was funny XD

And TOP and Tiffany, how can I said that? Was perfect, they know each other, and they they discover that they will marry, sooo cool, TOP was into Tiffany from the bignning, was so cute *--* I totally loved hehehe

Thank you for your awesome story! Less than three Heart Attack :3
dadecer101 #7
Chapter 36: II. TOPFANY
mirantialimin #8
Chapter 42: Author your story so DAEBAK! I dont know why you get that idea about this story. Gonna say thank you because you make gtae, topfany, and yulyang in one story. I am to late to know three couples and author, but I am thankfull.

I dont know maybe author now become a good doctor in real life, but I hope you still write fanfic.

Less than three, author