Who He Is

A Stranger To Himself

-1922 Before Zelo's Reincarnation. October-

In Hell where all the evil spirts lived, they were celebrating. They have finally captured another human. He was listed to become an angel on his birthday, which was in March. An spy from Hell said the angels planned to notify the boy 5 months before his birthday, so the evil spirts captured the boy. In order to send Zelo back into the world, they needed angel power. Heaven did not want anything to do with Hell, so the spirits decided that they needed an angel who was not yet in heaven. This boy has already received his angel powers but did not know. Now, he is the power source to send Zelo back to Earth. Now, the family of the boy will become immortal so the boy will not die if all the power is taken from him. 

Once the celebration was over, the evil spirts took the two boys. Zelo was sent back to Earth and the poor boy who was only 15 layed there. This was the first time ever than a boy who was half angel was in Hell. He didn't know what was happening to himself, but all he knew was that he was probably trapped. Forever.


Little did the spirts know, was that the 15 year old boy only had one 18 year old brother as a family. The rest of his family were already dead. They lived on the streets of Seoul together and were extremely poor. Now the older brother was alone. His name is Lee Taeil.

(Character Introduction: Lee Taeil)

(Age 18. Taeil's family was dead except for his younger brother. He watched his parents die and promised them to take good care of his younger brother. His aunts, and relatives were all dead. He had one cousin who was kidnapped as a baby. Taeil's family lived in a small little house on the poor side of Seoul. As soon as his parents died, at age 10, he and his brother were kicked out. They grew up on the streets together and protected each other. They became gangsters, fighting others. They were both lonely and envious of others, who had friends, money and happiness. This makes Taeil become a cold tough person who only softens to his brother. His personality changes when he meets another lonely and upset boy, but looks at his life happily. That boy was Zelo.)

(Character Introduction: Taeil's younger brother Lee Hyunwoo)

(Age 15. Hyunwoo was a good kid. He helped others happily even though he and his older brother had nothing. He hoped to change his brother's bad ways and stop fights, but it never happened. This leads the angels to want to make him one of their own. The evil spirts took Hyunwoo before the angels did and Taeil was left all alone. When Taeil went back to their "hideout", he found a strange pair of white wings. They were like an illusion, but it was always there.)


October 15, 1922. 12 am

Zelo opened his eyes. It was pitch black everywhere. He was laying on some sort of hard rocky floor, which he decided was cement. Even thought the evil spirts planned to send him somewhere far from Korea, they were inexperienced, so they failed to do so. Zelo was in Seoul, the capital of Korea. 

Zelo sat up. He smelled something he didn't like.

Trash. He couldn't see anything. With his eyes closed for 5 years, it is unlikely that he can see anyway.

He heard a strange squeaking sound. His mind told him that it was a mouse.

Perhaps he was still a genius even though he didn't know who he was. Then he heard another sound. Rustling. It sounded like someone looking through all the rubbish. 

He whimpered. The rustling stopped.

"Whos there?" A voice asked.

He wasn't sure if he remembered how to talk. Zelo whimpered again.

"Who is it!" The voice yelled quietly yet intensly.

"Hhhhhelpp?" Zelo finally managed to mumble.

A boy carrying a flashlight found Zelo and shined it on his face. Zelo didn't squint or look. He couldn't see anything.

"Who are you?" The boy asked.

"Zzzelo." Zelo quietly responded.

The boy sighed. 

"For someone living on the street, wouldn't you know your way around and not need any help?" The boy complained angrily.

"I.. can't.. see anythinggg."

"What are you blind?" He asked coldly.

"I... I don't knoww."

The boy looked at Zelo who looked so lost. He softened a little. Zelo seemed to appear to be the same age as his own brother who just went missing. It wouldn't hurt to try to help him just a little... right?

"Fine. I'll stay here with you until the sun rises. My name is Taeil."


Hi guys! How you liking the story so far?

I'll introduce Sunny and Seohyun soon, but i just couldn't think of a way for them to appear here.

Taeil's real age is 22, but in this story i decided to make him 18 so he can easily befriend Zelo.

Lee Hyunwoo is an actor and he will not appear in the story much. I just love Hyunwoo alot and I wasn't planning to add him to the story but, i noticed that he and Taeil looked really similar AND they have the same last name. lololol. I was so happy. So i just added him in. Hyunwoo's real age is 20.

If you have any questions on the plot, feel free to comment below and ask!

Thank you for reading and enjoy!

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Chapter 23: Did sunny just die
JyoungK #3
Chapter 19: Oh,Ok then Author-nim I Understand Hope you can Finish your other Fic and Then you'll be able to Updated this more Easily.
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Chapter 18: Don't Worry Authour-nim even though your Asian History is Poor it's Still A Great Chapter to Read,Updated soon K (^-^).
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Chapter 17: Owh~ I Hope Zelo Remembered Everything when He woke Up,Updated soon Authour-nim
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Chapter 16: Authour-nim Just make it a bit Longer because it would made the Reader wanted to Read it until it ended.
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Chapter 15: What thats it they just Hate him what a Lame Excuse,So whats gonna happen to him now does he really gonna stay there for 5 years Updated soon Athour-nim.
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Chapter 14: Owh does he gonna die again thats mean he gonna Forget Everything Again,Now I'm really Curious Updated soon Authour-nim.
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Chapter 14: Owh does he gonna die again thats mean he gonna Forget Everything Again.
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Chapter 12: Oh there both Long lost then,Never Expected that Updated soon Authour-nim.