Where Is He Going?

A Stranger To Himself

October 16 1932

The boy was on the ground again. He finally woke up. It was bright outside and beautiful. The sun was setting and he was sitting on top of a hill. *A nice place to bring IU... hmm..* He thought.

"Wait, who's IU?" He asked himself out loud. A picture of a beautiful girl appeared into his mind. *Wow* he thought.

"Wait, who am I?" He then asked himself. "Zelo? My name is Zelo. Okay." No one was around to hear him which was good or else people would be quite worried. It looked like the calm side of Seoul. Houses that were tinted orange from the sun lied before him. Sitting alone calmly. It was refreshing to him, to wake up from sleep and find himself at such a wonderful place. It was a breath taking sight that he had no words. He was speechless. He then realized.

"Where am I?" He asked. He finally tore his eyes off the beautiful landscape and stood up. No one was around him except for trees. A beautiful dove flew over his head and then flew away. It was breathtaking. 

He finally started making his way down the hill. When he got to the bottom of the hill, he was surrounded by houses. Nobody was outside, and it was dead silent. Zelo felt awkward standing there alone. He continued to walk around the empty neighborhood. 

It was already started to get dark and all he saw were houses, houses and houses. It was strange for such a place to be so empty and unpopulated. Very strange. 

He after what seemed like hours, he decided to knock on a door. He didn't know which house he should knock on because they all looked exactly the same. So he decided to just knock on the nearest house. 

No answer. He tried looking in the windows but the curtains were closed. In fact, all of the houses were this way. The white lace curtains blocking the view. The white doors that will never open to him. The dead yellow and brown lawn.

He just decided to keep walking.

Finally, it was night. The sky was black. No stars shown. The temperatures dropped and it was very cold. Zelo looked down at his clothes. A pair of shorts and a t-shirt. He wore this years ago as well. The only clothes hes allowed to have.

It was very cold. Zelo couldn't take it.

He ran. He needed to find a place to stay. Finally, the neighborhood ended. It was a new neighborhood. However, the houses looked abandoned as well. They were in terrible condition. He couldn't see them very well. He continued to run. Everything here was so suspicious.

He ran in hope of breaking a sweat. He was freezing. He needed to heat up. He ran in hope of shelter. He ran in hope of a home. But he had no home.

Finally, he found a small playground. It had one tire swing and some slides. Such a tiny playground. He walked around and found that part of the playground was destroyed. The plastic was ripped and burned. There were words saying bad things. The slide was destroyed and the other half was on the ground. He looked closely at the slide and there was blood on it. 

He started to worry. He should leave. Immidiately. He didn't know where he was, but obviously it was a bad place. He went to the other side of the playground. It wasn't destroyed.

He climped to the top and looked around. Houses after houses and houses that all looked abandoned. He climbed down and went inside the tube where children would crawl to the otherside. Good thing he was skinny. He had alot of trouble fitting, but he got in anyway after jumping over the broke slide's canopy.

This was the best place to stay. He didn't want to go inside the houses because it was never his. This is public property. The only place where everyone is allowed. The cold wind wouldn't blow him here. Shivering, he fell asleep.


It was now sunny. The sun shone through where Zelo was sleeping. 

He sat up. Not only because he was awake, but because it was so uncomfortable and cold. Also because... he heard voices. Yelling.

A dog was barking. The voices were near. Very near. Then there gunshots followed by a scream. It was a high pitched scream. It must have been a little girl. He always loved children. But he can't do anything. He was in danger as well. Another dog bark. Then foot steps. 

"There's someone hiding here!" A man shouted.

"The person is inside the playground!" Another shouted. They were talking about Zelo. He froze in fear.

"I can't fit inside the playground!" Someone shouted. 

"Just shoot the tube. Might scare the child to leave." Someone else shouted.

Gunshots. The bullets penetrated the plastic and there were bullets inside the tube. Luckily it didn't hit him. There were holes inside the tube Zelo was sitting in. Zelo was surrounded by armed men. He picked up one of the stopped bullets and threw it at one side where the child was just killed. The dog barked again. All the people ran to the other side except for 3 people. Zelo threw another one.

"Guys, come here!" A man yelled. They all ran to the side where all the other people were standing. The dog barked again.

"We already killed that person! Stupid dog!" A man shouted followed by a whimpering.

"The dog can only smell blood and living things. Its just smelling the kid we just killed." A person explained. Zelo looked through one of the bullet holes. The dog was staring directly at Zelo. Luckily the dog was on a leash. All the people were on one side of the playground. This was Zelo's chance to leave. He ran to the side with no people. He jumped off the broken slide and ran into the trees. The dog was barking and trying to pull the person. 

"Stupid dog!" The man yelled. The dog whimpered again. Zelo ran into the forest away from the people. They were wearing an army uniforms.

"Soldiers..." Zelo whispered. Zelo continued running. He didn't know where to, but just kept running. In front of him were trees. He looked to the left. Trees. He looked to the right and there were more abandoned houses. 

Zelo sighed. "Where the hell am I?"

He just kept running. Away from the soldiers who killed the child and wanted to kill him. Away to a place he can stay. Away from a dangerous place.

Little did he know that he was actually at the very edge of Yeoncheon. And running straight into the northern part of Korea where all the Japanese soldiers were forcing korean youths into the army. 


So I did a little research on the history of Korea in the 1930s. So apparently, North and South Korea didn't split yet at the time. That totally ruined my plans lol. So i just made up the fact that the Japanese were currently in the North. At the time, Japan was in control of Korea and they were forcing Korean youths in the army. 

My Asian history is poor, so ignore anything if its wrong. 

Thanks for reading!

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Chapter 23: Did sunny just die
JyoungK #3
Chapter 19: Oh,Ok then Author-nim I Understand Hope you can Finish your other Fic and Then you'll be able to Updated this more Easily.
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Chapter 18: Don't Worry Authour-nim even though your Asian History is Poor it's Still A Great Chapter to Read,Updated soon K (^-^).
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Chapter 17: Owh~ I Hope Zelo Remembered Everything when He woke Up,Updated soon Authour-nim
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Chapter 16: Authour-nim Just make it a bit Longer because it would made the Reader wanted to Read it until it ended.
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Chapter 14: Owh does he gonna die again thats mean he gonna Forget Everything Again.
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Chapter 12: Oh there both Long lost then,Never Expected that Updated soon Authour-nim.