Why Are You Doing This?

A Stranger To Himself

Zelo sat up. 

"Why do I always find myself on the floor?" He mumbled to himself. He looked around his surroundings. 

People were dancing. He stared very interested. 

"Woahh." He gaped at them. They finished dancing and he waved to the really tall boy. The tall boy didn't notice him.

"He lookes alot like me..." He walked up to the boy and tapped his shoulder. No answer. The boy rubbed his shoulder and it went through his fingers. Zelo poked himself. Nothing was wrong.

He grabbed the boy's arm. The boy started wiggling his arm. The arm went through Zelo's hand again. The boy turned around.

"Hey! That's me! Why do I have pink hair?"

"Its the future." A voice said. A white small creature. It looked like a very small flying cat with angel wings.

"Where am I?" Zelo asked.

"This is a place where the evil spirits manage and posess people."

"...Then what are you?" 

"I'm a good spirit. I came to visit you."

Zelo looked around. The daceing people were gone but the room was the same. He saw something rather strange in the corner of the room. 

"Who's that?" Zelo asked the spirit. The boy was struggling and trying to climb out.

"Hes used as energy for the evil spirits." It said sadly.


The spirit then explain everything the evil spirt planned. 

"IU! I remember her! That means she suffers too!"

"Yea. This is a place where every single memory you have is and it all comes back. You stay here for 5 years then you go back to Earth."

As Zelo was about to reply, they heard a bellowing voice.

"Kiki. Are you spilling our secrets and plans?!" 

"I told him everything." The spirit replied. 

"I said you can only tell him a little bit! We let you tell him for the price of your life yet you tell him everything?!" The other evil spirits sneered at Kiki.


"You shall suffer before you die!" The evil spirt yelled at Kiki.

Zelo watched in horror as the spirit was set on fire. It screamed loudly then was dunked into cold water and dunked into oil. It was then set on fire again and the process happened ten times. The good spirit never did try to stop them, it just screamed in pain. The evil spirits then threw Kiki at the trapped boy and they both yelled. Kiki then turned into ashes. The boy sadly looked at Zelo and the spirits.

"You!" The evil spirit bellowed at Zelo.

"Yes?" Zelo asked

"You will stay here for 5 years doing nothing. No food, No water. Nothing."

"Why are you doing this?" Zelo asked sadly at the evil spirit. The trapped boy looked up interested in the answer.

The evil spirit hesitated. 

"I don't like you." And with that, the evil spirt departed.

Zelo slammed his fist into the ground and it started to bleed. The trapped boy looked sadly at him.

"Taeil has told me about you." Zelo said to the boy who immidiately sat up.



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Chapter 23: Did sunny just die
JyoungK #3
Chapter 19: Oh,Ok then Author-nim I Understand Hope you can Finish your other Fic and Then you'll be able to Updated this more Easily.
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Chapter 18: Don't Worry Authour-nim even though your Asian History is Poor it's Still A Great Chapter to Read,Updated soon K (^-^).
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Chapter 17: Owh~ I Hope Zelo Remembered Everything when He woke Up,Updated soon Authour-nim
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Chapter 16: Authour-nim Just make it a bit Longer because it would made the Reader wanted to Read it until it ended.
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Chapter 15: What thats it they just Hate him what a Lame Excuse,So whats gonna happen to him now does he really gonna stay there for 5 years Updated soon Athour-nim.
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Chapter 14: Owh does he gonna die again thats mean he gonna Forget Everything Again,Now I'm really Curious Updated soon Authour-nim.
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Chapter 14: Owh does he gonna die again thats mean he gonna Forget Everything Again.
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Chapter 12: Oh there both Long lost then,Never Expected that Updated soon Authour-nim.