
A Stranger To Himself

The men planned to leave Zelo there to die and get rid of his body when the sun rises. The men then screamed for all the boys to go to bed. 

One boy there couldn't sleep. He was around 6 years old, but he was very smart. He made himself one of the favorites among the men by doing things he didn't have to do. Of course, if he was a favorite, then the men would take care of him more.

He looked outside and Zelo was still there on the ground. Maybe thats why he couldn't sleep. His brother Jungkook tried to make sure he didn't see what was going on, but of course, he knew what what happening.

The boy looked out and stared at Zelo's body on the ground. For some reason there was no blood on the ground. But then, Zelo started to slowly wake-up. As he lifted his arms to stretch, the boy got shocked. How could Zelo still be alive?

The boy looked around the room. Everyone seemed asleep. He slowly tiptoed to the door and went outside towards Zelo. 

Zelo sat up. 

"Ow..." He mumbled. He was sore sitting in the same position the entire time. The boy slowly creeped up to Zelo. Zelo flinched.

"H--h-ii.." The boy mumbled to Zelo.

"Hi." Zelo said. The boy looked at Zelo. Zelo was stabbed and shot by guns, but there were no marks on him at all.

"Y--youu.." The boy said to Zelo.

"Yes?" Zelo answered. Then they heard a loud whispering voice. 

"Jongkook!" The voice was harsh, but quiet. 

The boy turned his head and saw his brother at the door. 

"Jungkook! Come here!"

"What is it?" He quietly walked to his younger brother but saw Zelo sitting on the ground.

"Hey, can you help me get..." Zelo was interupted by Jongkook.

"Hyung. Hes a weirdo. Hes not dead!"

Jungkook stared at Zelo. Zelo looked back.

"What?" Zelo looked at him

"Who are you?" Jungkook asked. 

"See? Hyung! Hes a weirdo!" Jongkook said.


Sorry for the short chapter guys... Im running low on ideas for what to do lol

Anyways, once I brainstorm better, then i'll update more!

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Chapter 23: Did sunny just die
JyoungK #3
Chapter 19: Oh,Ok then Author-nim I Understand Hope you can Finish your other Fic and Then you'll be able to Updated this more Easily.
JyoungK #4
Chapter 18: Don't Worry Authour-nim even though your Asian History is Poor it's Still A Great Chapter to Read,Updated soon K (^-^).
JyoungK #5
Chapter 17: Owh~ I Hope Zelo Remembered Everything when He woke Up,Updated soon Authour-nim
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Chapter 16: Authour-nim Just make it a bit Longer because it would made the Reader wanted to Read it until it ended.
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Chapter 15: What thats it they just Hate him what a Lame Excuse,So whats gonna happen to him now does he really gonna stay there for 5 years Updated soon Athour-nim.
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Chapter 14: Owh does he gonna die again thats mean he gonna Forget Everything Again,Now I'm really Curious Updated soon Authour-nim.
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Chapter 14: Owh does he gonna die again thats mean he gonna Forget Everything Again.
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Chapter 12: Oh there both Long lost then,Never Expected that Updated soon Authour-nim.