
A Stranger To Himself

He kept running.

"Man I should get an award for running this long." Zelo muttered to himself and continued to run. 

Suddenly, he approached a fence that stretched very far. He stopped in front of it and panted. He turned behind him. Trees. He didn't want to see people killing children again. He liked children. So, he decided to jump over the fence.

He smoothly made if over and made it onto the soft grass.

Zelo sighed and sat down to take a breath. But soon he heard shouting. He stood up curious.

What was going on?

He took a few steps forward and saw some buildings. Maybe he could beg for food. He was starving. He hasn't eaten anything since he woke up. Slowly, Zelo approched the tall man with the whistle.

"Excuse me sir, do you have any food?" Zelo polietely asked

The man looked at him and said something Zelo couldn't understand. A different language? Zelo stood there and tilted his head in confusion. The man suddenly started to yell for the others. Other men approched Zelo and grabbed him.

"No! Let me go." Zelo said and started to kick. He elbowed the man who grabbed him and the man fell back. He easily dodged the other man's punch and punched him back. He twisted the man's arm that came towards him and lifted the mans arm to throw him. After Zelo threw him, another man came. With a gun. He shot Zelo but it didn't affect him. Zelo was used to pain like this when he was starved.

Some boys came running out when they heard the shots. They looked at Zelo with astonishment. 

"Hes not dying!" One said. Dying? Why would I be dying? He thought. At least they were Korean. But why are they here?

Zelo continued to fight back and the boys stared in astonishment. Some boys were his age and some were as young as 6.

Someone yelled. The men stopped grabbing Zelo and he stopped fighting. A man in a uniform just like the ones he saw kill the child approached. Zelo panicked.

He started to talk to the other men and Zelo waited. Finally, the man spoke up.

"Would you like to join our army? You seem strong. We need you." The man spoke with a deep foreign accent.

"I don't like to fight. I'll fight because I have to. Self defense?" Zelo said

The man sighed. "Don't you know that if you don't join us, we kill you? Thats why we have people here. They all refused to fight so we threaten them. If you refuse, we must kill you." Zelo hesitated.

"I won't fight." Zelo said calmly. Some boys in the back shook their head sadly.

The men all poined their guns at him. Zelo sighed. Doesn't matter to him if he died or not. He didn't really know anything here. 

They all shot at Zelo. The boys at the side covered the younger boy's eyes to block their view. Well that hurt. But Zelo couldn't die. He fell to the ground and sat there.

"Oww..." Zelo complained.

"Ow? we just shot 5 bullets and you say ow?" The man shouted.

"Am I supposed to say something else?" The main walked over to Zelo and pulled out a knife. 

The boys gasped from the sideline. The man jabbed the knife into Zelo's throat. 

That hurt a bit more.

Zelo fell to the ground and fainted.


I apologize that I haven't been updating.. I've been on a trip and I just got back so I could only write a short chapter. I also have to update this and my other story, so it is hard to balance between the two. Expect updating delays... Sorry! 

My other story may end soon, so I may be able to update this one more easily.

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Chapter 23: Did sunny just die
JyoungK #3
Chapter 19: Oh,Ok then Author-nim I Understand Hope you can Finish your other Fic and Then you'll be able to Updated this more Easily.
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Chapter 18: Don't Worry Authour-nim even though your Asian History is Poor it's Still A Great Chapter to Read,Updated soon K (^-^).
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Chapter 17: Owh~ I Hope Zelo Remembered Everything when He woke Up,Updated soon Authour-nim
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Chapter 16: Authour-nim Just make it a bit Longer because it would made the Reader wanted to Read it until it ended.
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Chapter 15: What thats it they just Hate him what a Lame Excuse,So whats gonna happen to him now does he really gonna stay there for 5 years Updated soon Athour-nim.
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Chapter 14: Owh does he gonna die again thats mean he gonna Forget Everything Again,Now I'm really Curious Updated soon Authour-nim.
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Chapter 14: Owh does he gonna die again thats mean he gonna Forget Everything Again.
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Chapter 12: Oh there both Long lost then,Never Expected that Updated soon Authour-nim.