What's Wrong?

A Stranger To Himself

IU panted as she reached the Trainee building. She ran for her life inside the building to find Zelo. 

She checked the clock. 11:40. She ran even faster than she ever thought she could. She would have gotten an award from her teacher for running this fast. Sunny passed by after finishing talking to Zelo. She was just finished getting rejected by Zelo. As she wipped her tears she saw IU and got suspicious. She followed IU.

IU reached Zelo's practice room faster than she thought she could. It was not far from the entrance. Sunny hid in the corner. 

IU ran into the room without knocking and shocked Zelo.

"Oh. Hey! IU is it? You know, one time, I think I had a dream about you. But it was weird. It was before I met you. I woke up early one day and said something like IU would be proud. But haha. Silly isn't it? I concluded I met you in a dream so that's where I came with up with IU. It was a long time ago though." Zelo said as he chuckled. She felt tears in her eyes. Her Zelo was still the same. Cheesy and silly.

"Do you happen to remember anything before that?" She asked

"No. Sadly. Taeil thinks I have amnesia."

"Whos Taeil?"

"Oh. A friend I had. I never seen him in so long. He was helpful when I woke up. I was blind and he led me around until I regained my eyesight."

"Blind... Were you sleeping for too long? Your eyes didn't adjust yet?" IU asked

"Thats possible. Why didn't I ever think of that?"

"I was always the one to come up with the genius idea, you were the one who told me they were reasonable." IU smiled.

"Huh?" Zelo asked

She remembered that he doesn't know anything about what happened.

"Never mind..." Her eyes became wet again.

"You know, the time when I said you weren't cute, I don't think thats true anymore. Maybe when you are angry you aren't" Zelo said. Zelo is still honest. Her eyes teared up again and this time, the tears fell.

"Hey.. What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" Zelo asked

IU continued to cry in front of him. 

"Hey, let me bring you somewhere. It'll be quick, because I need to be back by 12:15."

"Okay." She sniffed. 

He wrapped his around her shoulder to comfort her and they walked out of the room. But Sunny was caught. She and Zelo held eyes for awhile but Zelo let go and continued to walk with IU.

Sunny ran back and cried. "Reject with boys, Reject with family, Reject with friends." She thought about her troubled past and ran to the bathroom to cry more.

Zelo and IU reached a park. IU always knew that Zelo liked nature. She looked up and they were standing in front of a food stand. He bought a mini cup of icecream for them each.

"I bought small because its late and well. Sugar at night itsn't good for you." Zelo winked at her. IU produced a small smile.

They walked and finished the ice cream. They were standing in front of a street light. 

"Are you a little better now?" Zelo asked.

"Yeah. Thanks." 

"Are you sure it wasn't my fault? Because I am really sorry if I said something wrong." But it was his fault, right?

"Don't worry about it..." IU went into deep thought. Why did he leave in the first place? The book, that was Sunny, but it was 10 years ago, Sunny would be 6. And Zelo couldn't be only 16, It was impossible. Zelo was unique, he couldn't have had some sort of doppleganger. No way.

"What are you thinking about?" Zelo asked her.

"The past."

"I don't think I have a past."

"What do you mean? You had such a great past! We had so many picture perfect memories together! And.. And.." She started to cry again. Zelo frowned. He never liked it when girls cried.

"What's wrong?"

She continued to cry. He hugged her. The hug surprised her.

"You know, I think I like you."

"Despite age? Are you sure you are 16?" She asked.

"I'm sure. I look 16 too. And age doesn't matter. If we had so many good memories in the past, I want to experience them again." He hugged her tighter. Zelo made her fall in love with him all over again.

It was getting late.

Zelo started to feel pain in his legs and arms. He ignored it. Growing pains? Dancing too hard? He hugged her tighter as she continued to cry. She hugged her back. 

"Happy early birthday by the way." She said as they still held their hugging position.

"Birthday? I forgot when my birthday was."

"Oh. Its today."

"Oh. Thanks then." 

A few seconds pass.


"Yea?" He started feeling alot of pain. He didn't know why.

"I love you."

It was 12 now.

His body went limp and he fell on top of her. She got shocked by the sudden weight on her. She pulled back as Zelo fell to the ground. 

"Zelo!" She shouted. She tried shaking him. 


Tears welled up in her eyes again.

The street light exploded and as the glass shattered to the ground and fell on top of Zelo's body, the glass disappeared and it took Zelo with them.

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Chapter 23: Did sunny just die
JyoungK #3
Chapter 19: Oh,Ok then Author-nim I Understand Hope you can Finish your other Fic and Then you'll be able to Updated this more Easily.
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Chapter 18: Don't Worry Authour-nim even though your Asian History is Poor it's Still A Great Chapter to Read,Updated soon K (^-^).
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Chapter 17: Owh~ I Hope Zelo Remembered Everything when He woke Up,Updated soon Authour-nim
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Chapter 16: Authour-nim Just make it a bit Longer because it would made the Reader wanted to Read it until it ended.
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Chapter 15: What thats it they just Hate him what a Lame Excuse,So whats gonna happen to him now does he really gonna stay there for 5 years Updated soon Athour-nim.
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Chapter 14: Owh does he gonna die again thats mean he gonna Forget Everything Again,Now I'm really Curious Updated soon Authour-nim.
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Chapter 14: Owh does he gonna die again thats mean he gonna Forget Everything Again.
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Chapter 12: Oh there both Long lost then,Never Expected that Updated soon Authour-nim.