Chapter 30

Living A Double Life
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The constant beeping of a particular machine ensured everyone in the room that you were still alive and well. The surgery ended hours ago and the doctor had announced that the operation went smoothly. Ever since then, Minhyun and Daehyun had been in your ward. B.A.P tried to persuade Minhyun to go home and rest since he had just recovered but he would not budged at all. The only daughter he has is lying in bed, injured. He could not just walk away especially when he had finally had you back. He had not been able to take care of you like a father for the past 18 years of your life and now that he can, he would not allow that opportunity to slip away.

Daehyun wordlessly paced around the room. Although the doctor said you would be fine, he just could not help but to worry. You were his baby sister and he had been protecting you ever since you joined SilverFalcon. He managed to keep you safe all of these years and yet he actually let you get hurt now. It was definitely not his fault at all but he was blaming himself for not sending you back home. He should have made sure you were safely back home.

You might be a member of B.A.P and you could easily kick someone’s . But that does not erased the fact that you are still a female and your strength is weaker than a guy. Not to mention that you were dealing with a group of guys with weapons. If it was anyone’s fault, it was clearly the fault of fate.

A groan broke the silence in the room and they snapped their heads towards you. Daehyun was immediately by your side when he saw you opening your eyes.

The first thing that registered in your head was the irritating beeping noise and the strong smell of antiseptic. The white walls and the pain at your side soon hit you and you knew that you were in the hospital. If you were given a choice, you would never step into the hospital. You did not like hospitals because it reminded you that someone was hurt. “Saemi?” Minhyun’s worried voice made you turn to look at him.

“Appa.” You groaned and tried to get up but the pain at your side was preventing you from moving. Daehyun pressed on the button at the side of the bed and the front moved upwards, making the bed elevate you to a sitting position. You moved a bit and the pain hit you again, and you wondered how you got such a wound. Memories from last night flowed back to you and your eyes widened in realization. “Appa, about Myungsoo.. does he know?”

Minhyun knew what you were talking about so he just nodded his head. He had seen the sudden change in L last night and he did not know what the younger male was thinking. Confusion and fear was displayed on L’s face but there was no trace of hurt or betrayal. There was no hatred too, which is why Minhyun could not understand why L would propose such a thing. Even Daehyun was confused at L’s words. Did he not love you a lot?

You removed the blanket that was covering your legs and moved to get out of bed when Daehyun stopped you. “Where do you think you are going?”

“I have to find Myungsoo. I need to explain everything.” Tears welled in your eyes at the thought of L hating you. You could not bear such a thing, especially not when you were in love with him. You would have thought that you would be able to take the hatred from Infinite once they know your real identity but who would have thought that you would be feeling such immerse pain right now?

Minhyun gently grabbed onto your hand and made you look at him. “You are injured. Please, take care of your body.” You understood where Minhyun was coming from. But that was not the most important issue right now.

“I need to find him. He would hate me forever if I do not explain myself.” Shaking your head, you tried to remove his hand that was on yours but Minhyun did not let go. In fact, the hold on your hold grew tighter. “Let go of me. I really need to talk to him. I mean this is the reason why he is not here right?”

“Saemi-ah. Listen to appa. Take care of your body. The doctor said that the wound you received was not a small one. If L had brought you here any later than yesterday, you would have died due to blood lost. You are still very weak.”

Being the stubborn you, you ignored him and continued to attempt to get out of bed. Daehyun could not take it anymore and grabbed onto your wrist. You winced at the amount of strength he was using. He was actually hurt

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Any chance that this story will continue or idk to rewrite it? Because it is damn good and it would be a shame for it not to continue... :(
Chapter 1: guessing this is discontinued?
ChrisChen #3
Chapter 43: PLEASE UPDATE :)
matoki-fan #4
Chapter 43: Please continue writing this story or I'll die !!!!!
Chapter 43: PLEASE UPDATE!!! I really love this.
Chapter 43: I would like it if you update bcs THIS STORY IS AWESOMEEEEEEEE \>o</ I just read it Today and.. Finish it today also ㅋㅋㅋ that's how awesome it is^^
firzanaaina #7
Chapter 43: Yay, nxt update pls❤️❤️